cmmgen: compilation des decalages a droite.
selection: merge des resultats des branches d'un switch. git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02master
@ -360,9 +360,11 @@ let rec transl = function
| Uprim(Plslint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
incr_int(Cop(Clsl, [decr_int(transl arg1); untag_int(transl arg2)]))
| Uprim(Plsrint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
incr_int(Cop(Clsr, [decr_int(transl arg1); untag_int(transl arg2)]))
Cop(Cor, [Cop(Clsr, [decr_int(transl arg1); untag_int(transl arg2)]);
Cconst_int 1])
| Uprim(Pasrint, [arg1; arg2]) ->
incr_int(Cop(Casr, [decr_int(transl arg1); untag_int(transl arg2)]))
Cop(Cor, [Cop(Casr, [decr_int(transl arg1); untag_int(transl arg2)]);
Cconst_int 1])
| Uprim(Pintcomp cmp, [arg1; arg2]) ->
tag_int(Cop(Ccmpi(transl_comparison cmp), [transl arg1; transl arg2]))
| Uprim(Poffsetint n, [arg]) ->
@ -480,17 +482,18 @@ let rec transl = function
Ccatch(transl body, transl handler)
| Utrywith(body, exn, handler) ->
Ctrywith(transl body, exn, transl handler)
| Uifthenelse(Uprim(Pnot, [arg]), ifso, ifnot) ->
transl (Uifthenelse(arg, ifnot, ifso))
| Uifthenelse(cond, ifso, Ustaticfail) ->
exit_if_false cond (transl ifso)
| Uifthenelse(cond, Ustaticfail, ifnot) ->
exit_if_true cond (transl ifnot)
| Uifthenelse(Uprim(Psequand, _) as cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
Ccatch(exit_if_false cond (transl ifso), transl ifnot)
| Uifthenelse(Uprim(Psequor, _) as cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
Ccatch(exit_if_true cond (transl ifnot), transl ifso)
| Uifthenelse(cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
begin match cond with
Uprim(Pnot, [arg]) ->
transl (Uifthenelse(arg, ifnot, ifso))
| Uprim(Psequand, _) ->
Ccatch(exit_if_false cond (transl ifso), transl ifnot)
| Uprim(Psequor, _) ->
Ccatch(exit_if_true cond (transl ifnot), transl ifso)
| _ ->
Cifthenelse(test_bool(transl cond), transl ifso, transl ifnot)
Cifthenelse(test_bool(transl cond), transl ifso, transl ifnot)
| Usequence(exp1, exp2) ->
Csequence(remove_unit(transl exp1), transl exp2)
| Uwhile(cond, body) ->
@ -249,17 +249,23 @@ let join r1 seq1 r2 seq2 =
(* Same, for N branches *)
let join_array rs =
let dest = ref [||] in
let some_res = ref [||] in
for i = 0 to Array.length rs - 1 do
let (r, s) = rs.(i) in
if Array.length r > 0 then dest := r
if Array.length r > 0 then some_res := r
if Array.length !dest > 0 then
let size_res = Array.length !some_res in
if size_res = 0 then [||] else begin
let res = size_res Reg.dummy in
for i = 0 to size_res - 1 do
res.(i) <- (!some_res).(i).typ
for i = 0 to Array.length rs - 1 do
let (r, s) = rs.(i) in
if Array.length r > 0 then insert_moves r !dest s
if Array.length r > 0 then insert_moves r res s
(* Add the instructions for the given expression
at the end of the given sequence *)
Reference in New Issue