Ajout formats pour int32, nativeint, int64. Support pour * dans les specifications. Partage du code de parsing des %formats.

git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@3934 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Xavier Leroy 2001-10-28 14:21:27 +00:00
parent 3e9b77d362
commit 11113cbc09
3 changed files with 237 additions and 239 deletions

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@ -705,13 +705,13 @@ let fprintf_out str out ppf format =
let print_as = ref None in
let pp_print_as_char ppf c =
let pp_print_as_char c =
match !print_as with
| None -> pp_print_char ppf c
| Some size ->
pp_print_as ppf size (String.make 1 c);
print_as := None
and pp_print_as_string ppf s =
and pp_print_as_string s =
match !print_as with
| None -> pp_print_string ppf s
| Some size ->
@ -723,6 +723,8 @@ let fprintf_out str out ppf format =
Obj.magic (out ())
match format.[i] with
| '%' ->
Printf.scan_format format i cont_s cont_a cont_t
| '@' ->
let j = succ i in
if j >= limit then invalid_arg ("fprintf: unknown format " ^ format)
@ -762,79 +764,24 @@ let fprintf_out str out ppf format =
then invalid_arg ("fprintf: bad print format " ^ format)
else print_as := Some size;
doprn j
| c -> format_invalid_arg "fprintf: unknown format " c end
| '%' ->
let j = skip_args (succ i) in
begin match format.[j] with
| '%' ->
pp_print_char ppf '%';
doprn (succ j)
| 's' ->
Obj.magic(fun s ->
if j <= succ i then
pp_print_as_string ppf s
else begin
let p =
int_of_string (String.sub format (succ i) (j - i - 1))
with _ ->
invalid_arg ("fprintf: bad %s format, " ^ format) in
if p > 0 && String.length s < p then begin
pp_print_as_string ppf
(String.make (p - String.length s) ' ');
pp_print_as_string ppf s end else
if p < 0 && String.length s < -p then begin
pp_print_as_string ppf s;
pp_print_as_string ppf
(String.make (-p - String.length s) ' ') end
else pp_print_as_string ppf s
doprn (succ j))
| 'c' ->
Obj.magic(fun c ->
pp_print_as_char ppf c;
doprn (succ j))
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
Obj.magic(fun n ->
pp_print_as_string ppf
(format_int (String.sub format i (j - i + 1)) n);
doprn (succ j))
| 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
Obj.magic(fun f ->
pp_print_as_string ppf
(format_float (String.sub format i (j - i + 1)) f);
doprn (succ j))
| 'b' ->
Obj.magic(fun b ->
pp_print_as_string ppf (string_of_bool b);
doprn (succ j))
| 'a' ->
if str then
Obj.magic(fun printer arg ->
pp_print_as_string ppf (printer () arg);
doprn (succ j))
Obj.magic(fun printer arg ->
printer ppf arg;
doprn (succ j))
| 't' ->
if str then
Obj.magic(fun printer ->
pp_print_as_string ppf (printer ());
doprn (succ j))
Obj.magic(fun printer ->
printer ppf;
doprn (succ j))
| c ->
format_invalid_arg "fprintf: unknown format " c
| c -> format_invalid_arg "fprintf: unknown format " c
| c -> pp_print_as_char ppf c; doprn (succ i)
| c -> pp_print_as_char c; doprn (succ i)
and skip_args j =
match format.[j] with
| '0' .. '9' | ' ' | '.' | '-' -> skip_args (succ j)
| c -> j
and cont_s s i =
pp_print_as_string s; doprn i
and cont_a printer arg i =
if str then
pp_print_as_string ((Obj.magic printer) () arg)
printer ppf arg;
doprn i
and cont_t printer i =
if str then
pp_print_as_string ((Obj.magic printer) ())
printer ppf;
doprn i
and get_int s1 s2 i =
if i >= limit then invalid_arg (s1 ^ s2) else

View File

@ -13,178 +13,201 @@
(* $Id$ *)
external format_int: string -> int -> string = "format_int"
external format_int32: string -> int32 -> string = "int32_format"
external format_nativeint: string -> nativeint -> string = "nativeint_format"
external format_int64: string -> int64 -> string = "int64_format"
external format_float: string -> float -> string = "format_float"
let fprintf outchan format =
let format = (Obj.magic format : string) in
let rec doprn i =
if i >= String.length format then
Obj.magic ()
else begin
let c = String.unsafe_get format i in
if c <> '%' then begin
output_char outchan c;
doprn (succ i)
end else begin
let j = skip_args (succ i) in
match String.unsafe_get format j with
'%' ->
output_char outchan '%';
doprn (succ j)
| 's' ->
Obj.magic(fun s ->
if j <= i+1 then
output_string outchan s
else begin
let p =
int_of_string (String.sub format (i+1) (j-i-1))
with _ ->
invalid_arg "fprintf: bad %s format" in
if p > 0 && String.length s < p then begin
output_string outchan
(String.make (p - String.length s) ' ');
output_string outchan s
end else if p < 0 && String.length s < -p then begin
output_string outchan s;
output_string outchan
(String.make (-p - String.length s) ' ')
end else
output_string outchan s
doprn (succ j))
| 'c' ->
Obj.magic(fun c ->
output_char outchan c;
doprn (succ j))
let bad_format fmt pos =
("printf: bad format " ^ String.sub fmt pos (String.length fmt - pos))
(* Format a string given a %s format, e.g. %40s or %-20s.
To do: ignore other flags (#, +, etc)? *)
let format_string format s =
let rec parse_format neg i =
if i >= String.length format then (0, neg) else
match String.unsafe_get format i with
| '1'..'9' ->
(int_of_string (String.sub format i (String.length format - i - 1)),
| '-' ->
parse_format true (succ i)
| _ ->
parse_format neg (succ i) in
let (p, neg) =
try parse_format false 1 with Failure _ -> bad_format format 0 in
if String.length s < p then begin
let res = String.make p ' ' in
if neg
then String.blit s 0 res 0 (String.length s)
else String.blit s 0 res (p - String.length s) (String.length s);
end else
(* Extract a %format from [fmt] between [start] and [stop] inclusive.
'*' in the format are replaced by integers taken from the [widths] list.
The function is somewhat optimized for the "no *" case. *)
let extract_format fmt start stop widths =
match widths with
| [] -> String.sub fmt start (stop - start + 1)
| _ ->
let b = Buffer.create (stop - start + 10) in
let rec fill_format i w =
if i > stop then Buffer.contents b else
match (String.unsafe_get fmt i, w) with
('*', h::t) ->
Buffer.add_string b (string_of_int h); fill_format (succ i) t
| ('*', []) ->
bad_format fmt start (* should not happen *)
| (c, _) ->
Buffer.add_char b c; fill_format (succ i) w
in fill_format start (List.rev widths)
(* Decode a %format and act on it.
[fmt] is the printf format style, and [pos] points to a [%] character.
After consuming the appropriate number of arguments and formatting
them, one of the three continuations is called:
[cont_s] for outputting a string (args: string, next pos)
[cont_a] for performing a %a action (args: fn, arg, next pos)
[cont_t] for performing a %t action (args: fn, next pos)
"next pos" is the position in [fmt] of the first character following
the %format in [fmt]. *)
(* Note: here, rather than test explicitly against [String.length fmt]
to detect the end of the format, we use [String.unsafe_get] and
rely on the fact that we'll get a "nul" character if we access
one past the end of the string. These "nul" characters are then
caught by the [_ -> bad_format] clauses below.
Don't do this at home, kids. *)
let scan_format fmt pos cont_s cont_a cont_t =
let rec scan_flags widths i =
match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
| '*' ->
Obj.magic(fun w -> scan_flags (w :: widths) (succ i))
| '0'..'9' | '.' | '#' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags widths (succ i)
| _ -> scan_conv widths i
and scan_conv widths i =
match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
| '%' ->
cont_s "%" (succ i)
| 's' ->
Obj.magic (fun (s: string) ->
if i = succ pos (* optimize for common case %s *)
then cont_s s (succ i)
else cont_s (format_string (extract_format fmt pos i widths) s)
(succ i))
| 'c' ->
Obj.magic (fun (c: char) ->
cont_s (String.make 1 c) (succ i))
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
Obj.magic(fun (n: int) ->
cont_s (format_int (extract_format fmt pos i widths) n) (succ i))
| 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
Obj.magic(fun (f: float) ->
cont_s (format_float (extract_format fmt pos i widths) f) (succ i))
| 'b' ->
Obj.magic(fun (b: bool) ->
cont_s (string_of_bool b) (succ i))
| 'a' ->
Obj.magic (fun printer arg ->
cont_a printer arg (succ i))
| 't' ->
Obj.magic (fun printer ->
cont_t printer (succ i))
| 'l' ->
begin match String.unsafe_get fmt (succ i) with
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
Obj.magic(fun n ->
output_string outchan
(format_int (String.sub format i (j-i+1)) n);
doprn (succ j))
| 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
Obj.magic(fun f ->
output_string outchan
(format_float (String.sub format i (j-i+1)) f);
doprn (succ j))
| 'b' ->
Obj.magic(fun b ->
output_string outchan (string_of_bool b);
doprn (succ j))
| 'a' ->
Obj.magic(fun printer arg ->
printer outchan arg;
doprn(succ j))
| 't' ->
Obj.magic(fun printer ->
printer outchan;
doprn(succ j))
| c ->
invalid_arg ("fprintf: unknown format")
Obj.magic(fun (n: int32) ->
cont_s (format_int32 (extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths) n)
(i + 2))
| _ ->
bad_format fmt pos
| 'n' ->
begin match String.unsafe_get fmt (succ i) with
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
Obj.magic(fun (n: nativeint) ->
cont_s (format_nativeint
(extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths)
(i + 2))
| _ ->
bad_format fmt pos
| 'L' ->
begin match String.unsafe_get fmt (succ i) with
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
Obj.magic(fun (n: int64) ->
cont_s (format_int64 (extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths) n)
(i + 2))
| _ ->
bad_format fmt pos
| _ ->
bad_format fmt pos
in scan_flags [] (pos + 1)
and skip_args j =
match String.unsafe_get format j with
'0' .. '9' | ' ' | '.' | '-' -> skip_args (succ j)
| c -> j
(* Application to [fprintf], etc. See also [Format.*printf]. *)
let fprintf chan fmt =
let fmt = (Obj.magic fmt : string) in
let len = String.length fmt in
let rec doprn i =
if i >= len then Obj.magic () else
match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
| '%' -> scan_format fmt i cont_s cont_a cont_t
| c -> output_char chan c; doprn (succ i)
and cont_s s i =
output_string chan s; doprn i
and cont_a printer arg i =
printer chan arg; doprn i
and cont_t printer i =
printer chan; doprn i
in doprn 0
let printf fmt = fprintf stdout fmt
and eprintf fmt = fprintf stderr fmt
let eprintf fmt = fprintf stderr fmt
let bprintf_internal tostring buf format =
let format = (Obj.magic format : string) in
let sprintf fmt =
let fmt = (Obj.magic fmt : string) in
let len = String.length fmt in
let dest = Buffer.create (len + 16) in
let rec doprn i =
if i >= String.length format then
if tostring then begin
let res = Obj.magic (Buffer.contents buf) in
Buffer.clear buf; (* just in case [bs]printf is partially applied *)
end else
Obj.magic ()
else begin
let c = String.unsafe_get format i in
if c <> '%' then begin
Buffer.add_char buf c;
doprn (succ i)
end else begin
let j = skip_args (succ i) in
match String.unsafe_get format j with
'%' ->
Buffer.add_char buf '%';
doprn (succ j)
| 's' ->
Obj.magic(fun s ->
if j <= i+1 then
Buffer.add_string buf s
else begin
let p =
int_of_string (String.sub format (i+1) (j-i-1))
with _ ->
invalid_arg "fprintf: bad %s format" in
if p > 0 && String.length s < p then begin
Buffer.add_string buf
(String.make (p - String.length s) ' ');
Buffer.add_string buf s
end else if p < 0 && String.length s < -p then begin
Buffer.add_string buf s;
Buffer.add_string buf
(String.make (-p - String.length s) ' ')
end else
Buffer.add_string buf s
doprn (succ j))
| 'c' ->
Obj.magic(fun c ->
Buffer.add_char buf c;
doprn (succ j))
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
Obj.magic(fun n ->
Buffer.add_string buf
(format_int (String.sub format i (j-i+1)) n);
doprn (succ j))
| 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
Obj.magic(fun f ->
Buffer.add_string buf
(format_float (String.sub format i (j-i+1)) f);
doprn (succ j))
| 'b' ->
Obj.magic(fun b ->
Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_bool b);
doprn (succ j))
| 'a' ->
if tostring then
Obj.magic(fun printer arg ->
Buffer.add_string buf (printer () arg);
doprn(succ j))
Obj.magic(fun printer arg ->
printer buf arg;
doprn(succ j))
| 't' ->
if tostring then
Obj.magic(fun printer ->
Buffer.add_string buf (printer ());
doprn(succ j))
Obj.magic(fun printer ->
printer buf;
doprn(succ j))
| c ->
invalid_arg ("sprintf: unknown format")
and skip_args j =
match String.unsafe_get format j with
'0' .. '9' | ' ' | '.' | '-' -> skip_args (succ j)
| c -> j
if i >= len then begin
let res = Buffer.contents dest in
Buffer.clear dest; (* just in case sprintf is partially applied *)
Obj.magic res
end else
match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
| '%' -> scan_format fmt i cont_s cont_a cont_t
| c -> Buffer.add_char dest c; doprn (succ i)
and cont_s s i =
Buffer.add_string dest s; doprn i
and cont_a printer arg i =
Buffer.add_string dest (printer () arg); doprn i
and cont_t printer i =
Buffer.add_string dest (printer ()); doprn i
in doprn 0
let bprintf dest fmt =
let fmt = (Obj.magic fmt : string) in
let len = String.length fmt in
let rec doprn i =
if i >= len then Obj.magic () else
match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
| '%' -> scan_format fmt i cont_s cont_a cont_t
| c -> Buffer.add_char dest c; doprn (succ i)
and cont_s s i =
Buffer.add_string dest s; doprn i
and cont_a printer arg i =
printer dest arg; doprn i
and cont_t printer i =
printer dest; doprn i
in doprn 0
let bprintf buf fmt = bprintf_internal false buf fmt
let sprintf fmt = bprintf_internal true (Buffer.create 16) fmt

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
(* $Id$ *)
(** Formatting printing functions. *)
(** Formatted output functions. *)
(** [fprintf outchan format arg1 ... argN] formats the arguments
[arg1] to [argN] according to the format string [format],
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
causes conversion and printing of one argument.
Conversion specifications consist in the [%] character, followed
by optional flags and field widths, followed by one conversion
by optional flags and field widths, followed by one or two conversion
character. The conversion characters and their meanings are:
- [d] or [i]: convert an integer argument to signed decimal
- [u]: convert an integer argument to unsigned decimal
@ -42,6 +42,12 @@
- [g] or [G]: convert a floating-point argument to decimal notation,
in style [f] or [e], [E] (whichever is more compact)
- [b]: convert a boolean argument to the string [true] or [false]
- [ld], [li], [lu], [lx], [lX], [lo]: convert an [int32] argument to
the format specified by the second letter (decimal, hexadecimal, etc).
- [nd], [ni], [nu], [nx], [nX], [no]: convert a [nativeint] argument to
the format specified by the second letter.
- [Ld], [Li], [Lu], [Lx], [LX], [Lo]: convert an [int64] argument to
the format specified by the second letter.
- [a]: user-defined printer. Takes two arguments and apply the first
one to [outchan] (the current output channel) and to the second
argument. The first argument must therefore have type
@ -51,8 +57,22 @@
- [t]: same as [%a], but takes only one argument (with type
[out_channel -> unit]) and apply it to [outchan].
- [%]: take no argument and output one [%] character.
- Refer to the C library [printf] function for the meaning of
flags and field width specifiers.
The optional flags include:
- [-]: left-justify the output (default is right justification).
- [+]: for numerical conversions, prefix number with a [+] sign if positive.
- space: for numerical conversions, prefix number with a space if positive.
- [#]: request an alternate formatting style for numbers.
The field widths are composed of an optional integer literal
indicating the minimal width of the result, possibly followed by
a dot [.] and another integer literal indicating how many digits
follow the decimal point in the [%f], [%e], and [%E] conversions.
For instance, [%6d] prints an integer, prefixing it with spaces to
fill at least 6 characters; and [%.4f] prints a float with 4
fractional digits. Each or both of the integer literals can also be
specified as a [*], in which case an extra integer argument is taken
to specify the corresponding width or precision.
Warning: if too few arguments are provided,
for instance because the [printf] function is partially
@ -81,3 +101,11 @@ val sprintf: ('a, unit, string) format -> 'a
(see module {!Buffer}). *)
val bprintf: Buffer.t -> ('a, Buffer.t, unit) format -> 'a
(* For system use only. Don't call directly. *)
val scan_format:
string -> int -> (string -> int -> 'a)
-> ('b ->'c -> int -> 'a)
-> ('e -> int -> 'a) -> 'a