
931 lines
34 KiB
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(* OCamldoc *)
(* *)
(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(** Generation of LaTeX documentation. *)
let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ()
open Odoc_info
open Parameter
open Value
open Type
open Exception
open Class
open Module
(** Generation of LaTeX code from text structures. *)
class text =
object (self)
(** Return latex code to make a sectionning according to the given level,
and with the given latex code. *)
method section_style level s =
let sec = List.assoc level !Args.latex_titles in
with Not_found -> s
(** Associations of strings to subsitute in latex code. *)
val mutable subst_strings = [
("MAXENCE"^"ZZZ", "\\$");
("MAXENCE"^"YYY", "\\&");
("MAXENCE"^"XXX", "{\\textbackslash}") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\`a") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\^a") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\'e") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\`e") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\^e") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\\"e") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\c{c}") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\^o") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\\"o") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\^i") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\\"i") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\`u") ;
("<EFBFBD>", "\\^u") ;
("%", "\\%") ;
("_", "\\_");
("\\.\\.\\.", "$\\ldots$");
("~", "\\~{}");
("#", "\\verb`#`");
("}", "\\}");
("{", "\\{");
("&", "\\&");
(">", "$>$");
("<", "$<$");
("=", "$=$");
(">=", "$\\geq$");
("<=", "$\\leq$");
("->", "$\\rightarrow$") ;
("<-", "$\\leftarrow$");
("|", "\\textbar ");
("\\^", "\\textasciicircum ") ;
("\\.\\.\\.", "$\\ldots$");
("\\\\", "MAXENCE"^"XXX") ;
("&", "MAXENCE"^"YYY") ;
("\\$", "MAXENCE"^"ZZZ")
val mutable subst_strings_simple =
("MAXENCE"^"XXX", "{\\textbackslash}") ;
"}", "\\}" ;
"{", "\\{" ;
("\\\\", "MAXENCE"^"XXX") ;
val mutable subst_strings_code = [
("MAXENCE"^"ZZZ", "\\$");
("MAXENCE"^"YYY", "\\&");
("MAXENCE"^"XXX", "{\\textbackslash}") ;
("%", "\\%") ;
("_", "\\_");
("~", "\\~{}");
("#", "\\verb`#`");
("}", "\\}");
("{", "\\{");
("&", "\\&");
("\\^", "\\textasciicircum ") ;
("&", "MAXENCE"^"YYY") ;
("\\$", "MAXENCE"^"ZZZ") ;
("\\\\", "MAXENCE"^"XXX") ;
method subst l s =
(fun (s, s2) -> fun acc -> Str.global_replace (Str.regexp s) s2 acc)
(** Escape the strings which would clash with LaTeX syntax. *)
method escape s = self#subst subst_strings s
(** Escape the ['\'], ['{'] and ['}'] characters. *)
method escape_simple s = self#subst subst_strings_simple s
(** Escape some characters for the code style. *)
method escape_code s = self#subst subst_strings_code s
(** Make a correct latex label from a name. *)
(* The following characters are forbidden in LaTeX \index:
\ { } $ & # ^ _ % ~ ! " @ | (" to close the double quote)
The following characters are forbidden in LaTeX \label:
\ { } $ & # ^ _ % ~
So we will use characters not forbidden in \index if no_ = true.
method label ?(no_=true) name =
let len = String.length name in
let buf = Buffer.create len in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let (s_no_, s) =
match name.[i] with
'_' -> ("-underscore", "_")
| '~' -> ("-tilde", "~")
| '%' -> ("-percent", "%")
| '@' -> ("-at", "\"@")
| '!' -> ("-bang", "\"!")
| '|' -> ("-pipe", "\"|")
| '<' -> ("-lt", "<")
| '>' -> ("-gt", ">")
| '^' -> ("-exp", "^")
| '&' -> ("-ampersand", "&")
| '+' -> ("-plus", "+")
| '-' -> ("-minus", "-")
| '*' -> ("-star", "*")
| '/' -> ("-slash", "/")
| '$' -> ("-dollar", "$")
| '=' -> ("-equal", "=")
| ':' -> ("-colon", ":")
| c -> (String.make 1 c, String.make 1 c)
Buffer.add_string buf (if no_ then s_no_ else s)
Buffer.contents buf
(** Make a correct label from a value name. *)
method value_label ?no_ name = !Args.latex_value_prefix^(self#label ?no_ name)
(** Make a correct label from an attribute name. *)
method attribute_label ?no_ name = !Args.latex_attribute_prefix^(self#label ?no_ name)
(** Make a correct label from a method name. *)
method method_label ?no_ name = !Args.latex_method_prefix^(self#label ?no_ name)
(** Make a correct label from a class name. *)
method class_label ?no_ name = !Args.latex_class_prefix^(self#label ?no_ name)
(** Make a correct label from a class type name. *)
method class_type_label ?no_ name = !Args.latex_class_type_prefix^(self#label ?no_ name)
(** Make a correct label from a module name. *)
method module_label ?no_ name = !Args.latex_module_prefix^(self#label ?no_ name)
(** Make a correct label from a module type name. *)
method module_type_label ?no_ name = !Args.latex_module_type_prefix^(self#label ?no_ name)
(** Make a correct label from an exception name. *)
method exception_label ?no_ name = !Args.latex_exception_prefix^(self#label ?no_ name)
(** Make a correct label from a type name. *)
method type_label ?no_ name = !Args.latex_type_prefix^(self#label ?no_ name)
(** Return latex code for the label of a given label. *)
method make_label label = "\\label{"^label^"}"
(** Return latex code for the ref to a given label. *)
method make_ref label = "\\ref{"^label^"}"
(** Return the LaTeX code corresponding to the [text] parameter.*)
method latex_of_text t = String.concat "" (List.map self#latex_of_text_element t)
(** Return the LaTeX code for the [text_element] in parameter. *)
method latex_of_text_element te =
match te with
| Odoc_info.Raw s -> self#latex_of_Raw s
| Odoc_info.Code s -> self#latex_of_Code s
| Odoc_info.CodePre s -> self#latex_of_CodePre s
| Odoc_info.Verbatim s -> self#latex_of_Verbatim s
| Odoc_info.Bold t -> self#latex_of_Bold t
| Odoc_info.Italic t -> self#latex_of_Italic t
| Odoc_info.Emphasize t -> self#latex_of_Emphasize t
| Odoc_info.Center t -> self#latex_of_Center t
| Odoc_info.Left t -> self#latex_of_Left t
| Odoc_info.Right t -> self#latex_of_Right t
| Odoc_info.List tl -> self#latex_of_List tl
| Odoc_info.Enum tl -> self#latex_of_Enum tl
| Odoc_info.Newline -> self#latex_of_Newline
| Odoc_info.Block t -> self#latex_of_Block t
| Odoc_info.Title (n, l_opt, t) -> self#latex_of_Title n l_opt t
| Odoc_info.Latex s -> self#latex_of_Latex s
| Odoc_info.Link (s, t) -> self#latex_of_Link s t
| Odoc_info.Ref (name, ref_opt) -> self#latex_of_Ref name ref_opt
| Odoc_info.Superscript t -> self#latex_of_Superscript t
| Odoc_info.Subscript t -> self#latex_of_Subscript t
method latex_of_Raw s = self#escape s
method latex_of_Code s =
let s2 = self#escape_code s in
let s3 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") ("\\\\\n") s2 in
method latex_of_CodePre s =
"\\begin{ocamldoccode}\n"^(self#escape_simple s)^"\n\\end{ocamldoccode}\n"
method latex_of_Verbatim s = "\\begin{verbatim}"^s^"\\end{verbatim}"
method latex_of_Bold t =
let s = self#latex_of_text t in
"{\\bf "^s^"}"
method latex_of_Italic t =
let s = self#latex_of_text t in
"{\\it "^s^"}"
method latex_of_Emphasize t =
let s = self#latex_of_text t in
"{\\em "^s^"}"
method latex_of_Center t =
let s = self#latex_of_text t in
method latex_of_Left t =
let s = self#latex_of_text t in
method latex_of_Right t =
let s = self#latex_of_text t in
method latex_of_List tl =
(String.concat ""
(List.map (fun t -> "\\item "^(self#latex_of_text t)^"\n") tl))^
method latex_of_Enum tl =
(String.concat ""
(List.map (fun t -> "\\item "^(self#latex_of_text t)^"\n") tl))^
method latex_of_Newline = "\n\n"
method latex_of_Block t =
let s = self#latex_of_text t in
method latex_of_Title n label_opt t =
let s_title = self#latex_of_text t in
let s_title2 = self#section_style n s_title in
(match label_opt with
None -> ""
| Some l -> self#make_label (self#label ~no_: false l))
method latex_of_Latex s = s
method latex_of_Link s t =
let s1 = self#latex_of_text t in
let s2 = "[\\url{"^s^"}]" in
method latex_of_Ref name ref_opt =
match ref_opt with
None ->
(Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules name))
| Some (RK_section _) ->
(Latex ("["^(self#make_ref (self#label ~no_:false (Name.simple name)))^"]"))
| Some kind ->
let f_label =
match kind with
Odoc_info.RK_module -> self#module_label
| Odoc_info.RK_module_type -> self#module_type_label
| Odoc_info.RK_class -> self#class_label
| Odoc_info.RK_class_type -> self#class_type_label
| Odoc_info.RK_value -> self#value_label
| Odoc_info.RK_type -> self#type_label
| Odoc_info.RK_exception -> self#exception_label
| Odoc_info.RK_attribute -> self#attribute_label
| Odoc_info.RK_method -> self#method_label
| Odoc_info.RK_section _ -> assert false
Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules name) ;
Latex ("["^(self#make_ref (f_label name))^"]")
method latex_of_Superscript t = "$^{"^(self#latex_of_text t)^"}$"
method latex_of_Subscript t = "$_{"^(self#latex_of_text t)^"}$"
(** A class used to generate LaTeX code for info structures. *)
class virtual info =
object (self)
(** The method used to get LaTeX code from a [text]. *)
method virtual latex_of_text : Odoc_info.text -> string
(** The method used to get a [text] from an optionel info structure. *)
method virtual text_of_info : ?block: bool -> Odoc_info.info option -> Odoc_info.text
(** Return LaTeX code for a description, except for the [i_params] field. *)
method latex_of_info info_opt =
(self#text_of_info ~block: false info_opt)
(** This class is used to create objects which can generate a simple LaTeX documentation. *)
class latex =
object (self)
inherit text
inherit Odoc_to_text.to_text as to_text
inherit info
(** Get the first sentence and the rest of a description,
from an optional [info] structure. The first sentence
can be empty if it would not appear right in a title.
In the first sentence, the titles and lists has been removed,
since it is used in LaTeX titles and would make LaTeX complain
if we has two nested \section commands.
method first_and_rest_of_info i_opt =
match i_opt with
None -> ([], [])
| Some i ->
match i.Odoc_info.i_desc with
None -> ([], self#text_of_info ~block: true i_opt)
| Some t ->
let (first,_) = Odoc_info.first_sentence_and_rest_of_text t in
let (_, rest) = Odoc_info.first_sentence_and_rest_of_text (self#text_of_info ~block: false i_opt) in
(Odoc_info.text_no_title_no_list first, rest)
(** Return LaTeX code for a value. *)
method latex_of_value v =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
((Latex (self#make_label (self#value_label v.val_name))) ::
(to_text#text_of_value v))
(** Return LaTeX code for a class attribute. *)
method latex_of_attribute a =
((Latex (self#make_label (self#attribute_label a.att_value.val_name))) ::
(to_text#text_of_attribute a))
(** Return LaTeX code for a class method. *)
method latex_of_method m =
((Latex (self#make_label (self#method_label m.met_value.val_name))) ::
(to_text#text_of_method m))
(** Return LaTeX code for a type. *)
method latex_of_type t =
let s_name = Name.simple t.ty_name in
let text =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let mod_name = Name.father t.ty_name in
let s_type1 =
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter
"@[<hov 2>type ";
match t.ty_parameters with
[] -> Format.flush_str_formatter ()
| [p] -> self#normal_type mod_name p
| l ->
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "(" ;
let s = self#normal_type_list mod_name ", " l in
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter
("@[<hov 2>%s %s")
let s_type2 =
match t.ty_manifest with
None -> Format.flush_str_formatter ()
| Some typ ->
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter " = ";
self#normal_type mod_name typ
let s_type3 =
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter
("%s %s")
(match t.ty_kind with
Type_abstract -> ""
| Type_variant _ -> "="
| Type_record _ -> "= {" ) ;
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
let defs =
match t.ty_kind with
Type_abstract -> []
| Type_variant l ->
(fun constr ->
let s_cons =
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter
"@[<hov 6> | %s"
match constr.vc_args with
[] -> Format.flush_str_formatter ()
| l ->
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter " %s@ " "of";
self#normal_type_list mod_name " * " l
[ CodePre s_cons ] @
(match constr.vc_text with
None -> []
| Some t ->
[ Latex
(self#latex_of_text t)^
| Type_record l ->
(fun r ->
let s_field =
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter
"@[<hov 6> %s%s :@ "
(if r.rf_mutable then "mutable " else "")
(self#normal_type mod_name r.rf_type)^" ;"
[ CodePre s_field ] @
(match r.rf_text with
None -> []
| Some t ->
[ Latex
(self#latex_of_text t)^
) @
[ CodePre "}" ]
let defs2 = (CodePre s_type3) :: defs in
let rec iter = function
[] -> []
| [e] -> [e]
| (CodePre s1) :: (CodePre s2) :: q ->
iter ((CodePre (s1^"\n"^s2)) :: q)
| e :: q ->
e :: (iter q)
(iter defs2) @
[Latex ("\\index{"^(self#type_label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")] @
(self#text_of_info t.ty_info)
((Latex (self#make_label (self#type_label t.ty_name))) :: text)
(** Return LaTeX code for an exception. *)
method latex_of_exception e =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
((Latex (self#make_label (self#exception_label e.ex_name))) ::
(to_text#text_of_exception e))
(** Return the LaTeX code for the given module.
@param for_detail indicate if we must print the type ([false]) or just ["sig"] ([true]).*)
method latex_of_module ?(for_detail=false) ?(with_link=true) m =
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let f = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
let father = Name.father m.m_name in
let t =
Format.fprintf f "module %s" (Name.simple m.m_name);
Format.fprintf f " : %s"
if for_detail
then "sig"
else (self#normal_module_type father m.m_type)
Format.pp_print_flush f ();
(CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
if with_link
then [Odoc_info.Latex ("\\\n["^(self#make_ref (self#module_label m.m_name))^"]")]
else []
self#latex_of_text t
(** Return the LaTeX code for the given module type.
@param for_detail indicate if we must print the type ([false]) or just ["sig"] ([true]).*)
method latex_of_module_type ?(for_detail=false) ?(with_link=true) mt =
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let f = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
let father = Name.father mt.mt_name in
let t =
Format.fprintf f "module type %s" (Name.simple mt.mt_name);
(match mt.mt_type with
None -> ()
| Some mtyp ->
Format.fprintf f " = %s"
if for_detail
then "sig"
else (self#normal_module_type father mtyp)
Format.pp_print_flush f ();
(CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
if with_link
then [Odoc_info.Latex ("\\\n["^(self#make_ref (self#module_type_label mt.mt_name))^"]")]
else []
self#latex_of_text t
(** Return the LaTeX code for the given included module. *)
method latex_of_included_module im =
(self#latex_of_text [ Code "include module " ;
(match im.im_module with
None -> im.im_name
| Some (Mod m) -> m.m_name
| Some (Modtype mt) -> mt.mt_name)
] )
(** Return the LaTeX code for the given class.
@param for_detail indicate if we must print the type ([false]) or just ["object"] ([true]).*)
method latex_of_class ?(for_detail=false) ?(with_link=true) c =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let f = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
let father = Name.father c.cl_name in
let t =
Format.fprintf f "class %s"
(if c.cl_virtual then "virtual " else "");
match c.cl_type_parameters with
[] -> ()
| l ->
Format.fprintf f "[" ;
let s1 = self#normal_type_list father ", " l in
Format.fprintf f "%s] " s1
Format.fprintf f "%s : %s"
(Name.simple c.cl_name)
if for_detail then
self#normal_class_type father c.cl_type
Format.pp_print_flush f ();
(CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
if with_link
then [Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref (self#class_label c.cl_name))^"]")]
else []
self#latex_of_text t
(** Return the LaTeX code for the given class type.
@param for_detail indicate if we must print the type ([false]) or just ["object"] ([true]).*)
method latex_of_class_type ?(for_detail=false) ?(with_link=true) ct =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let f = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
let father = Name.father ct.clt_name in
let t =
Format.fprintf f "class type %s"
(if ct.clt_virtual then "virtual " else "");
match ct.clt_type_parameters with
[] -> ()
| l ->
Format.fprintf f "[" ;
let s1 = self#normal_type_list father ", " l in
Format.fprintf f "%s] " s1
Format.fprintf f "%s = %s"
(Name.simple ct.clt_name)
(if for_detail then
self#normal_class_type father ct.clt_type
Format.pp_print_flush f ();
(CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
if with_link
then [Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref (self#class_type_label ct.clt_name))^"]")]
else []
self#latex_of_text t
(** Return the LaTeX code for the given class element. *)
method latex_of_class_element class_name class_ele =
(self#latex_of_text [Newline])^
match class_ele with
Class_attribute att -> self#latex_of_attribute att
| Class_method met -> self#latex_of_method met
| Class_comment t ->
match t with
| [] -> ""
| (Title (_,_,_)) :: _ -> self#latex_of_text t
| _ -> self#latex_of_text [ Title ((Name.depth class_name) + 2, None, t) ]
(** Return the LaTeX code for the given module element. *)
method latex_of_module_element module_name module_ele =
(self#latex_of_text [Newline])^
match module_ele with
Element_module m -> self#latex_of_module m
| Element_module_type mt -> self#latex_of_module_type mt
| Element_included_module im -> self#latex_of_included_module im
| Element_class c -> self#latex_of_class c
| Element_class_type ct -> self#latex_of_class_type ct
| Element_value v -> self#latex_of_value v
| Element_exception e -> self#latex_of_exception e
| Element_type t -> self#latex_of_type t
| Element_module_comment t -> self#latex_of_text t
(** Generate the LaTeX code for the given list of inherited classes.*)
method generate_inheritance_info chanout inher_l =
let f inh =
match inh.ic_class with
None -> (* we can't make the reference *)
(Odoc_info.Code inh.ic_name) ::
(match inh.ic_text with
None -> []
| Some t -> Newline :: t
| Some cct ->
let label =
match cct with
Cl _ -> self#class_label inh.ic_name
| Cltype _ -> self#class_type_label inh.ic_name
(* we can create the reference *)
(Odoc_info.Code inh.ic_name) ::
(Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref label)^"]")) ::
(match inh.ic_text with
None -> []
| Some t -> Newline :: t
let text = [
Odoc_info.Bold [Odoc_info.Raw Odoc_messages.inherits ];
Odoc_info.List (List.map f inher_l)
let s = self#latex_of_text text in
output_string chanout s
(** Generate the LaTeX code for the inherited classes of the given class. *)
method generate_class_inheritance_info chanout cl =
let rec iter_kind k =
match k with
Class_structure ([], _) ->
| Class_structure (l, _) ->
self#generate_inheritance_info chanout l
| Class_constraint (k, _) ->
iter_kind k
| Class_apply _
| Class_constr _ ->
iter_kind cl.cl_kind
(** Generate the LaTeX code for the inherited classes of the given class type. *)
method generate_class_type_inheritance_info chanout clt =
match clt.clt_kind with
Class_signature ([], _) ->
| Class_signature (l, _) ->
self#generate_inheritance_info chanout l
| Class_type _ ->
(** Generate the LaTeX code for the given class, in the given out channel. *)
method generate_for_class chanout c =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let depth = Name.depth c.cl_name in
let (first_t, rest_t) = self#first_and_rest_of_info c.cl_info in
let text = [ Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.clas^" ") ; Code c.cl_name ] @
(match first_t with
[] -> []
| t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
Latex (self#make_label (self#class_label c.cl_name)) ;
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text text);
output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_class ~for_detail: true ~with_link: false c)^"\n\n") ;
let s_name = Name.simple c.cl_name in
output_string chanout
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#class_label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text rest_t) ;
(* parameters *)
output_string chanout
(self#latex_of_text (self#text_of_parameter_list (Name.father c.cl_name) c.cl_parameters));
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ Newline ] );
output_string chanout ("\\ocamldocvspace{0.5cm}\n\n");
self#generate_class_inheritance_info chanout c;
(fun ele -> output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_class_element c.cl_name ele)^"\n\n"))
(Class.class_elements ~trans: false c);
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ CodePre "end"])
(** Generate the LaTeX code for the given class type, in the given out channel. *)
method generate_for_class_type chanout ct =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let depth = Name.depth ct.clt_name in
let (first_t, rest_t) = self#first_and_rest_of_info ct.clt_info in
let text = [ Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.class_type^" ") ; Code ct.clt_name ] @
(match first_t with
[] -> []
| t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
Latex (self#make_label (self#class_type_label ct.clt_name)) ;
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text text);
output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_class_type ~for_detail: true ~with_link: false ct)^"\n\n") ;
let s_name = Name.simple ct.clt_name in
output_string chanout
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#class_type_label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_text rest_t)) ;
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ Newline]) ;
output_string chanout ("\\ocamldocvspace{0.5cm}\n\n");
self#generate_class_type_inheritance_info chanout ct;
(fun ele -> output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_class_element ct.clt_name ele)^"\n\n"))
(Class.class_type_elements ~trans: false ct);
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ CodePre "end"])
(** Generate the LaTeX code for the given module type, in the given out channel. *)
method generate_for_module_type chanout mt =
let depth = Name.depth mt.mt_name in
let (first_t, rest_t) = self#first_and_rest_of_info mt.mt_info in
let text = [ Title (depth, None,
[ Raw (Odoc_messages.module_type^" ") ; Code mt.mt_name ] @
(match first_t with
[] -> []
| t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
Latex (self#make_label (self#module_type_label mt.mt_name)) ;
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text text);
if depth > 1 then
output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_module_type ~for_detail: true ~with_link: false mt)^"\n\n");
let s_name = Name.simple mt.mt_name in
output_string chanout
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#module_type_label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text rest_t) ;
(* parameters *)
output_string chanout
(Module.module_type_parameters mt)));
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ Newline ] );
output_string chanout ("\\ocamldocvspace{0.5cm}\n\n");
(fun ele -> output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_module_element mt.mt_name ele)^"\n\n"))
(Module.module_type_elements ~trans: false mt);
if depth > 1 then
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ CodePre "end"]);
(* create sub parts for modules, module types, classes and class types *)
let rec iter ele =
match ele with
Element_module m -> self#generate_for_module chanout m
| Element_module_type mt -> self#generate_for_module_type chanout mt
| Element_class c -> self#generate_for_class chanout c
| Element_class_type ct -> self#generate_for_class_type chanout ct
| _ -> ()
List.iter iter (Module.module_type_elements ~trans: false mt)
(** Generate the LaTeX code for the given module, in the given out channel. *)
method generate_for_module chanout m =
let depth = Name.depth m.m_name in
let (first_t, rest_t) = self#first_and_rest_of_info m.m_info in
let text = [ Title (depth, None,
[ Raw (Odoc_messages.modul^" ") ; Code m.m_name ] @
(match first_t with
[] -> []
| t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
Latex (self#make_label (self#module_label m.m_name)) ;
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text text);
if depth > 1 then
output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_module ~for_detail:true ~with_link: false m)^"\n\n");
let s_name = Name.simple m.m_name in
output_string chanout
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#module_label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text rest_t) ;
(* parameters *)
output_string chanout
(Module.module_parameters m)));
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ Newline ]) ;
output_string chanout ("\\ocamldocvspace{0.5cm}\n\n");
(fun ele -> output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_module_element m.m_name ele)^"\n\n"))
(Module.module_elements ~trans: false m);
if depth > 1 then
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ CodePre "end"]);
(* create sub parts for modules, module types, classes and class types *)
let rec iter ele =
match ele with
Element_module m -> self#generate_for_module chanout m
| Element_module_type mt -> self#generate_for_module_type chanout mt
| Element_class c -> self#generate_for_class chanout c
| Element_class_type ct -> self#generate_for_class_type chanout ct
| _ -> ()
List.iter iter (Module.module_elements ~trans: false m)
(** Return the header of the TeX document. *)
method latex_header =
"\\documentclass[11pt]{article} \n"^
"\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \n"^
"\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \n"^
"\\usepackage{fullpage} \n"^
"\\usepackage{url} \n"^
match !Args.title with
None -> ""
| Some s -> "\\title{"^(self#escape s)^"}\n"
(match !Args.title with None -> "" | Some _ -> "\\maketitle\n")^
(if !Args.with_toc then "\\tableofcontents\n" else "")
(** Generate the LaTeX file from a module list, in the {!Odoc_info.Args.out_file} file. *)
method generate module_list =
if !Args.separate_files then
let f m =
let chanout =
open_out ((Filename.concat !Args.target_dir (Name.simple m.m_name))^".tex")
self#generate_for_module chanout m ;
close_out chanout
Failure s
| Sys_error s ->
prerr_endline s ;
incr Odoc_info.errors
List.iter f module_list
let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir !Args.out_file) in
let _ = if !Args.with_header then output_string chanout self#latex_header else () in
(fun m -> if !Args.separate_files then
output_string chanout ("\\input{"^((Name.simple m.m_name))^".tex}\n")
self#generate_for_module chanout m
module_list ;
let _ = if !Args.with_trailer then output_string chanout "\\end{document}" else () in
close_out chanout
Failure s
| Sys_error s ->
prerr_endline s ;
incr Odoc_info.errors