ajout option -latex-*-prefix

git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@4986 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Maxence Guesdon 2002-07-09 09:38:36 +00:00
parent 5307ea0dce
commit e79cdad33f
4 changed files with 155 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -162,6 +162,16 @@ let add_hidden_modules s =
let latex_value_prefix = ref ""
let latex_type_prefix = ref ""
let latex_exception_prefix = ref ""
let latex_module_prefix = ref ""
let latex_module_type_prefix = ref ""
let latex_class_prefix = ref ""
let latex_class_type_prefix = ref ""
let latex_attribute_prefix = ref ""
let latex_method_prefix = ref ""
let set_doc_generator (dg_opt : doc_generator option) = doc_generator := dg_opt
(** The default html generator. Initialized in the parse function, to be used during the command line analysis.*)
@ -212,7 +222,6 @@ let options = ref [
"-dot", Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_doc_generator !default_dot_generator), Odoc_messages.generate_dot ;
"-g", Arg.String (fun s -> ()), Odoc_messages.load_file^"\n" ;
(* html only options *)
"-all-params", Arg.Set with_parameter_list, Odoc_messages.with_parameter_list ;
"-css-style", Arg.String (fun s -> css_style := Some s), Odoc_messages.css_style ;
@ -224,6 +233,15 @@ let options = ref [
"-notrailer", Arg.Unit (fun () -> with_trailer := false), Odoc_messages.no_trailer ;
"-sepfiles", Arg.Set separate_files, Odoc_messages.separate_files ;
"-latextitle", Arg.String f_latex_title, Odoc_messages.latex_title latex_titles ;
"-latex-value-prefix", Arg.String (fun s -> latex_value_prefix := s), Odoc_messages.latex_value_prefix ;
"-latex-type-prefix", Arg.String (fun s -> latex_type_prefix := s), Odoc_messages.latex_type_prefix ;
"-latex-exception-prefix", Arg.String (fun s -> latex_exception_prefix := s), Odoc_messages.latex_exception_prefix ;
"-latex-attribute-prefix", Arg.String (fun s -> latex_attribute_prefix := s), Odoc_messages.latex_attribute_prefix ;
"-latex-method-prefix", Arg.String (fun s -> latex_method_prefix := s), Odoc_messages.latex_method_prefix ;
"-latex-module-prefix", Arg.String (fun s -> latex_module_prefix := s), Odoc_messages.latex_module_prefix ;
"-latex-module-type-prefix", Arg.String (fun s -> latex_module_type_prefix := s), Odoc_messages.latex_module_type_prefix ;
"-latex-class-prefix", Arg.String (fun s -> latex_class_prefix := s), Odoc_messages.latex_class_prefix ;
"-latex-class-type-prefix", Arg.String (fun s -> latex_class_type_prefix := s), Odoc_messages.latex_class_type_prefix ;
"-notoc", Arg.Unit (fun () -> with_toc := false), Odoc_messages.no_toc^"\n" ;
(* tex only options *)

View File

@ -92,6 +92,33 @@ val separate_files : bool ref
(** The list of pairs (title level, sectionning style). *)
val latex_titles : (int * string) list ref
(** The prefix to use for value labels in LaTeX. *)
val latex_value_prefix : string ref
(** The prefix to use for type labels in LaTeX. *)
val latex_type_prefix : string ref
(** The prefix to use for exception labels in LaTeX. *)
val latex_exception_prefix : string ref
(** The prefix to use for module labels in LaTeX. *)
val latex_module_prefix : string ref
(** The prefix to use for module type labels in LaTeX. *)
val latex_module_type_prefix : string ref
(** The prefix to use for class labels in LaTeX. *)
val latex_class_prefix : string ref
(** The prefix to use for class type labels in LaTeX. *)
val latex_class_type_prefix : string ref
(** The prefix to use for attribute labels in LaTeX. *)
val latex_attribute_prefix : string ref
(** The prefix to use for method labels in LaTeX. *)
val latex_method_prefix : string ref
(** The flag which indicates if we must generate a table of contents (for LaTeX). *)
val with_toc : bool ref

View File

@ -117,29 +117,51 @@ class text =
(** Make a correct latex label from a name. *)
method label ?(no_=true) name =
let s =
if no_ then
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string "_") "" name
(fun (s, s2) -> fun acc -> Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string s) s2 acc)
"~", "X" ;
"@", "\"@" ;
"!", "\"!" ;
"|", "\"|" ;
let len = String.length name in
let buf = Buffer.create len in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
match name.[i] with
'_' -> if no_ then () else Buffer.add_char buf '_'
| '~' -> Buffer.add_char buf 'X'
| '@' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\"@"
| '!' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\"!"
| '|' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\"|"
| c -> Buffer.add_char buf c
Buffer.contents buf
(** Return latex code for the label of a name. *)
method make_label name =
"\\label{"^(self#label name)^"}"
(** Make a correct label from a value name. *)
method value_label ?no_ name = self#label ?no_ (!Odoc_args.latex_value_prefix^name)
(** Return latex code for the ref to a name. *)
method make_ref name =
"\\ref{"^(self#label name)^"}"
(** Make a correct label from an attribute name. *)
method attribute_label ?no_ name = self#label ?no_ (!Odoc_args.latex_attribute_prefix^name)
(** Make a correct label from a method name. *)
method method_label ?no_ name = self#label ?no_ (!Odoc_args.latex_method_prefix^name)
(** Make a correct label from a class name. *)
method class_label ?no_ name = self#label ?no_ (!Odoc_args.latex_class_prefix^name)
(** Make a correct label from a class type name. *)
method class_type_label ?no_ name = self#label ?no_ (!Odoc_args.latex_class_type_prefix^name)
(** Make a correct label from a module name. *)
method module_label ?no_ name = self#label ?no_ (!Odoc_args.latex_module_prefix^name)
(** Make a correct label from a module type name. *)
method module_type_label ?no_ name = self#label ?no_ (!Odoc_args.latex_module_type_prefix^name)
(** Make a correct label from an exception name. *)
method exception_label ?no_ name = self#label ?no_ (!Odoc_args.latex_exception_prefix^name)
(** Make a correct label from a type name. *)
method type_label ?no_ name = self#label ?no_ (!Odoc_args.latex_type_prefix^name)
(** Return latex code for the label of a given label. *)
method make_label label = "\\label{"^label^"}"
(** Return latex code for the ref to a given label. *)
method make_ref label = "\\ref{"^label^"}"
(** Return the LaTeX code corresponding to the [text] parameter.*)
method latex_of_text t = String.concat "" (List.map self#latex_of_text_element t)
@ -243,25 +265,26 @@ class text =
(Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules name))
| Some kind when kind = RK_section ->
self#latex_of_text_element (Latex ("["^(self#make_ref (Name.simple name))^"]"))
(Latex ("["^(self#make_ref (self#label (Name.simple name)))^"]"))
| Some kind ->
let target =
let f_label =
match kind with
| Odoc_info.RK_module_type
| Odoc_info.RK_class
| Odoc_info.RK_class_type
| Odoc_info.RK_value
| Odoc_info.RK_type
| Odoc_info.RK_exception
| Odoc_info.RK_attribute
| Odoc_info.RK_method -> name
Odoc_info.RK_module -> self#module_label
| Odoc_info.RK_module_type -> self#module_type_label
| Odoc_info.RK_class -> self#class_label
| Odoc_info.RK_class_type -> self#class_type_label
| Odoc_info.RK_value -> self#value_label
| Odoc_info.RK_type -> self#type_label
| Odoc_info.RK_exception -> self#exception_label
| Odoc_info.RK_attribute -> self#attribute_label
| Odoc_info.RK_method -> self#method_label
| Odoc_info.RK_section -> assert false
Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules name) ;
Latex ("["^(self#make_ref name)^"]")
Latex ("["^(self#make_ref (f_label name))^"]")
@ -315,19 +338,19 @@ class latex =
method latex_of_value v =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
((Latex (self#make_label v.val_name)) ::
((Latex (self#make_label (self#value_label v.val_name))) ::
(to_text#text_of_value v))
(** Return LaTeX code for a class attribute. *)
method latex_of_attribute a =
((Latex (self#make_label a.att_value.val_name)) ::
((Latex (self#make_label (self#attribute_label a.att_value.val_name))) ::
(to_text#text_of_attribute a))
(** Return LaTeX code for a class method. *)
method latex_of_method m =
((Latex (self#make_label m.met_value.val_name)) ::
((Latex (self#make_label (self#method_label m.met_value.val_name))) ::
(to_text#text_of_method m))
(** Return LaTeX code for a type. *)
@ -437,17 +460,17 @@ class latex =
e :: (iter q)
(iter defs2) @
[Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")] @
[Latex ("\\index{"^(self#type_label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#type_label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")] @
(self#text_of_info t.ty_info)
((Latex (self#make_label t.ty_name)) :: text)
((Latex (self#make_label (self#type_label t.ty_name))) :: text)
(** Return LaTeX code for an exception. *)
method latex_of_exception e =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
((Latex (self#make_label e.ex_name)) ::
((Latex (self#make_label (self#exception_label e.ex_name))) ::
(to_text#text_of_exception e))
(** Return the LaTeX code for the given module. *)
@ -464,7 +487,7 @@ class latex =
(CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
if with_link
then [Odoc_info.Latex ("\\\n["^(self#make_ref m.m_name)^"]")]
then [Odoc_info.Latex ("\\\n["^(self#make_ref (self#module_label m.m_name))^"]")]
else []
@ -489,7 +512,7 @@ class latex =
(CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
if with_link
then [Odoc_info.Latex ("\\\n["^(self#make_ref mt.mt_name)^"]")]
then [Odoc_info.Latex ("\\\n["^(self#make_ref (self#module_type_label mt.mt_name))^"]")]
else []
@ -530,7 +553,7 @@ class latex =
(CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
if with_link
then [Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref c.cl_name)^"]")]
then [Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref (self#class_label c.cl_name))^"]")]
else []
@ -560,7 +583,7 @@ class latex =
(CodePre (Buffer.contents buf)) ::
if with_link
then [Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref ct.clt_name)^"]")]
then [Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref (self#class_type_label ct.clt_name))^"]")]
else []
@ -606,10 +629,15 @@ class latex =
None -> []
| Some t -> Newline :: t
| Some _ ->
| Some cct ->
let label =
match cct with
Cl _ -> self#class_label inh.ic_name
| Cltype _ -> self#class_type_label inh.ic_name
(* we can create the reference *)
(Odoc_info.Code inh.ic_name) ::
(Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref inh.ic_name)^"]")) ::
(Odoc_info.Latex (" ["^(self#make_ref label)^"]")) ::
(match inh.ic_text with
None -> []
| Some t -> Newline :: t
@ -658,14 +686,14 @@ class latex =
(match first_t with
[] -> []
| t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
Latex (self#make_label c.cl_name) ;
Latex (self#make_label (self#class_label c.cl_name)) ;
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text text);
output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_class ~with_link: false c)^"\n\n") ;
let s_name = Name.simple c.cl_name in
output_string chanout
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#class_label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#class_label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text rest_t) ;
(* parameters *)
output_string chanout
@ -688,7 +716,7 @@ class latex =
(match first_t with
[] -> []
| t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
Latex (self#make_label ct.clt_name) ;
Latex (self#make_label (self#class_type_label ct.clt_name)) ;
@ -696,7 +724,7 @@ class latex =
output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_class_type ~with_link: false ct)^"\n\n") ;
let s_name = Name.simple ct.clt_name in
output_string chanout
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#class_type_label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#class_type_label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_text rest_t)) ;
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text [ Newline]) ;
output_string chanout ("\\vspace{0.5cm}\n\n");
@ -715,7 +743,7 @@ class latex =
(match first_t with
[] -> []
| t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
Latex (self#make_label mt.mt_name) ;
Latex (self#make_label (self#module_type_label mt.mt_name)) ;
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text text);
@ -723,7 +751,7 @@ class latex =
output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_module_type ~with_link: false mt)^"\n\n");
let s_name = Name.simple mt.mt_name in
output_string chanout
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#module_type_label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#module_type_label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text rest_t) ;
(* parameters *)
output_string chanout
@ -756,7 +784,7 @@ class latex =
(match first_t with
[] -> []
| t -> (Raw " : ") :: t)) ;
Latex (self#make_label m.m_name) ;
Latex (self#make_label (self#module_label m.m_name)) ;
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text text);
@ -764,7 +792,7 @@ class latex =
output_string chanout ((self#latex_of_module ~with_link: false m)^"\n\n");
let s_name = Name.simple m.m_name in
output_string chanout
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
(self#latex_of_text [Latex ("\\index{"^(self#module_label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#module_label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")]);
output_string chanout (self#latex_of_text rest_t) ;
(* parameters *)
output_string chanout

View File

@ -80,6 +80,34 @@ let latex_title ref_titles =
(String.concat "\n"
(List.map (fun (n,t) -> Printf.sprintf " %d -> %s" n t) !ref_titles))
let default_latex_value_prefix = ""
let latex_value_prefix = "<string> use <string> as prefix for the LaTeX labels of values. "^
"(default is \""^default_latex_value_prefix^"\")"
let default_latex_type_prefix = ""
let latex_type_prefix = "<string> use <string> as prefix for the LaTeX labels of types. "^
"(default is \""^default_latex_type_prefix^"\")"
let default_latex_exception_prefix = ""
let latex_exception_prefix = "<string> use <string> as prefix for the LaTeX labels of exceptions. "^
"(default is \""^default_latex_exception_prefix^"\")"
let default_latex_module_prefix = ""
let latex_module_prefix = "<string> use <string> as prefix for the LaTeX labels of modules. "^
"(default is \""^default_latex_module_prefix^"\")"
let default_latex_module_type_prefix = ""
let latex_module_type_prefix = "<string> use <string> as prefix for the LaTeX labels of module types. "^
"(default is \""^default_latex_module_type_prefix^"\")"
let default_latex_class_prefix = ""
let latex_class_prefix = "<string> use <string> as prefix for the LaTeX labels of classes. "^
"(default is \""^default_latex_class_prefix^"\")"
let default_latex_class_type_prefix = ""
let latex_class_type_prefix = "<string> use <string> as prefix for the LaTeX labels of class types. "^
"(default is \""^default_latex_class_type_prefix^"\")"
let default_latex_attribute_prefix = ""
let latex_attribute_prefix = "<string> use <string> as prefix for the LaTeX labels of attributes. "^
"(default is \""^default_latex_attribute_prefix^"\")"
let default_latex_method_prefix = ""
let latex_method_prefix = "<string> use <string> as prefix for the LaTeX labels of methods. "^
"(default is \""^default_latex_method_prefix^"\")"
let no_toc = " Do not generate table of contents "^latex_only
let sort_modules = " Sort the list of top modules before generating the documentation"
let no_stop = " Do not stop at (**/**) comments"