Ajout formats pour int32, nativeint, int64. Support pour * dans les specifications de formats.

git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@3935 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Xavier Leroy 2001-10-28 14:22:05 +00:00
parent 11113cbc09
commit d2ae59c3ab
1 changed files with 84 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -528,47 +528,100 @@ and is_nonexpansive_opt = function
None -> true
| Some e -> is_nonexpansive e
(* Typing of printf formats *)
(* Typing of printf formats.
(Handling of * modifiers contributed by Thorsten Ohl.) *)
let type_format loc fmt =
let len = String.length fmt in
let ty_input = newvar()
and ty_result = newvar() in
let rec skip_args j =
if j >= len then j else
match fmt.[j] with
'0' .. '9' | ' ' | '.' | '-' -> skip_args (j+1)
| _ -> j in
let ty_arrow gty ty = newty (Tarrow("", instance gty, ty, Cok)) in
let incomplete i =
raise (Error (loc, Bad_format (String.sub fmt i (len - i)))) in
let rec scan_format i =
if i >= len then ty_result else
match fmt.[i] with
'%' ->
let j = skip_args(i+1) in
if j >= len then raise(Error(loc, Bad_format "%"));
begin match fmt.[j] with
'%' ->
scan_format (j+1)
| 's' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_string (scan_format (j+1))
| 'c' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_char (scan_format (j+1))
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_int (scan_format (j+1))
| 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_float (scan_format (j+1))
| 'b' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_bool (scan_format (j+1))
| 'a' ->
let ty_arg = newvar() in
ty_arrow (ty_arrow ty_input (ty_arrow ty_arg ty_result))
(ty_arrow ty_arg (scan_format (j+1)))
| 't' ->
ty_arrow (ty_arrow ty_input ty_result) (scan_format (j+1))
| c ->
raise(Error(loc, Bad_format(String.sub fmt i (j-i+1))))
| '%' -> scan_flags i (i+1)
| _ -> scan_format (i+1)
and scan_flags i j =
if j >= len then incomplete i else
match fmt.[j] with
| '#' | '0' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags i (j+1)
| _ -> scan_width i j
and scan_width i j =
if j >= len then incomplete i else
match fmt.[j] with
| '*' -> ty_arrow Predef.type_int (scan_dot i (j+1))
| '.' -> scan_precision i (j+1)
| _ -> scan_fixed_width i j
and scan_fixed_width i j =
if j >= len then incomplete i else
match fmt.[j] with
| '0' .. '9' | '-' | '+' -> scan_fixed_width i (j+1)
| '.' -> scan_precision i (j+1)
| _ -> scan_conversion i j
and scan_dot i j =
if j >= len then incomplete i else
match fmt.[j] with
| '.' -> scan_precision i (j+1)
| _ -> scan_conversion i j
and scan_precision i j =
if j >= len then incomplete i else
match fmt.[j] with
| '*' -> ty_arrow Predef.type_int (scan_conversion i (j+1))
| _ -> scan_fixed_precision i j
and scan_fixed_precision i j =
if j >= len then incomplete i else
match fmt.[j] with
| '0' .. '9' | '-' | '+' -> scan_fixed_precision i (j+1)
| _ -> scan_conversion i j
and scan_conversion i j =
if j >= len then incomplete i else
match fmt.[j] with
| '%' -> scan_format (j+1)
| 's' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_string (scan_format (j+1))
| 'c' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_char (scan_format (j+1))
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_int (scan_format (j+1))
| 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_float (scan_format (j+1))
| 'b' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_bool (scan_format (j+1))
| 'a' ->
let ty_arg = newvar() in
ty_arrow (ty_arrow ty_input (ty_arrow ty_arg ty_result))
(ty_arrow ty_arg (scan_format (j+1)))
| 't' ->
ty_arrow (ty_arrow ty_input ty_result) (scan_format (j+1))
| 'l' ->
if j+1 >= len then incomplete i else begin
match fmt.[j+1] with
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_int32 (scan_format (j+2))
| c ->
raise(Error(loc, Bad_format(String.sub fmt i (j-i+2))))
| _ -> scan_format (i+1) in
| 'n' ->
if j+1 >= len then incomplete i else begin
match fmt.[j+1] with
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_nativeint (scan_format (j+2))
| c ->
raise(Error(loc, Bad_format(String.sub fmt i (j-i+2))))
| 'L' ->
if j+1 >= len then incomplete i else begin
match fmt.[j+1] with
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
ty_arrow Predef.type_int64 (scan_format (j+2))
| c ->
raise(Error(loc, Bad_format(String.sub fmt i (j-i+2))))
| c ->
raise(Error(loc, Bad_format(String.sub fmt i (j-i+1))))
(Tconstr(Predef.path_format, [scan_format 0; ty_input; ty_result],
ref Mnil))