env refactoring: move EnvLazy to utils/misc.ml

Gabriel Scherer 2019-01-26 23:02:11 +01:00
parent 6c5ddd3686
commit dcc8a366aa
3 changed files with 94 additions and 89 deletions

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@ -68,95 +68,6 @@ exception Error of error
let error err = raise (Error err)
module EnvLazy : sig
type ('a,'b) t
type log
val force : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) t -> 'b
val create : 'a -> ('a,'b) t
val get_arg : ('a,'b) t -> 'a option
val create_forced : 'b -> ('a, 'b) t
val create_failed : exn -> ('a, 'b) t
(* [force_logged log f t] is equivalent to [force f t] but if [f] returns
[None] then [t] is recorded in [log]. [backtrack log] will then reset all
the recorded [t]s back to their original state. *)
val log : unit -> log
val force_logged : log -> ('a -> 'b option) -> ('a,'b option) t -> 'b option
val backtrack : log -> unit
end = struct
type ('a,'b) t = ('a,'b) eval ref
and ('a,'b) eval =
| Done of 'b
| Raise of exn
| Thunk of 'a
type undo =
| Nil
| Cons : ('a, 'b) t * 'a * undo -> undo
type log = undo ref
let force f x =
match !x with
| Done x -> x
| Raise e -> raise e
| Thunk e ->
match f e with
| y ->
x := Done y;
| exception e ->
x := Raise e;
raise e
let get_arg x =
match !x with Thunk a -> Some a | _ -> None
let create x =
ref (Thunk x)
let create_forced y =
ref (Done y)
let create_failed e =
ref (Raise e)
let log () =
ref Nil
let force_logged log f x =
match !x with
| Done x -> x
| Raise e -> raise e
| Thunk e ->
match f e with
| None ->
x := Done None;
log := Cons(x, e, !log);
| Some _ as y ->
x := Done y;
| exception e ->
x := Raise e;
raise e
let backtrack log =
let rec loop = function
| Nil -> ()
| Cons(x, e, rest) ->
x := Thunk e;
loop rest
loop !log
(** Map indexed by the name of module components. *)
module NameMap = String.Map

View File

@ -881,8 +881,80 @@ let print_if ppf flag printer arg =
if !flag then Format.fprintf ppf "%a@." printer arg;
type filepath = string
type modname = string
type crcs = (modname * Digest.t option) list
type alerts = string Stdlib.String.Map.t
module EnvLazy = struct
type ('a,'b) t = ('a,'b) eval ref
and ('a,'b) eval =
| Done of 'b
| Raise of exn
| Thunk of 'a
type undo =
| Nil
| Cons : ('a, 'b) t * 'a * undo -> undo
type log = undo ref
let force f x =
match !x with
| Done x -> x
| Raise e -> raise e
| Thunk e ->
match f e with
| y ->
x := Done y;
| exception e ->
x := Raise e;
raise e
let get_arg x =
match !x with Thunk a -> Some a | _ -> None
let create x =
ref (Thunk x)
let create_forced y =
ref (Done y)
let create_failed e =
ref (Raise e)
let log () =
ref Nil
let force_logged log f x =
match !x with
| Done x -> x
| Raise e -> raise e
| Thunk e ->
match f e with
| None ->
x := Done None;
log := Cons(x, e, !log);
| Some _ as y ->
x := Done y;
| exception e ->
x := Raise e;
raise e
let backtrack log =
let rec loop = function
| Nil -> ()
| Cons(x, e, rest) ->
x := Thunk e;
loop rest
loop !log

View File

@ -453,8 +453,30 @@ val print_if :
Format.formatter -> bool ref -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> 'a
(** [print_if ppf flag fmt x] prints [x] with [fmt] on [ppf] if [b] is true. *)
type filepath = string
type modname = string
type crcs = (modname * Digest.t option) list
type alerts = string Stdlib.String.Map.t
module EnvLazy: sig
type ('a,'b) t
type log
val force : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) t -> 'b
val create : 'a -> ('a,'b) t
val get_arg : ('a,'b) t -> 'a option
val create_forced : 'b -> ('a, 'b) t
val create_failed : exn -> ('a, 'b) t
(* [force_logged log f t] is equivalent to [force f t] but if [f] returns
[None] then [t] is recorded in [log]. [backtrack log] will then reset all
the recorded [t]s back to their original state. *)
val log : unit -> log
val force_logged : log -> ('a -> 'b option) -> ('a,'b option) t -> 'b option
val backtrack : log -> unit