2020-10-23 23:56:11 +01:00

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SolarSail / "a class based FPS"

A framework for making RPG games, and also other games.

Hol Up:

This isn't probably the repo you're looking for.

Seriously, this just contains a game for the SolarSail engine; with some inherent modifications to support it better.


W Walk fowards.

S Walk backwards.

A Sidestep left.

D Sidestep right.

1..9 or Mouse Wheel Select weapon from active list.

E Reload active weapon, or change active tool mode.

Shift Walking, so you can't fall off cliffs.

Shift + Right Mouse Throw the flag or objective item.

Left Mouse Shoot weapon, or melee, or place blocks.

Right Mouse Aims weapon, sometimes zooms in should it have magnification.

Space Jump. You surely knew this, right?

How to Play:

A dev server, coming soooooon.

Badges of disHonour:

lines of code number of fucks number of shits number of cunts number of locals used

If you want your own, go to