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// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#include "Orbit.h"
#include "gameconsts.h"
#include "libs.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include "win32/WinMath.h"
double Orbit::OrbitalPeriod(double semiMajorAxis, double centralMass)
return 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt((semiMajorAxis * semiMajorAxis * semiMajorAxis) / (G * centralMass));
double Orbit::OrbitalPeriodTwoBody(double semiMajorAxis, double totalMass, double bodyMass)
// variable names according to the formula in:
// We have a 2-body orbital system, represented as a gravpoint (at the barycentre),
// plus two bodies, each orbiting that gravpoint.
// We need to compute the orbital period, given the semi-major axis of one body's orbit
// around the gravpoint, the total mass of the system, and the mass of the body.
// According to Kepler, the orbital period P is defined by:
// P = 2*pi * sqrt( a**3 / G*(M1 + M2) )
// where a is the semi-major axis of the orbit, M1 is the mass of the primary and M2 is
// the mass of the secondary. But we don't have that semi-major axis value, we have the
// the semi-major axis for the orbit of the secondary around the gravpoint, instead.
// So, this first computes the semi-major axis of the secondary's orbit around the primary,
// and then uses the above formula to compute the orbital period.
const double r1 = semiMajorAxis;
const double m2 = (totalMass - bodyMass);
const double a = r1 * totalMass / m2;
const double a3 = a * a * a;
return 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt(a3 / (G * totalMass));
static double calc_velocity_area_per_sec(double semiMajorAxis, double centralMass, double eccentricity)
const double a2 = semiMajorAxis * semiMajorAxis;
const double e2 = eccentricity * eccentricity;
return M_PI * a2 * sqrt((eccentricity < 1.0) ? (1 - e2) : (e2 - 1.0)) / Orbit::OrbitalPeriod(semiMajorAxis, centralMass);
static double calc_velocity_area_per_sec_gravpoint(double semiMajorAxis, double totalMass, double bodyMass, double eccentricity)
const double a2 = semiMajorAxis * semiMajorAxis;
const double e2 = eccentricity * eccentricity;
return M_PI * a2 * sqrt((eccentricity < 1.0) ? (1 - e2) : (e2 - 1.0)) / Orbit::OrbitalPeriodTwoBody(semiMajorAxis, totalMass, bodyMass);
static void calc_position_from_mean_anomaly(const double M, const double e, const double a, double &cos_v, double &sin_v, double *r)
// M is mean anomaly
// e is eccentricity
// a is semi-major axis
cos_v = 0.0;
sin_v = 0.0;
if (r) {
*r = 0.0;
if (e < 1.0) { // elliptic orbit
// eccentric anomaly
// NR method to solve for E: M = E-e*sin(E) {Kepler's equation}
double E = M;
int iter;
for (iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++) {
double dE = (E - e * (sin(E)) - M) / (1.0 - e * cos(E));
E = E - dE;
if (fabs(dE) < 0.0001) break;
// method above sometimes can't find the solution
// especially when e approaches 1
if (iter == 10) { // most likely no solution found
//failsafe to bisection method
//max(E - M) == 1, so safe interval is M+-1.1
double Emin = M - 1.1;
double Emax = M + 1.1;
double Ymin = Emin - e * sin(Emin) - M;
double Y;
for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { // 14 iterations for precision 0.00006
E = (Emin + Emax) / 2;
Y = E - e * sin(E) - M;
if ((Ymin * Y) < 0) {
Emax = E;
} else {
Ymin = Y;
Emin = E;
// true anomaly (angle of orbit position)
cos_v = (cos(E) - e) / (1.0 - e * cos(E));
sin_v = (sqrt(1.0 - e * e) * sin(E)) / (1.0 - e * cos(E));
// heliocentric distance
if (r) {
*r = a * (1.0 - e * cos(E));
} else { // parabolic or hyperbolic orbit
// eccentric anomaly
// NR method to solve for E: M = E-sinh(E)
// sinh E and cosh E are solved directly, because of inherent numerical instability of tanh(k arctanh x)
double sh = 2.0;
for (int iter = 50; iter > 0; --iter) {
double d_sh = (M + e * sh - asinh(sh)) / (e - 1 / sqrt(1 + (sh * sh)));
sh = sh - d_sh;
if (fabs(d_sh) < 0.0001) break;
double ch = sqrt(1 + sh * sh);
// true anomaly (angle of orbit position)
cos_v = (ch - e) / (1.0 - e * ch);
sin_v = (sqrt(e * e - 1.0) * sh) / (e * ch - 1.0);
if (r) { // heliocentric distance
*r = a * (e * ch - 1.0);
double Orbit::TrueAnomalyFromMeanAnomaly(double MeanAnomaly) const
double cos_v, sin_v;
calc_position_from_mean_anomaly(MeanAnomaly, m_eccentricity, m_semiMajorAxis, cos_v, sin_v, 0);
return atan2(sin_v, cos_v);
double Orbit::MeanAnomalyFromTrueAnomaly(double trueAnomaly) const
double M_t0;
const double e = m_eccentricity;
if (e < 1.0) {
M_t0 = 2.0 * atan(tan(trueAnomaly / 2.0) * sqrt((1.0 - e) / (1.0 + e)));
M_t0 = M_t0 - e * sin(M_t0);
} else {
// For hyperbolic trajectories, mean anomaly has opposite sign to true anomaly, therefore trajectories which go forward
// in time decrease their true anomaly. Yes, it is confusing.
M_t0 = 2.0 * atanh(tan(trueAnomaly / 2.0) * sqrt((e - 1.0) / (1.0 + e)));
M_t0 = M_t0 - e * sinh(M_t0);
return M_t0;
double Orbit::MeanAnomalyAtTime(double time) const
const double e = m_eccentricity;
if (e < 1.0) { // elliptic orbit
return 2.0 * M_PI * time / Period() + m_orbitalPhaseAtStart;
} else {
return -2.0 * time * m_velocityAreaPerSecond / (m_semiMajorAxis * m_semiMajorAxis * sqrt(e * e - 1)) + m_orbitalPhaseAtStart;
vector3d Orbit::OrbitalPosAtTime(double t) const
if (is_zero_general(m_semiMajorAxis)) return m_positionForStaticBody;
double cos_v, sin_v, r;
calc_position_from_mean_anomaly(MeanAnomalyAtTime(t), m_eccentricity, m_semiMajorAxis, cos_v, sin_v, &r);
return m_orient * vector3d(-cos_v * r, sin_v * r, 0);
double Orbit::OrbitalTimeAtPos(const vector3d &pos, double centralMass) const
double c = m_eccentricity * m_semiMajorAxis;
matrix3x3d matrixInv = m_orient.Inverse();
vector3d approx3dPos = (matrixInv * pos - vector3d(c, 0., 0.)).Normalized();
double cos_v = -vector3d(1., 0., 0.).Dot(approx3dPos);
double sin_v = std::copysign(vector3d(1., 0., 0.).Cross(approx3dPos).Length(), approx3dPos.y);
double cos_E = (cos_v + m_eccentricity) / (1. + m_eccentricity * cos_v);
double E;
double meanAnomaly;
if (m_eccentricity <= 1.) {
E = std::acos(cos_E);
if (sin_v < 0)
E *= -1.;
meanAnomaly = E - m_eccentricity * std::sin(E);
} else {
E = std::acosh(cos_E);
if (sin_v < 0)
E *= -1.;
meanAnomaly = E - m_eccentricity * std::sinh(E);
if (m_eccentricity <= 1.) {
meanAnomaly -= m_orbitalPhaseAtStart;
while (meanAnomaly < 0)
meanAnomaly += 2. * M_PI;
} else if (meanAnomaly < 0.)
meanAnomaly += m_orbitalPhaseAtStart;
if (m_eccentricity <= 1.)
return meanAnomaly * Period() / (2. * M_PI);
else if (meanAnomaly < 0.)
return -meanAnomaly * std::sqrt(std::pow(m_semiMajorAxis, 3) / (G * centralMass));
return -std::fabs(meanAnomaly + m_orbitalPhaseAtStart) * std::sqrt(std::pow(m_semiMajorAxis, 3) / (G * centralMass));
vector3d Orbit::OrbitalVelocityAtTime(double totalMass, double t) const
double cos_v, sin_v, r;
calc_position_from_mean_anomaly(MeanAnomalyAtTime(t), m_eccentricity, m_semiMajorAxis, cos_v, sin_v, &r);
double mi = G * totalMass;
double p;
if (m_eccentricity <= 1.)
p = (1. - m_eccentricity * m_eccentricity) * m_semiMajorAxis;
p = (m_eccentricity * m_eccentricity - 1.) * m_semiMajorAxis;
double h = std::sqrt(mi / p);
return m_orient * vector3d(h * sin_v, h * (m_eccentricity + cos_v), 0);
// used for stepping through the orbit in small fractions
// mean anomaly <-> true anomaly conversion doesn't have
// to be taken into account
vector3d Orbit::EvenSpacedPosTrajectory(double t, double timeOffset) const
const double e = m_eccentricity;
double v = 2 * M_PI * t + TrueAnomalyFromMeanAnomaly(MeanAnomalyAtTime(timeOffset));
double r;
if (e < 1.0) {
r = m_semiMajorAxis * (1 - e * e) / (1 + e * cos(v));
} else {
r = m_semiMajorAxis * (e * e - 1) / (1 + e * cos(v));
// planet is in infinity
const double ac = acos(-1 / e);
if (v <= -ac) {
v = -ac + 0.0001;
r = 100.0 * AU;
if (v >= ac) {
v = ac - 0.0001;
r = 100.0 * AU;
return m_orient * vector3d(-cos(v) * r, sin(v) * r, 0);
double Orbit::Period() const
if (m_eccentricity < 1 && m_eccentricity >= 0) {
return M_PI * m_semiMajorAxis * m_semiMajorAxis * sqrt(1 - m_eccentricity * m_eccentricity) / m_velocityAreaPerSecond;
} else { // hyperbola.. period makes no sense, should not be used
return 0;
vector3d Orbit::Apogeum() const
if (m_eccentricity < 1) {
return m_semiMajorAxis * (1 + m_eccentricity) * (m_orient * vector3d(1, 0, 0));
} else {
return vector3d(0, 0, 0);
vector3d Orbit::Perigeum() const
if (m_eccentricity < 1) {
return m_semiMajorAxis * (1 - m_eccentricity) * (m_orient * vector3d(-1, 0, 0));
} else {
return m_semiMajorAxis * (m_eccentricity - 1) * (m_orient * vector3d(-1, 0, 0));
void Orbit::SetShapeAroundBarycentre(double semiMajorAxis, double totalMass, double bodyMass, double eccentricity)
m_semiMajorAxis = semiMajorAxis;
m_eccentricity = eccentricity;
m_velocityAreaPerSecond = calc_velocity_area_per_sec_gravpoint(semiMajorAxis, totalMass, bodyMass, eccentricity);
void Orbit::SetShapeAroundPrimary(double semiMajorAxis, double centralMass, double eccentricity)
m_semiMajorAxis = semiMajorAxis;
m_eccentricity = eccentricity;
m_velocityAreaPerSecond = calc_velocity_area_per_sec(semiMajorAxis, centralMass, eccentricity);
Orbit Orbit::ForStaticBody(const vector3d &position)
Orbit ret;
// just remember the current position of the body, and we will return it, for any t
ret.m_positionForStaticBody = position;
return ret;
Orbit Orbit::FromBodyState(const vector3d &pos, const vector3d &vel_raw, double centralMass)
Orbit ret;
// standard gravitational parameter
const double u = centralMass * G;
// maybe we will adjust the speed a little now
vector3d vel = vel_raw;
// angular momentum
vector3d ang = pos.Cross(vel);
// quite a rare case - the speed is directed strictly to the star or away from the star
// let's make a small disturbance to the velocity, so as not to calculate the radial orbit
if (is_zero_general(ang.LengthSqr()) && !is_zero_general(centralMass)) {
if (is_zero_general(pos.x) && is_zero_general(pos.y)) // even rarer case, the body lies strictly on the z-axis
vel.x += 0.001;
vel.z += 0.001;
ang = pos.Cross(vel); // recalculate angular momentum
const double r_now = pos.Length();
const double LLSqr = ang.LengthSqr();
// total energy
const double EE = vel.LengthSqr() / 2.0 - u / r_now;
if (is_zero_general(centralMass) || is_zero_general(EE) || (ang.z * ang.z / LLSqr > 1.0))
return Orbit::ForStaticBody(pos);
ret.m_eccentricity = 1 + 2 * EE * LLSqr / (u * u);
if (ret.m_eccentricity < 0.0) ret.m_eccentricity = 0.0;
ret.m_eccentricity = sqrt(ret.m_eccentricity);
//avoid parabola
if (ret.m_eccentricity < 1.0001 && ret.m_eccentricity >= 1) ret.m_eccentricity = 1.0001;
if (ret.m_eccentricity > 0.9999 && ret.m_eccentricity < 1) ret.m_eccentricity = 0.9999;
// lines represent these quantities:
// (e M G)^2
// M G (e - 1) / 2 EE, always positive (EE and (e-1) change sign
// M G / 2 EE,
// which is a (; a of hyperbola is taken as positive here
ret.m_semiMajorAxis = 2 * EE * LLSqr + u * u;
if (ret.m_semiMajorAxis < 0) ret.m_semiMajorAxis = 0;
ret.m_semiMajorAxis = (sqrt(ret.m_semiMajorAxis) - u) / (2 * EE);
ret.m_semiMajorAxis = ret.m_semiMajorAxis / fabs(1.0 - ret.m_eccentricity);
// clipping of the eccentricity leads to a strong decrease in the semimajor axis.
// at low speed, since the ship is almost in the apocenter, semimajor axis should be
// almost equal to half distance to the star (no less that's for sure)
if (ret.m_eccentricity < 1 && ret.m_semiMajorAxis < r_now / 2) ret.m_semiMajorAxis = r_now / 2;
// The formulas for rotation matrix were derived based on following assumptions:
// 1. Trajectory follows Kepler's law and vector {-r cos(v), -r sin(v), 0}, r(t) and v(t) are parameters.
// 2. Correct transformation must transform {0,0,LL} to ang and {-r_now cos(orbitalPhaseAtStart), -r_now sin(orbitalPhaseAtStart), 0} to pos.
// 3. orbitalPhaseAtStart (=offset) is calculated from r = a ((e^2 - 1)/(1 + e cos(v) ))
double off = 0;
if (ret.m_eccentricity < 1) {
off = ret.m_semiMajorAxis * (1 - ret.m_eccentricity * ret.m_eccentricity) - r_now;
} else {
off = ret.m_semiMajorAxis * (-1 + ret.m_eccentricity * ret.m_eccentricity) - r_now;
// correct sign of offset is given by sign pos.Dot(vel) (heading towards apohelion or perihelion?]
off = Clamp(off / (r_now * ret.m_eccentricity), -1.0, 1.0);
off = -pos.Dot(vel) / fabs(pos.Dot(vel)) * acos(off);
//much simpler and satisfies the specified conditions
//and does not have unstable places (almost almost)
vector3d b1 = -pos.Normalized(); //x
vector3d b2 = -ang.Normalized(); //z
ret.m_orient = matrix3x3d::FromVectors(b1, b2.Cross(b1), b2) * matrix3x3d::RotateZ(-off).Transpose();
ret.m_velocityAreaPerSecond = calc_velocity_area_per_sec(ret.m_semiMajorAxis, centralMass, ret.m_eccentricity);
ret.m_orbitalPhaseAtStart = ret.MeanAnomalyFromTrueAnomaly(-off);
return ret;