
1455 lines
52 KiB

// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#include "SectorView.h"
#include "AnimationCurves.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "GameConfig.h"
#include "GameSaveError.h"
#include "Input.h"
#include "MathUtil.h"
#include "Pi.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Space.h"
#include "StringF.h"
#include "galaxy/Galaxy.h"
#include "galaxy/GalaxyCache.h"
#include "galaxy/Sector.h"
#include "galaxy/StarSystem.h"
#include "graphics/Graphics.h"
#include "graphics/Material.h"
#include "graphics/Renderer.h"
#include "gui/Gui.h"
#include "lua/LuaConstants.h"
#include "lua/LuaObject.h"
#include "sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_set>
using namespace Graphics;
static const int DRAW_RAD = 5;
#define INNER_RADIUS (Sector::SIZE * 1.5f)
#define OUTER_RADIUS (Sector::SIZE * float(DRAW_RAD))
static const float FAR_THRESHOLD = 7.5f;
static const float FAR_LIMIT = 36.f;
static const float FAR_MAX = 46.f;
enum DetailSelection {
static const float ZOOM_SPEED = 15;
static const float WHEEL_SENSITIVITY = .03f; // Should be a variable in user settings.
using namespace InputBindings;
auto *mapView = input->GetBindingPage("MapControls");
Input::BindingGroup *group;
#define BINDING_GROUP(n) group = mapView->GetBindingGroup(#n);
#define KEY_BINDING(name, k1, k2) \
input->AddActionBinding(name, group, InputBindings::Action({ k1 }, { k2 }));
#define AXIS_BINDING(name, k1, k2) \
input->AddAxisBinding(name, group, InputBindings::Axis({}, { k1 }, { k2 }));
KEY_BINDING("BindResetOrientationAndZoom", SDLK_t, 0)
AXIS_BINDING("BindMapViewPitch", SDLK_KP_8, SDLK_KP_2)
AXIS_BINDING("BindMapViewMoveUp", SDLK_r, SDLK_f)
AXIS_BINDING("BindMapViewMoveLeft", SDLK_a, SDLK_d)
AXIS_BINDING("BindMapViewMoveForward", SDLK_w, SDLK_s)
KEY_BINDING("BindMapToggleSelectionFollowView", SDLK_RETURN, SDLK_KP_ENTER)
KEY_BINDING("BindMapWarpToCurrentSystem", SDLK_c, 0)
KEY_BINDING("BindMapWarpToSelectedSystem", SDLK_g, 0)
void SectorView::InputBinding::RegisterBindings()
mapViewReset = AddAction("BindResetOrientationAndZoom");
mapToggleSelectionFollowView = AddAction("BindMapToggleSelectionFollowView");
mapWarpToCurrent = AddAction("BindMapWarpToCurrentSystem");
mapWarpToSelected = AddAction("BindMapWarpToSelectedSystem");
mapViewMoveForward = AddAxis("BindMapViewMoveForward");
mapViewMoveLeft = AddAxis("BindMapViewMoveLeft");
mapViewMoveUp = AddAxis("BindMapViewMoveUp");
mapViewYaw = AddAxis("BindMapViewYaw");
mapViewPitch = AddAxis("BindMapViewPitch");
mapViewZoom = AddAxis("BindMapViewZoom");
SectorView::SectorView(Game *game) :
m_rotX = m_rotXMovingTo = m_rotXDefault;
m_rotZ = m_rotZMovingTo = m_rotZDefault;
m_zoom = m_zoomMovingTo = m_zoomDefault;
// XXX I have no idea if this is correct,
// I just copied it from the one other place m_zoomClamped is set
m_zoomClamped = Clamp(m_zoom, 1.f, FAR_LIMIT);
m_inSystem = true;
RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> system = Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetStarSystem();
m_current = system->GetPath();
m_current = m_current.SystemOnly();
m_selected = m_hyperspaceTarget = system->GetStars()[0]->GetPath(); // XXX This always selects the first star of the system
m_pos = m_posMovingTo;
m_automaticSystemSelection = true;
m_detailBoxVisible = DETAILBOX_INFO;
m_toggledFaction = false;
SectorView::SectorView(const Json &jsonObj, Game *game) :
try {
Json sectorViewObj = jsonObj["sector_view"];
m_pos.x = m_posMovingTo.x = sectorViewObj["pos_x"];
m_pos.y = m_posMovingTo.y = sectorViewObj["pos_y"];
m_pos.z = m_posMovingTo.z = sectorViewObj["pos_z"];
m_rotX = m_rotXMovingTo = sectorViewObj["rot_x"];
m_rotZ = m_rotZMovingTo = sectorViewObj["rot_z"];
m_zoom = m_zoomMovingTo = sectorViewObj["zoom"];
// XXX I have no idea if this is correct,
// I just copied it from the one other place m_zoomClamped is set
m_zoomClamped = Clamp(m_zoom, 1.f, FAR_LIMIT);
m_inSystem = sectorViewObj["in_system"];
m_current = SystemPath::FromJson(sectorViewObj["current"]);
m_selected = SystemPath::FromJson(sectorViewObj["selected"]);
m_hyperspaceTarget = SystemPath::FromJson(sectorViewObj["hyperspace"]);
m_automaticSystemSelection = sectorViewObj["automatic_system_selection"];
m_detailBoxVisible = sectorViewObj["detail_box_visible"];
} catch (Json::type_error &) {
throw SavedGameCorruptException();
void SectorView::InitDefaults()
m_rotXDefault = Pi::config->Float("SectorViewXRotation");
m_rotZDefault = Pi::config->Float("SectorViewZRotation");
m_zoomDefault = Pi::config->Float("SectorViewZoom");
m_rotXDefault = Clamp(m_rotXDefault, -170.0f, -10.0f);
m_zoomDefault = Clamp(m_zoomDefault, 0.1f, 5.0f);
m_previousSearch = "";
// Note: INT_MAX != (int) ((float) INT_MAX)
const float farPos = static_cast<float>(INT_MAX);
m_secPosFar = vector3f(farPos, farPos, farPos);
m_radiusFar = 0;
m_cacheXMin = 0;
m_cacheXMax = 0;
m_cacheYMin = 0;
m_cacheYMax = 0;
m_cacheYMin = 0;
m_cacheYMax = 0;
m_sectorCache = m_galaxy->NewSectorSlaveCache();
m_drawRouteLines = true; // where should this go?!
m_route = std::vector<SystemPath>();
void SectorView::InitObject()
// single keystroke handlers
m_onToggleSelectionFollowView =
InputBindings.mapToggleSelectionFollowView->onPressed.connect([&]() {
m_automaticSystemSelection = !m_automaticSystemSelection;
m_onWarpToCurrent =
InputBindings.mapWarpToCurrent->onPressed.connect([&]() {
m_onWarpToSelected =
InputBindings.mapWarpToSelected->onPressed.connect([&]() {
m_onViewReset =
InputBindings.mapViewReset->onPressed.connect([&]() {
while (m_rotZ < -180.0f)
m_rotZ += 360.0f;
while (m_rotZ > 180.0f)
m_rotZ -= 360.0f;
m_rotXMovingTo = m_rotXDefault;
m_rotZMovingTo = m_rotZDefault;
m_zoomMovingTo = m_zoomDefault;
m_onMouseWheelCon =
Pi::input->onMouseWheel.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &SectorView::MouseWheel));
m_lineVerts.reset(new Graphics::VertexArray(Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION, 500));
m_secLineVerts.reset(new Graphics::VertexArray(Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION, 500));
m_starVerts.reset(new Graphics::VertexArray(
Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION | Graphics::ATTRIB_DIFFUSE | Graphics::ATTRIB_UV0, 500));
m_clickableLabels = new Gui::LabelSet();
m_clickableLabels->SetLabelColor(Color(178, 178, 178, 191));
Add(m_clickableLabels, 0, 0);
m_renderer = Pi::renderer; //XXX pass cleanly to all views constructors!
Graphics::RenderStateDesc rsd;
m_solidState = m_renderer->CreateRenderState(rsd);
rsd.blendMode = Graphics::BLEND_ALPHA;
rsd.depthWrite = false;
rsd.cullMode = CULL_NONE;
m_alphaBlendState = m_renderer->CreateRenderState(rsd);
Graphics::MaterialDescriptor bbMatDesc;
bbMatDesc.effect = Graphics::EFFECT_SPHEREIMPOSTOR;
m_disk.reset(new Graphics::Drawables::Disk(m_renderer, m_solidState, Color::WHITE, 0.2f));
void SectorView::SaveToJson(Json &jsonObj)
Json sectorViewObj({}); // Create JSON object to contain sector view data.
sectorViewObj["pos_x"] = m_pos.x;
sectorViewObj["pos_y"] = m_pos.y;
sectorViewObj["pos_z"] = m_pos.z;
sectorViewObj["rot_x"] = m_rotX;
sectorViewObj["rot_z"] = m_rotZ;
sectorViewObj["zoom"] = m_zoom;
sectorViewObj["in_system"] = m_inSystem;
Json currentSystemObj({}); // Create JSON object to contain current system data.
sectorViewObj["current"] = currentSystemObj; // Add current system object to sector view object.
Json selectedSystemObj({}); // Create JSON object to contain selected system data.
sectorViewObj["selected"] = selectedSystemObj; // Add selected system object to sector view object.
Json hyperspaceSystemObj({}); // Create JSON object to contain hyperspace system data.
sectorViewObj["hyperspace"] = hyperspaceSystemObj; // Add hyperspace system object to sector view object.
sectorViewObj["automatic_system_selection"] = m_automaticSystemSelection;
sectorViewObj["detail_box_visible"] = m_detailBoxVisible;
jsonObj["sector_view"] = sectorViewObj; // Add sector view object to supplied object.
#define FFRAC(_x) ((_x)-floor(_x))
void SectorView::Draw3D()
if (m_zoomClamped <= FAR_THRESHOLD)
m_renderer->SetPerspectiveProjection(40.f, m_renderer->GetDisplayAspect(), 1.f, 300.f);
m_renderer->SetPerspectiveProjection(40.f, m_renderer->GetDisplayAspect(), 1.f, 600.f);
matrix4x4f modelview = matrix4x4f::Identity();
Graphics::Renderer::MatrixTicket ticket(m_renderer);
// units are lightyears, my friend
modelview.Translate(0.f, 0.f, -10.f - 10.f * m_zoom); // not zoomClamped, let us zoom out a bit beyond what we're drawing
modelview.Rotate(DEG2RAD(m_rotX), 1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
modelview.Rotate(DEG2RAD(m_rotZ), 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
modelview.Translate(-FFRAC(m_pos.x) * Sector::SIZE, -FFRAC(m_pos.y) * Sector::SIZE, -FFRAC(m_pos.z) * Sector::SIZE);
if (m_zoomClamped <= FAR_THRESHOLD)
//draw star billboards in one go
m_renderer->SetAmbientColor(Color(30, 30, 30));
m_renderer->DrawTriangles(m_starVerts.get(), m_solidState, m_starMaterial.Get());
//draw sector legs in one go
if (!m_lineVerts->IsEmpty()) {
m_lines.SetData(m_lineVerts->GetNumVerts(), &m_lineVerts->position[0], &m_lineVerts->diffuse[0]);
m_lines.Draw(m_renderer, m_alphaBlendState);
if (!m_secLineVerts->IsEmpty()) {
m_sectorlines.SetData(m_secLineVerts->GetNumVerts(), &m_secLineVerts->position[0], &m_secLineVerts->diffuse[0]);
m_sectorlines.Draw(m_renderer, m_alphaBlendState);
// not quite the same as modelview
matrix4x4f trans = matrix4x4f::Identity();
trans.Translate(0.f, 0.f, -10.f - 10.f * m_zoom);
trans.Rotate(DEG2RAD(m_rotX), 1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
trans.Rotate(DEG2RAD(m_rotZ), 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
trans.Translate(-(m_pos.x) * Sector::SIZE, -(m_pos.y) * Sector::SIZE, -(m_pos.z) * Sector::SIZE);
// calculate the player's location (it will be interpolated between systems during a hyperjump)
vector3f playerPos;
float currentStarSize;
GetPlayerPosAndStarSize(playerPos, currentStarSize);
// the next function assumes that m_renderer->(matrix4x4f::Identity()),
// so we run this function before we touch m_renderer again
if (m_drawRouteLines && !m_route.empty()) {
if (m_setupRouteLines) {
// player location indicator
// starting with the "trans" matrix, see above, adding translation to playerPos
matrix4x4f pTrans = trans * matrix4x4f::Translation(playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z);
// rotate in the opposite direction, so that the disk always looks like a circle
pTrans.Rotate(DEG2RAD(-m_rotZ), 0, 0, 1);
pTrans.Rotate(DEG2RAD(-m_rotX), 1, 0, 0);
// corretion to the size of the current star, and hardcoded "3", the size of the player's indicator
pTrans.Scale(currentStarSize * 3.);
// move this disk 0.03 light years further so that it does not overlap the star, and selected indicator and hyperspace target indicator
m_renderer->SetTransform(matrix4x4f::Translation((pTrans * vector3f(.0f)).NormalizedSafe() * 0.03) * pTrans);
m_disk->SetColor(Color(0, 0, 204));
void SectorView::SetHyperspaceTarget(const SystemPath &path)
m_hyperspaceTarget = path;
void SectorView::ResetHyperspaceTarget()
SystemPath old = m_hyperspaceTarget;
m_hyperspaceTarget = Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetStarSystem()->GetStars()[0]->GetPath();
if (!old.IsSameSystem(m_hyperspaceTarget)) {
void SectorView::GotoSector(const SystemPath &path)
m_posMovingTo = vector3f(path.sectorX, path.sectorY, path.sectorZ);
// for performance don't animate the travel if we're Far Zoomed
if (m_zoomClamped > FAR_THRESHOLD) {
m_pos = m_posMovingTo;
void SectorView::GotoSystem(const SystemPath &path)
RefCountedPtr<Sector> ps = GetCached(path);
const vector3f &p = ps->m_systems[path.systemIndex].GetPosition();
m_posMovingTo.x = path.sectorX + p.x / Sector::SIZE;
m_posMovingTo.y = path.sectorY + p.y / Sector::SIZE;
m_posMovingTo.z = path.sectorZ + p.z / Sector::SIZE;
// for performance don't animate the travel if we're Far Zoomed
if (m_zoomClamped > FAR_THRESHOLD) {
m_pos = m_posMovingTo;
bool SectorView::IsCenteredOn(const SystemPath &path)
RefCountedPtr<Sector> ps = GetCached(path);
const vector3f &p = ps->m_systems[path.systemIndex].GetPosition();
vector3f diff = vector3f(
fabs(m_pos.x - path.sectorX - p.x / Sector::SIZE),
fabs(m_pos.y - path.sectorY - p.y / Sector::SIZE),
fabs(m_pos.z - path.sectorZ - p.z / Sector::SIZE));
return ((diff.x < 0.005f && diff.y < 0.005f && diff.z < 0.005f));
void SectorView::SetSelected(const SystemPath &path)
if (path.IsBodyPath())
m_selected = path;
else if (path.IsSystemPath()) {
RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> system = m_galaxy->GetStarSystem(path);
m_selected = CheckPathInRoute(system->GetStars()[0]->GetPath());
void SectorView::SwitchToPath(const SystemPath &path)
if (m_automaticSystemSelection)
void SectorView::OnClickSystem(const SystemPath &path)
// check the route, maybe this system is there, then we'll take the path from the route
const SystemPath &SectorView::CheckPathInRoute(const SystemPath &path)
for (const auto &p : m_route)
if (p.IsSameSystem(path))
return p;
return path;
void SectorView::PutSystemLabels(RefCountedPtr<Sector> sec, const vector3f &origin, int drawRadius)
Uint32 sysIdx = 0;
for (std::vector<Sector::System>::iterator sys = sec->m_systems.begin(); sys != sec->m_systems.end(); ++sys, ++sysIdx) {
// skip the system if it doesn't fall within the sphere we're viewing.
if ((m_pos * Sector::SIZE - (*sys).GetFullPosition()).Length() > drawRadius) continue;
// if the system is the current system or target we can't skip it
bool can_skip = !sys->IsSameSystem(m_selected) && !sys->IsSameSystem(m_hyperspaceTarget) && !sys->IsSameSystem(m_current);
// skip if we have no population and won't drawn uninhabited systems
if (can_skip && (sys->GetPopulation() <= 0 && !m_drawUninhabitedLabels)) continue;
// skip the system if it belongs to a Faction we've toggled off and we can skip it
if (can_skip && m_hiddenFactions.find(sys->GetFaction()) != m_hiddenFactions.end()) continue;
// determine if system in hyperjump range or not
RefCountedPtr<const Sector> playerSec = GetCached(m_current);
float dist = Sector::DistanceBetween(sec, sysIdx, playerSec, m_current.systemIndex);
bool inRange = dist <= m_playerHyperspaceRange;
// skip if we're out of rangen and won't draw out of range systems systems
if (can_skip && (!inRange && !m_drawOutRangeLabels)) continue;
// place the label
vector3d systemPos = vector3d((*sys).GetFullPosition() - origin);
vector3d screenPos;
Gui::Screen::Project(systemPos, screenPos);
// reject back-projected labels (negative Z in clipspace is in front of the view plane)
if (screenPos.z < 0.0f) {
// work out the colour
Color labelColor = sys->GetFaction()->AdjustedColour(sys->GetPopulation(), inRange);
// get a system path to pass to the event handler when the label is licked
SystemPath sysPath = SystemPath((*sys).sx, (*sys).sy, (*sys).sz, sysIdx);
// label text
std::string text = "";
if (((inRange || m_drawOutRangeLabels) && (sys->GetPopulation() > 0 || m_drawUninhabitedLabels)) || !can_skip)
text = sys->GetName();
// setup the label;
m_clickableLabels->Add(text, sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &SectorView::OnClickSystem), sysPath), screenPos.x, screenPos.y, labelColor);
void SectorView::PutFactionLabels(const vector3f &origin)
if (!m_material)
static const Color labelBorder(13, 13, 31, 166);
const auto renderState = Gui::Screen::alphaBlendState;
for (auto it = m_visibleFactions.begin(); it != m_visibleFactions.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->hasHomeworld && m_hiddenFactions.find((*it)) == m_hiddenFactions.end()) {
Sector::System sys = GetCached((*it)->homeworld)->m_systems[(*it)->homeworld.systemIndex];
if ((m_pos * Sector::SIZE - sys.GetFullPosition()).Length() > (m_zoomClamped / FAR_THRESHOLD) * OUTER_RADIUS) continue;
vector3d pos;
Gui::Screen::Project(vector3d(sys.GetFullPosition() - origin), pos);
if (pos.z < 0.0f) { // reject back-projected stars
std::string labelText = sys.GetName() + "\n" + (*it)->name;
Color labelColor = (*it)->colour;
float labelHeight = 0;
float labelWidth = 0;
Gui::Screen::MeasureString(labelText, labelWidth, labelHeight);
// draw a big diamond for the location of the star
static const float STARSIZE = 5;
Graphics::VertexArray outline(Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION);
outline.Add(vector3f(pos.x - STARSIZE - 1.f, pos.y, 1));
outline.Add(vector3f(pos.x, pos.y + STARSIZE + 1.f, 1));
outline.Add(vector3f(pos.x, pos.y - STARSIZE - 1.f, 1));
outline.Add(vector3f(pos.x + STARSIZE + 1.f, pos.y, 1));
m_material->diffuse = { 0, 0, 0, 255 };
m_renderer->DrawTriangles(&outline, renderState, m_material.Get(), Graphics::TRIANGLE_STRIP);
Graphics::VertexArray marker(Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION);
marker.Add(vector3f(pos.x - STARSIZE, pos.y, 0));
marker.Add(vector3f(pos.x, pos.y + STARSIZE, 0));
marker.Add(vector3f(pos.x, pos.y - STARSIZE, 0));
marker.Add(vector3f(pos.x + STARSIZE, pos.y, 0));
m_material->diffuse = labelColor;
m_renderer->DrawTriangles(&marker, renderState, m_material.Get(), Graphics::TRIANGLE_STRIP);
// draw a surface for the label to sit on
static const float MARGINLEFT = 8;
float halfheight = labelHeight / 2.0;
Graphics::VertexArray surface(Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION);
surface.Add(vector3f(pos.x + MARGINLEFT - 2.f, pos.y - halfheight, 0));
surface.Add(vector3f(pos.x + MARGINLEFT - 2.f, pos.y + halfheight, 0));
surface.Add(vector3f(pos.x + MARGINLEFT + labelWidth + 2.f, pos.y - halfheight, 0));
surface.Add(vector3f(pos.x + MARGINLEFT + labelWidth + 2.f, pos.y + halfheight, 0));
m_material->diffuse = labelBorder;
m_renderer->DrawTriangles(&surface, renderState, m_material.Get(), Graphics::TRIANGLE_STRIP);
if (labelColor.GetLuminance() > 204)
labelColor.a = 204; // luminance is sometimes a bit overly
m_clickableLabels->Add(labelText, sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &SectorView::OnClickSystem), (*it)->homeworld), pos.x + MARGINLEFT, pos.y - (halfheight / 2.0) - 1.f, labelColor);
void SectorView::AddStarBillboard(const matrix4x4f &trans, const vector3f &pos, const Color &col, float size)
const matrix3x3f rot = trans.GetOrient().Transpose();
const vector3f offset = trans * pos;
const vector3f rotv1 = rot * vector3f(size / 2.f, -size / 2.f, 0.0f);
const vector3f rotv2 = rot * vector3f(size / 2.f, size / 2.f, 0.0f);
Graphics::VertexArray &va = *m_starVerts;
va.Add(offset - rotv1, col, vector2f(0.f, 0.f)); //top left
va.Add(offset - rotv2, col, vector2f(0.f, 1.f)); //bottom left
va.Add(offset + rotv2, col, vector2f(1.f, 0.f)); //top right
va.Add(offset + rotv2, col, vector2f(1.f, 0.f)); //top right
va.Add(offset - rotv2, col, vector2f(0.f, 1.f)); //bottom left
va.Add(offset + rotv1, col, vector2f(1.f, 1.f)); //bottom right
void SectorView::OnToggleFaction(Gui::ToggleButton *button, bool pressed, const Faction *faction)
// hide or show the faction's systems depending on whether the button is pressed
if (pressed)
m_toggledFaction = true;
void SectorView::DrawNearSectors(const matrix4x4f &modelview)
for (int sx = -DRAW_RAD; sx <= DRAW_RAD; sx++) {
for (int sy = -DRAW_RAD; sy <= DRAW_RAD; sy++) {
for (int sz = -DRAW_RAD; sz <= DRAW_RAD; sz++) {
DrawNearSector(int(floorf(m_pos.x)) + sx, int(floorf(m_pos.y)) + sy, int(floorf(m_pos.z)) + sz,
modelview * matrix4x4f::Translation(Sector::SIZE * sx, Sector::SIZE * sy, Sector::SIZE * sz));
// ...then switch and do all the labels
const vector3f secOrigin = vector3f(int(floorf(m_pos.x)), int(floorf(m_pos.y)), int(floorf(m_pos.z)));
for (int sx = -DRAW_RAD; sx <= DRAW_RAD; sx++) {
for (int sy = -DRAW_RAD; sy <= DRAW_RAD; sy++) {
for (int sz = -DRAW_RAD; sz <= DRAW_RAD; sz++) {
PutSystemLabels(GetCached(SystemPath(sx + secOrigin.x, sy + secOrigin.y, sz + secOrigin.z)), Sector::SIZE * secOrigin, Sector::SIZE * DRAW_RAD);
bool SectorView::MoveRouteItemUp(const std::vector<SystemPath>::size_type element)
if (element == 0 || element >= m_route.size()) return false;
std::swap(m_route[element - 1], m_route[element]);
m_setupRouteLines = true;
return true;
bool SectorView::MoveRouteItemDown(const std::vector<SystemPath>::size_type element)
if (element >= m_route.size() - 1) return false;
std::swap(m_route[element + 1], m_route[element]);
m_setupRouteLines = true;
return true;
void SectorView::UpdateRouteItem(const std::vector<SystemPath>::size_type element, const SystemPath &path)
m_route[element] = path;
m_setupRouteLines = true;
void SectorView::AddToRoute(const SystemPath &path)
m_setupRouteLines = true;
bool SectorView::RemoveRouteItem(const std::vector<SystemPath>::size_type element)
if (element < m_route.size()) {
m_route.erase(m_route.begin() + element);
m_setupRouteLines = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
void SectorView::ClearRoute()
m_setupRouteLines = true;
std::vector<SystemPath> SectorView::GetRoute()
return m_route;
const std::string SectorView::AutoRoute(const SystemPath &start, const SystemPath &target, std::vector<SystemPath> &outRoute) const
const RefCountedPtr<const Sector> start_sec = m_galaxy->GetSector(start);
const RefCountedPtr<const Sector> target_sec = m_galaxy->GetSector(target);
LuaRef try_hdrive = LuaObject<Player>::CallMethod<LuaRef>(Pi::player, "GetEquip", "engine", 1);
if (try_hdrive.IsNil())
return "NO_DRIVE";
// Get the player's hyperdrive from Lua, later used to calculate the duration between systems
const ScopedTable hyperdrive = ScopedTable(try_hdrive);
// Cache max range so it doesn't get recalculated every time we call GetDuration
const float max_range = hyperdrive.CallMethod<float>("GetMaximumRange", Pi::player);
const float max_range_sqr = max_range * max_range;
// use the square of the distance to avoid doing a sqrt for each sector
const float distSqr = Sector::DistanceBetweenSqr(start_sec, start.systemIndex, target_sec, target.systemIndex) * 1.10;
// the maximum distance that anything can be from the direct line between the start and target systems
const float max_dist_from_straight_line = (Sector::SIZE * 3);
// nodes[0] is always start
std::vector<SystemPath> nodes;
// calculate an approximate initial number of nodes
const float dist = sqrt(distSqr);
// +2 for the sectors near start and target, *9 for the sectors immediately around the path... might want to be bigger but seems to work
const size_t num_sectors_covered = (size_t(dist / Sector::SIZE) + 2) * 9;
const size_t num_systems_per_sector = 6; // total guess
nodes.reserve(num_sectors_covered * num_systems_per_sector);
const Sint32 minX = std::min(start.sectorX, target.sectorX) - 2, maxX = std::max(start.sectorX, target.sectorX) + 2;
const Sint32 minY = std::min(start.sectorY, target.sectorY) - 2, maxY = std::max(start.sectorY, target.sectorY) + 2;
const Sint32 minZ = std::min(start.sectorZ, target.sectorZ) - 2, maxZ = std::max(start.sectorZ, target.sectorZ) + 2;
const vector3f start_pos = start_sec->m_systems[start.systemIndex].GetFullPosition();
const vector3f target_pos = target_sec->m_systems[target.systemIndex].GetFullPosition();
// go sector by sector for the minimum cube of sectors and add systems
// if they are within 110% of dist of both start and target
size_t secLineToFar = 0u;
for (Sint32 sx = minX; sx <= maxX; sx++) {
for (Sint32 sy = minY; sy <= maxY; sy++) {
for (Sint32 sz = minZ; sz < maxZ; sz++) {
const SystemPath sec_path = SystemPath(sx, sy, sz);
// early out here if the sector is too far from the direct line
vector3f sec_centre(Sector::SIZE * vector3f(float(sx) + 0.5f, float(sy) + 0.5f, float(sz) + 0.5f));
const float secLineDist = MathUtil::DistanceFromLine(start_pos, target_pos, sec_centre);
// this test is deliberately conservative to over include sectors, a better test might use the nearest corner of an AABB to the line - Math hard, Andy tired
if ((secLineDist - Sector::SIZE) > max_dist_from_straight_line) {
// GetSector is very expensive if it's not in the cache
RefCountedPtr<const Sector> sec = m_galaxy->GetSector(sec_path);
for (std::vector<Sector::System>::size_type s = 0; s < sec->m_systems.size(); s++) {
if (start.IsSameSystem(sec->m_systems[s].GetPath()))
continue; // start is already nodes[0]
const float lineDist = MathUtil::DistanceFromLine(start_pos, target_pos, sec->m_systems[s].GetFullPosition());
if (Sector::DistanceBetweenSqr(start_sec, start.systemIndex, sec, sec->m_systems[s].idx) <= distSqr &&
Sector::DistanceBetweenSqr(target_sec, target.systemIndex, sec, sec->m_systems[s].idx) <= distSqr &&
lineDist < max_dist_from_straight_line) {
Output("SectorView::AutoRoute, nodes to search = %lu, earlied out sector distance from line: %lu times.\n", nodes.size(), secLineToFar);
// setup inital values and set everything as unvisited
std::vector<float> path_dist; // distance from source to node
std::vector<std::vector<SystemPath>::size_type> path_prev; // previous node in optimal path
std::unordered_set<std::vector<SystemPath>::size_type> unvisited;
// we know how big these need to be, to reserve space up front
// initialise them
for (std::vector<SystemPath>::size_type i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
// distance to the start is 0
path_dist[0] = 0.f;
size_t totalSkipped = 0u;
while (unvisited.size() > 0) {
// find the closest node (for the first loop this will be start)
std::vector<SystemPath>::size_type closest_i = *unvisited.begin();
for (auto it : unvisited) {
if (path_dist[it] < path_dist[closest_i])
closest_i = it;
// mark it as visited
// if this is the target then we have found the route
const SystemPath &closest = nodes[closest_i];
if (closest.IsSameSystem(target))
RefCountedPtr<const Sector> closest_sec = m_galaxy->GetSector(closest);
// if not, loop through all unvisited nodes
// since every system is technically reachable from every other system
// everything is a neighbor :)
for (auto it : unvisited) {
const SystemPath &v = nodes[it];
// everything is a neighbor isn't quite true as the ship has a max_range for each jump!
if ((SystemPath::SectorDistanceSqr(closest, v) * Sector::SIZE) > max_range_sqr) {
RefCountedPtr<const Sector> v_sec = m_galaxy->GetSector(v); // this causes it to generate a sector (slooooooow)
const float v_dist_ly = Sector::DistanceBetween(closest_sec, closest.systemIndex, v_sec, v.systemIndex);
// in this case, duration is used for the distance since that's what we are optimizing
float v_dist = hyperdrive.CallMethod<float>("GetDuration", Pi::player, v_dist_ly, max_range);
v_dist += path_dist[closest_i]; // we want the total duration from start to this node
if (v_dist < path_dist[it]) {
// if our calculated duration is less than a previous value, this path is more efficent
// so store/override it
path_dist[it] = v_dist;
path_prev[it] = closest_i;
Output("SectorView::AutoRoute, total times that nodes were skipped = %lu\n", totalSkipped);
bool foundRoute = false;
std::vector<SystemPath>::size_type u = 0;
// find the index of our target
for (std::vector<SystemPath>::size_type i = 0, numNodes = nodes.size(); i < numNodes; i++) {
if (target.IsSameSystem(nodes[i])) {
u = i;
foundRoute = true;
// It's posible that there is no valid route
if (foundRoute) {
// Build the route, in reverse starting with the target
while (u != 0) {
u = path_prev[u];
std::reverse(std::begin(outRoute), std::end(outRoute));
return "OKAY";
return "NO_VALID_ROUTE";
void SectorView::DrawRouteLines(const matrix4x4f &trans)
if (m_route.empty())
m_routeLines.Draw(m_renderer, m_alphaBlendState);
void SectorView::SetupRouteLines(const vector3f &playerAbsPos)
m_setupRouteLines = false;
std::unique_ptr<Graphics::VertexArray> verts;
verts.reset(new Graphics::VertexArray(Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION, m_route.size() * 2));
vector3f startPos = playerAbsPos;
for (std::vector<SystemPath>::size_type i = 0; i < m_route.size(); ++i) {
RefCountedPtr<const Sector> jumpSec = m_galaxy->GetSector(m_route[i]);
const Sector::System &jumpSecSys = jumpSec->m_systems[m_route[i].systemIndex];
const vector3f jumpAbsPos = Sector::SIZE * vector3f(float(jumpSec->sx), float(jumpSec->sy), float(jumpSec->sz)) + jumpSecSys.GetPosition();
if (i > 0) {
RefCountedPtr<const Sector> prevSec = m_galaxy->GetSector(m_route[i - 1]);
const Sector::System &prevSecSys = prevSec->m_systems[m_route[i - 1].systemIndex];
const vector3f prevAbsPos = Sector::SIZE * vector3f(float(prevSec->sx), float(prevSec->sy), float(prevSec->sz)) + prevSecSys.GetPosition();
startPos = prevAbsPos;
verts->Add(startPos, Color(20, 20, 0, 127));
verts->Add(jumpAbsPos, Color(255, 255, 0, 255));
m_routeLines.SetData(verts->GetNumVerts(), &verts->position[0], &verts->diffuse[0]);
void SectorView::GetPlayerPosAndStarSize(vector3f &playerPosOut, float &currentStarSizeOut)
// calculate the player's location (it will be interpolated between systems during a hyperjump)
const Sector::System currentSystem = GetCached(m_current)->m_systems[m_current.systemIndex];
playerPosOut = Sector::SIZE * vector3f(float(m_current.sectorX), float(m_current.sectorY), float(m_current.sectorZ)) + currentSystem.GetPosition();
currentStarSizeOut = StarSystem::starScale[currentSystem.GetStarType(0)];
if (!m_inSystem) {
// we are in hyperspace, interpolate
// m_current has been set to the destination path
// destination system data:
const SystemPath dstPath = Pi::game->GetHyperspaceDest();
const Sector::System dstSystem = GetCached(dstPath)->m_systems[dstPath.systemIndex];
const vector3f dstPos = Sector::SIZE * vector3f(float(dstPath.sectorX), float(dstPath.sectorY), float(dstPath.sectorZ)) + dstSystem.GetPosition();
// jumpProcess: 0.0f (at source) .. 1.0f (at destination)
// smoothing speed at the ends with cubic interpolation
const float jumpProcess = AnimationCurves::InOutCubicEasing(Pi::game->GetHyperspaceProgress() / Pi::game->GetHyperspaceDuration());
// player location indicator's size of the star, on which it is drawn
// so we interpolate it too
const float dstStarSize = StarSystem::starScale[dstSystem.GetStarType(0)];
// interpolating player location indicator's position and size
playerPosOut = playerPosOut.Lerp(dstPos, jumpProcess);
currentStarSizeOut = MathUtil::Lerp(currentStarSizeOut, dstStarSize, jumpProcess);
void SectorView::DrawNearSector(const int sx, const int sy, const int sz, const matrix4x4f &trans)
RefCountedPtr<Sector> ps = GetCached(SystemPath(sx, sy, sz));
const int cz = int(floor(m_pos.z + 0.5f));
if (cz == sz) {
static const Color darkgreen(0, 51, 0, 255);
const vector3f vts[] = {
trans * vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f),
trans * vector3f(0.f, Sector::SIZE, 0.f),
trans * vector3f(Sector::SIZE, Sector::SIZE, 0.f),
trans * vector3f(Sector::SIZE, 0.f, 0.f)
// reserve some more space
const size_t newNum = m_secLineVerts->GetNumVerts() + 8;
m_secLineVerts->Add(vts[0], darkgreen); // line segment 1
m_secLineVerts->Add(vts[1], darkgreen);
m_secLineVerts->Add(vts[1], darkgreen); // line segment 2
m_secLineVerts->Add(vts[2], darkgreen);
m_secLineVerts->Add(vts[2], darkgreen); // line segment 3
m_secLineVerts->Add(vts[3], darkgreen);
m_secLineVerts->Add(vts[3], darkgreen); // line segment 4
m_secLineVerts->Add(vts[0], darkgreen);
const size_t numLineVerts = ps->m_systems.size() * 8;
Uint32 sysIdx = 0;
for (std::vector<Sector::System>::iterator i = ps->m_systems.begin(); i != ps->m_systems.end(); ++i, ++sysIdx) {
// calculate where the system is in relation the centre of the view...
const vector3f sysAbsPos = Sector::SIZE * vector3f(float(sx), float(sy), float(sz)) + i->GetPosition();
const vector3f toCentreOfView = m_pos * Sector::SIZE - sysAbsPos;
// ...and skip the system if it doesn't fall within the sphere we're viewing.
if (toCentreOfView.Length() > OUTER_RADIUS) continue;
const bool bIsCurrentSystem = i->IsSameSystem(m_current);
const bool bInRoute = std::find_if(m_route.begin(), m_route.end(), [i](const SystemPath &a) -> bool { return i->IsSameSystem(a); }) != m_route.end();
// if the system is the current system or target we can't skip it
bool can_skip = !i->IsSameSystem(m_selected) && !i->IsSameSystem(m_hyperspaceTarget) && !bIsCurrentSystem && !bInRoute;
// if the system belongs to a faction we've chosen to temporarily hide
// then skip it if we can
if (can_skip && m_hiddenFactions.find(i->GetFaction()) != m_hiddenFactions.end()) continue;
// determine if system in hyperjump range or not
RefCountedPtr<const Sector> playerSec = GetCached(m_current);
float dist = Sector::DistanceBetween(ps, sysIdx, playerSec, m_current.systemIndex);
bool inRange = dist <= m_playerHyperspaceRange;
// don't worry about looking for inhabited systems if they're
// unexplored (same calculation as in StarSystem.cpp) or we've
// already retrieved their population.
if (i->GetPopulation() < 0 && isqrt(1 + sx * sx + sy * sy + sz * sz) <= 90) {
// only do this once we've pretty much stopped moving.
vector3f diff = vector3f(
fabs(m_posMovingTo.x - m_pos.x),
fabs(m_posMovingTo.y - m_pos.y),
fabs(m_posMovingTo.z - m_pos.z));
// Ideally, since this takes so f'ing long, it wants to be done as a threaded job but haven't written that yet.
if ((diff.x < 0.001f && diff.y < 0.001f && diff.z < 0.001f)) {
SystemPath current = SystemPath(sx, sy, sz, sysIdx);
RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> pSS = m_galaxy->GetStarSystem(current);
matrix4x4f systrans = trans * matrix4x4f::Translation(i->GetPosition().x, i->GetPosition().y, i->GetPosition().z);
// for out-of-range systems draw leg only if we draw label
if ((m_drawVerticalLines && (inRange || m_drawOutRangeLabels) && (i->GetPopulation() > 0 || m_drawUninhabitedLabels)) || !can_skip) {
const Color light(128, 128, 128);
const Color dark(51, 51, 51);
// draw system "leg"
float z = -i->GetPosition().z;
if (sz <= cz)
z = z + abs(cz - sz) * Sector::SIZE;
z = z - abs(cz - sz) * Sector::SIZE;
m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.f, 0.f, z), light);
m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.f, 0.f, z * 0.5f), dark);
m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.f, 0.f, z * 0.5f), dark);
m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), light);
//cross at other end
m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(-0.1f, -0.1f, z), light);
m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.1f, 0.1f, z), light);
m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(-0.1f, 0.1f, z), light);
m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.1f, -0.1f, z), light);
if (i->IsSameSystem(m_selected)) {
if (m_selected != m_current && !bInRoute) {
const vector3f playerAbsPos = Sector::SIZE * vector3f(float(m_current.sectorX), float(m_current.sectorY), float(m_current.sectorZ)) +
m_selectedLine.SetStart(vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
m_selectedLine.SetEnd(playerAbsPos - sysAbsPos);
m_selectedLine.Draw(m_renderer, m_solidState);
if (m_route.size() > 0) {
const SystemPath &routeBack = m_route.back();
if (!bInRoute) {
RefCountedPtr<Sector> backSec = GetCached(routeBack);
const vector3f hyperAbsPos =
Sector::SIZE * vector3f(routeBack.sectorX, routeBack.sectorY, routeBack.sectorZ) + backSec->m_systems[routeBack.systemIndex].GetPosition();
if (m_selected != m_current) {
m_secondLine.SetStart(vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
m_secondLine.SetEnd(hyperAbsPos - sysAbsPos);
m_secondLine.Draw(m_renderer, m_solidState);
// draw star blob itself
systrans.Rotate(DEG2RAD(-m_rotZ), 0, 0, 1);
systrans.Rotate(DEG2RAD(-m_rotX), 1, 0, 0);
const Uint8 *col = StarSystem::starColors[(*i).GetStarType(0)];
AddStarBillboard(systrans, vector3f(0.f), Color(col[0], col[1], col[2], 255), 0.5f);
// selected indicator
if (i->IsSameSystem(m_selected)) {
m_disk->SetColor(Color(0, 204, 0));
// move this disk 0.01 light years further so that it does not overlap the star
m_renderer->SetTransform(matrix4x4f::Translation((systrans * vector3f(.0f)).NormalizedSafe() * 0.01) * systrans * matrix4x4f::ScaleMatrix(2.f));
// hyperspace target indicator (if different from selection)
if (i->IsSameSystem(m_hyperspaceTarget) && m_hyperspaceTarget != m_selected && (!m_inSystem || m_hyperspaceTarget != m_current)) {
m_disk->SetColor(Color(77, 77, 77));
// move this disk 0.02 light years further so that it does not overlap the star, and selected indicator
m_renderer->SetTransform(matrix4x4f::Translation((systrans * vector3f(.0f)).NormalizedSafe() * 0.02) * systrans * matrix4x4f::ScaleMatrix(2.f));
// hyperspace range sphere
if (bIsCurrentSystem && m_jumpSphere && m_playerHyperspaceRange > 0.0f) {
const matrix4x4f sphTrans = trans * matrix4x4f::Translation(i->GetPosition().x, i->GetPosition().y, i->GetPosition().z);
m_renderer->SetTransform(sphTrans * matrix4x4f::ScaleMatrix(m_playerHyperspaceRange));
void SectorView::DrawFarSectors(const matrix4x4f &modelview)
int buildRadius = ceilf((m_zoomClamped / FAR_THRESHOLD) * 3);
if (buildRadius <= DRAW_RAD) buildRadius = DRAW_RAD;
const vector3f secOrigin = vector3f(int(floorf(m_pos.x)), int(floorf(m_pos.y)), int(floorf(m_pos.z)));
// build vertex and colour arrays for all the stars we want to see, if we don't already have them
if (m_toggledFaction || buildRadius != m_radiusFar || !secOrigin.ExactlyEqual(m_secPosFar)) {
for (int sx = secOrigin.x - buildRadius; sx <= secOrigin.x + buildRadius; sx++) {
for (int sy = secOrigin.y - buildRadius; sy <= secOrigin.y + buildRadius; sy++) {
for (int sz = secOrigin.z - buildRadius; sz <= secOrigin.z + buildRadius; sz++) {
if ((vector3f(sx, sy, sz) - secOrigin).Length() <= buildRadius) {
BuildFarSector(GetCached(SystemPath(sx, sy, sz)), Sector::SIZE * secOrigin, m_farstars, m_farstarsColor);
m_secPosFar = secOrigin;
m_radiusFar = buildRadius;
m_toggledFaction = false;
// always draw the stars, slightly altering their size for different different resolutions, so they still look okay
if (m_farstars.size() > 0) {
m_farstarsPoints.SetData(m_renderer, m_farstars.size(), &m_farstars[0], &m_farstarsColor[0], modelview, 0.25f * (Graphics::GetScreenHeight() / 720.f));
m_farstarsPoints.Draw(m_renderer, m_alphaBlendState);
// also add labels for any faction homeworlds among the systems we've drawn
PutFactionLabels(Sector::SIZE * secOrigin);
void SectorView::BuildFarSector(RefCountedPtr<Sector> sec, const vector3f &origin, std::vector<vector3f> &points, std::vector<Color> &colors)
Color starColor;
for (std::vector<Sector::System>::iterator i = sec->m_systems.begin(); i != sec->m_systems.end(); ++i) {
// skip the system if it doesn't fall within the sphere we're viewing.
if ((m_pos * Sector::SIZE - (*i).GetFullPosition()).Length() > (m_zoomClamped / FAR_THRESHOLD) * OUTER_RADIUS) continue;
if (!i->IsExplored()) {
points.push_back((*i).GetFullPosition() - origin);
colors.push_back({ 100, 100, 100, 155 }); // flat gray for unexplored systems
// if the system belongs to a faction we've chosen to hide also skip it, if it's not selectd in some way
if (m_hiddenFactions.find(i->GetFaction()) != m_hiddenFactions.end() && !i->IsSameSystem(m_selected) && !i->IsSameSystem(m_hyperspaceTarget) && !i->IsSameSystem(m_current)) continue;
// otherwise add the system's position (origin must be m_pos's *sector* or we get judder)
// and faction color to the list to draw
starColor = i->GetFaction()->colour;
starColor.a = 120;
points.push_back((*i).GetFullPosition() - origin);
void SectorView::OnSwitchTo()
m_renderer->SetViewport({ 0, 0, Graphics::GetScreenWidth(), Graphics::GetScreenHeight() });
void SectorView::OnSwitchFrom()
void SectorView::Update()
SystemPath last_current = m_current;
if (Pi::game->IsNormalSpace()) {
m_inSystem = true;
m_current = Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetStarSystem()->GetPath();
} else {
m_inSystem = false;
m_current = Pi::game->GetHyperspaceSource();
const float frameTime = Pi::GetFrameTime();
matrix4x4f rot = matrix4x4f::Identity();
matrix3x3f shiftRot = matrix3x3f::Rotate(DEG2RAD(m_rotZ), { 0, 0, 1 });
const float moveSpeed = Pi::GetMoveSpeedShiftModifier();
float move = moveSpeed * frameTime * m_zoomClamped;
vector3f shift(0.0f);
bool manual_move = false; // used so that when you click on a system and move there, passing systems are not selected
if (InputBindings.mapViewMoveLeft->IsActive()) {
shift.x -= move * InputBindings.mapViewMoveLeft->GetValue();
manual_move = true;
if (InputBindings.mapViewMoveForward->IsActive()) {
shift.y += move * InputBindings.mapViewMoveForward->GetValue();
manual_move = true;
if (InputBindings.mapViewMoveUp->IsActive()) {
shift.z += move * InputBindings.mapViewMoveUp->GetValue();
manual_move = true;
m_posMovingTo += shift * shiftRot;
if (InputBindings.mapViewZoom->IsActive()) m_zoomMovingTo -= move * InputBindings.mapViewZoom->GetValue();
m_zoomMovingTo = Clamp(m_zoomMovingTo, 0.1f, FAR_MAX);
if (InputBindings.mapViewYaw->IsActive()) m_rotZMovingTo += 0.5f * moveSpeed * InputBindings.mapViewYaw->GetValue();
if (InputBindings.mapViewPitch->IsActive()) m_rotXMovingTo += 0.5f * moveSpeed * InputBindings.mapViewPitch->GetValue();
// to capture mouse when button was pressed and release when released
if (Pi::input->MouseButtonState(SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) != m_rotateWithMouseButton) {
m_rotateWithMouseButton = !m_rotateWithMouseButton;
if (m_rotateWithMouseButton || m_rotateView) {
int motion[2];
m_rotXMovingTo += 0.2f * float(motion[1]);
m_rotZMovingTo += 0.2f * float(motion[0]);
} else if (m_zoomView) {
int motion[2];
m_zoomMovingTo += ZOOM_SPEED * 0.002f * motion[1];
m_rotXMovingTo = Clamp(m_rotXMovingTo, -170.0f, -10.0f);
vector3f diffPos = m_posMovingTo - m_pos;
vector3f travelPos = diffPos * 10.0f * frameTime;
if (travelPos.Length() > diffPos.Length())
m_pos = m_posMovingTo;
m_pos = m_pos + travelPos;
float diffX = m_rotXMovingTo - m_rotX;
float travelX = diffX * 10.0f * frameTime;
if (fabs(travelX) > fabs(diffX))
m_rotX = m_rotXMovingTo;
m_rotX = m_rotX + travelX;
float diffZ = m_rotZMovingTo - m_rotZ;
float travelZ = diffZ * 10.0f * frameTime;
if (fabs(travelZ) > fabs(diffZ))
m_rotZ = m_rotZMovingTo;
m_rotZ = m_rotZ + travelZ;
float diffZoom = m_zoomMovingTo - m_zoom;
float travelZoom = diffZoom * ZOOM_SPEED * frameTime;
if (fabs(travelZoom) > fabs(diffZoom))
m_zoom = m_zoomMovingTo;
m_zoom = m_zoom + travelZoom;
m_zoomClamped = Clamp(m_zoom, 1.f, FAR_LIMIT);
if (m_automaticSystemSelection && manual_move) {
SystemPath new_selected = SystemPath(int(floor(m_pos.x)), int(floor(m_pos.y)), int(floor(m_pos.z)), 0);
RefCountedPtr<Sector> ps = GetCached(new_selected);
if (ps->m_systems.size()) {
float px = FFRAC(m_pos.x) * Sector::SIZE;
float py = FFRAC(m_pos.y) * Sector::SIZE;
float pz = FFRAC(m_pos.z) * Sector::SIZE;
float min_dist = FLT_MAX;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps->m_systems.size(); i++) {
Sector::System *ss = &ps->m_systems[i];
float dx = px - ss->GetPosition().x;
float dy = py - ss->GetPosition().y;
float dz = pz - ss->GetPosition().z;
float dist = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
if (dist < min_dist) {
min_dist = dist;
new_selected.systemIndex = i;
if (!m_selected.IsSameSystem(new_selected)) {
RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> system = m_galaxy->GetStarSystem(new_selected);
m_playerHyperspaceRange = LuaObject<Player>::CallMethod<float>(Pi::player, "GetHyperspaceRange");
if (!m_jumpSphere) {
Graphics::RenderStateDesc rsd;
rsd.blendMode = Graphics::BLEND_ALPHA;
rsd.depthTest = false;
rsd.depthWrite = false;
rsd.cullMode = Graphics::CULL_NONE;
m_jumpSphereState = m_renderer->CreateRenderState(rsd);
Graphics::MaterialDescriptor matdesc;
matdesc.effect = EFFECT_FRESNEL_SPHERE;
m_fresnelMat->diffuse = Color::WHITE;
m_jumpSphere.reset(new Graphics::Drawables::Sphere3D(m_renderer, m_fresnelMat, m_jumpSphereState, 4, 1.0f));
void SectorView::ShowAll()
void SectorView::MouseWheel(bool up)
if (this == Pi::GetView()) {
if (!up)
m_zoomMovingTo += ZOOM_SPEED * WHEEL_SENSITIVITY * Pi::GetMoveSpeedShiftModifier();
m_zoomMovingTo -= ZOOM_SPEED * WHEEL_SENSITIVITY * Pi::GetMoveSpeedShiftModifier();
void SectorView::ShrinkCache()
// we're going to use these to determine if our sectors are within the range that we'll ever render
const int drawRadius = (m_zoomClamped <= FAR_THRESHOLD) ? DRAW_RAD : ceilf((m_zoomClamped / FAR_THRESHOLD) * DRAW_RAD);
const int xmin = int(floorf(m_pos.x)) - drawRadius;
const int xmax = int(floorf(m_pos.x)) + drawRadius;
const int ymin = int(floorf(m_pos.y)) - drawRadius;
const int ymax = int(floorf(m_pos.y)) + drawRadius;
const int zmin = int(floorf(m_pos.z)) - drawRadius;
const int zmax = int(floorf(m_pos.z)) + drawRadius;
// XXX don't clear the current/selected/target sectors
if (xmin != m_cacheXMin || xmax != m_cacheXMax || ymin != m_cacheYMin || ymax != m_cacheYMax || zmin != m_cacheZMin || zmax != m_cacheZMax) {
auto iter = m_sectorCache->Begin();
while (iter != m_sectorCache->End()) {
RefCountedPtr<Sector> s = iter->second;
if (!s->WithinBox(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)) {
} else {
m_cacheXMin = xmin;
m_cacheXMax = xmax;
m_cacheYMin = ymin;
m_cacheYMax = ymax;
m_cacheZMin = zmin;
m_cacheZMax = zmax;
double SectorView::GetZoomLevel() const
return ((m_zoomClamped / FAR_THRESHOLD) * (OUTER_RADIUS)) + 0.5 * Sector::SIZE;
void SectorView::ZoomIn()
const float frameTime = Pi::GetFrameTime();
const float moveSpeed = Pi::GetMoveSpeedShiftModifier();
float move = moveSpeed * frameTime;
m_zoomMovingTo -= move;
m_zoomMovingTo = Clamp(m_zoomMovingTo, 0.1f, FAR_MAX);
void SectorView::ZoomOut()
const float frameTime = Pi::GetFrameTime();
const float moveSpeed = Pi::GetMoveSpeedShiftModifier();
float move = moveSpeed * frameTime;
m_zoomMovingTo += move;
m_zoomMovingTo = Clamp(m_zoomMovingTo, 0.1f, FAR_MAX);
vector3f SectorView::GetCenterSector()
return m_pos;
double SectorView::GetCenterDistance()
if (m_inSystem) {
vector3f dv = vector3f(floorf(m_pos.x) - m_current.sectorX, floorf(m_pos.y) - m_current.sectorY, floorf(m_pos.z) - m_current.sectorZ) * Sector::SIZE;
return dv.Length();
} else {
return 0.0;
std::vector<SystemPath> SectorView::GetNearbyStarSystemsByName(std::string pattern)
std::vector<SystemPath> result;
for (auto i = m_sectorCache->Begin(); i != m_sectorCache->End(); ++i) {
for (unsigned int systemIndex = 0; systemIndex < (*i).second->m_systems.size(); systemIndex++) {
const Sector::System *ss = &((*i).second->m_systems[systemIndex]);
// compare with the start of the current system
if (strncasecmp(pattern.c_str(), ss->GetName().c_str(), pattern.size()) == 0
// look for the pattern term somewhere within the current system
|| pi_strcasestr(ss->GetName().c_str(), pattern.c_str())) {
SystemPath match((*i).first);
match.systemIndex = systemIndex;
// now also check other names of this system, if there are any
for (const std::string &other_name : ss->GetOtherNames()) {
if (strncasecmp(pattern.c_str(), other_name.c_str(), pattern.size()) == 0
// look for the pattern term somewhere within the current system
|| pi_strcasestr(other_name.c_str(), pattern.c_str())) {
SystemPath match((*i).first);
match.systemIndex = systemIndex;
return result;
void SectorView::SetFactionVisible(const Faction *faction, bool visible)
if (visible)
m_toggledFaction = true;
void SectorView::SetZoomMode(bool enable)
if (enable != m_zoomView) {
m_zoomView = enable;
if (m_zoomView) m_rotateView = false;
void SectorView::SetRotateMode(bool enable)
if (enable != m_rotateView) {
m_rotateView = enable;
if (m_rotateView) m_zoomView = false;
void SectorView::ResetView()
m_rotXMovingTo = m_rotXDefault;
m_rotZMovingTo = m_rotZDefault;
m_zoomMovingTo = m_zoomDefault;