1995-08-09 08:06:35 -07:00
(* *)
(* Caml Special Light *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1995 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
(* Translation from closed lambda to C-- *)
open Misc
open Arch
open Asttypes
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
open Primitive
1995-07-25 04:37:38 -07:00
open Typedtree
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
open Lambda
open Clambda
open Cmm
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
(* Local binding of complex expressions *)
let bind name arg fn =
match arg with
Cvar _ | Cconst_int _ | Cconst_symbol _ | Cconst_pointer _ -> fn arg
| _ -> let id = Ident.new name in Clet(id, arg, fn (Cvar id))
1995-07-07 05:07:07 -07:00
(* Block headers. Meaning of the tag field:
1995-07-28 05:19:50 -07:00
0 - 248: regular blocks
1995-07-28 06:59:46 -07:00
249: infix closure
250: closures
1995-07-28 05:19:50 -07:00
251: abstract
252: string
253: float
254: float array
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
255: finalized *)
1995-07-28 05:19:50 -07:00
let float_tag = Cconst_int 253
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
let block_header tag sz = (sz lsl 10) + tag
1995-07-28 06:59:46 -07:00
let closure_header sz = block_header 250 sz
let infix_header ofs = block_header 249 ofs
1995-07-28 05:19:50 -07:00
let float_header = block_header 253 (size_float / size_addr)
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
let floatarray_header len = block_header 254 (len * size_float / size_addr)
1995-07-28 05:19:50 -07:00
let string_header len = block_header 252 ((len + size_addr) / size_addr)
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
let alloc_block_header tag sz = Cconst_int(block_header tag sz)
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
let alloc_floatarray_header len = Cconst_int(floatarray_header len)
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
let alloc_closure_header sz = Cconst_int(closure_header sz)
1995-07-07 05:07:07 -07:00
let alloc_infix_header ofs = Cconst_int(infix_header ofs)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
(* Integers *)
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
let int_const n = Cconst_int((n lsl 1) + 1)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
let add_const c n =
if n = 0 then c else Cop(Caddi, [c; Cconst_int n])
let incr_int = function
1995-07-11 01:51:10 -07:00
Cconst_int n -> Cconst_int(n+1)
| Cop(Caddi, [c; Cconst_int n]) -> add_const c (n+1)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| c -> add_const c 1
let decr_int = function
1995-07-11 01:51:10 -07:00
Cconst_int n -> Cconst_int(n-1)
| Cop(Caddi, [c; Cconst_int n]) -> add_const c (n-1)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| c -> add_const c (-1)
let add_int c1 c2 =
match (c1, c2) with
(Cop(Caddi, [c1; Cconst_int n1]),
Cop(Caddi, [c2; Cconst_int n2])) ->
add_const (Cop(Caddi, [c1; c2])) (n1 + n2)
| (Cop(Caddi, [c1; Cconst_int n1]), c2) ->
add_const (Cop(Caddi, [c1; c2])) n1
| (c1, Cop(Caddi, [c2; Cconst_int n2])) ->
add_const (Cop(Caddi, [c1; c2])) n2
| (c1, c2) ->
Cop(Caddi, [c1; c2])
let sub_int c1 c2 =
match (c1, c2) with
(Cop(Caddi, [c1; Cconst_int n1]),
Cop(Caddi, [c2; Cconst_int n2])) ->
add_const (Cop(Csubi, [c1; c2])) (n1 - n2)
| (Cop(Caddi, [c1; Cconst_int n1]), c2) ->
add_const (Cop(Csubi, [c1; c2])) n1
| (c1, Cop(Caddi, [c2; Cconst_int n2])) ->
add_const (Cop(Csubi, [c1; c2])) (-n2)
| (c1, Cconst_int n) ->
add_const c1 (-n)
| (c1, c2) ->
Cop(Csubi, [c1; c2])
let tag_int = function
Cconst_int n -> Cconst_int((n lsl 1) + 1)
| c -> Cop(Caddi, [Cop(Clsl, [c; Cconst_int 1]); Cconst_int 1])
let untag_int = function
Cconst_int n -> Cconst_int(n asr 1)
| Cop(Caddi, [Cop(Clsl, [c; Cconst_int 1]); Cconst_int 1]) -> c
| Cop(Clsl, [c; Cconst_int 1]) -> c
| c -> Cop(Casr, [c; Cconst_int 1])
(* Bool *)
let test_bool = function
Cop(Caddi, [Cop(Clsl, [c; Cconst_int 1]); Cconst_int 1]) -> c
| Cop(Clsl, [c; Cconst_int 1]) -> c
| c -> Cop(Ccmpi Cne, [c; Cconst_int 1])
(* Float *)
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
let box_float c = Cop(Calloc, [Cconst_int(float_header); c])
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
let unbox_float = function
Cop(Calloc, [header; c]) -> c
| c -> Cop(Cload typ_float, [c])
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
let is_unboxed_float = function
Uconst(Const_base(Const_float f)) -> true
| Uprim(p, _) ->
begin match p with
Pccall p -> p.prim_native_float
| Pfloatfield _ | Pfloatofint | Pnegfloat
| Paddfloat | Psubfloat | Pmulfloat | Pdivfloat
| Parrayrefu Pfloatarray | Parrayrefs Pfloatarray -> true
| _ -> false
| _ -> false
let subst_boxed_float boxed_id unboxed_id exp =
let need_boxed = ref false in
let rec subst = function
Cvar id as e ->
if Ident.same id boxed_id then need_boxed := true; e
| Clet(id, arg, body) -> Clet(id, subst arg, subst body)
| Cassign(id, arg) -> Cassign(id, subst arg)
| Ctuple argl -> Ctuple(List.map subst argl)
| Cop(Cload _, [Cvar id]) as e ->
if Ident.same id boxed_id then Cvar unboxed_id else e
| Cop(op, argl) -> Cop(op, List.map subst argl)
| Csequence(e1, e2) -> Csequence(subst e1, subst e2)
| Cifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) -> Cifthenelse(subst e1, subst e2, subst e3)
| Cswitch(arg, index, cases) ->
Cswitch(subst arg, index, Array.map subst cases)
| Cloop e -> Cloop(subst e)
| Ccatch(e1, e2) -> Ccatch(subst e1, subst e2)
| Ctrywith(e1, id, e2) -> Ctrywith(subst e1, id, subst e2)
| e -> e in
let res = subst exp in
(res, !need_boxed)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
(* Unit *)
let return_unit c = Csequence(c, Cconst_int 1)
let rec remove_unit = function
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
Cconst_int 1 -> Ctuple []
| Csequence(c, Cconst_int 1) -> c
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Csequence(c1, c2) ->
Csequence(c1, remove_unit c2)
| Cifthenelse(cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
Cifthenelse(cond, remove_unit ifso, remove_unit ifnot)
| Cswitch(sel, index, cases) ->
Cswitch(sel, index, Array.map remove_unit cases)
| Ccatch(body, handler) ->
Ccatch(remove_unit body, remove_unit handler)
| Ctrywith(body, exn, handler) ->
Ctrywith(remove_unit body, exn, remove_unit handler)
| c -> c
(* Access to block fields *)
let field_address ptr n =
if n = 0
then ptr
else Cop(Cadda, [ptr; Cconst_int(n * size_addr)])
let get_field ptr n =
Cop(Cload typ_addr, [field_address ptr n])
let set_field ptr n newval =
Cop(Cstore, [field_address ptr n; newval])
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
let header ptr =
Cop(Cload typ_int, [Cop(Cadda, [ptr; Cconst_int(-size_int)])])
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
let tag_offset =
1995-07-25 04:37:38 -07:00
if big_endian then -1 else -size_int
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
let get_tag ptr =
1995-07-25 04:37:38 -07:00
if Proc.word_addressed then (* If byte loads are slow *)
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
Cop(Cand, [header ptr; Cconst_int 255])
1995-07-25 04:37:38 -07:00
else (* If byte loads are efficient *)
Cop(Cloadchunk Byte_unsigned,
[Cop(Cadda, [ptr; Cconst_int(tag_offset)])])
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
(* Array indexing *)
let log2_size_addr = Misc.log2 size_addr
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
let log2_size_float = Misc.log2 size_float
let wordsize_shift = 9
let numfloat_shift = 9 + log2_size_float - log2_size_addr
let is_addr_array hdr =
Cop(Ccmpi Cne, [Cop(Cand, [hdr; Cconst_int 255]); float_tag])
let addr_array_length hdr = Cop(Clsr, [hdr; Cconst_int wordsize_shift])
let float_array_length hdr = Cop(Clsr, [hdr; Cconst_int numfloat_shift])
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
let lsl_const c n =
Cop(Clsl, [c; Cconst_int n])
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
let array_indexing log2size ptr ofs =
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
match ofs with
Cconst_int n ->
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
let i = n asr 1 in
if i = 0 then ptr else Cop(Cadda, [ptr; Cconst_int(i lsl log2size)])
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Cop(Caddi, [Cop(Clsl, [c; Cconst_int 1]); Cconst_int 1]) ->
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
Cop(Cadda, [ptr; lsl_const c log2size])
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Cop(Caddi, [c; Cconst_int n]) ->
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
Cop(Cadda, [Cop(Cadda, [ptr; lsl_const c (log2size - 1)]);
Cconst_int((n-1) lsl (log2size - 1))])
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| _ ->
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
Cop(Cadda, [Cop(Cadda, [ptr; lsl_const ofs (log2size - 1)]);
Cconst_int((-1) lsl (log2size - 1))])
let addr_array_ref arr ofs =
Cop(Cload typ_addr, [array_indexing log2_size_addr arr ofs])
let unboxed_float_array_ref arr ofs =
Cop(Cload typ_float, [array_indexing log2_size_float arr ofs])
let float_array_ref arr ofs =
box_float(unboxed_float_array_ref arr ofs)
let addr_array_set arr ofs newval =
Cop(Cextcall("modify", typ_void, false),
[array_indexing log2_size_addr arr ofs; newval])
let int_array_set arr ofs newval =
Cop(Cstore, [array_indexing log2_size_addr arr ofs; newval])
let float_array_set arr ofs newval =
Cop(Cstore, [array_indexing log2_size_float arr ofs; newval])
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
(* String length *)
let string_length exp =
bind "str" exp (fun str ->
let tmp_var = Ident.new "tmp" in
[Cop(Clsr, [get_field str (-1); Cconst_int 10]);
Cconst_int log2_size_addr]);
Cconst_int 1]),
[Cvar tmp_var;
Cop(Cloadchunk Byte_unsigned,
[Cop(Cadda, [str; Cvar tmp_var])])])))
1995-07-07 05:07:07 -07:00
(* To compile "let rec" over values *)
let fundecls_size fundecls =
let sz = ref (-1) in
(fun (label, arity, params, body) ->
sz := !sz + 1 + (if arity = 1 then 2 else 3))
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
let rec expr_size = function
1995-07-07 05:07:07 -07:00
Uclosure(fundecls, clos_vars) ->
fundecls_size fundecls + List.length clos_vars
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uprim(Pmakeblock tag, args) ->
List.length args
| Ulet(id, exp, body) ->
expr_size body
| _ ->
fatal_error "Cmmgen.expr_size"
let dummy_block size =
1995-07-07 05:07:07 -07:00
let rec init_val i =
if i >= size then [] else Cconst_int 0 :: init_val(i+1) in
Cop(Calloc, alloc_block_header 0 size :: init_val 0)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
let rec store_contents ptr = function
Cop(Calloc, fields) ->
Cop(Cstore, field_address ptr (-1) :: fields)
| Clet(id, exp, body) ->
Clet(id, exp, store_contents ptr body)
| _ ->
fatal_error "Cmmgen.store_contents"
(* Record application and currying functions *)
let apply_function n =
Compilenv.need_apply_fun n; "caml_apply" ^ string_of_int n
let curry_function n =
Compilenv.need_curry_fun n; "caml_curry" ^ string_of_int n
(* Comparisons *)
let transl_comparison = function
Lambda.Ceq -> Ceq
| Lambda.Cneq -> Cne
| Lambda.Cge -> Cge
| Lambda.Cgt -> Cgt
| Lambda.Cle -> Cle
| Lambda.Clt -> Clt
(* Translate structured constants *)
let const_label = ref 0
let new_const_label () =
incr const_label;
let new_const_symbol () =
incr const_label;
Compilenv.current_unit_name () ^ "_" ^ string_of_int !const_label
let structured_constants = ref ([] : (string * structured_constant) list)
let transl_constant = function
Const_base(Const_int n) ->
Cconst_int((n lsl 1) + 1)
| Const_base(Const_char c) ->
Cconst_int(((Char.code c) lsl 1) + 1)
| Const_pointer n ->
Cconst_pointer((n lsl 1) + 1)
| cst ->
let lbl = new_const_symbol() in
structured_constants := (lbl, cst) :: !structured_constants;
Cconst_symbol lbl
(* Translate an expression *)
let functions = (Queue.new() : (string * Ident.t list * ulambda) Queue.t)
let rec transl = function
Uvar id ->
Cvar id
| Uconst sc ->
transl_constant sc
1995-07-07 05:07:07 -07:00
| Uclosure(fundecls, clos_vars) ->
let block_size =
fundecls_size fundecls + List.length clos_vars in
let rec transl_fundecls pos = function
[] ->
List.map transl clos_vars
| (label, arity, params, body) :: rem ->
Queue.add (label, params, body) functions;
let header =
if pos = 0
then alloc_closure_header block_size
else alloc_infix_header pos in
if arity = 1 then
header ::
Cconst_symbol label ::
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
int_const 1 ::
1995-07-07 05:07:07 -07:00
transl_fundecls (pos + 3) rem
header ::
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
Cconst_symbol(curry_function arity) ::
int_const arity ::
1995-07-07 05:07:07 -07:00
Cconst_symbol label ::
transl_fundecls (pos + 4) rem in
Cop(Calloc, transl_fundecls 0 fundecls)
| Uoffset(arg, offset) ->
field_address (transl arg) offset
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Udirect_apply(lbl, args) ->
Cop(Capply typ_addr, Cconst_symbol lbl :: List.map transl args)
| Ugeneric_apply(clos, [arg]) ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
bind "fun" (transl clos) (fun clos ->
Cop(Capply typ_addr, [get_field clos 0; transl arg; clos]))
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Ugeneric_apply(clos, args) ->
let arity = List.length args in
Cop(Capply typ_addr,
Cconst_symbol(apply_function arity) ::
List.map transl (args @ [clos]))
| Ulet(id, exp, body) ->
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
if is_unboxed_float exp then
let unboxed_id = Ident.new (Ident.name id) in
let (tr_body, need_boxed) =
subst_boxed_float id unboxed_id (transl body) in
Clet(unboxed_id, transl_unbox_float exp,
if need_boxed
then Clet(id, box_float(Cvar unboxed_id), tr_body)
else tr_body)
Clet(id, transl exp, transl body)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uletrec(bindings, body) ->
1995-07-17 09:10:15 -07:00
transl_letrec bindings (transl body)
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
(* Primitives *)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uprim(Pidentity, [arg]) ->
transl arg
| Uprim(Pgetglobal id, []) ->
1995-07-17 09:10:15 -07:00
Cconst_symbol(Ident.name id)
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
(* Heap blocks *)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uprim(Pmakeblock tag, []) ->
transl_constant(Const_block(tag, []))
| Uprim(Pmakeblock tag, args) ->
1995-07-07 05:07:07 -07:00
Cop(Calloc, alloc_block_header tag (List.length args) ::
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
List.map transl args)
| Uprim(Pfield n, [arg]) ->
get_field (transl arg) n
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
| Uprim(Psetfield(n, ptr), [loc; newval]) ->
if ptr then
return_unit(Cop(Cextcall("modify", typ_void, false),
[field_address (transl loc) n; transl newval]))
return_unit(set_field (transl loc) n (transl newval))
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
| Uprim(Pfloatfield n, [arg]) ->
let ptr = transl arg in
box_float(Cop(Cload typ_float,
[if n = 0 then ptr
else Cop(Cadda, [ptr; Cconst_int(n * size_float)])]))
| Uprim(Psetfloatfield n, [loc; newval]) ->
let ptr = transl loc in
[if n = 0 then ptr
else Cop(Cadda, [ptr; Cconst_int(n * size_float)]);
transl newval]))
(* External call *)
1995-07-25 04:37:38 -07:00
| Uprim(Pccall prim, args) ->
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
if prim.prim_native_float then
(Cop(Cextcall(prim.prim_native_name, typ_float, false),
List.map transl_unbox_float args))
else begin
let name =
if prim.prim_native_name <> ""
then prim.prim_native_name
else prim.prim_name in
Cop(Cextcall(name, typ_addr, prim.prim_alloc), List.map transl args)
(* Exceptions *)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uprim(Praise, [arg]) ->
Cop(Craise, [transl arg])
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
(* Boolean operations *)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uprim(Psequand, [arg1; arg2]) ->
Cifthenelse(test_bool(transl arg1), transl arg2, Cconst_int 1)
| Uprim(Psequor, [arg1; arg2]) ->
Cifthenelse(test_bool(transl arg1), Cconst_int 3, transl arg2)
| Uprim(Pnot, [arg]) ->
Cop(Csubi, [Cconst_int 4; transl arg]) (* 1 -> 3, 3 -> 1 *)
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
(* Integer operations *)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uprim(Pnegint, [arg]) ->
Cop(Csubi, [Cconst_int 2; transl arg])
| Uprim(Paddint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
decr_int(add_int (transl arg1) (transl arg2))
| Uprim(Psubint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
incr_int(sub_int (transl arg1) (transl arg2))
| Uprim(Pmulint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
incr_int(Cop(Cmuli, [decr_int(transl arg1); untag_int(transl arg2)]))
| Uprim(Pdivint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
tag_int(Cop(Cdivi, [untag_int(transl arg1); untag_int(transl arg2)]))
| Uprim(Pmodint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
tag_int(Cop(Cmodi, [untag_int(transl arg1); untag_int(transl arg2)]))
| Uprim(Pandint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
Cop(Cand, [transl arg1; transl arg2])
| Uprim(Porint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
Cop(Cor, [transl arg1; transl arg2])
| Uprim(Pxorint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
incr_int(Cop(Cxor, [transl arg1; transl arg2]))
| Uprim(Plslint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
incr_int(Cop(Clsl, [decr_int(transl arg1); untag_int(transl arg2)]))
| Uprim(Plsrint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
1995-07-13 02:00:54 -07:00
Cop(Cor, [Cop(Clsr, [decr_int(transl arg1); untag_int(transl arg2)]);
Cconst_int 1])
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uprim(Pasrint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
1995-07-13 02:00:54 -07:00
Cop(Cor, [Cop(Casr, [decr_int(transl arg1); untag_int(transl arg2)]);
Cconst_int 1])
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uprim(Pintcomp cmp, [arg1; arg2]) ->
tag_int(Cop(Ccmpi(transl_comparison cmp), [transl arg1; transl arg2]))
| Uprim(Poffsetint n, [arg]) ->
add_const (transl arg) (n lsl 1)
| Uprim(Poffsetref n, [arg]) ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
(bind "ref" (transl arg) (fun arg ->
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
[arg; add_const (Cop(Cload typ_int, [arg])) (n lsl 1)])))
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
(* Float operations *)
1995-07-11 01:51:10 -07:00
| Uprim(Pfloatofint, [arg]) ->
box_float(Cop(Cfloatofint, [untag_int(transl arg)]))
| Uprim(Pintoffloat, [arg]) ->
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
tag_int(Cop(Cintoffloat, [transl_unbox_float arg]))
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uprim(Pnegfloat, [arg]) ->
1995-07-11 01:51:10 -07:00
box_float(Cop(Csubf, [Cconst_float "0.0";
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
transl_unbox_float arg]))
| Uprim(Paddfloat, [arg1; arg2]) ->
box_float(Cop(Caddf, [transl_unbox_float arg1; transl_unbox_float arg2]))
| Uprim(Psubfloat, [arg1; arg2]) ->
box_float(Cop(Csubf, [transl_unbox_float arg1; transl_unbox_float arg2]))
| Uprim(Pmulfloat, [arg1; arg2]) ->
box_float(Cop(Cmulf, [transl_unbox_float arg1; transl_unbox_float arg2]))
| Uprim(Pdivfloat, [arg1; arg2]) ->
box_float(Cop(Cdivf, [transl_unbox_float arg1; transl_unbox_float arg2]))
| Uprim(Pfloatcomp cmp, [arg1; arg2]) ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
tag_int(Cop(Ccmpf(transl_comparison cmp),
[transl_unbox_float arg1; transl_unbox_float arg2]))
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
(* String operations *)
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
| Uprim(Pstringlength, [arg]) ->
tag_int(string_length (transl arg))
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
| Uprim(Pstringrefu, [arg1; arg2]) ->
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
tag_int(Cop(Cloadchunk Byte_unsigned,
[add_int (transl arg1) (untag_int(transl arg2))]))
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
| Uprim(Pstringsetu, [arg1; arg2; arg3]) ->
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
return_unit(Cop(Cstorechunk Byte_unsigned,
[add_int (transl arg1) (untag_int(transl arg2));
1995-07-11 11:03:29 -07:00
untag_int(transl arg3)]))
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
| Uprim(Pstringrefs, [arg1; arg2]) ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
(bind "str" (transl arg1) (fun str ->
bind "index" (untag_int (transl arg2)) (fun idx ->
Cop(Ccheckbound, [string_length str; idx]),
Cop(Cloadchunk Byte_unsigned, [add_int str idx])))))
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
| Uprim(Pstringsets, [arg1; arg2; arg3]) ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
(bind "str" (transl arg1) (fun str ->
bind "index" (untag_int (transl arg2)) (fun idx ->
Cop(Ccheckbound, [string_length str; idx]),
Cop(Cstorechunk Byte_unsigned,
1995-07-11 11:03:29 -07:00
[add_int str idx; untag_int(transl arg3)])))))
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
(* Array operations *)
| Uprim(Pmakearray kind, []) ->
transl_constant(Const_block(0, []))
| Uprim(Pmakearray kind, args) ->
begin match kind with
Pgenarray ->
Cop(Cextcall("make_array", typ_addr, true),
[Cop(Calloc, alloc_block_header 0 (List.length args) ::
List.map transl args)])
| Paddrarray | Pintarray ->
Cop(Calloc, alloc_block_header 0 (List.length args) ::
List.map transl args)
| Pfloatarray ->
Cop(Calloc, alloc_floatarray_header (List.length args) ::
List.map transl_unbox_float args)
| Uprim(Parraylength kind, [arg]) ->
begin match kind with
Pgenarray ->
let len =
if wordsize_shift = numfloat_shift then
Cop(Clsr, [header(transl arg); Cconst_int wordsize_shift])
bind "header" (header(transl arg)) (fun hdr ->
Cifthenelse(is_addr_array hdr,
Cop(Clsr, [hdr; Cconst_int wordsize_shift]),
Cop(Clsr, [hdr; Cconst_int numfloat_shift]))) in
Cop(Cor, [len; Cconst_int 1])
| Paddrarray | Pintarray ->
Cop(Cor, [addr_array_length(header(transl arg)); Cconst_int 1])
| Pfloatarray ->
Cop(Cor, [float_array_length(header(transl arg)); Cconst_int 1])
| Uprim(Parrayrefu kind, [arg1; arg2]) ->
begin match kind with
Pgenarray ->
bind "arr" (transl arg1) (fun arr ->
bind "index" (transl arg2) (fun idx ->
Cifthenelse(is_addr_array(header arr),
addr_array_ref arr idx,
float_array_ref arr idx)))
| Paddrarray | Pintarray ->
addr_array_ref (transl arg1) (transl arg2)
| Pfloatarray ->
float_array_ref (transl arg1) (transl arg2)
| Uprim(Parraysetu kind, [arg1; arg2; arg3]) ->
return_unit(begin match kind with
Pgenarray ->
bind "newval" (transl arg3) (fun newval ->
bind "index" (transl arg2) (fun index ->
bind "arr" (transl arg1) (fun arr ->
Cifthenelse(is_addr_array(header arr),
addr_array_set arr index newval,
1995-07-28 05:19:50 -07:00
float_array_set arr index (unbox_float newval)))))
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
| Paddrarray ->
addr_array_set (transl arg1) (transl arg2) (transl arg3)
| Pintarray ->
int_array_set (transl arg1) (transl arg2) (transl arg3)
| Pfloatarray ->
float_array_set (transl arg1) (transl arg2) (transl_unbox_float arg3)
| Uprim(Parrayrefs kind, [arg1; arg2]) ->
begin match kind with
Pgenarray ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
bind "index" (transl arg2) (fun idx ->
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
bind "arr" (transl arg1) (fun arr ->
bind "header" (header arr) (fun hdr ->
Cifthenelse(is_addr_array hdr,
Csequence(Cop(Ccheckbound, [addr_array_length hdr; idx]),
addr_array_ref arr idx),
Csequence(Cop(Ccheckbound, [float_array_length hdr; idx]),
float_array_ref arr idx)))))
| Paddrarray | Pintarray ->
bind "index" (transl arg2) (fun idx ->
bind "arr" (transl arg1) (fun arr ->
Csequence(Cop(Ccheckbound, [addr_array_length(header arr); idx]),
addr_array_ref arr idx)))
| Pfloatarray ->
bind "index" (transl arg2) (fun idx ->
bind "arr" (transl arg1) (fun arr ->
[float_array_length(header arr); idx]),
unboxed_float_array_ref arr idx))))
| Uprim(Parraysets kind, [arg1; arg2; arg3]) ->
return_unit(begin match kind with
Pgenarray ->
bind "newval" (transl arg3) (fun newval ->
bind "index" (transl arg2) (fun idx ->
bind "arr" (transl arg1) (fun arr ->
bind "header" (header arr) (fun hdr ->
Cifthenelse(is_addr_array hdr,
Csequence(Cop(Ccheckbound, [addr_array_length hdr; idx]),
addr_array_set arr idx newval),
Csequence(Cop(Ccheckbound, [float_array_length hdr; idx]),
1995-07-28 05:19:50 -07:00
float_array_set arr idx
(unbox_float newval)))))))
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
| Paddrarray ->
bind "index" (transl arg2) (fun idx ->
bind "arr" (transl arg1) (fun arr ->
Csequence(Cop(Ccheckbound, [addr_array_length(header arr); idx]),
addr_array_set arr idx (transl arg3))))
| Pintarray ->
bind "index" (transl arg2) (fun idx ->
bind "arr" (transl arg1) (fun arr ->
Csequence(Cop(Ccheckbound, [addr_array_length(header arr); idx]),
int_array_set arr idx (transl arg3))))
| Pfloatarray ->
bind "index" (transl arg2) (fun idx ->
bind "arr" (transl arg1) (fun arr ->
Csequence(Cop(Ccheckbound, [float_array_length(header arr);idx]),
float_array_set arr idx (transl_unbox_float arg3))))
(* Compaction of sparse switches *)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uprim(Ptranslate tbl, [arg]) ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
bind "transl" (transl arg) (fun arg ->
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
let rec transl_tests lo hi =
if lo > hi then int_const 0 else begin
let i = (lo + hi) / 2 in
let (first_val, last_val, ofs) = tbl.(i) in
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
Cop(Ccmpi Clt, [arg; int_const first_val]),
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
transl_tests lo (i-1),
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
Cop(Ccmpi Cgt, [arg; int_const last_val]),
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
transl_tests (i+1) hi,
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
add_const arg ((ofs - first_val) * 2)))
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
end in
transl_tests 0 (Array.length tbl - 1))
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uprim(_, _) ->
fatal_error "Cmmgen.transl"
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uswitch(arg, const_index, const_cases, block_index, block_cases) ->
if Array.length block_index = 0 then
transl_switch (untag_int (transl arg)) const_index const_cases
else if Array.length const_index = 0 then
transl_switch (get_tag (transl arg)) block_index block_cases
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
bind "switch" (transl arg) (fun arg ->
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
Cop(Cand, [arg; Cconst_int 1]),
transl_switch (untag_int arg) const_index const_cases,
transl_switch (get_tag arg) block_index block_cases))
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Ustaticfail ->
| Ucatch(body, handler) ->
Ccatch(transl body, transl handler)
| Utrywith(body, exn, handler) ->
Ctrywith(transl body, exn, transl handler)
1995-07-13 02:00:54 -07:00
| Uifthenelse(Uprim(Pnot, [arg]), ifso, ifnot) ->
transl (Uifthenelse(arg, ifnot, ifso))
| Uifthenelse(cond, ifso, Ustaticfail) ->
exit_if_false cond (transl ifso)
| Uifthenelse(cond, Ustaticfail, ifnot) ->
exit_if_true cond (transl ifnot)
| Uifthenelse(Uprim(Psequand, _) as cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
Ccatch(exit_if_false cond (transl ifso), transl ifnot)
| Uifthenelse(Uprim(Psequor, _) as cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
Ccatch(exit_if_true cond (transl ifnot), transl ifso)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Uifthenelse(cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
1995-07-13 02:00:54 -07:00
Cifthenelse(test_bool(transl cond), transl ifso, transl ifnot)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Usequence(exp1, exp2) ->
Csequence(remove_unit(transl exp1), transl exp2)
| Uwhile(cond, body) ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
return_unit(Ccatch(Cloop(exit_if_false cond (remove_unit(transl body))),
Ctuple []))
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| Ufor(id, low, high, dir, body) ->
let tst = match dir with Upto -> Cgt | Downto -> Clt in
let inc = match dir with Upto -> Caddi | Downto -> Csubi in
(Clet(id, transl low,
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
bind "bound" (transl high) (fun high ->
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
Cop(Ccmpi tst, [Cvar id; high]),
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
Csequence(remove_unit(transl body),
Cassign(id, Cop(inc,
[Cvar id; Cconst_int 2]))))),
Ctuple []))))
and transl_unbox_float = function
Uconst(Const_base(Const_float f)) -> Cconst_float f
| exp -> unbox_float(transl exp)
and exit_if_true cond otherwise =
match cond with
Uprim(Psequor, [arg1; arg2]) ->
exit_if_true arg1 (exit_if_true arg2 otherwise)
| Uprim(Psequand, [arg1; arg2]) ->
Csequence(Ccatch(exit_if_true arg1 (Ctuple []),
exit_if_true arg2 (Ctuple [])),
| _ ->
Cifthenelse(test_bool(transl cond), Cexit, otherwise)
and exit_if_false cond otherwise =
match cond with
Uprim(Psequand, [arg1; arg2]) ->
exit_if_false arg1 (exit_if_false arg2 otherwise)
| Uprim(Psequor, [arg1; arg2]) ->
Csequence(Ccatch(exit_if_false arg1 (Ctuple []),
exit_if_false arg2 (Ctuple [])),
| _ ->
Cifthenelse(test_bool(transl cond), otherwise, Cexit)
and transl_switch arg index cases =
match Array.length index with
1 -> transl cases.(0)
| 2 -> Cifthenelse(arg, transl cases.(index.(1)), transl cases.(index.(0)))
| _ -> Cswitch(arg, index, Array.map transl cases)
1995-07-17 09:10:15 -07:00
and transl_letrec bindings cont =
let rec init_blocks = function
[] -> fill_blocks bindings
| (id, exp) :: rem ->
Clet(id, dummy_block(expr_size exp), init_blocks rem)
and fill_blocks = function
[] -> cont
| (id, exp) :: rem ->
Csequence(store_contents (Cvar id) (transl exp), fill_blocks rem)
in init_blocks bindings
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
(* Translate a function definition *)
let transl_function lbl params body =
Cfunction {fun_name = lbl;
fun_args = List.map (fun id -> (id, typ_addr)) params;
fun_body = transl body;
1995-07-13 10:16:20 -07:00
fun_fast = !Clflags.optimize_for_speed}
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
(* Translate all function definitions *)
1995-07-12 08:32:09 -07:00
module StringSet =
type t = string
let compare = compare
let rec transl_all_functions already_translated cont =
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
let (lbl, params, body) = Queue.take functions in
1995-07-12 08:32:09 -07:00
if StringSet.mem lbl already_translated then
transl_all_functions already_translated cont
transl_all_functions (StringSet.add lbl already_translated)
(transl_function lbl params body :: cont)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
with Queue.Empty ->
1995-07-17 09:10:15 -07:00
(* Translate a toplevel structure definition *)
let rec transl_structure glob = function
Uprim(Pmakeblock tag, args) ->
(* Scan the args, storing those that are not identifiers and
returning a map id -> position in block for those that are idents. *)
let rec make_stores pos = function
[] -> (Ctuple [], Tbl.empty)
| Uvar v :: rem ->
let (c, map) = make_stores (pos+1) rem in
(c, Tbl.add v pos map)
| ulam :: rem ->
let (c, map) = make_stores (pos+1) rem in
(Csequence(Cop(Cstore, [field_address (Cconst_symbol glob) pos;
transl ulam]), c),
map) in
let (c, map) = make_stores 0 args in
(c, map, List.length args)
| Usequence(e1, e2) ->
let (c2, map, size) = transl_structure glob e2 in
(Csequence(remove_unit(transl e1), c2), map, size)
| Ulet(id, arg, body) ->
let (cbody, map, size) = transl_structure glob body in
(Clet(id, transl arg, add_store glob id map cbody), map, size)
| Uletrec(bindings, body) ->
let (cbody, map, size) = transl_structure glob body in
(transl_letrec bindings (add_stores glob bindings map cbody), map, size)
| Uprim(Psetglobal id, [arg]) ->
transl_structure glob arg
| _ ->
fatal_error "Cmmgen.transl_structure"
and add_store glob id map code =
let pos = Tbl.find id map in
Csequence(Cop(Cstore, [field_address (Cconst_symbol glob) pos; Cvar id]),
with Not_found ->
and add_stores glob bindings map code =
match bindings with
[] -> code
| (id, def) :: rem -> add_stores glob rem map (add_store glob id map code)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
(* Emit structured constants *)
let rec emit_constant symb cst cont =
match cst with
Const_base(Const_float s) ->
Cint(float_header) :: Cdefine_symbol symb :: Cfloat s :: cont
| Const_base(Const_string s) ->
Cint(string_header (String.length s)) ::
Cdefine_symbol symb ::
emit_string_constant s cont
| Const_block(tag, fields) ->
let (emit_fields, cont1) = emit_constant_fields fields cont in
Cint(block_header tag (List.length fields)) ::
Cdefine_symbol symb ::
emit_fields @ cont1
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
| Const_float_array(fields) ->
Cint(floatarray_header (List.length fields)) ::
Cdefine_symbol symb ::
Misc.map_end (fun f -> Cfloat f) fields cont
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
| _ -> fatal_error "gencmm.emit_constant"
and emit_constant_fields fields cont =
match fields with
[] -> ([], cont)
| f1 :: fl ->
let (data1, cont1) = emit_constant_field f1 cont in
let (datal, contl) = emit_constant_fields fl cont1 in
(data1 :: datal, contl)
and emit_constant_field field cont =
match field with
Const_base(Const_int n) ->
(Cint((n lsl 1) + 1), cont)
| Const_base(Const_char c) ->
(Cint(((Char.code c) lsl 1) + 1), cont)
| Const_base(Const_float s) ->
let lbl = new_const_label() in
(Clabel_address lbl,
Cint(float_header) :: Cdefine_label lbl :: Cfloat s :: cont)
| Const_base(Const_string s) ->
let lbl = new_const_label() in
(Clabel_address lbl,
Cint(string_header (String.length s)) :: Cdefine_label lbl ::
emit_string_constant s cont)
| Const_pointer n ->
(Cint((n lsl 1) + 1), cont)
| Const_block(tag, fields) ->
let lbl = new_const_label() in
let (emit_fields, cont1) = emit_constant_fields fields cont in
(Clabel_address lbl,
Cint(block_header tag (List.length fields)) :: Cdefine_label lbl ::
emit_fields @ cont1)
1995-07-27 10:38:53 -07:00
| Const_float_array(fields) ->
let lbl = new_const_label() in
(Clabel_address lbl,
Cint(floatarray_header (List.length fields)) :: Cdefine_label lbl ::
Misc.map_end (fun f -> Cfloat f) fields cont)
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
and emit_string_constant s cont =
let n = size_int - 1 - (String.length s) mod size_int in
Cstring s :: Cskip n :: Cint8 n :: cont
(* Emit all structured constants *)
let rec emit_all_constants cont =
match !structured_constants with
[] -> cont
| (lbl, cst) :: rem ->
structured_constants := rem;
emit_all_constants (Cdata(emit_constant lbl cst []) :: cont)
(* Translate a compilation unit *)
let compunit ulam =
let glob = Compilenv.current_unit_name () in
1995-07-17 09:10:15 -07:00
let (init_code, _, compunit_size) = transl_structure glob ulam in
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
let c1 = [Cfunction {fun_name = glob ^ "_entry"; fun_args = [];
1995-07-17 09:10:15 -07:00
fun_body = init_code; fun_fast = false}] in
1995-07-12 08:32:09 -07:00
let c2 = transl_all_functions StringSet.empty c1 in
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
let c3 = emit_all_constants c2 in
1995-07-17 09:10:15 -07:00
Cdata [Cint(block_header 0 compunit_size);
Cdefine_symbol glob;
Cskip(compunit_size * size_addr)] :: c3
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
(* Generate an application function:
(defun caml_applyN (a1 ... aN clos)
(if (= clos.arity N)
(app clos.direct a1 ... aN clos)
(let (clos1 (app clos.code a1 clos)
clos2 (app clos1.code a2 clos)
closN-1 (app closN-2.code aN-1 closN-2))
(app closN-1.code aN closN-1))))
let apply_function arity =
let arg = Array.new arity (Ident.new "arg") in
for i = 1 to arity - 1 do arg.(i) <- Ident.new "arg" done;
let clos = Ident.new "clos" in
let rec app_fun clos n =
if n = arity-1 then
Cop(Capply typ_addr,
[get_field (Cvar clos) 0; Cvar arg.(n); Cvar clos])
else begin
let newclos = Ident.new "clos" in
Cop(Capply typ_addr,
[get_field (Cvar clos) 0; Cvar arg.(n); Cvar clos]),
app_fun newclos (n+1))
end in
let all_args = Array.to_list arg @ [clos] in
let body =
Cop(Ccmpi Ceq, [get_field (Cvar clos) 1; int_const arity]),
Cop(Capply typ_addr,
get_field (Cvar clos) 2 :: List.map (fun s -> Cvar s) all_args),
app_fun clos 0) in
{fun_name = "caml_apply" ^ string_of_int arity;
fun_args = List.map (fun id -> (id, typ_addr)) all_args;
fun_body = body;
fun_fast = true}
(* Generate currying functions:
(defun caml_curryN (arg clos)
(alloc HDR caml_curryN_1 arg clos))
(defun caml_curryN_1 (arg clos)
(alloc HDR caml_curryN_2 arg clos))
(defun caml_curryN_N-1 (arg clos)
(let (closN-2 clos.cdr
closN-3 closN-2.cdr
clos1 clos2.cdr
clos clos1.cdr)
(app clos.direct
clos1.car clos2.car ... closN-2.car clos.car arg clos))) *)
let final_curry_function arity =
let last_arg = Ident.new "arg" in
let last_clos = Ident.new "clos" in
let rec curry_fun args clos n =
if n = 0 then
Cop(Capply typ_addr,
get_field (Cvar clos) 2 ::
args @ [Cvar last_arg; Cvar clos])
else begin
let newclos = Ident.new "clos" in
get_field (Cvar clos) 3,
curry_fun (get_field (Cvar clos) 2 :: args) newclos (n-1))
end in
{fun_name = "caml_curry" ^ string_of_int arity ^
"_" ^ string_of_int (arity-1);
fun_args = [last_arg, typ_addr; last_clos, typ_addr];
fun_body = curry_fun [] last_clos (arity-1);
fun_fast = true}
let rec intermediate_curry_functions arity num =
if num = arity - 1 then
[final_curry_function arity]
else begin
let name1 = "caml_curry" ^ string_of_int arity in
let name2 = if num = 0 then name1 else name1 ^ "_" ^ string_of_int num in
let arg = Ident.new "arg" and clos = Ident.new "clos" in
{fun_name = name2;
fun_args = [arg, typ_addr; clos, typ_addr];
fun_body = Cop(Calloc,
1995-07-07 05:07:07 -07:00
[alloc_closure_header 4;
1995-07-02 09:41:48 -07:00
Cconst_symbol(name1 ^ "_" ^ string_of_int (num+1));
int_const 1; Cvar arg; Cvar clos]);
fun_fast = true}
:: intermediate_curry_functions arity (num+1)
let curry_function arity =
intermediate_curry_functions arity 0
(* Generate the entry point *)
let entry_point namelist =
let body =
(fun name next ->
Csequence(Cop(Capply typ_void, [Cconst_symbol(name ^ "_entry")]),
namelist (Ctuple []) in
Cfunction {fun_name = "caml_program";
fun_args = [];
fun_body = body;
fun_fast = false}
(* Generate the table of globals and the master table of frame descriptors *)
let global_table namelist =
Cdata(Cdefine_symbol "caml_globals" ::
List.map (fun name -> Csymbol_address name) namelist @
[Cint 0])
let frame_table namelist =
Cdata(Cdefine_symbol "caml_frametable" ::
List.map (fun name -> Csymbol_address(name ^ "_frametable")) namelist @
[Cint 0])
1995-07-18 01:40:44 -07:00
(* Initialize a predefined exception *)
let predef_exception name =
Cdata(emit_constant name (Const_block(0,[Const_base(Const_string name)])) [])