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// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#ifndef _STRINGF_H
#define _STRINGF_H
#include "libs.h"
#include <SDL_stdinc.h>
#include <string>
// provides (for integer types, floating point types, const char* and std::string):
// Basic value -> string functions:
// std::string to_string(T value);
// std::string to_string(T value, const FormatSpec& format);
// You may extend the system by providing your own overloads for
// std::string to_string(T value, const FormatSpec& format)
// String formatter:
// std::string stringf(const char* fmt, ...);
// This should work for up to 7 arguments, where each argument is:
// - An object of type FormatArg or FormatArgT<T> for some T
// - Or, the result of a call to formatarg(name, value)
// - Or, a value of a type that can be converted to a string with to_string
// formatarg() allows you to give a name and optionally a default format
// for an argument to stringf()
// e.g., formatarg("distance", 42.5, "f.2")
// That argument can then be referenced in the format template as %distance,
// and will be formatted as a fixed-point number with 2 decimal places.
// stringf(), along with FormatArg and formatarg() is a wrapper around
// string_format(const char* fmt, int numargs, const FormatArg * const args[])
// Syntax for argument references:
// ref = '%' ( ident | int | '{' [^}]+ '}' ) ( '{' formatspec '}' )?
// int = [0-9]+
// ident = [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*
// alpha = [a-zA-Z]
// formatspec = alpha+ ( ':'? fmtparam ( '|' fmtparam)* )
// fmtparam = ( [^}\] | '\' any )*
// To insert a literal % character, use %% (as in printf)
// References are either an integer argument index (0-based),
// or a text string, which can follow C identifier rules, or be any string
// enclosed in braces.
// The format specifier, if provided, consists of a style name, followed by
// a series of parameters. Style names are alphabetic only (no underscore,
// digits or puncutation). Parameters may immediately follow the style name,
// or be separated from the style name by a colon.
// Parameters are separated from each other by a pipe character.
// Backslash may be used within format parameters to escape '|' and '}',
// more generally, backslash within a format parameter causes the next
// character to be taken as a literal, regardless of what that character is
// Examples of references:
// stringf("Hello, %0.", "Jameson") -> "Hello, Jameson."
// stringf("Hello, %0.", formatarg("name", "Jameson")) -> "Hello, Jameson."
// stringf("Hello, %name.", formatarg("name", "Jameson")) -> "Hello, Jameson."
// stringf("That's %{mood}tastic!", formatarg("mood", "funky")) -> "That's funkytastic!"
// stringf("I've already wasted %count %{trip(s)} on this fooling endeavour!",
// formatarg("count", 3), formatarg("trip(s)", "trips"))
// -> "I've already wasted 3 trips on this fooling endeavour!"
// stringf("I've already wasted %count %{trip(s)} on this fooling endeavour!",
// formatarg("count", 1), formatarg("trip(s)", "trip"))
// -> "I've already wasted 1 trip on this fooling endeavour!"
// stringf("That'll be %0 credits, Mr. %1.", 50, "Jameson")
// -> "That'll be 50 credits, Mr. Jameson."
// stringf("Excellent choice, Mr. %1! That'll be %0 credits, please.", 50, "Jameson")
// -> "Excellent choice, Mr. Jameson! That'll be 50 credits, please."
// Currently implemented format styles are designed to mostly match printf()
// specifiers, except to follow the general syntax described above, the
// specifier itself comes first, then any flags as a parameter. Only numeric
// types currently interpret these format specifiers. So:
// printf("%s", "Hello") =~= stringf("%0", "Hello")
// printf("%f", 42.125) =~= stringf("%0{f}", 42.125)
// printf("%.2f", 42.125) =~= stringf("%0{f.2}", 42.125)
// printf("%+2.3f", 42.125) =~= stringf("%0{f+2.3}", 42.125)
// printf("%08d", 42) =~= stringf("%0{d08}", 42)
class FormatSpec {
FormatSpec(const char *format);
FormatSpec(const char *format, int formatlen);
bool empty() const;
// access to components of the formatspec
bool specifierIs(const char *specifier) const;
int paramCount() const;
std::string param(int idx) const;
void paramPtr(int idx, const char *&begin, const char *&end) const;
static const int MAX_PARAMS = 3;
void parseFormat(int length);
const char *const format;
// each entry in the params array specifies the index within format[]
// of the first byte in the parameter
uint16_t params[MAX_PARAMS + 1];
std::string to_string(int8_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(int16_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(int32_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(int64_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(uint8_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(uint16_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(uint32_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(uint64_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(float value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(double value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(fixed value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(const char *value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
std::string to_string(const std::string &value, const FormatSpec &fmt);
inline std::string to_string(int8_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt) { return to_string(int64_t(value), fmt); }
inline std::string to_string(int16_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt) { return to_string(int64_t(value), fmt); }
inline std::string to_string(int32_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt) { return to_string(int64_t(value), fmt); }
inline std::string to_string(uint8_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt) { return to_string(uint64_t(value), fmt); }
inline std::string to_string(uint16_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt) { return to_string(uint64_t(value), fmt); }
inline std::string to_string(uint32_t value, const FormatSpec &fmt) { return to_string(uint64_t(value), fmt); }
inline std::string to_string(float value, const FormatSpec &fmt) { return to_string(double(value), fmt); }
inline std::string to_string(fixed value, const FormatSpec &fmt)
return to_string(value.ToDouble(), fmt);
template <typename T>
inline std::string to_string(const T &value)
return to_string(value, FormatSpec());
class FormatArg {
explicit FormatArg(const char *name_ = 0, const char *defaultformat_ = 0) :
defaultformat(defaultformat_) {}
char const *const name;
char const *const defaultformat;
virtual std::string format(const FormatSpec &spec) const = 0;
template <typename T>
class FormatArgT : public FormatArg {
FormatArgT(const char *name_, const T &value_, const char *defaultformat_) :
FormatArg(name_, defaultformat_),
value(value_) {}
virtual std::string format(const FormatSpec &spec) const
return to_string(value, spec);
const T value;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
struct FormatArgWrapper;
template <typename T>
struct FormatArgWrapper {
typedef FormatArgT<T> type;
static type wrap(const T &arg, const char *name = 0, const char *defaultformat = 0)
return FormatArgT<T>(name, arg, defaultformat);
template <int N>
struct FormatArgWrapper<char[N]> {
typedef FormatArgT<const char *> type;
static type wrap(const char (&arg)[N], const char *name = 0, const char *defaultformat = 0)
return FormatArgT<const char *>(name, arg, defaultformat);
template <>
struct FormatArgWrapper<char[]> {
typedef FormatArgT<const char *> type;
static type wrap(const char *arg, const char *name = 0, const char *defaultformat = 0)
return FormatArgT<const char *>(name, arg, defaultformat);
template <>
struct FormatArgWrapper<FormatArg> {
typedef FormatArg type;
static const type &wrap(const FormatArg &arg) { return arg; }
template <typename T>
struct FormatArgWrapper<FormatArgT<T>> {
typedef FormatArgT<T> type;
static const type &wrap(const FormatArgT<T> &arg) { return arg; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// this version is safer (doesn't rely on the value out-living the FormatArgT object)
// but performs a string copy
FormatArgT<std::string> formatarg(const char* name, const char* value) {
return FormatArgT<std::string>(name, std::string(value));
template <typename T>
inline typename FormatArgWrapper<T>::type
formatarg(const char *name, const T &value, const char *defaultformat = 0)
return FormatArgWrapper<T>::wrap(value, name, defaultformat);
// underlying formatting function
std::string string_format(const char *fmt, int numargs, FormatArg const *const args[]);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- stringf(format, args...) for 0 to 7 arguments ----
inline std::string stringf(const char *fmt)
return string_format(fmt, 0, 0);
template <typename T0>
inline std::string stringf(const char *fmt, const T0 &p0)
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T0>::type &arg0 = FormatArgWrapper<T0>::wrap(p0);
FormatArg const *const args[] = { &arg0 };
return string_format(fmt, COUNTOF(args), args);
template <typename T0, typename T1>
inline std::string stringf(const char *fmt, const T0 &p0, const T1 &p1)
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T0>::type &arg0 = FormatArgWrapper<T0>::wrap(p0);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T1>::type &arg1 = FormatArgWrapper<T1>::wrap(p1);
FormatArg const *const args[] = { &arg0, &arg1 };
return string_format(fmt, COUNTOF(args), args);
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
inline std::string stringf(const char *fmt, const T0 &p0, const T1 &p1, const T2 &p2)
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T0>::type &arg0 = FormatArgWrapper<T0>::wrap(p0);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T1>::type &arg1 = FormatArgWrapper<T1>::wrap(p1);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T2>::type &arg2 = FormatArgWrapper<T2>::wrap(p2);
FormatArg const *const args[] = { &arg0, &arg1, &arg2 };
return string_format(fmt, COUNTOF(args), args);
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
inline std::string stringf(const char *fmt, const T0 &p0, const T1 &p1, const T2 &p2, const T3 &p3)
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T0>::type &arg0 = FormatArgWrapper<T0>::wrap(p0);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T1>::type &arg1 = FormatArgWrapper<T1>::wrap(p1);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T2>::type &arg2 = FormatArgWrapper<T2>::wrap(p2);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T3>::type &arg3 = FormatArgWrapper<T3>::wrap(p3);
FormatArg const *const args[] = { &arg0, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3 };
return string_format(fmt, COUNTOF(args), args);
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
inline std::string stringf(const char *fmt, const T0 &p0, const T1 &p1, const T2 &p2, const T3 &p3, const T4 &p4)
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T0>::type &arg0 = FormatArgWrapper<T0>::wrap(p0);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T1>::type &arg1 = FormatArgWrapper<T1>::wrap(p1);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T2>::type &arg2 = FormatArgWrapper<T2>::wrap(p2);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T3>::type &arg3 = FormatArgWrapper<T3>::wrap(p3);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T4>::type &arg4 = FormatArgWrapper<T4>::wrap(p4);
FormatArg const *const args[] = { &arg0, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4 };
return string_format(fmt, COUNTOF(args), args);
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5>
inline std::string stringf(const char *fmt, const T0 &p0, const T1 &p1, const T2 &p2, const T3 &p3, const T4 &p4, const T5 &p5)
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T0>::type &arg0 = FormatArgWrapper<T0>::wrap(p0);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T1>::type &arg1 = FormatArgWrapper<T1>::wrap(p1);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T2>::type &arg2 = FormatArgWrapper<T2>::wrap(p2);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T3>::type &arg3 = FormatArgWrapper<T3>::wrap(p3);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T4>::type &arg4 = FormatArgWrapper<T4>::wrap(p4);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T5>::type &arg5 = FormatArgWrapper<T5>::wrap(p5);
FormatArg const *const args[] = { &arg0, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5 };
return string_format(fmt, COUNTOF(args), args);
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6>
inline std::string stringf(const char *fmt, const T0 &p0, const T1 &p1, const T2 &p2, const T3 &p3, const T4 &p4, const T5 &p5, const T6 &p6)
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T0>::type &arg0 = FormatArgWrapper<T0>::wrap(p0);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T1>::type &arg1 = FormatArgWrapper<T1>::wrap(p1);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T2>::type &arg2 = FormatArgWrapper<T2>::wrap(p2);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T3>::type &arg3 = FormatArgWrapper<T3>::wrap(p3);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T4>::type &arg4 = FormatArgWrapper<T4>::wrap(p4);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T5>::type &arg5 = FormatArgWrapper<T5>::wrap(p5);
const typename FormatArgWrapper<T6>::type &arg6 = FormatArgWrapper<T6>::wrap(p6);
FormatArg const *const args[] = { &arg0, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5, &arg6 };
return string_format(fmt, COUNTOF(args), args);