
269 lines
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// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#include "Planet.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "GeoSphere.h"
#include "galaxy/SystemBody.h"
#include "graphics/Graphics.h"
#include "graphics/Material.h"
#include "graphics/RenderState.h"
#include "graphics/Renderer.h"
#include "graphics/Texture.h"
#include "perlin.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include "win32/WinMath.h"
#endif // _MSC_VER
using namespace Graphics;
static const Graphics::AttributeSet RING_VERTEX_ATTRIBS = Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION | Graphics::ATTRIB_UV0;
Planet::Planet(SystemBody *sbody) :
Planet::Planet(const Json &jsonObj, Space *space) :
TerrainBody(jsonObj, space),
const SystemBody *sbody = GetSystemBody();
void Planet::InitParams(const SystemBody *sbody)
double specificHeatCp;
double gasMolarMass;
if (sbody->GetSuperType() == SystemBody::SUPERTYPE_GAS_GIANT) {
specificHeatCp = 12950.0; // constant pressure specific heat, for a combination of hydrogen and helium
gasMolarMass = 0.0023139903;
} else {
specificHeatCp = 1000.5; // constant pressure specific heat, for the combination of gasses that make up air
// XXX using earth's molar mass of air...
gasMolarMass = 0.02897;
const double GAS_CONSTANT = 8.3144621;
const double PA_2_ATMOS = 1.0 / 101325.0;
// surface gravity = G*M/planet radius^2
m_surfaceGravity_g = G * sbody->GetMass() / (sbody->GetRadius() * sbody->GetRadius());
const double lapseRate_L = m_surfaceGravity_g / specificHeatCp; // deg/m
const double surfaceTemperature_T0 = sbody->GetAverageTemp(); //K
double surfaceDensity, h;
Color c;
sbody->GetAtmosphereFlavor(&c, &surfaceDensity); // kg / m^3
surfaceDensity /= gasMolarMass; // convert to moles/m^3
//P = density*R*T=(n/V)*R*T
const double surfaceP_p0 = PA_2_ATMOS * ((surfaceDensity)*GAS_CONSTANT * surfaceTemperature_T0); // in atmospheres
if (surfaceP_p0 < 0.002)
h = 0;
else {
//*outPressure = p0*(1-l*h/T0)^(g*M/(R*L);
// want height for pressure 0.001 atm:
// h = (1 - exp(RL/gM * log(P/p0))) * T0 / l
double RLdivgM = (GAS_CONSTANT * lapseRate_L) / (m_surfaceGravity_g * gasMolarMass);
h = (1.0 - exp(RLdivgM * log(0.001 / surfaceP_p0))) * surfaceTemperature_T0 / lapseRate_L;
// double h2 = (1.0 - pow(0.001/surfaceP_p0, RLdivgM)) * surfaceTemperature_T0 / lapseRate_L;
// double P = surfaceP_p0*pow((1.0-lapseRate_L*h/surfaceTemperature_T0),1/RLdivgM);
m_atmosphereRadius = h + sbody->GetRadius();
SetPhysRadius(std::max(m_atmosphereRadius, GetMaxFeatureRadius() + 1000));
// NB: Below abandoned due to docking problems with low altitude orbiting space stations
// SetPhysRadius(std::max(m_atmosphereRadius, std::max(GetMaxFeatureRadius() * 2.0 + 2000, sbody->GetRadius() * 1.05)));
if (sbody->HasRings()) {
SetClipRadius(sbody->GetRadius() * sbody->GetRings().maxRadius.ToDouble());
} else {
* dist = distance from centre
* returns pressure in earth atmospheres
* function is slightly different from the isothermal earth-based approximation used in shaders,
* but it isn't visually noticeable.
void Planet::GetAtmosphericState(double dist, double *outPressure, double *outDensity) const
#if 0
static bool atmosphereTableShown = false;
if (!atmosphereTableShown) {
atmosphereTableShown = true;
for (double h = -1000; h <= 100000; h = h+1000.0) {
double p = 0.0, d = 0.0;
Output("height(m): %f, pressure(hpa): %f, density: %f\n", h, p*101325.0/100.0, d);
// This model has no atmosphere beyond the adiabetic limit
// Note: some code duplicated in InitParams(). Check if changing.
if (dist >= m_atmosphereRadius) {
*outDensity = 0.0;
*outPressure = 0.0;
double surfaceDensity;
double specificHeatCp;
double gasMolarMass;
const SystemBody *sbody = this->GetSystemBody();
if (sbody->GetSuperType() == SystemBody::SUPERTYPE_GAS_GIANT) {
specificHeatCp = 12950.0; // constant pressure specific heat, for a combination of hydrogen and helium
gasMolarMass = 0.0023139903;
} else {
specificHeatCp = 1000.5; // constant pressure specific heat, for the combination of gasses that make up air
// XXX using earth's molar mass of air...
gasMolarMass = 0.02897;
const double GAS_CONSTANT = 8.3144621;
const double PA_2_ATMOS = 1.0 / 101325.0;
// lapse rate
// the wet adiabatic rate can be used when cloud layers are incorporated
// fairly accurate in the troposphere
const double lapseRate_L = m_surfaceGravity_g / specificHeatCp; // deg/m
const double height_h = (dist - sbody->GetRadius()); // height in m
const double surfaceTemperature_T0 = sbody->GetAverageTemp(); //K
Color c;
sbody->GetAtmosphereFlavor(&c, &surfaceDensity); // kg / m^3
// convert to moles/m^3
surfaceDensity /= gasMolarMass;
//P = density*R*T=(n/V)*R*T
const double surfaceP_p0 = PA_2_ATMOS * ((surfaceDensity)*GAS_CONSTANT * surfaceTemperature_T0); // in atmospheres
// height below zero should not occur
if (height_h < 0.0) {
*outPressure = surfaceP_p0;
*outDensity = surfaceDensity * gasMolarMass;
//*outPressure = p0*(1-l*h/T0)^(g*M/(R*L);
*outPressure = surfaceP_p0 * pow((1 - lapseRate_L * height_h / surfaceTemperature_T0), (m_surfaceGravity_g * gasMolarMass / (GAS_CONSTANT * lapseRate_L))); // in ATM since p0 was in ATM
// ^^g used is abs(g)
// temperature at height
double temp = surfaceTemperature_T0 - lapseRate_L * height_h;
*outDensity = (*outPressure / (PA_2_ATMOS * GAS_CONSTANT * temp)) * gasMolarMass;
void Planet::GenerateRings(Graphics::Renderer *renderer)
const SystemBody *sbody = GetSystemBody();
// generate the ring geometry
const float inner = sbody->GetRings().minRadius.ToFloat();
const float outer = sbody->GetRings().maxRadius.ToFloat();
int segments = 200;
for (int i = 0; i <= segments; ++i) {
const float a = (2.0f * float(M_PI)) * (float(i) / float(segments));
const float ca = cosf(a);
const float sa = sinf(a);
m_ringVertices.Add(vector3f(inner * sa, 0.0f, inner * ca), vector2f(float(i), 0.0f));
m_ringVertices.Add(vector3f(outer * sa, 0.0f, outer * ca), vector2f(float(i), 1.0f));
// generate the ring texture
// NOTE: texture width must be > 1 to avoid graphical glitches with Intel GMA 900 systems
// this is something to do with mipmapping (probably mipmap generation going wrong)
// (if the texture is generated without mipmaps then a 1xN texture works)
const int RING_TEXTURE_WIDTH = 4;
const int RING_TEXTURE_LENGTH = 256;
std::unique_ptr<Color, FreeDeleter> buf(
static_cast<Color *>(malloc(RING_TEXTURE_WIDTH * RING_TEXTURE_LENGTH * 4)));
const float ringScale = (outer - inner) * sbody->GetRadius() / 1.5e7f;
Random rng(GetSystemBody()->GetSeed() + 4609837);
Color baseCol = sbody->GetRings().baseColor;
double noiseOffset = 2048.0 * rng.Double();
for (int i = 0; i < RING_TEXTURE_LENGTH; ++i) {
const float alpha = (float(i) / float(RING_TEXTURE_LENGTH)) * ringScale;
const float n = 0.25 +
0.60 * noise(vector3d(5.0 * alpha, noiseOffset, 0.0)) +
0.15 * noise(vector3d(10.0 * alpha, noiseOffset, 0.0));
const float LOG_SCALE = 1.0f / sqrtf(sqrtf(log1p(1.0f)));
const float v = LOG_SCALE * sqrtf(sqrtf(log1p(n)));
Color color;
color.r = v * baseCol.r;
color.g = v * baseCol.g;
color.b = v * baseCol.b;
color.a = ((v * 0.25f) + 0.75f) * baseCol.a;
Color *row = buf.get() + i * RING_TEXTURE_WIDTH;
for (int j = 0; j < RING_TEXTURE_WIDTH; ++j) {
row[j] = color;
// first and last pixel are forced to zero, to give a slightly smoother ring edge
Color *row;
row = buf.get();
std::fill_n(row, RING_TEXTURE_WIDTH, Color::BLACK);
std::fill_n(row, RING_TEXTURE_WIDTH, Color::BLACK);
const vector3f texSize(RING_TEXTURE_WIDTH, RING_TEXTURE_LENGTH, 0.0f);
const Graphics::TextureDescriptor texDesc(
Graphics::TEXTURE_RGBA_8888, texSize, Graphics::LINEAR_REPEAT, true, true, true, 0, Graphics::TEXTURE_2D);
static_cast<void *>(buf.get()), texSize,
Graphics::MaterialDescriptor desc;
desc.effect = Graphics::EFFECT_PLANETRING; = true;
desc.textures = 1;
m_ringMaterial->texture0 = m_ringTexture.Get();
Graphics::RenderStateDesc rsd;
rsd.blendMode = Graphics::BLEND_ALPHA_PREMULT;
rsd.cullMode = Graphics::CULL_NONE;
m_ringState = renderer->CreateRenderState(rsd);
void Planet::DrawGasGiantRings(Renderer *renderer, const matrix4x4d &modelView)
if (!m_ringTexture)
renderer->DrawTriangles(&m_ringVertices, m_ringState, m_ringMaterial.get(), TRIANGLE_STRIP);
void Planet::SubRender(Renderer *r, const matrix4x4d &viewTran, const vector3d &camPos)
if (GetSystemBody()->HasRings()) {
DrawGasGiantRings(r, viewTran);