
130 lines
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// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#pragma once
#ifndef _VECTOR2_H
#define _VECTOR2_H
#include "FloatComparison.h"
#include <math.h>
template <typename T>
struct other_floating_type {};
template <>
struct other_floating_type<float> {
typedef double type;
template <>
struct other_floating_type<double> {
typedef float type;
template <typename T>
class vector2 {
T x, y;
vector2() :
y(0.0f) {}
vector2(T _x, T _y) :
y(_y) {}
explicit vector2(int v) :
y(T(v)) {}
explicit vector2(unsigned int v) :
y(T(v)) {}
explicit vector2(T v) :
y(v) {}
explicit vector2(const T v[2]) :
y(v[1]) {}
// disallow implicit conversion between floating point sizes
explicit vector2(const vector2<typename other_floating_type<T>::type> &v);
explicit vector2(const typename other_floating_type<T>::type vals[2]);
vector2 operator+(const vector2 &v) const { return vector2(x + v.x, y + v.y); }
vector2 operator-(const vector2 &v) const { return vector2(x - v.x, y - v.y); }
vector2 &operator+=(const vector2 &v)
x += v.x;
y += v.y;
return *this;
vector2 &operator-=(const vector2 &v)
x -= v.x;
y -= v.y;
return *this;
vector2 &operator*=(const T &a)
x *= a;
y *= a;
return *this;
vector2 operator-() const { return vector2(-x, -y); }
bool operator==(const vector2 &a) const
return is_equal_exact(a.x, x) && is_equal_exact(a.y, y);
bool ExactlyEqual(const vector2 &a) const
return is_equal_exact(a.x, x) && is_equal_exact(a.y, y);
friend vector2 operator*(const vector2 &v, const T &a) { return vector2(v.x * a, v.y * a); }
friend vector2 operator*(const T &a, const vector2 &v) { return v * a; }
friend vector2 operator*(const vector2 &va, const vector2 &vb) { return vector2(va.x * vb.x, va.y * vb.y); }
friend vector2 operator/(const vector2 &v, const T &a) { return vector2(v.x / a, v.y / a); }
friend bool operator<(const vector2 &va, const vector2 &vb) { return va.LengthSqr() < vb.LengthSqr(); }
T Length() const { return sqrt(x * x + y * y); }
T LengthSqr() const { return x * x + y * y; }
vector2 Normalized() const
const T invlen = 1.0f / sqrt(x * x + y * y);
return vector2(x * invlen, y * invlen);
vector2 NormalizedSafe() const
const T lenSqr = x * x + y * y;
if (lenSqr < 1e-18) // sqrt(lenSqr) < 1e-9
return vector2(1, 0);
else {
const T invlen = sqrt(lenSqr);
return vector2(x / invlen, y / invlen);
vector2 Rotate(T alpha) // Rotate around center
return vector2(x * cos(alpha) - y * sin(alpha), y * cos(alpha) + x * sin(alpha));
void Print() const { printf("v(%f,%f)\n", x, y); }
template <>
inline vector2<float>::vector2() {}
template <>
inline vector2<double>::vector2() {}
template <>
inline vector2<float>::vector2(const vector2<double> &v) :
y(float(v.y)) {}
template <>
inline vector2<double>::vector2(const vector2<float> &v) :
y(v.y) {}
typedef vector2<float> vector2f;
typedef vector2<double> vector2d;