
1188 lines
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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Errors *)
exception Fatal_error
let fatal_errorf fmt =
(fun _ -> raise Fatal_error)
("@?>> Fatal error: " ^^ fmt ^^ "@.")
let fatal_error msg = fatal_errorf "%s" msg
2015-12-18 07:50:24 -08:00
(* Exceptions *)
let try_finally ?(always=(fun () -> ())) ?(exceptionally=(fun () -> ())) work =
match work () with
| result ->
begin match always () with
| () -> result
| exception always_exn ->
let always_bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
exceptionally ();
Printexc.raise_with_backtrace always_exn always_bt
| exception work_exn ->
let work_bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
begin match always () with
| () ->
exceptionally ();
Printexc.raise_with_backtrace work_exn work_bt
| exception always_exn ->
let always_bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
exceptionally ();
Printexc.raise_with_backtrace always_exn always_bt
2020-05-13 05:26:43 -07:00
let reraise_preserving_backtrace e f =
let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
f ();
Printexc.raise_with_backtrace e bt
2016-02-24 08:04:37 -08:00
type ref_and_value = R : 'a ref * 'a -> ref_and_value
let protect_refs =
let set_refs l = List.iter (fun (R (r, v)) -> r := v) l in
fun refs f ->
let backup = List.map (fun (R (r, _)) -> R (r, !r)) refs in
set_refs refs;
Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> set_refs backup) f
2016-02-24 08:04:37 -08:00
(* List functions *)
let rec map_end f l1 l2 =
match l1 with
[] -> l2
| hd::tl -> f hd :: map_end f tl l2
let rec map_left_right f = function
[] -> []
| hd::tl -> let res = f hd in res :: map_left_right f tl
let rec for_all2 pred l1 l2 =
match (l1, l2) with
([], []) -> true
| (hd1::tl1, hd2::tl2) -> pred hd1 hd2 && for_all2 pred tl1 tl2
| (_, _) -> false
let rec replicate_list elem n =
if n <= 0 then [] else elem :: replicate_list elem (n-1)
let rec list_remove x = function
[] -> []
| hd :: tl ->
if hd = x then tl else hd :: list_remove x tl
let rec split_last = function
[] -> assert false
| [x] -> ([], x)
| hd :: tl ->
let (lst, last) = split_last tl in
(hd :: lst, last)
2015-12-30 06:43:44 -08:00
module Stdlib = struct
module List = struct
type 'a t = 'a list
let rec compare cmp l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [], [] -> 0
| [], _::_ -> -1
| _::_, [] -> 1
| h1::t1, h2::t2 ->
let c = cmp h1 h2 in
if c <> 0 then c
else compare cmp t1 t2
let rec equal eq l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| ([], []) -> true
| (hd1 :: tl1, hd2 :: tl2) -> eq hd1 hd2 && equal eq tl1 tl2
| (_, _) -> false
let map2_prefix f l1 l2 =
let rec aux acc l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [], _ -> (List.rev acc, l2)
| _ :: _, [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "map2_prefix")
| h1::t1, h2::t2 ->
let h = f h1 h2 in
aux (h :: acc) t1 t2
aux [] l1 l2
let some_if_all_elements_are_some l =
let rec aux acc l =
match l with
| [] -> Some (List.rev acc)
| None :: _ -> None
| Some h :: t -> aux (h :: acc) t
aux [] l
2015-12-30 06:43:44 -08:00
let split_at n l =
let rec aux n acc l =
if n = 0
then List.rev acc, l
match l with
| [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "split_at")
| t::q -> aux (n-1) (t::acc) q
2015-12-30 06:43:44 -08:00
aux n [] l
let rec is_prefix ~equal t ~of_ =
match t, of_ with
| [], [] -> true
| _::_, [] -> false
| [], _::_ -> true
| x1::t, x2::of_ -> equal x1 x2 && is_prefix ~equal t ~of_
type 'a longest_common_prefix_result = {
longest_common_prefix : 'a list;
first_without_longest_common_prefix : 'a list;
second_without_longest_common_prefix : 'a list;
let find_and_chop_longest_common_prefix ~equal ~first ~second =
let rec find_prefix ~longest_common_prefix_rev l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| elt1 :: l1, elt2 :: l2 when equal elt1 elt2 ->
let longest_common_prefix_rev = elt1 :: longest_common_prefix_rev in
find_prefix ~longest_common_prefix_rev l1 l2
| l1, l2 ->
{ longest_common_prefix = List.rev longest_common_prefix_rev;
first_without_longest_common_prefix = l1;
second_without_longest_common_prefix = l2;
find_prefix ~longest_common_prefix_rev:[] first second
2015-12-30 06:43:44 -08:00
2015-12-18 07:55:54 -08:00
2015-12-30 06:43:44 -08:00
module Option = struct
type 'a t = 'a option
let print print_contents ppf t =
match t with
| None -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "None"
| Some contents ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[(Some@ %a)@]" print_contents contents
2015-12-30 06:43:44 -08:00
module Array = struct
let exists2 p a1 a2 =
let n = Array.length a1 in
if Array.length a2 <> n then invalid_arg "Misc.Stdlib.Array.exists2";
let rec loop i =
if i = n then false
else if p (Array.unsafe_get a1 i) (Array.unsafe_get a2 i) then true
else loop (succ i) in
loop 0
let for_alli p a =
let n = Array.length a in
let rec loop i =
if i = n then true
else if p i (Array.unsafe_get a i) then loop (succ i)
else false in
loop 0
let all_somes a =
Some (Array.map (function None -> raise_notrace Exit | Some x -> x) a)
| Exit -> None
2018-07-23 05:19:41 -07:00
module String = struct
include String
module Set = Set.Make(String)
module Map = Map.Make(String)
2018-11-13 05:43:38 -08:00
module Tbl = Hashtbl.Make(struct
include String
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
let for_all f t =
let len = String.length t in
let rec loop i =
i = len || (f t.[i] && loop (i + 1))
loop 0
let print ppf t =
Format.pp_print_string ppf t
2018-07-23 05:19:41 -07:00
external compare : 'a -> 'a -> int = "%compare"
2015-12-30 06:43:44 -08:00
(* File functions *)
let find_in_path path name =
if not (Filename.is_implicit name) then
if Sys.file_exists name then name else raise Not_found
else begin
let rec try_dir = function
[] -> raise Not_found
| dir::rem ->
let fullname = Filename.concat dir name in
if Sys.file_exists fullname then fullname else try_dir rem
in try_dir path
let find_in_path_rel path name =
let rec simplify s =
let open Filename in
let base = basename s in
let dir = dirname s in
if dir = s then dir
else if base = current_dir_name then simplify dir
else concat (simplify dir) base
let rec try_dir = function
[] -> raise Not_found
| dir::rem ->
let fullname = simplify (Filename.concat dir name) in
if Sys.file_exists fullname then fullname else try_dir rem
in try_dir path
let find_in_path_uncap path name =
let uname = String.uncapitalize_ascii name in
let rec try_dir = function
[] -> raise Not_found
| dir::rem ->
let fullname = Filename.concat dir name
and ufullname = Filename.concat dir uname in
if Sys.file_exists ufullname then ufullname
else if Sys.file_exists fullname then fullname
else try_dir rem
in try_dir path
let remove_file filename =
if Sys.file_exists filename
then Sys.remove filename
with Sys_error _msg ->
(* Expand a -I option: if it starts with +, make it relative to the standard
library directory *)
let expand_directory alt s =
if String.length s > 0 && s.[0] = '+'
then Filename.concat alt
(String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1))
else s
2018-06-19 13:25:38 -07:00
let path_separator =
match Sys.os_type with
| "Win32" -> ';'
| _ -> ':'
let split_path_contents ?(sep = path_separator) = function
| "" -> []
2018-06-19 13:25:38 -07:00
| s -> String.split_on_char sep s
2018-06-15 02:47:14 -07:00
(* Hashtable functions *)
let create_hashtable size init =
let tbl = Hashtbl.create size in
List.iter (fun (key, data) -> Hashtbl.add tbl key data) init;
(* File copy *)
let copy_file ic oc =
let buff = Bytes.create 0x1000 in
let rec copy () =
let n = input ic buff 0 0x1000 in
if n = 0 then () else (output oc buff 0 n; copy())
in copy()
let copy_file_chunk ic oc len =
let buff = Bytes.create 0x1000 in
let rec copy n =
if n <= 0 then () else begin
let r = input ic buff 0 (min n 0x1000) in
if r = 0 then raise End_of_file else (output oc buff 0 r; copy(n-r))
in copy len
let string_of_file ic =
let b = Buffer.create 0x10000 in
let buff = Bytes.create 0x1000 in
let rec copy () =
let n = input ic buff 0 0x1000 in
if n = 0 then Buffer.contents b else
(Buffer.add_subbytes b buff 0 n; copy())
in copy()
let output_to_file_via_temporary ?(mode = [Open_text]) filename fn =
let (temp_filename, oc) =
~mode ~perms:0o666 ~temp_dir:(Filename.dirname filename)
(Filename.basename filename) ".tmp" in
(* The 0o666 permissions will be modified by the umask. It's just
like what [open_out] and [open_out_bin] do.
With temp_dir = dirname filename, we ensure that the returned
temp file is in the same directory as filename itself, making
it safe to rename temp_filename to filename later.
With prefix = basename filename, we are almost certain that
the first generated name will be unique. A fixed prefix
would work too but might generate more collisions if many
files are being produced simultaneously in the same directory. *)
match fn temp_filename oc with
| res ->
close_out oc;
begin try
Sys.rename temp_filename filename; res
with exn ->
remove_file temp_filename; raise exn
| exception exn ->
close_out oc; remove_file temp_filename; raise exn
let protect_writing_to_file ~filename ~f =
let outchan = open_out_bin filename in
try_finally ~always:(fun () -> close_out outchan)
~exceptionally:(fun () -> remove_file filename)
(fun () -> f outchan)
(* Integer operations *)
let rec log2 n =
if n <= 1 then 0 else 1 + log2(n asr 1)
let align n a =
if n >= 0 then (n + a - 1) land (-a) else n land (-a)
let no_overflow_add a b = (a lxor b) lor (a lxor (lnot (a+b))) < 0
let no_overflow_sub a b = (a lxor (lnot b)) lor (b lxor (a-b)) < 0
(* Taken from Hacker's Delight, chapter "Overflow Detection" *)
let no_overflow_mul a b =
not ((a = min_int && b < 0) || (b <> 0 && (a * b) / b <> a))
let no_overflow_lsl a k =
0 <= k && k < Sys.word_size - 1 && min_int asr k <= a && a <= max_int asr k
module Int_literal_converter = struct
(* To convert integer literals, allowing max_int + 1 (PR#4210) *)
let cvt_int_aux str neg of_string =
if String.length str = 0 || str.[0]= '-'
then of_string str
else neg (of_string ("-" ^ str))
let int s = cvt_int_aux s (~-) int_of_string
let int32 s = cvt_int_aux s Int32.neg Int32.of_string
let int64 s = cvt_int_aux s Int64.neg Int64.of_string
let nativeint s = cvt_int_aux s Nativeint.neg Nativeint.of_string
(* String operations *)
let chop_extensions file =
let dirname = Filename.dirname file and basename = Filename.basename file in
let pos = String.index basename '.' in
let basename = String.sub basename 0 pos in
if Filename.is_implicit file && dirname = Filename.current_dir_name then
Filename.concat dirname basename
with Not_found -> file
let search_substring pat str start =
let rec search i j =
if j >= String.length pat then i
else if i + j >= String.length str then raise Not_found
else if str.[i + j] = pat.[j] then search i (j+1)
else search (i+1) 0
in search start 0
let replace_substring ~before ~after str =
let rec search acc curr =
match search_substring before str curr with
| next ->
let prefix = String.sub str curr (next - curr) in
search (prefix :: acc) (next + String.length before)
| exception Not_found ->
let suffix = String.sub str curr (String.length str - curr) in
List.rev (suffix :: acc)
in String.concat after (search [] 0)
let rev_split_words s =
let rec split1 res i =
if i >= String.length s then res else begin
match s.[i] with
' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' -> split1 res (i+1)
| _ -> split2 res i (i+1)
and split2 res i j =
if j >= String.length s then String.sub s i (j-i) :: res else begin
match s.[j] with
' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' -> split1 (String.sub s i (j-i) :: res) (j+1)
| _ -> split2 res i (j+1)
in split1 [] 0
let get_ref r =
let v = !r in
r := []; v
let set_or_ignore f opt x =
match f x with
| None -> ()
| Some y -> opt := Some y
let fst3 (x, _, _) = x
let snd3 (_,x,_) = x
let thd3 (_,_,x) = x
let fst4 (x, _, _, _) = x
let snd4 (_,x,_, _) = x
let thd4 (_,_,x,_) = x
let for4 (_,_,_,x) = x
module LongString = struct
type t = bytes array
let create str_size =
let tbl_size = str_size / Sys.max_string_length + 1 in
let tbl = Array.make tbl_size Bytes.empty in
for i = 0 to tbl_size - 2 do
tbl.(i) <- Bytes.create Sys.max_string_length;
tbl.(tbl_size - 1) <- Bytes.create (str_size mod Sys.max_string_length);
let length tbl =
let tbl_size = Array.length tbl in
Sys.max_string_length * (tbl_size - 1) + Bytes.length tbl.(tbl_size - 1)
let get tbl ind =
Bytes.get tbl.(ind / Sys.max_string_length) (ind mod Sys.max_string_length)
let set tbl ind c =
Bytes.set tbl.(ind / Sys.max_string_length) (ind mod Sys.max_string_length)
let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
set dst (dstoff + i) (get src (srcoff + i))
2018-04-13 09:09:03 -07:00
let blit_string src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
set dst (dstoff + i) (String.get src (srcoff + i))
let output oc tbl pos len =
for i = pos to pos + len - 1 do
output_char oc (get tbl i)
let input_bytes_into tbl ic len =
let count = ref len in
Array.iter (fun str ->
let chunk = min !count (Bytes.length str) in
really_input ic str 0 chunk;
count := !count - chunk) tbl
let input_bytes ic len =
let tbl = create len in
input_bytes_into tbl ic len;
let edit_distance a b cutoff =
let la, lb = String.length a, String.length b in
let cutoff =
(* using max_int for cutoff would cause overflows in (i + cutoff + 1);
we bring it back to the (max la lb) worstcase *)
min (max la lb) cutoff in
if abs (la - lb) > cutoff then None
else begin
(* initialize with 'cutoff + 1' so that not-yet-written-to cases have
the worst possible cost; this is useful when computing the cost of
a case just at the boundary of the cutoff diagonal. *)
let m = Array.make_matrix (la + 1) (lb + 1) (cutoff + 1) in
m.(0).(0) <- 0;
for i = 1 to la do
m.(i).(0) <- i;
for j = 1 to lb do
m.(0).(j) <- j;
for i = 1 to la do
for j = max 1 (i - cutoff - 1) to min lb (i + cutoff + 1) do
let cost = if a.[i-1] = b.[j-1] then 0 else 1 in
let best =
(* insert, delete or substitute *)
min (1 + min m.(i-1).(j) m.(i).(j-1)) (m.(i-1).(j-1) + cost)
let best =
(* swap two adjacent letters; we use "cost" again in case of
a swap between two identical letters; this is slightly
redundant as this is a double-substitution case, but it
was done this way in most online implementations and
imitation has its virtues *)
if not (i > 1 && j > 1 && a.[i-1] = b.[j-2] && a.[i-2] = b.[j-1])
then best
else min best (m.(i-2).(j-2) + cost)
m.(i).(j) <- best
let result = m.(la).(lb) in
if result > cutoff
then None
else Some result
let spellcheck env name =
let cutoff =
match String.length name with
| 1 | 2 -> 0
| 3 | 4 -> 1
| 5 | 6 -> 2
| _ -> 3
let compare target acc head =
match edit_distance target head cutoff with
| None -> acc
| Some dist ->
let (best_choice, best_dist) = acc in
if dist < best_dist then ([head], dist)
else if dist = best_dist then (head :: best_choice, dist)
else acc
let env = List.sort_uniq (fun s1 s2 -> String.compare s2 s1) env in
fst (List.fold_left (compare name) ([], max_int) env)
let did_you_mean ppf get_choices =
(* flush now to get the error report early, in the (unheard of) case
where the search in the get_choices function would take a bit of
time; in the worst case, the user has seen the error, she can
interrupt the process before the spell-checking terminates. *)
Format.fprintf ppf "@?";
match get_choices () with
| [] -> ()
| choices ->
let rest, last = split_last choices in
Format.fprintf ppf "@\nHint: Did you mean %s%s%s?@?"
(String.concat ", " rest)
(if rest = [] then "" else " or ")
let cut_at s c =
let pos = String.index s c in
String.sub s 0 pos, String.sub s (pos+1) (String.length s - pos - 1)
(* Color handling *)
module Color = struct
(* use ANSI color codes, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code *)
type color =
| Black
| Red
| Green
| Yellow
| Blue
| Magenta
| Cyan
| White
type style =
| FG of color (* foreground *)
| BG of color (* background *)
| Bold
| Reset
let ansi_of_color = function
| Black -> "0"
| Red -> "1"
| Green -> "2"
| Yellow -> "3"
| Blue -> "4"
| Magenta -> "5"
| Cyan -> "6"
| White -> "7"
let code_of_style = function
| FG c -> "3" ^ ansi_of_color c
| BG c -> "4" ^ ansi_of_color c
| Bold -> "1"
| Reset -> "0"
let ansi_of_style_l l =
let s = match l with
| [] -> code_of_style Reset
| [s] -> code_of_style s
| _ -> String.concat ";" (List.map code_of_style l)
"\x1b[" ^ s ^ "m"
type styles = {
error: style list;
warning: style list;
loc: style list;
let default_styles = {
warning = [Bold; FG Magenta];
error = [Bold; FG Red];
loc = [Bold];
let cur_styles = ref default_styles
let get_styles () = !cur_styles
let set_styles s = cur_styles := s
(* map a tag to a style, if the tag is known.
@raise Not_found otherwise *)
let style_of_tag s = match s with
| Format.String_tag "error" -> (!cur_styles).error
| Format.String_tag "warning" -> (!cur_styles).warning
| Format.String_tag "loc" -> (!cur_styles).loc
| _ -> raise Not_found
let color_enabled = ref true
(* either prints the tag of [s] or delegates to [or_else] *)
let mark_open_tag ~or_else s =
let style = style_of_tag s in
if !color_enabled then ansi_of_style_l style else ""
with Not_found -> or_else s
let mark_close_tag ~or_else s =
let _ = style_of_tag s in
if !color_enabled then ansi_of_style_l [Reset] else ""
with Not_found -> or_else s
(* add color handling to formatter [ppf] *)
let set_color_tag_handling ppf =
let open Format in
let functions = pp_get_formatter_stag_functions ppf () in
let functions' = {functions with
mark_open_stag=(mark_open_tag ~or_else:functions.mark_open_stag);
mark_close_stag=(mark_close_tag ~or_else:functions.mark_close_stag);
} in
pp_set_mark_tags ppf true; (* enable tags *)
pp_set_formatter_stag_functions ppf functions';
external isatty : out_channel -> bool = "caml_sys_isatty"
(* reasonable heuristic on whether colors should be enabled *)
let should_enable_color () =
let term = try Sys.getenv "TERM" with Not_found -> "" in
term <> "dumb"
&& term <> ""
&& isatty stderr
2016-01-12 05:35:17 -08:00
type setting = Auto | Always | Never
let default_setting = Auto
let setup =
let first = ref true in (* initialize only once *)
let formatter_l =
[Format.std_formatter; Format.err_formatter; Format.str_formatter]
let enable_color = function
| Auto -> should_enable_color ()
| Always -> true
| Never -> false
fun o ->
if !first then (
first := false;
Format.set_mark_tags true;
List.iter set_color_tag_handling formatter_l;
color_enabled := (match o with
| Some s -> enable_color s
| None -> enable_color default_setting)
module Error_style = struct
type setting =
| Contextual
| Short
let default_setting = Contextual
let normalise_eol s =
let b = Buffer.create 80 in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
if s.[i] <> '\r' then Buffer.add_char b s.[i]
Buffer.contents b
2016-02-24 09:29:47 -08:00
let delete_eol_spaces src =
let len_src = String.length src in
let dst = Bytes.create len_src in
let rec loop i_src i_dst =
if i_src = len_src then
match src.[i_src] with
| ' ' | '\t' ->
loop_spaces 1 (i_src + 1) i_dst
| c ->
Bytes.set dst i_dst c;
loop (i_src + 1) (i_dst + 1)
and loop_spaces spaces i_src i_dst =
if i_src = len_src then
match src.[i_src] with
| ' ' | '\t' ->
loop_spaces (spaces + 1) (i_src + 1) i_dst
| '\n' ->
Bytes.set dst i_dst '\n';
loop (i_src + 1) (i_dst + 1)
| _ ->
2016-02-24 09:29:47 -08:00
for n = 0 to spaces do
Bytes.set dst (i_dst + n) src.[i_src - spaces + n]
loop (i_src + 1) (i_dst + spaces + 1)
let stop = loop 0 0 in
Bytes.sub_string dst 0 stop
2016-06-29 08:13:54 -07:00
let pp_two_columns ?(sep = "|") ?max_lines ppf (lines: (string * string) list) =
let left_column_size =
List.fold_left (fun acc (s, _) -> max acc (String.length s)) 0 lines in
let lines_nb = List.length lines in
let ellipsed_first, ellipsed_last =
match max_lines with
| Some max_lines when lines_nb > max_lines ->
let printed_lines = max_lines - 1 in (* the ellipsis uses one line *)
let lines_before = printed_lines / 2 + printed_lines mod 2 in
let lines_after = printed_lines / 2 in
(lines_before, lines_nb - lines_after - 1)
| _ -> (-1, -1)
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>";
List.iteri (fun k (line_l, line_r) ->
if k = ellipsed_first then Format.fprintf ppf "...@,";
if ellipsed_first <= k && k <= ellipsed_last then ()
else Format.fprintf ppf "%*s %s %s@," left_column_size line_l sep line_r
) lines;
Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
ocamlc -config: new -config-var option to print specific configuration variables The proposed behavior of `-config-var s` is as follows: - if `s` is an existing configuration variable, print its value as a string and exit with a success return value (0) - if `s` is not an existing configuration variable, print nothing and exit with a failure return value (non-0) Note that we do not print a newline after the value of the configuration variable. In particular, if the value is an empty string, the output is undistinguishable from the output for non-existing variables, the return value has to be considered instead. The following alternative behaviors were considered: - We could print a newline after the configuration value, which would let users distinguish empty values from non-existing variables by counting the lines of output, and would also be more pleasant for users invoking the option from the command-line. However, the way bash works on Windows means that $(ocamlc -config-var foo) would keep a trailing \r in its output, and portable scripts would have to use $(ocamlc -config-var foo | tr -d '\r') instead, which is a pain. (This issue was pointed out by David Allsopp) - We could print a message on the error output if the configuration variable does not exist. This is clearer to a human user, but it is annoying for scripts if they forget to silence the error output and get their output mixed with our error messages. The main use of this new feature is for scripting purposes.
2017-10-14 09:46:58 -07:00
(* showing configuration and configuration variables *)
let show_config_and_exit () =
Config.print_config stdout;
exit 0
let show_config_variable_and_exit x =
match Config.config_var x with
| Some v ->
(* we intentionally don't print a newline to avoid Windows \r
issues: bash only strips the trailing \n when using a command
substitution $(ocamlc -config-var foo), so a trailing \r would
remain if printing a newline under Windows and scripts would
have to use $(ocamlc -config-var foo | tr -d '\r')
for portability. Ugh. *)
print_string v;
exit 0
| None ->
exit 2
let get_build_path_prefix_map =
let init = ref false in
let map_cache = ref None in
fun () ->
if not !init then begin
init := true;
match Sys.getenv "BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP" with
| exception Not_found -> ()
| encoded_map ->
match Build_path_prefix_map.decode_map encoded_map with
| Error err ->
"Invalid value for the environment variable \
| Ok map -> map_cache := Some map
let debug_prefix_map_flags () =
if not Config.as_has_debug_prefix_map then
else begin
match get_build_path_prefix_map () with
| None -> []
| Some map ->
(fun map_elem acc ->
match map_elem with
| None -> acc
| Some { Build_path_prefix_map.target; source; } ->
(Printf.sprintf "--debug-prefix-map %s=%s"
(Filename.quote source)
(Filename.quote target)) :: acc)
let print_if ppf flag printer arg =
if !flag then Format.fprintf ppf "%a@." printer arg;
type filepath = string
type modname = string
type crcs = (modname * Digest.t option) list
type alerts = string Stdlib.String.Map.t
module EnvLazy = struct
type ('a,'b) t = ('a,'b) eval ref
and ('a,'b) eval =
| Done of 'b
| Raise of exn
| Thunk of 'a
type undo =
| Nil
| Cons : ('a, 'b) t * 'a * undo -> undo
type log = undo ref
let force f x =
match !x with
| Done x -> x
| Raise e -> raise e
| Thunk e ->
match f e with
| y ->
x := Done y;
| exception e ->
x := Raise e;
raise e
let get_arg x =
match !x with Thunk a -> Some a | _ -> None
let create x =
ref (Thunk x)
let create_forced y =
ref (Done y)
let create_failed e =
ref (Raise e)
let log () =
ref Nil
let force_logged log f x =
match !x with
| Done x -> x
| Raise e -> raise e
| Thunk e ->
match f e with
2018-10-12 02:20:21 -07:00
| (Error _ as err : _ result) ->
x := Done err;
log := Cons(x, e, !log);
2018-10-12 02:20:21 -07:00
| Ok _ as res ->
x := Done res;
| exception e ->
x := Raise e;
raise e
let backtrack log =
let rec loop = function
| Nil -> ()
| Cons(x, e, rest) ->
x := Thunk e;
loop rest
loop !log
module Magic_number = struct
type native_obj_config = {
flambda : bool;
let native_obj_config = {
flambda = Config.flambda;
type version = int
type kind =
| Exec
| Cmi | Cmo | Cma
| Cmx of native_obj_config | Cmxa of native_obj_config
| Cmxs
| Cmt
| Ast_impl | Ast_intf
(* please keep up-to-date, this is used for sanity checking *)
let all_native_obj_configs = [
{flambda = true};
{flambda = false};
let all_kinds = [
Cmi; Cmo; Cma;
@ List.map (fun conf -> Cmx conf) all_native_obj_configs
@ List.map (fun conf -> Cmxa conf) all_native_obj_configs
@ [
Ast_impl; Ast_intf;
type raw = string
type info = {
kind: kind;
version: version;
type raw_kind = string
let parse_kind : raw_kind -> kind option = function
| "Caml1999X" -> Some Exec
| "Caml1999I" -> Some Cmi
| "Caml1999O" -> Some Cmo
| "Caml1999A" -> Some Cma
| "Caml1999y" -> Some (Cmx {flambda = true})
| "Caml1999Y" -> Some (Cmx {flambda = false})
| "Caml1999z" -> Some (Cmxa {flambda = true})
| "Caml1999Z" -> Some (Cmxa {flambda = false})
(* Caml2007D and Caml2012T were used instead of the common Caml1999 prefix
between the introduction of those magic numbers and October 2017
We accept them here, but will always produce/show kind prefixes
that follow the current convention, Caml1999{D,T}. *)
| "Caml2007D" | "Caml1999D" -> Some Cmxs
| "Caml2012T" | "Caml1999T" -> Some Cmt
| "Caml1999M" -> Some Ast_impl
| "Caml1999N" -> Some Ast_intf
| _ -> None
(* note: over time the magic kind number has changed for certain kinds;
this function returns them as they are produced by the current compiler,
but [parse_kind] accepts older formats as well. *)
let raw_kind : kind -> raw = function
| Exec -> "Caml1999X"
| Cmi -> "Caml1999I"
| Cmo -> "Caml1999O"
| Cma -> "Caml1999A"
| Cmx config ->
if config.flambda
then "Caml1999y"
else "Caml1999Y"
| Cmxa config ->
if config.flambda
then "Caml1999z"
else "Caml1999Z"
| Cmxs -> "Caml1999D"
| Cmt -> "Caml1999T"
| Ast_impl -> "Caml1999M"
| Ast_intf -> "Caml1999N"
let string_of_kind : kind -> string = function
| Exec -> "exec"
| Cmi -> "cmi"
| Cmo -> "cmo"
| Cma -> "cma"
| Cmx _ -> "cmx"
| Cmxa _ -> "cmxa"
| Cmxs -> "cmxs"
| Cmt -> "cmt"
| Ast_impl -> "ast_impl"
| Ast_intf -> "ast_intf"
let human_description_of_native_obj_config : native_obj_config -> string =
fun[@warning "+9"] {flambda} ->
if flambda then "flambda" else "non flambda"
let human_name_of_kind : kind -> string = function
| Exec -> "executable"
| Cmi -> "compiled interface file"
| Cmo -> "bytecode object file"
| Cma -> "bytecode library"
| Cmx config ->
Printf.sprintf "native compilation unit description (%s)"
(human_description_of_native_obj_config config)
| Cmxa config ->
Printf.sprintf "static native library (%s)"
(human_description_of_native_obj_config config)
| Cmxs -> "dynamic native library"
| Cmt -> "compiled typedtree file"
| Ast_impl -> "serialized implementation AST"
| Ast_intf -> "serialized interface AST"
let kind_length = 9
let version_length = 3
let magic_length =
kind_length + version_length
type parse_error =
| Truncated of string
| Not_a_magic_number of string
let explain_parse_error kind_opt error =
"We expected a valid %s, but the file %s."
(Option.fold ~none:"object file" ~some:human_name_of_kind kind_opt)
(match error with
| Truncated "" -> "is empty"
| Truncated _ -> "is truncated"
| Not_a_magic_number _ -> "has a different format")
let parse s : (info, parse_error) result =
if String.length s = magic_length then begin
let raw_kind = String.sub s 0 kind_length in
let raw_version = String.sub s kind_length version_length in
match parse_kind raw_kind with
| None -> Error (Not_a_magic_number s)
| Some kind ->
begin match int_of_string raw_version with
| exception _ -> Error (Truncated s)
| version -> Ok { kind; version }
else begin
(* a header is "truncated" if it starts like a valid magic number,
that is if its longest segment of length at most [kind_length]
is a prefix of [raw_kind kind] for some kind [kind] *)
let sub_length = min kind_length (String.length s) in
let starts_as kind =
String.sub s 0 sub_length = String.sub (raw_kind kind) 0 sub_length
if List.exists starts_as all_kinds then Error (Truncated s)
else Error (Not_a_magic_number s)
let read_info ic =
let header = Buffer.create magic_length in
try Buffer.add_channel header ic magic_length
with End_of_file -> ()
parse (Buffer.contents header)
let raw { kind; version; } =
Printf.sprintf "%s%03d" (raw_kind kind) version
let current_raw kind =
let open Config in
match[@warning "+9"] kind with
| Exec -> exec_magic_number
| Cmi -> cmi_magic_number
| Cmo -> cmo_magic_number
| Cma -> cma_magic_number
| Cmx config ->
(* the 'if' guarantees that in the common case
we return the "trusted" value from Config. *)
let reference = cmx_magic_number in
if config = native_obj_config then reference
(* otherwise we stitch together the magic number
for a different configuration by concatenating
the right magic kind at this configuration
and the rest of the current raw number for our configuration. *)
let raw_kind = raw_kind kind in
let len = String.length raw_kind in
raw_kind ^ String.sub reference len (String.length reference - len)
| Cmxa config ->
let reference = cmxa_magic_number in
if config = native_obj_config then reference
let raw_kind = raw_kind kind in
let len = String.length raw_kind in
raw_kind ^ String.sub reference len (String.length reference - len)
| Cmxs -> cmxs_magic_number
| Cmt -> cmt_magic_number
| Ast_intf -> ast_intf_magic_number
| Ast_impl -> ast_impl_magic_number
(* it would seem more direct to define current_version with the
correct numbers and current_raw on top of it, but for now we
consider the Config.foo values to be ground truth, and don't want
to trust the present module instead. *)
let current_version kind =
let raw = current_raw kind in
try int_of_string (String.sub raw kind_length version_length)
with _ -> assert false
type 'a unexpected = { expected : 'a; actual : 'a }
type unexpected_error =
| Kind of kind unexpected
| Version of kind * version unexpected
let explain_unexpected_error = function
| Kind { actual; expected } ->
Printf.sprintf "We expected a %s (%s) but got a %s (%s) instead."
(human_name_of_kind expected) (string_of_kind expected)
(human_name_of_kind actual) (string_of_kind actual)
| Version (kind, { actual; expected }) ->
Printf.sprintf "This seems to be a %s (%s) for %s version of OCaml."
(human_name_of_kind kind) (string_of_kind kind)
(if actual < expected then "an older" else "a newer")
let check_current expected_kind { kind; version } : _ result =
if kind <> expected_kind then begin
let actual, expected = kind, expected_kind in
Error (Kind { actual; expected })
end else begin
let actual, expected = version, current_version kind in
if actual <> expected
then Error (Version (kind, { actual; expected }))
else Ok ()
type error =
| Parse_error of parse_error
| Unexpected_error of unexpected_error
let read_current_info ~expected_kind ic =
match read_info ic with
| Error err -> Error (Parse_error err)
| Ok info ->
let kind = Option.value ~default:info.kind expected_kind in
match check_current kind info with
| Error err -> Error (Unexpected_error err)
| Ok () -> Ok info