
2725 lines
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Raw Normal View History

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Compilation of pattern matching *)
open Misc
open Asttypes
open Primitive
open Types
open Typedtree
open Lambda
open Parmatch
open Printf
(* See Peyton-Jones, ``The Implementation of functional programming
languages'', chapter 5. *)
Bon, au commencement du monde c'etait vrai.
Now, see Lefessant-Maranget ``Optimizing Pattern-Matching'' ICFP'2001
Many functions on the various data structures ofthe algorithm :
- Pattern matrices.
- Default environments: mapping from matrices to exit numbers.
- Contexts: matrices whose column are partitioned into
left and right.
- Jump sumaries: mapping from exit numbers to contexts
type matrix = pattern list list
let add_omega_column pss = List.map (fun ps -> omega::ps) pss
type ctx = {left:pattern list ; right:pattern list}
let pretty_ctx ctx =
(fun {left=left ; right=right} ->
prerr_string "LEFT:" ;
pretty_line left ;
prerr_string " RIGHT:" ;
pretty_line right ;
prerr_endline "")
let le_ctx c1 c2 =
le_pats c1.left c2.left &&
le_pats c1.right c2.right
let lshift {left=left ; right=right} = match right with
| x::xs -> {left=x::left ; right=xs}
| _ -> assert false
let lforget {left=left ; right=right} = match right with
| x::xs -> {left=omega::left ; right=xs}
| _ -> assert false
let rec small_enough n = function
| [] -> true
| _::rem ->
if n <= 0 then false
else small_enough (n-1) rem
let ctx_lshift ctx =
if small_enough 31 ctx then
List.map lshift ctx
else (* Context pruning *) begin
get_mins le_ctx (List.map lforget ctx)
let rshift {left=left ; right=right} = match left with
| p::ps -> {left=ps ; right=p::right}
| _ -> assert false
let ctx_rshift ctx = List.map rshift ctx
let rec nchars n ps =
if n <= 0 then [],ps
else match ps with
| p::rem ->
let chars, cdrs = nchars (n-1) rem in
| _ -> assert false
let rshift_num n {left=left ; right=right} =
let shifted,left = nchars n left in
{left=left ; right = shifted@right}
let ctx_rshift_num n ctx = List.map (rshift_num n) ctx
(* Recombination of contexts (eg: (_,_)::p1::p2::rem -> (p1,p2)::rem)
All mutable fields are replaced by '_', since side-effects in
guards can alter these fields *)
let combine {left=left ; right=right} = match left with
| p::ps -> {left=ps ; right=set_args_erase_mutable p right}
| _ -> assert false
let ctx_combine ctx = List.map combine ctx
let ncols = function
| [] -> 0
| ps::_ -> List.length ps
exception NoMatch
exception OrPat
let filter_matrix matcher pss =
let rec filter_rec = function
| (p::ps)::rem ->
begin match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_alias (p,_) ->
filter_rec ((p::ps)::rem)
| Tpat_var _ ->
filter_rec ((omega::ps)::rem)
| _ ->
let rem = filter_rec rem in
matcher p ps::rem
| NoMatch -> rem
| OrPat ->
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) -> filter_rec [(p1::ps) ;(p2::ps)]@rem
| _ -> assert false
| [] -> []
| _ ->
pretty_matrix pss ;
fatal_error "Matching.filter_matrix" in
filter_rec pss
let make_default matcher env =
let rec make_rec = function
| [] -> []
| ([[]],i)::_ -> [[[]],i]
| (pss,i)::rem ->
let rem = make_rec rem in
match filter_matrix matcher pss with
| [] -> rem
| ([]::_) -> ([[]],i)::rem
| pss -> (pss,i)::rem in
make_rec env
let ctx_matcher p =
let p = normalize_pat p in
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_construct (cstr,omegas) ->
(fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_construct (cstr',args) when cstr.cstr_tag=cstr'.cstr_tag ->
p,args @ rem
| Tpat_any -> p,omegas @ rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch)
| Tpat_constant cst ->
(fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_constant cst' when cst=cst' ->
| Tpat_any -> p,rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch)
| Tpat_variant (lab,Some omega,_) ->
(fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_variant (lab',Some arg,_) when lab=lab' ->
| Tpat_any -> p,omega::rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch)
| Tpat_variant (lab,None,_) ->
(fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_variant (lab',None,_) when lab=lab' ->
| Tpat_any -> p,rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch)
| Tpat_array omegas ->
let len = List.length omegas in
(fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_array args when List.length args=len ->
p,args @ rem
| Tpat_any -> p, omegas @ rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch)
| Tpat_tuple omegas ->
(fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_tuple args -> p,args @ rem
| _ -> p, omegas @ rem)
| Tpat_record l -> (* Records are normalized *)
(fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_record l' ->
let l' = all_record_args l' in
p, List.fold_right (fun (_,p) r -> p::r) l' rem
| _ -> p,List.fold_right (fun (_,p) r -> p::r) l rem)
| Tpat_lazy omega ->
(fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_lazy arg -> p, (arg::rem)
| _ -> p, (omega::rem))
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.ctx_matcher"
let filter_ctx q ctx =
let matcher = ctx_matcher q in
let rec filter_rec = function
| ({right=p::ps} as l)::rem ->
begin match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
filter_rec ({l with right=p1::ps}::{l with right=p2::ps}::rem)
| Tpat_alias (p,_) ->
filter_rec ({l with right=p::ps}::rem)
| Tpat_var _ ->
filter_rec ({l with right=omega::ps}::rem)
| _ ->
begin let rem = filter_rec rem in
let to_left, right = matcher p ps in
{left=to_left::l.left ; right=right}::rem
| NoMatch -> rem
| [] -> []
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.filter_ctx" in
filter_rec ctx
let select_columns pss ctx =
let n = ncols pss in
(fun ps r ->
(fun {left=left ; right=right} r ->
let transfert, right = nchars n right in
{left = lubs transfert ps @ left ; right=right}::r
| Empty -> r)
ctx r)
pss []
let ctx_lub p ctx =
(fun {left=left ; right=right} r ->
match right with
| q::rem ->
begin try
{left=left ; right = lub p q::rem}::r
| Empty -> r
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.ctx_lub")
ctx []
let ctx_match ctx pss =
(fun {right=qs} ->
(fun ps -> compats qs ps)
type jumps = (int * ctx ) list
let pretty_jumps env = match env with
| [] -> ()
| _ ->
(fun (i,ctx) ->
Printf.fprintf stderr "jump for %d\n" i ;
pretty_ctx ctx)
let rec jumps_extract i = function
| [] -> [],[]
| (j,pss) as x::rem as all ->
if i=j then pss,rem
else if j < i then [],all
let r,rem = jumps_extract i rem in
let rec jumps_remove i = function
| [] -> []
| (j,_)::rem when i=j -> rem
| x::rem -> x::jumps_remove i rem
let jumps_empty = []
and jumps_is_empty = function
| [] -> true
| _ -> false
let jumps_singleton i = function
| [] -> []
| ctx -> [i,ctx]
let jumps_add i pss jumps = match pss with
| [] -> jumps
| _ ->
let rec add = function
| [] -> [i,pss]
| (j,qss) as x::rem as all ->
if j > i then x::add rem
else if j < i then (i,pss)::all
else (i,(get_mins le_ctx (pss@qss)))::rem in
add jumps
let rec jumps_union env1 env2 = match env1,env2 with
| [],_ -> env2
| _,[] -> env1
| ((i1,pss1) as x1::rem1), ((i2,pss2) as x2::rem2) ->
if i1=i2 then
(i1,get_mins le_ctx (pss1@pss2))::jumps_union rem1 rem2
else if i1 > i2 then
x1::jumps_union rem1 env2
x2::jumps_union env1 rem2
let rec merge = function
| env1::env2::rem -> jumps_union env1 env2::merge rem
| envs -> envs
let rec jumps_unions envs = match envs with
| [] -> []
| [env] -> env
| _ -> jumps_unions (merge envs)
let rec jumps_map f env =
(fun (i,pss) -> i,f pss)
(* Pattern matching before any compilation *)
type pattern_matching =
{ mutable cases : (pattern list * lambda) list;
args : (lambda * let_kind) list ;
default : (matrix * int) list}
(* Pattern matching after application of both the or-pat rule and the
mixture rule *)
type pm_or_compiled =
{body : pattern_matching ;
handlers : (matrix * int * Ident.t list * pattern_matching) list ;
or_matrix : matrix ; }
type pm_half_compiled =
| PmOr of pm_or_compiled
| PmVar of pm_var_compiled
| Pm of pattern_matching
and pm_var_compiled =
{inside : pm_half_compiled ; var_arg : lambda ; }
type pm_half_compiled_info =
{me : pm_half_compiled ;
matrix : matrix ;
top_default : (matrix * int) list ; }
let pretty_cases cases =
(fun ((ps),l) ->
(fun p ->
Parmatch.top_pretty Format.str_formatter p ;
prerr_string " " ;
prerr_string (Format.flush_str_formatter ()))
ps ;
prerr_string " -> " ;
Printlambda.lambda Format.str_formatter l ;
prerr_string (Format.flush_str_formatter ()) ;
prerr_endline "")
let pretty_def def =
prerr_endline "+++++ Defaults +++++" ;
(fun (pss,i) ->
Printf.fprintf stderr "Matrix for %d\n" i ;
pretty_matrix pss)
def ;
prerr_endline "+++++++++++++++++++++"
let pretty_pm pm = pretty_cases pm.cases
let rec pretty_precompiled = function
| Pm pm ->
prerr_endline "++++ PM ++++" ;
pretty_pm pm
| PmVar x ->
prerr_endline "++++ VAR ++++" ;
pretty_precompiled x.inside
| PmOr x ->
prerr_endline "++++ OR ++++" ;
pretty_pm x.body ;
(fun (_,i,_,pm) ->
eprintf "++ Handler %d ++\n" i ;
pretty_pm pm)
let pretty_precompiled_res first nexts =
pretty_precompiled first ;
(fun (e, pmh) ->
eprintf "** DEFAULT %d **\n" e ;
pretty_precompiled pmh)
(* A slight attempt to identify semantically equivalent lambda-expressions *)
exception Not_simple
let rec raw_rec env = function
| Llet(Alias,x,ex, body) -> raw_rec ((x,raw_rec env ex)::env) body
| Lvar id as l ->
begin try List.assoc id env with
| Not_found -> l
| Lprim (Pfield i,args) ->
Lprim (Pfield i, List.map (raw_rec env) args)
| Lconst _ as l -> l
| Lstaticraise (i,args) ->
Lstaticraise (i, List.map (raw_rec env) args)
| _ -> raise Not_simple
let raw_action l = try raw_rec [] l with Not_simple -> l
let same_actions = function
| [] -> None
| [_,act] -> Some act
| (_,act0) :: rem ->
let raw_act0 = raw_rec [] act0 in
let rec s_rec = function
| [] -> Some act0
| (_,act)::rem ->
if raw_act0 = raw_rec [] act then
s_rec rem
None in
s_rec rem
| Not_simple -> None
let equal_action act1 act2 =
let raw1 = raw_rec [] act1
and raw2 = raw_rec [] act2 in
raw1 = raw2
| Not_simple -> false
(* Test for swapping two clauses *)
let up_ok_action act1 act2 =
let raw1 = raw_rec [] act1
and raw2 = raw_rec [] act2 in
match raw1, raw2 with
| Lstaticraise (i1,[]), Lstaticraise (i2,[]) -> i1=i2
| _,_ -> raw1 = raw2
| Not_simple -> false
let up_ok (ps,act_p) l =
(fun (qs,act_q) ->
up_ok_action act_p act_q ||
not (Parmatch.compats ps qs))
Simplify fonction normalize the first column of the match
- records are expanded so that they posses all fields
- aliases are removed and replaced by bindings in actions.
However or-patterns are simplified differently,
- aliases are not removed
- or patterns (_|p) are changed into _
exception Var of pattern
let simplify_or p =
let rec simpl_rec p = match p with
| {pat_desc = Tpat_any|Tpat_var _} -> raise (Var p)
| {pat_desc = Tpat_alias (q,id)} ->
begin try
{p with pat_desc = Tpat_alias (simpl_rec q,id)}
| Var q -> raise (Var {p with pat_desc = Tpat_alias (q,id)})
| {pat_desc = Tpat_or (p1,p2,o)} ->
let q1 = simpl_rec p1 in
begin try
let q2 = simpl_rec p2 in
{p with pat_desc = Tpat_or (q1, q2, o)}
| Var q2 -> raise (Var {p with pat_desc = Tpat_or (q1, q2, o)})
| {pat_desc = Tpat_record lbls} ->
let all_lbls = all_record_args lbls in
{p with pat_desc=Tpat_record all_lbls}
| _ -> p in
simpl_rec p
| Var p -> p
let rec simplify_cases args cls = match args with
| [] -> assert false
| (arg,_)::_ ->
let rec simplify = function
| [] -> []
| ((pat :: patl, action) as cl) :: rem ->
begin match pat.pat_desc with
| Tpat_var id ->
(omega :: patl, bind Alias id arg action) ::
simplify rem
| Tpat_any ->
cl :: simplify rem
| Tpat_alias(p, id) ->
simplify ((p :: patl, bind Alias id arg action) :: rem)
| Tpat_record [] ->
(omega :: patl, action)::
simplify rem
| Tpat_record lbls ->
let all_lbls = all_record_args lbls in
let full_pat = {pat with pat_desc=Tpat_record all_lbls} in
simplify rem
| Tpat_or _ ->
let pat_simple = simplify_or pat in
begin match pat_simple.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or _ ->
(pat_simple :: patl, action) ::
simplify rem
| _ ->
simplify ((pat_simple::patl,action) :: rem)
| _ -> cl :: simplify rem
| _ -> assert false in
simplify cls
(* Once matchings are simplified one easily finds
their nature *)
let rec what_is_cases cases = match cases with
| ({pat_desc=Tpat_any} :: _, _) :: rem -> what_is_cases rem
| (({pat_desc=(Tpat_var _|Tpat_or (_,_,_)|Tpat_alias (_,_))}::_),_)::_
-> assert false (* applies to simplified matchings only *)
| (p::_,_)::_ -> p
| [] -> omega
| _ -> assert false
(* A few operation on default environments *)
let as_matrix cases = get_mins le_pats (List.map (fun (ps,_) -> ps) cases)
let cons_default matrix raise_num default =
match matrix with
| [] -> default
| _ -> (matrix,raise_num)::default
let default_compat p def =
(fun (pss,i) r ->
let qss =
(fun qs r -> match qs with
| q::rem when Parmatch.compat p q -> rem::r
| _ -> r)
pss [] in
match qss with
| [] -> r
| _ -> (qss,i)::r)
def []
(* Or-pattern expansion, variables are a complication w.r.t. the article *)
let rec extract_vars r p = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_var id -> IdentSet.add id r
| Tpat_alias (p, id) ->
extract_vars (IdentSet.add id r) p
| Tpat_tuple pats ->
List.fold_left extract_vars r pats
| Tpat_record lpats ->
(fun r (_,p) -> extract_vars r p)
r lpats
| Tpat_construct (_,pats) ->
List.fold_left extract_vars r pats
| Tpat_array pats ->
List.fold_left extract_vars r pats
| Tpat_variant (_,Some p, _) -> extract_vars r p
| Tpat_lazy p -> extract_vars r p
| Tpat_or (p,_,_) -> extract_vars r p
| Tpat_constant _|Tpat_any|Tpat_variant (_,None,_) -> r
exception Cannot_flatten
let mk_alpha_env arg aliases ids =
(fun id -> id,
if List.mem id aliases then
match arg with
| Some v -> v
| _ -> raise Cannot_flatten
Ident.create (Ident.name id))
let rec explode_or_pat arg patl mk_action rem vars aliases = function
| {pat_desc = Tpat_or (p1,p2,_)} ->
arg patl mk_action
(explode_or_pat arg patl mk_action rem vars aliases p2)
vars aliases p1
| {pat_desc = Tpat_alias (p,id)} ->
explode_or_pat arg patl mk_action rem vars (id::aliases) p
| {pat_desc = Tpat_var x} ->
let env = mk_alpha_env arg (x::aliases) vars in
(omega::patl,mk_action (List.map snd env))::rem
| p ->
let env = mk_alpha_env arg aliases vars in
(alpha_pat env p::patl,mk_action (List.map snd env))::rem
let pm_free_variables {cases=cases} =
(fun (_,act) r -> IdentSet.union (free_variables act) r)
cases IdentSet.empty
(* Basic grouping predicates *)
let group_constant = function
| {pat_desc= Tpat_constant _} -> true
| _ -> false
and group_constructor = function
| {pat_desc = Tpat_construct (_, _)} -> true
| _ -> false
and group_variant = function
| {pat_desc = Tpat_variant (_, _, _)} -> true
| _ -> false
and group_var = function
| {pat_desc=Tpat_any} -> true
| _ -> false
and group_tuple = function
| {pat_desc = (Tpat_tuple _|Tpat_any)} -> true
| _ -> false
and group_record = function
| {pat_desc = (Tpat_record _|Tpat_any)} -> true
| _ -> false
and group_array = function
| {pat_desc=Tpat_array _} -> true
| _ -> false
and group_lazy = function
| {pat_desc = Tpat_lazy _} -> true
| _ -> false
let get_group p = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any -> group_var
| Tpat_constant _ -> group_constant
| Tpat_construct (_, _) -> group_constructor
| Tpat_tuple _ -> group_tuple
| Tpat_record _ -> group_record
| Tpat_array _ -> group_array
| Tpat_variant (_,_,_) -> group_variant
| Tpat_lazy _ -> group_lazy
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.get_group"
let is_or p = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or _ -> true
| _ -> false
(* Conditions for appending to the Or matrix *)
let conda p q = not (compat p q)
and condb act ps qs = not (is_guarded act) && Parmatch.le_pats qs ps
let or_ok p ps l =
| ({pat_desc=Tpat_or _} as q::qs,act) ->
conda p q || condb act ps qs
| _ -> true)
(* Insert or append a pattern in the Or matrix *)
let equiv_pat p q = le_pat p q && le_pat q p
let rec get_equiv p l = match l with
| (q::_,_) as cl::rem ->
if equiv_pat p q then
let others,rem = get_equiv p rem in
| _ -> [],l
let insert_or_append p ps act ors no =
let rec attempt seen = function
| (q::qs,act_q) as cl::rem ->
if is_or q then begin
if compat p q then
IdentSet.is_empty (extract_vars IdentSet.empty p) &&
IdentSet.is_empty (extract_vars IdentSet.empty q) &&
equiv_pat p q
then (* attempt insert, for equivalent orpats with no variables *)
let _, not_e = get_equiv q rem in
or_ok p ps not_e && (* check append condition for head of O *)
List.for_all (* check insert condition for tail of O *)
(fun cl -> match cl with
| (q::_,_) -> not (compat p q)
| _ -> assert false)
then (* insert *)
List.rev_append seen ((p::ps,act)::cl::rem), no
else (* fail to insert or append *)
else if condb act_q ps qs then (* check condition (b) for append *)
attempt (cl::seen) rem
else (* p # q, go on with append/insert *)
attempt (cl::seen) rem
end else (* q is not a or-pat, go on with append/insert *)
attempt (cl::seen) rem
| _ -> (* [] in fact *)
(p::ps,act)::ors,no in (* success in appending *)
attempt [] ors
(* Reconstruct default information from half_compiled pm list *)
let rec rebuild_matrix pmh = match pmh with
| Pm pm -> as_matrix pm.cases
| PmOr {or_matrix=m} -> m
| PmVar x -> add_omega_column (rebuild_matrix x.inside)
let rec rebuild_default nexts def = match nexts with
| [] -> def
| (e, pmh)::rem ->
(add_omega_column (rebuild_matrix pmh), e)::
rebuild_default rem def
let rebuild_nexts arg nexts k =
(fun (e, pm) k -> (e, PmVar {inside=pm ; var_arg=arg})::k)
nexts k
Split a matching.
Splitting is first directed by or-patterns, then by
tests (e.g. constructors)/variable transitions.
The approach is greedy, every split function attempt to
raise rows as much as possible in the top matrix,
then splitting applies again to the remaining rows.
Some precompilation of or-patterns and
variable pattern occurs. Mostly this means that bindings
are performed now, being replaced by let-bindings
in actions (cf. simplify_cases).
Additionally, if the match argument is a variable, matchings whose
first column is made of variables only are splitted further
(cf. precompile_var).
let rec split_or argo cls args def =
let cls = simplify_cases args cls in
let rec do_split before ors no = function
| [] ->
(List.rev before) (List.rev ors) (List.rev no)
| ((p::ps,act) as cl)::rem ->
if up_ok cl no then
if is_or p then
let ors, no = insert_or_append p ps act ors no in
do_split before ors no rem
else begin
if up_ok cl ors then
do_split (cl::before) ors no rem
else if or_ok p ps ors then
do_split before (cl::ors) no rem
do_split before ors (cl::no) rem
do_split before ors (cl::no) rem
| _ -> assert false
and cons_next yes yesor = function
| [] ->
precompile_or argo yes yesor args def []
| rem ->
let {me=next ; matrix=matrix ; top_default=def},nexts =
do_split [] [] [] rem in
let idef = next_raise_count () in
argo yes yesor args
(cons_default matrix idef def)
((idef,next)::nexts) in
do_split [] [] [] cls
and split_constr cls args def k =
let ex_pat = what_is_cases cls in
match ex_pat.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any -> precompile_var args cls def k
| _ ->
let group = get_group ex_pat in
let rec split_ex yes no = function
| [] ->
let yes = List.rev yes and no = List.rev no in
begin match no with
| [] ->
{me = Pm {cases=yes ; args=args ; default=def} ;
matrix = as_matrix yes ;
top_default = def},
| cl::rem ->
begin match yes with
| [] ->
(* Could not success in raising up a constr matching up *)
split_noex [cl] [] rem
| _ ->
let {me=next ; matrix=matrix ; top_default=def}, nexts =
split_noex [cl] [] rem in
let idef = next_raise_count () in
let def = cons_default matrix idef def in
{me = Pm {cases=yes ; args=args ; default=def} ;
matrix = as_matrix yes ;
top_default = def },
(idef, next)::nexts
| (p::_,_) as cl::rem ->
if group p && up_ok cl no then
split_ex (cl::yes) no rem
split_ex yes (cl::no) rem
| _ -> assert false
and split_noex yes no = function
| [] ->
let yes = List.rev yes and no = List.rev no in
begin match no with
| [] -> precompile_var args yes def k
| cl::rem ->
let {me=next ; matrix=matrix ; top_default=def}, nexts =
split_ex [cl] [] rem in
let idef = next_raise_count () in
args yes
(cons_default matrix idef def)
| [ps,_ as cl]
when List.for_all group_var ps && yes <> [] ->
(* This enables an extra division in some frequent case :
last row is made of variables only *)
split_noex yes (cl::no) []
| (p::_,_) as cl::rem ->
if not (group p) && up_ok cl no then
split_noex (cl::yes) no rem
split_noex yes (cl::no) rem
| _ -> assert false in
match cls with
| ((p::_,_) as cl)::rem ->
if group p then split_ex [cl] [] rem
else split_noex [cl] [] rem
| _ -> assert false
and precompile_var args cls def k = match args with
| [] -> assert false
| _::((Lvar v as av,_) as arg)::rargs ->
begin match cls with
| [ps,_] -> (* as splitted as it can *)
dont_precompile_var args cls def k
| _ ->
(* Precompile *)
let var_cls =
(fun (ps,act) -> match ps with
| _::ps -> ps,act | _ -> assert false)
and var_def = make_default (fun _ rem -> rem) def in
let {me=first ; matrix=matrix}, nexts =
split_or (Some v) var_cls (arg::rargs) var_def in
(* Compute top information *)
match nexts with
| [] -> (* If you need *)
dont_precompile_var args cls def k
| _ ->
let rfirst =
{me = PmVar {inside=first ; var_arg = av} ;
matrix = add_omega_column matrix ;
top_default = rebuild_default nexts def ; }
and rnexts = rebuild_nexts av nexts k in
rfirst, rnexts
| _ ->
dont_precompile_var args cls def k
and dont_precompile_var args cls def k =
{me = Pm {cases = cls ; args = args ; default = def } ;
matrix=as_matrix cls ;
and precompile_or argo cls ors args def k = match ors with
| [] -> split_constr cls args def k
| _ ->
let rec do_cases = function
| ({pat_desc=Tpat_or _} as orp::patl, action)::rem ->
let others,rem = get_equiv orp rem in
let orpm =
{cases =
(patl, action)::
| (_::ps,action) -> ps,action
| _ -> assert false)
others ;
args = (match args with _::r -> r | _ -> assert false) ;
default = default_compat orp def} in
let vars =
(extract_vars IdentSet.empty orp)
(pm_free_variables orpm)) in
let or_num = next_raise_count () in
let new_patl = Parmatch.omega_list patl in
let mk_new_action vs =
(or_num, List.map (fun v -> Lvar v) vs) in
let body,handlers = do_cases rem in
argo new_patl mk_new_action body vars [] orp,
(([[orp]], or_num, vars , orpm):: handlers)
| cl::rem ->
let new_ord,new_to_catch = do_cases rem in
| [] -> [],[] in
let end_body, handlers = do_cases ors in
let matrix = as_matrix (cls@ors)
and body = {cases=cls@end_body ; args=args ; default=def} in
{me = PmOr {body=body ; handlers=handlers ; or_matrix=matrix} ;
matrix=matrix ;
let split_precompile argo pm =
let {me=next}, nexts = split_or argo pm.cases pm.args pm.default in
if nexts <> [] || (match next with PmOr _ -> true | _ -> false) then begin
prerr_endline "** SPLIT **" ;
pretty_pm pm ;
pretty_precompiled_res next nexts
end ;
next, nexts
(* General divide functions *)
let add_line patl_action pm = pm.cases <- patl_action :: pm.cases; pm
type cell =
{pm : pattern_matching ;
ctx : ctx list ;
pat : pattern}
let add make_matching_fun division key patl_action args =
let cell = List.assoc key division in
cell.pm.cases <- patl_action :: cell.pm.cases;
with Not_found ->
let cell = make_matching_fun args in
cell.pm.cases <- [patl_action] ;
(key, cell) :: division
let divide make get_key get_args ctx pm =
let rec divide_rec = function
| (p::patl,action) :: rem ->
let this_match = divide_rec rem in
(make p pm.default ctx)
this_match (get_key p) (get_args p patl,action) pm.args
| _ -> [] in
divide_rec pm.cases
let divide_line make_ctx make get_args pat ctx pm =
let rec divide_rec = function
| (p::patl,action) :: rem ->
let this_match = divide_rec rem in
add_line (get_args p patl, action) this_match
| _ -> make pm.default pm.args in
{pm = divide_rec pm.cases ;
ctx=make_ctx ctx ;
(* Then come various functions,
There is one set of functions per matching style
(constants, constructors etc.)
- matcher function are arguments to make_default (for defaukt handlers)
They may raise NoMatch or OrPat and perform the full
matching (selection + arguments).
- get_args and get_key are for the compiled matrices, note that
selection and geting arguments are separed.
- make_ _matching combines the previous functions for produicing
new ``pattern_matching'' records.
let rec matcher_const cst p rem = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
begin try
matcher_const cst p1 rem with
| NoMatch -> matcher_const cst p2 rem
| Tpat_constant c1 when c1=cst -> rem
| Tpat_any -> rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch
let get_key_constant caller = function
| {pat_desc= Tpat_constant cst} -> cst
| p ->
prerr_endline ("BAD: "^caller) ;
pretty_pat p ;
assert false
let get_args_constant _ rem = rem
let make_constant_matching p def ctx = function
[] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_constant_matching"
| (_ :: argl) ->
let def =
(matcher_const (get_key_constant "make" p)) def
and ctx =
filter_ctx p ctx in
{pm = {cases = []; args = argl ; default = def} ;
ctx = ctx ;
pat = normalize_pat p}
let divide_constant ctx m =
make_constant_matching (get_key_constant "divide")
ctx m
(* Matching against a constructor *)
let make_field_args binding_kind arg first_pos last_pos argl =
let rec make_args pos =
if pos > last_pos
then argl
else (Lprim(Pfield pos, [arg]), binding_kind) :: make_args (pos + 1)
in make_args first_pos
let get_key_constr = function
| {pat_desc=Tpat_construct (cstr,_)} -> cstr.cstr_tag
| _ -> assert false
let get_args_constr p rem = match p with
| {pat_desc=Tpat_construct (_,args)} -> args @ rem
| _ -> assert false
let pat_as_constr = function
| {pat_desc=Tpat_construct (cstr,_)} -> cstr
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.pat_as_constr"
let matcher_constr cstr = match cstr.cstr_arity with
| 0 ->
let rec matcher_rec q rem = match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
matcher_rec p1 rem
| NoMatch -> matcher_rec p2 rem
| Tpat_construct (cstr1, []) when cstr.cstr_tag = cstr1.cstr_tag ->
| Tpat_any -> rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch in
| 1 ->
let rec matcher_rec q rem = match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
let r1 = try Some (matcher_rec p1 rem) with NoMatch -> None
and r2 = try Some (matcher_rec p2 rem) with NoMatch -> None in
begin match r1,r2 with
| None, None -> raise NoMatch
| Some r1, None -> r1
| None, Some r2 -> r2
| Some (a1::rem1), Some (a2::_) ->
{a1 with
pat_loc = Location.none ;
pat_desc = Tpat_or (a1, a2, None)}::
| _, _ -> assert false
| Tpat_construct (cstr1, [arg]) when cstr.cstr_tag = cstr1.cstr_tag ->
| Tpat_any -> omega::rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch in
| _ ->
fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
| Tpat_construct (cstr1, args)
when cstr.cstr_tag = cstr1.cstr_tag -> args @ rem
| Tpat_any -> Parmatch.omegas cstr.cstr_arity @ rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch
let make_constr_matching p def ctx = function
[] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_constr_matching"
| ((arg, mut) :: argl) ->
let cstr = pat_as_constr p in
let newargs =
match cstr.cstr_tag with
Cstr_constant _ | Cstr_block _ ->
make_field_args Alias arg 0 (cstr.cstr_arity - 1) argl
| Cstr_exception _ ->
make_field_args Alias arg 1 cstr.cstr_arity argl in
{cases = []; args = newargs;
default = make_default (matcher_constr cstr) def} ;
ctx = filter_ctx p ctx ;
pat=normalize_pat p}
let divide_constructor ctx pm =
get_key_constr get_args_constr
ctx pm
(* Matching against a variant *)
let rec matcher_variant_const lab p rem = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (p1, p2, _) ->
matcher_variant_const lab p1 rem
| NoMatch -> matcher_variant_const lab p2 rem
| Tpat_variant (lab1,_,_) when lab1=lab -> rem
| Tpat_any -> rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch
let make_variant_matching_constant p lab def ctx = function
[] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_variant_matching_constant"
| ((arg, mut) :: argl) ->
let def = make_default (matcher_variant_const lab) def
and ctx = filter_ctx p ctx in
{pm={ cases = []; args = argl ; default=def} ;
ctx=ctx ;
pat = normalize_pat p}
let matcher_variant_nonconst lab p rem = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
| Tpat_variant (lab1,Some arg,_) when lab1=lab -> arg::rem
| Tpat_any -> omega::rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch
let make_variant_matching_nonconst p lab def ctx = function
[] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_variant_matching_nonconst"
| ((arg, mut) :: argl) ->
let def = make_default (matcher_variant_nonconst lab) def
and ctx = filter_ctx p ctx in
{cases = []; args = (Lprim(Pfield 1, [arg]), Alias) :: argl;
default=def} ;
ctx=ctx ;
pat = normalize_pat p}
let get_key_variant p = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_variant(lab, Some _ , _) -> Cstr_block (Btype.hash_variant lab)
| Tpat_variant(lab, None , _) -> Cstr_constant (Btype.hash_variant lab)
| _ -> assert false
let divide_variant row ctx {cases = cl; args = al; default=def} =
let row = Btype.row_repr row in
let rec divide = function
({pat_desc = Tpat_variant(lab, pato, _)} as p:: patl, action) :: rem ->
let variants = divide rem in
if try Btype.row_field_repr (List.assoc lab row.row_fields) = Rabsent
with Not_found -> true
else begin
let tag = Btype.hash_variant lab in
match pato with
None ->
add (make_variant_matching_constant p lab def ctx) variants
(Cstr_constant tag) (patl, action) al
| Some pat ->
add (make_variant_matching_nonconst p lab def ctx) variants
(Cstr_block tag) (pat :: patl, action) al
| cl -> []
divide cl
Three ``no-test'' cases
(* Matching against a variable *)
let get_args_var _ rem = rem
let make_var_matching def = function
| [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_var_matching"
| _::argl ->
{cases=[] ;
args = argl ;
default= make_default get_args_var def}
let divide_var ctx pm =
divide_line ctx_lshift make_var_matching get_args_var omega ctx pm
(* Matching and forcing a lazy value *)
let get_arg_lazy p rem = match p with
| {pat_desc = Tpat_any} -> omega :: rem
| {pat_desc = Tpat_lazy arg} -> arg :: rem
| _ -> assert false
let matcher_lazy p rem = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
| Tpat_var _ -> get_arg_lazy omega rem
| _ -> get_arg_lazy p rem
(* Inlining the tag tests before calling the primitive that works on
lazy blocks. This is alse used in translcore.ml.
No call other than Obj.tag when the value has been forced before.
let prim_obj_tag =
{prim_name = "caml_obj_tag";
prim_arity = 1; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = "";
prim_native_float = false}
let get_mod_field modname field =
lazy (
let mod_ident = Ident.create_persistent modname in
let env = Env.open_pers_signature modname Env.initial in
let p = try
match Env.lookup_value (Longident.Lident field) env with
| (Path.Pdot(_,_,i), _) -> i
| _ -> fatal_error ("Primitive "^modname^"."^field^" not found.")
with Not_found -> fatal_error ("Primitive "^modname^"."^field^" not found.")
Lprim(Pfield p, [Lprim(Pgetglobal mod_ident, [])])
with Not_found -> fatal_error ("Module "^modname^" unavailable.")
let code_force_lazy_block =
get_mod_field "CamlinternalLazy" "force_lazy_block"
(* inline_lazy_force inlines the beginning of the code of Lazy.force. When
the value argument is tagged as:
- forward, take field 0
- lazy, call the primitive that forces (without testing again the tag)
- anything else, return it
Using Lswitch below relies on the fact that the GC does not shortcut
let inline_lazy_force_cond arg loc =
let idarg = Ident.create "lzarg" in
let varg = Lvar idarg in
let tag = Ident.create "tag" in
let force_fun = Lazy.force code_force_lazy_block in
Llet(Strict, idarg, arg,
Llet(Alias, tag, Lprim(Pccall prim_obj_tag, [varg]),
(* if (tag == Obj.forward_tag) then varg.(0) else ... *)
Lprim(Pintcomp Ceq,
[Lvar tag; Lconst(Const_base(Const_int Obj.forward_tag))]),
Lprim(Pfield 0, [varg]),
(* ... if (tag == Obj.lazy_tag) then Lazy.force varg else ... *)
Lprim(Pintcomp Ceq,
[Lvar tag; Lconst(Const_base(Const_int Obj.lazy_tag))]),
Lapply(force_fun, [varg], loc),
(* ... arg *)
let inline_lazy_force_switch arg loc =
let idarg = Ident.create "lzarg" in
let varg = Lvar idarg in
let force_fun = Lazy.force code_force_lazy_block in
Llet(Strict, idarg, arg,
Lprim(Pisint, [varg]), varg,
{ sw_numconsts = 0; sw_consts = [];
sw_numblocks = (max Obj.lazy_tag Obj.forward_tag) + 1;
sw_blocks =
[ (Obj.forward_tag, Lprim(Pfield 0, [varg]));
Lapply(force_fun, [varg], loc)) ];
sw_failaction = Some varg } ))))
let inline_lazy_force =
if !Clflags.native_code then
(* Lswitch generates compact and efficient native code *)
(* generating bytecode: Lswitch would generate too many rather big
tables (~ 250 elts); conditionals are better *)
let make_lazy_matching def = function
[] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_lazy_matching"
| (arg,mut) :: argl ->
{ cases = [];
args =
(inline_lazy_force arg Location.none, Strict) :: argl;
default = make_default matcher_lazy def }
let divide_lazy p ctx pm =
(filter_ctx p)
p ctx pm
(* Matching against a tuple pattern *)
let get_args_tuple arity p rem = match p with
| {pat_desc = Tpat_any} -> omegas arity @ rem
| {pat_desc = Tpat_tuple args} ->
args @ rem
| _ -> assert false
let matcher_tuple arity p rem = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
| Tpat_var _ -> get_args_tuple arity omega rem
| _ -> get_args_tuple arity p rem
let make_tuple_matching arity def = function
[] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_tuple_matching"
| (arg, mut) :: argl ->
let rec make_args pos =
if pos >= arity
then argl
else (Lprim(Pfield pos, [arg]), Alias) :: make_args (pos + 1) in
{cases = []; args = make_args 0 ;
default=make_default (matcher_tuple arity) def}
let divide_tuple arity p ctx pm =
(filter_ctx p)
(make_tuple_matching arity)
(get_args_tuple arity) p ctx pm
(* Matching against a record pattern *)
let record_matching_line num_fields lbl_pat_list =
let patv = Array.create num_fields omega in
List.iter (fun (lbl, pat) -> patv.(lbl.lbl_pos) <- pat) lbl_pat_list;
Array.to_list patv
let get_args_record num_fields p rem = match p with
| {pat_desc=Tpat_any} ->
record_matching_line num_fields [] @ rem
| {pat_desc=Tpat_record lbl_pat_list} ->
record_matching_line num_fields lbl_pat_list @ rem
| _ -> assert false
let matcher_record num_fields p rem = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
| Tpat_var _ -> get_args_record num_fields omega rem
| _ -> get_args_record num_fields p rem
let make_record_matching all_labels def = function
[] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_record_matching"
| ((arg, mut) :: argl) ->
let rec make_args pos =
if pos >= Array.length all_labels then argl else begin
let lbl = all_labels.(pos) in
let access =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
Record_regular -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
| Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
let str =
match lbl.lbl_mut with
Immutable -> Alias
| Mutable -> StrictOpt in
(Lprim(access, [arg]), str) :: make_args(pos + 1)
end in
let nfields = Array.length all_labels in
let def= make_default (matcher_record nfields) def in
{cases = []; args = make_args 0 ; default = def}
let divide_record all_labels p ctx pm =
let get_args = get_args_record (Array.length all_labels) in
(filter_ctx p)
(make_record_matching all_labels)
p ctx pm
(* Matching against an array pattern *)
let get_key_array = function
| {pat_desc=Tpat_array patl} -> List.length patl
| _ -> assert false
let get_args_array p rem = match p with
| {pat_desc=Tpat_array patl} -> patl@rem
| _ -> assert false
let matcher_array len p rem = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
| Tpat_array args when List.length args=len -> args @ rem
| Tpat_any -> Parmatch.omegas len @ rem
| _ -> raise NoMatch
let make_array_matching kind p def ctx = function
| [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_array_matching"
| ((arg, mut) :: argl) ->
let len = get_key_array p in
let rec make_args pos =
if pos >= len
then argl
else (Lprim(Parrayrefu kind, [arg; Lconst(Const_base(Const_int pos))]),
StrictOpt) :: make_args (pos + 1) in
let def = make_default (matcher_array len) def
and ctx = filter_ctx p ctx in
{pm={cases = []; args = make_args 0 ; default = def} ;
ctx=ctx ;
pat = normalize_pat p}
let divide_array kind ctx pm =
(make_array_matching kind)
get_key_array get_args_array ctx pm
(* To combine sub-matchings together *)
let float_compare s1 s2 =
let f1 = float_of_string s1 and f2 = float_of_string s2 in
Pervasives.compare f1 f2
let sort_lambda_list l =
(fun (x,_) (y,_) -> match x,y with
| Const_float f1, Const_float f2 -> float_compare f1 f2
| _, _ -> Pervasives.compare x y)
let rec cut n l =
if n = 0 then [],l
else match l with
[] -> raise (Invalid_argument "cut")
| a::l -> let l1,l2 = cut (n-1) l in a::l1, l2
let rec do_tests_fail fail tst arg = function
| [] -> fail
| (c, act)::rem ->
(Lprim (tst, [arg ; Lconst (Const_base c)]),
do_tests_fail fail tst arg rem,
let rec do_tests_nofail tst arg = function
| [] -> fatal_error "Matching.do_tests_nofail"
| [_,act] -> act
| (c,act)::rem ->
(Lprim (tst, [arg ; Lconst (Const_base c)]),
do_tests_nofail tst arg rem,
let make_test_sequence fail tst lt_tst arg const_lambda_list =
let rec make_test_sequence const_lambda_list =
if List.length const_lambda_list >= 4 && lt_tst <> Praise then
split_sequence const_lambda_list
else match fail with
| None -> do_tests_nofail tst arg const_lambda_list
| Some fail -> do_tests_fail fail tst arg const_lambda_list
and split_sequence const_lambda_list =
let list1, list2 =
cut (List.length const_lambda_list / 2) const_lambda_list in
Lifthenelse(Lprim(lt_tst,[arg; Lconst(Const_base (fst(List.hd list2)))]),
make_test_sequence list1, make_test_sequence list2)
in make_test_sequence (sort_lambda_list const_lambda_list)
let make_offset x arg = if x=0 then arg else Lprim(Poffsetint(x), [arg])
let prim_string_notequal =
Pccall{prim_name = "caml_string_notequal";
prim_arity = 2; prim_alloc = false;
prim_native_name = ""; prim_native_float = false}
let rec explode_inter offset i j act k =
if i <= j then
explode_inter offset i (j-1) act ((j-offset,act)::k)
let max_vals cases acts =
let vals = Array.create (Array.length acts) 0 in
for i=Array.length cases-1 downto 0 do
let l,h,act = cases.(i) in
vals.(act) <- h - l + 1 + vals.(act)
done ;
let max = ref 0 in
for i = Array.length vals-1 downto 0 do
if vals.(i) >= vals.(!max) then
max := i
done ;
if vals.(!max) > 1 then
let as_int_list cases acts =
let default = max_vals cases acts in
let min_key,_,_ = cases.(0)
and _,max_key,_ = cases.(Array.length cases-1) in
let rec do_rec i k =
if i >= 0 then
let low, high, act = cases.(i) in
if act = default then
do_rec (i-1) k
do_rec (i-1) (explode_inter min_key low high acts.(act) k)
k in
min_key, max_key,do_rec (Array.length cases-1) [],
(if default >= 0 then Some acts.(default) else None)
let make_switch_offset arg min_key max_key int_lambda_list default =
let numcases = max_key - min_key + 1 in
let cases =
List.map (fun (key, l) -> (key - min_key, l)) int_lambda_list in
let offsetarg = make_offset (-min_key) arg in
{sw_numconsts = numcases; sw_consts = cases;
sw_numblocks = 0; sw_blocks = [];
sw_failaction = default})
let make_switch_switcher arg cases acts =
let l = ref [] in
for i = Array.length cases-1 downto 0 do
l := (i,acts.(cases.(i))) :: !l
done ;
{sw_numconsts = Array.length cases ; sw_consts = !l ;
sw_numblocks = 0 ; sw_blocks = [] ;
sw_failaction = None})
let full sw =
List.length sw.sw_consts = sw.sw_numconsts &&
List.length sw.sw_blocks = sw.sw_numblocks
let make_switch (arg,sw) = match sw.sw_failaction with
| None ->
let t = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let seen l = match l with
| Lstaticraise (i,[]) ->
let old = try Hashtbl.find t i with Not_found -> 0 in
Hashtbl.replace t i (old+1)
| _ -> () in
List.iter (fun (_,lam) -> seen lam) sw.sw_consts ;
List.iter (fun (_,lam) -> seen lam) sw.sw_blocks ;
let i_max = ref (-1)
and max = ref (-1) in
(fun i c ->
if c > !max then begin
i_max := i ;
max := c
end) t ;
if !i_max >= 0 then
let default = !i_max in
let rec remove = function
| [] -> []
| (_,Lstaticraise (j,[]))::rem when j=default ->
remove rem
| x::rem -> x::remove rem in
{sw with
sw_consts = remove sw.sw_consts ;
sw_blocks = remove sw.sw_blocks ;
sw_failaction = Some (Lstaticraise (default,[]))})
Lswitch (arg,sw)
| _ -> Lswitch (arg,sw)
module SArg = struct
type primitive = Lambda.primitive
let eqint = Pintcomp Ceq
let neint = Pintcomp Cneq
let leint = Pintcomp Cle
let ltint = Pintcomp Clt
let geint = Pintcomp Cge
let gtint = Pintcomp Cgt
type act = Lambda.lambda
let make_prim p args = Lprim (p,args)
let make_offset arg n = match n with
| 0 -> arg
| _ -> Lprim (Poffsetint n,[arg])
let bind arg body =
let newvar,newarg = match arg with
| Lvar v -> v,arg
| _ ->
let newvar = Ident.create "switcher" in
newvar,Lvar newvar in
bind Alias newvar arg (body newarg)
let make_isout h arg = Lprim (Pisout, [h ; arg])
let make_isin h arg = Lprim (Pnot,[make_isout h arg])
let make_if cond ifso ifnot = Lifthenelse (cond, ifso, ifnot)
let make_switch = make_switch_switcher
module Switcher = Switch.Make(SArg)
open Switch
let lambda_of_int i = Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i))
let rec last def = function
| [] -> def
| [x,_] -> x
| _::rem -> last def rem
let get_edges low high l = match l with
| [] -> low, high
| (x,_)::_ -> x, last high l
let as_interval_canfail fail low high l =
let store = mk_store equal_action in
let rec nofail_rec cur_low cur_high cur_act = function
| [] ->
if cur_high = high then
[(cur_low,cur_high,cur_act) ; (cur_high+1,high, 0)]
| ((i,act_i)::rem) as all ->
let act_index = store.act_store act_i in
if cur_high+1= i then
if act_index=cur_act then
nofail_rec cur_low i cur_act rem
else if act_index=0 then
(cur_low,i-1, cur_act)::fail_rec i i rem
(cur_low, i-1, cur_act)::nofail_rec i i act_index rem
(cur_low, cur_high, cur_act)::
fail_rec ((cur_high+1)) (cur_high+1) all
and fail_rec cur_low cur_high = function
| [] -> [(cur_low, cur_high, 0)]
| (i,act_i)::rem ->
let index = store.act_store act_i in
if index=0 then fail_rec cur_low i rem
nofail_rec i i index rem in
let rec init_rec = function
| [] -> []
| (i,act_i)::rem ->
let index = store.act_store act_i in
if index=0 then
fail_rec low i rem
if low < i then
(low,i-1,0)::nofail_rec i i index rem
nofail_rec i i index rem in
ignore (store.act_store fail) ; (* fail has action index 0 *)
let r = init_rec l in
Array.of_list r, store.act_get ()
let as_interval_nofail l =
let store = mk_store equal_action in
let rec i_rec cur_low cur_high cur_act = function
| [] ->
[cur_low, cur_high, cur_act]
| (i,act)::rem ->
let act_index = store.act_store act in
if act_index = cur_act then
i_rec cur_low i cur_act rem
(cur_low, cur_high, cur_act)::
i_rec i i act_index rem in
let inters = match l with
| (i,act)::rem ->
let act_index = store.act_store act in
i_rec i i act_index rem
| _ -> assert false in
Array.of_list inters, store.act_get ()
let sort_int_lambda_list l =
(fun (i1,_) (i2,_) ->
if i1 < i2 then -1
else if i2 < i1 then 1
else 0)
let as_interval fail low high l =
let l = sort_int_lambda_list l in
get_edges low high l,
(match fail with
| None -> as_interval_nofail l
| Some act -> as_interval_canfail act low high l)
let call_switcher konst fail arg low high int_lambda_list =
let edges, (cases, actions) =
as_interval fail low high int_lambda_list in
Switcher.zyva edges konst arg cases actions
let exists_ctx ok ctx =
| {right=p::_} -> ok p
| _ -> assert false)
let rec list_as_pat = function
| [] -> fatal_error "Matching.list_as_pat"
| [pat] -> pat
| pat::rem ->
{pat with pat_desc = Tpat_or (pat,list_as_pat rem,None)}
let rec pat_as_list k = function
| {pat_desc=Tpat_or (p1,p2,_)} ->
pat_as_list (pat_as_list k p2) p1
| p -> p::k
(* Extracting interesting patterns *)
exception All
let rec extract_pat seen k p = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
let k1,seen1 = extract_pat seen k p1 in
extract_pat seen1 k1 p2
| Tpat_alias (p,_) ->
extract_pat seen k p
| Tpat_var _|Tpat_any ->
raise All
| _ ->
let q = normalize_pat p in
if List.exists (compat q) seen then
k, seen
q::k, q::seen
let extract_mat seen pss =
let r,_ =
(fun (k,seen) ps -> match ps with
| p::_ -> extract_pat seen k p
| _ -> assert false)
pss in
let complete_pats_constrs = function
| p::_ as pats ->
(pat_of_constr p)
(complete_constrs p (List.map get_key_constr pats))
| _ -> assert false
let mk_res get_key env last_choice idef cant_fail ctx =
let env,fail,jumps_fail = match last_choice with
| [] ->
env, None, jumps_empty
| [p] when group_var p ->
Some (Lstaticraise (idef,[])),
jumps_singleton idef ctx
| _ ->
None, jumps_empty in
let klist,jumps =
(fun (i,cant_fail,pats) (klist,jumps) ->
let act = Lstaticraise (i,[])
and pat = list_as_pat pats in
let klist =
(fun pat klist -> (get_key pat,act)::klist)
pats klist
and ctx = if cant_fail then ctx else ctx_lub pat ctx in
klist,jumps_add i ctx jumps)
env ([],jumps_fail) in
fail, klist, jumps
Following two ``failaction'' function compute n, the trap handler
to jump to in case of failure of elementary tests
let mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def = match partial with
| Partial ->
begin match def with
| (_,idef)::_ ->
Some (Lstaticraise (idef,[])),[],jumps_singleton idef ctx
| _ ->
(* Act as Total, this means
If no appropriate default matrix exists,
then this switch cannot fail *)
None, [], jumps_empty
| Total ->
None, [], jumps_empty
(* Conforme a l'article et plus simple qu'avant *)
and mk_failaction_pos partial seen ctx defs =
let rec scan_def env to_test defs = match to_test,defs with
| ([],_)|(_,[]) ->
(fun (klist,jumps) (pats,i)->
let action = Lstaticraise (i,[]) in
let klist =
(fun pat r -> (get_key_constr pat,action)::r)
pats klist
and jumps =
jumps_add i (ctx_lub (list_as_pat pats) ctx) jumps in
([],jumps_empty) env
| _,(pss,idef)::rem ->
let now, later =
(fun (p,p_ctx) -> ctx_match p_ctx pss) to_test in
match now with
| [] -> scan_def env to_test rem
| _ -> scan_def ((List.map fst now,idef)::env) later rem in
(fun pat -> pat, ctx_lub pat ctx)
(complete_pats_constrs seen))
let combine_constant arg cst partial ctx def
(const_lambda_list, total, pats) =
let fail, to_add, local_jumps =
mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def in
let const_lambda_list = to_add@const_lambda_list in
let lambda1 =
match cst with
| Const_int _ ->
let int_lambda_list =
List.map (function Const_int n, l -> n,l | _ -> assert false)
const_lambda_list in
lambda_of_int fail arg min_int max_int int_lambda_list
| Const_char _ ->
let int_lambda_list =
List.map (function Const_char c, l -> (Char.code c, l)
| _ -> assert false)
const_lambda_list in
(fun i -> Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i)))
fail arg 0 255 int_lambda_list
| Const_string _ ->
fail prim_string_notequal Praise arg const_lambda_list
| Const_float _ ->
(Pfloatcomp Cneq) (Pfloatcomp Clt)
arg const_lambda_list
| Const_int32 _ ->
(Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cneq)) (Pbintcomp(Pint32, Clt))
arg const_lambda_list
| Const_int64 _ ->
(Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cneq)) (Pbintcomp(Pint64, Clt))
arg const_lambda_list
| Const_nativeint _ ->
(Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cneq)) (Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Clt))
arg const_lambda_list
in lambda1,jumps_union local_jumps total
let split_cases tag_lambda_list =
let rec split_rec = function
[] -> ([], [])
| (cstr, act) :: rem ->
let (consts, nonconsts) = split_rec rem in
match cstr with
Cstr_constant n -> ((n, act) :: consts, nonconsts)
| Cstr_block n -> (consts, (n, act) :: nonconsts)
| _ -> assert false in
let const, nonconst = split_rec tag_lambda_list in
sort_int_lambda_list const,
sort_int_lambda_list nonconst
let combine_constructor arg ex_pat cstr partial ctx def
(tag_lambda_list, total1, pats) =
if cstr.cstr_consts < 0 then begin
(* Special cases for exceptions *)
let fail, to_add, local_jumps =
mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def in
let tag_lambda_list = to_add@tag_lambda_list in
let lambda1 =
let default, tests =
match fail with
| None ->
begin match tag_lambda_list with
| (_, act)::rem -> act,rem
| _ -> assert false
| Some fail -> fail, tag_lambda_list in
(fun (ex, act) rem ->
match ex with
| Cstr_exception path ->
Lifthenelse(Lprim(Pintcomp Ceq,
[Lprim(Pfield 0, [arg]); transl_path path]),
act, rem)
| _ -> assert false)
tests default in
lambda1, jumps_union local_jumps total1
end else begin
(* Regular concrete type *)
let ncases = List.length tag_lambda_list
and nconstrs = cstr.cstr_consts + cstr.cstr_nonconsts in
let sig_complete = ncases = nconstrs in
let fails,local_jumps =
if sig_complete then [],jumps_empty
mk_failaction_pos partial pats ctx def in
let tag_lambda_list = fails @ tag_lambda_list in
let (consts, nonconsts) = split_cases tag_lambda_list in
let lambda1 =
match same_actions tag_lambda_list with
| Some act -> act
| _ ->
(cstr.cstr_consts, cstr.cstr_nonconsts, consts, nonconsts)
| (1, 1, [0, act1], [0, act2]) ->
Lifthenelse(arg, act2, act1)
| (n,_,_,[]) ->
(fun i -> Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i)))
None arg 0 (n-1) consts
| (n, _, _, _) ->
match same_actions nonconsts with
| None ->
make_switch(arg, {sw_numconsts = cstr.cstr_consts;
sw_consts = consts;
sw_numblocks = cstr.cstr_nonconsts;
sw_blocks = nonconsts;
sw_failaction = None})
| Some act ->
(Lprim (Pisint, [arg]),
(fun i -> Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i)))
None arg
0 (n-1) consts,
act) in
lambda1, jumps_union local_jumps total1
let make_test_sequence_variant_constant fail arg int_lambda_list =
let _, (cases, actions) =
as_interval fail min_int max_int int_lambda_list in
(fun i -> Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i))) arg cases actions
let call_switcher_variant_constant fail arg int_lambda_list =
(fun i -> Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i)))
fail arg min_int max_int int_lambda_list
let call_switcher_variant_constr fail arg int_lambda_list =
let v = Ident.create "variant" in
Llet(Alias, v, Lprim(Pfield 0, [arg]),
(fun i -> Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i)))
fail (Lvar v) min_int max_int int_lambda_list)
let combine_variant row arg partial ctx def (tag_lambda_list, total1, pats) =
let row = Btype.row_repr row in
let num_constr = ref 0 in
if row.row_closed then
(fun (_, f) ->
match Btype.row_field_repr f with
Rabsent | Reither(true, _::_, _, _) -> ()
| _ -> incr num_constr)
num_constr := max_int;
let test_int_or_block arg if_int if_block =
Lifthenelse(Lprim (Pisint, [arg]), if_int, if_block) in
let sig_complete = List.length tag_lambda_list = !num_constr
and one_action = same_actions tag_lambda_list in
let fail, to_add, local_jumps =
sig_complete || (match partial with Total -> true | _ -> false)
None, [], jumps_empty
mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def in
let tag_lambda_list = to_add@tag_lambda_list in
let (consts, nonconsts) = split_cases tag_lambda_list in
let lambda1 = match fail, one_action with
| None, Some act -> act
| _,_ ->
match (consts, nonconsts) with
| ([n, act1], [m, act2]) when fail=None ->
test_int_or_block arg act1 act2
| (_, []) -> (* One can compare integers and pointers *)
make_test_sequence_variant_constant fail arg consts
| ([], _) ->
let lam = call_switcher_variant_constr
fail arg nonconsts in
(* One must not dereference integers *)
begin match fail with
| None -> lam
| Some fail -> test_int_or_block arg fail lam
| (_, _) ->
let lam_const =
fail arg consts
and lam_nonconst =
fail arg nonconsts in
test_int_or_block arg lam_const lam_nonconst
lambda1, jumps_union local_jumps total1
let combine_array arg kind partial ctx def
(len_lambda_list, total1, pats) =
let fail, to_add, local_jumps = mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def in
let len_lambda_list = to_add @ len_lambda_list in
let lambda1 =
let newvar = Ident.create "len" in
let switch =
fail (Lvar newvar)
0 max_int len_lambda_list in
Alias newvar (Lprim(Parraylength kind, [arg])) switch in
lambda1, jumps_union local_jumps total1
(* Insertion of debugging events *)
let rec event_branch repr lam =
begin match lam, repr with
(_, None) ->
| (Levent(lam', ev), Some r) ->
incr r;
Levent(lam', {lev_loc = ev.lev_loc;
lev_kind = ev.lev_kind;
lev_repr = repr;
lev_env = ev.lev_env})
| (Llet(str, id, lam, body), _) ->
Llet(str, id, lam, event_branch repr body)
| Lstaticraise _,_ -> lam
| (_, Some r) ->
Printlambda.lambda Format.str_formatter lam ;
("Matching.event_branch: "^Format.flush_str_formatter ())
This exception is raised when the compiler cannot produce code
because control cannot reach the compiled clause,
Unused is raised initialy in compile_test.
compile_list (for compiling switch results) catch Unused
comp_match_handlers (for compililing splitted matches)
may reraise Unused
exception Unused
let compile_list compile_fun division =
let rec c_rec totals = function
| [] -> [], jumps_unions totals, []
| (key, cell) :: rem ->
begin match cell.ctx with
| [] -> c_rec totals rem
| _ ->
let (lambda1, total1) = compile_fun cell.ctx cell.pm in
let c_rem, total, new_pats =
(jumps_map ctx_combine total1::totals) rem in
((key,lambda1)::c_rem), total, (cell.pat::new_pats)
| Unused -> c_rec totals rem
end in
c_rec [] division
let compile_orhandlers compile_fun lambda1 total1 ctx to_catch =
let rec do_rec r total_r = function
| [] -> r,total_r
| (mat,i,vars,pm)::rem ->
begin try
let ctx = select_columns mat ctx in
let handler_i, total_i = compile_fun ctx pm in
match raw_action r with
| Lstaticraise (j,args) ->
if i=j then
List.fold_right2 (bind Alias) vars args handler_i,
jumps_map (ctx_rshift_num (ncols mat)) total_i
do_rec r total_r rem
| _ ->
(Lstaticcatch (r,(i,vars), handler_i))
(jumps_remove i total_r)
(jumps_map (ctx_rshift_num (ncols mat)) total_i))
| Unused ->
do_rec (Lstaticcatch (r, (i,vars), lambda_unit)) total_r rem
end in
do_rec lambda1 total1 to_catch
let compile_test compile_fun partial divide combine ctx to_match =
let division = divide ctx to_match in
let c_div = compile_list compile_fun division in
match c_div with
| [],_,_ ->
begin match mk_failaction_neg partial ctx to_match.default with
| None,_,_ -> raise Unused
| Some l,_,total -> l,total
| _ ->
combine ctx to_match.default c_div
(* Attempt to avoid some useless bindings by lowering them *)
(* Approximation of v present in lam *)
let rec approx_present v = function
| Lconst _ -> false
| Lstaticraise (_,args) ->
List.exists (fun lam -> approx_present v lam) args
| Lprim (_,args) ->
List.exists (fun lam -> approx_present v lam) args
| Llet (Alias, _, l1, l2) ->
approx_present v l1 || approx_present v l2
| Lvar vv -> Ident.same v vv
| _ -> true
let string_of_lam lam =
Printlambda.lambda Format.str_formatter lam ;
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
let rec lower_bind v arg lam = match lam with
| Lifthenelse (cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
let pcond = approx_present v cond
and pso = approx_present v ifso
and pnot = approx_present v ifnot in
begin match pcond, pso, pnot with
| false, false, false -> lam
| false, true, false ->
Lifthenelse (cond, lower_bind v arg ifso, ifnot)
| false, false, true ->
Lifthenelse (cond, ifso, lower_bind v arg ifnot)
| _,_,_ -> bind Alias v arg lam
| Lswitch (ls,({sw_consts=[i,act] ; sw_blocks = []} as sw))
when not (approx_present v ls) ->
Lswitch (ls, {sw with sw_consts = [i,lower_bind v arg act]})
| Lswitch (ls,({sw_consts=[] ; sw_blocks = [i,act]} as sw))
when not (approx_present v ls) ->
Lswitch (ls, {sw with sw_blocks = [i,lower_bind v arg act]})
| Llet (Alias, vv, lv, l) ->
if approx_present v lv then
bind Alias v arg lam
Llet (Alias, vv, lv, lower_bind v arg l)
| _ ->
bind Alias v arg lam
let bind_check str v arg lam = match str,arg with
| _, Lvar _ ->bind str v arg lam
| Alias,_ -> lower_bind v arg lam
| _,_ -> bind str v arg lam
let rec comp_exit ctx m = match m.default with
| (_,i)::_ -> Lstaticraise (i,[]), jumps_singleton i ctx
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.comp_exit"
let rec comp_match_handlers comp_fun partial ctx arg first_match next_matchs = match next_matchs with
| [] -> comp_fun partial ctx arg first_match
| rem ->
let rec c_rec body total_body = function
| [] -> body, total_body
(* Hum, -1 meant never taken
| (-1,pm)::rem -> c_rec body total_body rem *)
| (i,pm)::rem ->
let ctx_i,total_rem = jumps_extract i total_body in
begin match ctx_i with
| [] -> c_rec body total_body rem
| _ ->
let li,total_i =
(match rem with [] -> partial | _ -> Partial)
ctx_i arg pm in
(Lstaticcatch (body,(i,[]),li))
(jumps_union total_i total_rem)
| Unused ->
c_rec (Lstaticcatch (body,(i,[]),lambda_unit))
total_rem rem
end in
let first_lam,total = comp_fun Partial ctx arg first_match in
c_rec first_lam total rem
with Unused -> match next_matchs with
| [] -> raise Unused
| (_,x)::xs -> comp_match_handlers comp_fun partial ctx arg x xs
(* To find reasonable names for variables *)
let rec name_pattern default = function
(pat :: patl, action) :: rem ->
begin match pat.pat_desc with
Tpat_var id -> id
| Tpat_alias(p, id) -> id
| _ -> name_pattern default rem
| _ -> Ident.create default
let arg_to_var arg cls = match arg with
| Lvar v -> v,arg
| _ ->
let v = name_pattern "match" cls in
v,Lvar v
The main compilation function.
repr=used for inserting debug events
partial=exhaustiveness information from Parmatch
ctx=a context
m=a pattern matching
Output: a lambda term, a jump summary {..., exit number -> context, .. }
let rec compile_match repr partial ctx m = match m with
| { cases = [] } -> comp_exit ctx m
| { cases = ([], action) :: rem } ->
if is_guarded action then begin
let (lambda, total) =
compile_match None partial ctx { m with cases = rem } in
event_branch repr (patch_guarded lambda action), total
end else
(event_branch repr action, jumps_empty)
| { args = (arg, str)::argl } ->
let v,newarg = arg_to_var arg m.cases in
let first_match,rem =
split_precompile (Some v)
{ m with args = (newarg, Alias) :: argl } in
let (lam, total) =
(do_compile_matching repr) partial ctx newarg first_match rem in
bind_check str v arg lam, total
| _ -> assert false
(* verbose version of do_compile_matching, for debug *)
and do_compile_matching_pr repr partial ctx arg x =
prerr_string "COMPILE: " ;
prerr_endline (match partial with Partial -> "Partial" | Total -> "Total") ;
prerr_endline "MATCH" ;
pretty_precompiled x ;
prerr_endline "CTX" ;
pretty_ctx ctx ;
let (_, jumps) as r = do_compile_matching repr partial ctx arg x in
prerr_endline "JUMPS" ;
pretty_jumps jumps ;
and do_compile_matching repr partial ctx arg pmh = match pmh with
| Pm pm ->
let pat = what_is_cases pm.cases in
begin match pat.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any ->
divide_var ctx_rshift repr partial ctx pm
| Tpat_tuple patl ->
(divide_tuple (List.length patl) (normalize_pat pat)) ctx_combine
repr partial ctx pm
| Tpat_record ((lbl,_)::_) ->
(divide_record lbl.lbl_all (normalize_pat pat))
ctx_combine repr partial ctx pm
| Tpat_constant cst ->
(compile_match repr partial) partial
(combine_constant arg cst partial)
ctx pm
| Tpat_construct (cstr, _) ->
(compile_match repr partial) partial
divide_constructor (combine_constructor arg pat cstr partial)
ctx pm
| Tpat_array _ ->
let kind = Typeopt.array_pattern_kind pat in
compile_test (compile_match repr partial) partial
(divide_array kind) (combine_array arg kind partial)
ctx pm
| Tpat_lazy _ ->
(divide_lazy (normalize_pat pat))
ctx_combine repr partial ctx pm
| Tpat_variant(lab, _, row) ->
compile_test (compile_match repr partial) partial
(divide_variant !row)
(combine_variant !row arg partial)
ctx pm
| _ -> assert false
| PmVar {inside=pmh ; var_arg=arg} ->
let lam, total =
do_compile_matching repr partial (ctx_lshift ctx) arg pmh in
lam, jumps_map ctx_rshift total
| PmOr {body=body ; handlers=handlers} ->
let lam, total = compile_match repr partial ctx body in
compile_orhandlers (compile_match repr partial) lam total ctx handlers
and compile_no_test divide up_ctx repr partial ctx to_match =
let {pm=this_match ; ctx=this_ctx } = divide ctx to_match in
let lambda,total = compile_match repr partial this_ctx this_match in
lambda, jumps_map up_ctx total
(* The entry points *)
If there is a guard in a matching, then
set exhaustiveness info to Partial.
(because of side effects in guards, assume the worst)
let check_partial pat_act_list partial =
(fun (_,lam) -> is_guarded lam)
then begin
end else
(* have toplevel handler when appropriate *)
let start_ctx n = [{left=[] ; right = omegas n}]
let check_total total lambda i handler_fun =
if jumps_is_empty total then
else begin
Lstaticcatch(lambda, (i,[]), handler_fun())
let compile_matching loc repr handler_fun arg pat_act_list partial =
let partial = check_partial pat_act_list partial in
match partial with
| Partial ->
let raise_num = next_raise_count () in
let pm =
{ cases = List.map (fun (pat, act) -> ([pat], act)) pat_act_list;
args = [arg, Strict] ;
default = [[[omega]],raise_num]} in
begin try
let (lambda, total) = compile_match repr partial (start_ctx 1) pm in
check_total total lambda raise_num handler_fun
| Unused -> assert false (* ; handler_fun() *)
| Total ->
let pm =
{ cases = List.map (fun (pat, act) -> ([pat], act)) pat_act_list;
args = [arg, Strict] ;
default = []} in
let (lambda, total) = compile_match repr partial (start_ctx 1) pm in
assert (jumps_is_empty total) ;
let partial_function loc () =
(* [Location.get_pos_info] is too expensive *)
let (fname, line, char) = Location.get_pos_info loc.Location.loc_start in
Lprim(Praise, [Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
[transl_path Predef.path_match_failure;
[Const_base(Const_string fname);
Const_base(Const_int line);
Const_base(Const_int char)]))])])
let for_function loc repr param pat_act_list partial =
compile_matching loc repr (partial_function loc) param pat_act_list partial
(* In the following two cases, exhaustiveness info is not available! *)
let for_trywith param pat_act_list =
compile_matching Location.none None (fun () -> Lprim(Praise, [param]))
param pat_act_list Partial
let for_let loc param pat body =
compile_matching loc None (partial_function loc) param [pat, body] Partial
(* Handling of tupled functions and matchings *)
(* Easy case since variables are available *)
let for_tupled_function loc paraml pats_act_list partial =
let partial = check_partial pats_act_list partial in
let raise_num = next_raise_count () in
let omegas = [List.map (fun _ -> omega) paraml] in
let pm =
{ cases = pats_act_list;
args = List.map (fun id -> (Lvar id, Strict)) paraml ;
default = [omegas,raise_num]
} in
let (lambda, total) = compile_match None partial
(start_ctx (List.length paraml)) pm in
check_total total lambda raise_num (partial_function loc)
| Unused -> partial_function loc ()
let flatten_pattern size p = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_tuple args -> args
| Tpat_any -> omegas size
| _ -> raise Cannot_flatten
let rec flatten_pat_line size p k = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any -> omegas size::k
| Tpat_tuple args -> args::k
| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) -> flatten_pat_line size p1 (flatten_pat_line size p2 k)
| Tpat_alias (p,_) -> (* Note: if this 'as' pat is here, then this is a useless
binding, solves PR #3780 *)
flatten_pat_line size p k
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.flatten_pat_line"
let flatten_cases size cases =
(fun (ps,action) -> match ps with
| [p] -> flatten_pattern size p,action
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.flatten_case")
let flatten_matrix size pss =
(fun ps r -> match ps with
| [p] -> flatten_pat_line size p r
| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.flatten_matrix")
pss []
let flatten_def size def =
(fun (pss,i) -> flatten_matrix size pss,i)
let flatten_pm size args pm =
{args = args ; cases = flatten_cases size pm.cases ;
default = flatten_def size pm.default}
let rec flatten_precompiled size args pmh = match pmh with
| Pm pm -> Pm (flatten_pm size args pm)
| PmOr {body=b ; handlers=hs ; or_matrix=m} ->
{body=flatten_pm size args b ;
(fun (mat,i,vars,pm) -> flatten_matrix size mat,i,vars,pm)
hs ;
or_matrix=flatten_matrix size m ;}
| PmVar _ -> assert false
compiled_flattened is a ``comp_fun'' argument to comp_match_handlers.
Hence it needs a fourth argument, which it ignores
let compile_flattened repr partial ctx _ pmh = match pmh with
| Pm pm -> compile_match repr partial ctx pm
| PmOr {body=b ; handlers=hs} ->
let lam, total = compile_match repr partial ctx b in
compile_orhandlers (compile_match repr partial) lam total ctx hs
| PmVar _ -> assert false
let do_for_multiple_match loc paraml pat_act_list partial =
let repr = None in
let partial = check_partial pat_act_list partial in
let raise_num,pm1 =
match partial with
| Partial ->
let raise_num = next_raise_count () in
{ cases = List.map (fun (pat, act) -> ([pat], act)) pat_act_list;
args = [Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), paraml), Strict] ;
default = [[[omega]],raise_num] }
| _ ->
{ cases = List.map (fun (pat, act) -> ([pat], act)) pat_act_list;
args = [Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), paraml), Strict] ;
default = [] } in
(* Once for checking that compilation is possible *)
let next, nexts = split_precompile None pm1 in
let size = List.length paraml
and idl = List.map (fun _ -> Ident.create "match") paraml in
let args = List.map (fun id -> Lvar id, Alias) idl in
let flat_next = flatten_precompiled size args next
and flat_nexts =
(fun (e,pm) -> e,flatten_precompiled size args pm)
nexts in
let lam, total =
(compile_flattened repr)
partial (start_ctx size) () flat_next flat_nexts in
List.fold_right2 (bind Strict) idl paraml
(match partial with
| Partial ->
check_total total lam raise_num (partial_function loc)
| Total ->
assert (jumps_is_empty total) ;
with Cannot_flatten ->
let (lambda, total) = compile_match None partial (start_ctx 1) pm1 in
begin match partial with
| Partial ->
check_total total lambda raise_num (partial_function loc)
| Total ->
assert (jumps_is_empty total) ;
with Unused ->
assert false (* ; partial_function loc () *)
(* #PR4828: Believe it or not, the 'paraml' argument below
may not be side effect free. *)
let arg_to_var arg cls = match arg with
| Lvar v -> v,arg
| _ ->
let v = name_pattern "match" cls in
v,Lvar v
let rec param_to_var param = match param with
| Lvar v -> v,None
| _ -> Ident.create "match",Some param
let bind_opt (v,eo) k = match eo with
| None -> k
| Some e -> Lambda.bind Strict v e k
let for_multiple_match loc paraml pat_act_list partial =
let v_paraml = List.map param_to_var paraml in
let paraml = List.map (fun (v,_) -> Lvar v) v_paraml in
List.fold_right bind_opt v_paraml
(do_for_multiple_match loc paraml pat_act_list partial)