
279 lines
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// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#ifndef JOBQUEUE_H
#define JOBQUEUE_H
#include "SDL_thread.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <deque>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
static const Uint32 MAX_THREADS = 64;
class JobClient;
class JobQueue;
// represents a single unit of work that you want done
// subclass and implement:
// OnRun: called from worker thread, and does the actual stuff you want done.
// store all your data in the object itself.
// OnFinish: called from the main thread once the worker completes the job.
// this is where you deliver the results from the worker
// OnCancel: optional. called from the main thread to tell the job that its
// results are not wanted. it should arrange for OnRun to return
// as quickly as possible. OnFinish will not be called for the job
class Job {
// This is the RAII handle for a queued Job. A job is cancelled when the
// Job::Handle is destroyed. There is at most one Job::Handle for each Job
// (non-queued Jobs have no handle). Job::Handle is not copyable only
// moveable.
class Handle {
Handle() :
m_client(nullptr) {}
Handle(Handle &&other);
Handle &operator=(Handle &&other);
Handle(const Handle &) = delete;
Handle &operator=(const Handle &) = delete;
bool HasJob() const { return m_job != nullptr; }
Job *GetJob() const { return m_job; }
bool operator<(const Handle &other) const { return m_id < other.m_id; }
friend class Job;
friend class AsyncJobQueue;
friend class SyncJobQueue;
Handle(Job *job, JobQueue *queue, JobClient *client);
void Unlink();
static unsigned long long s_nextId;
unsigned long long m_id;
Job *m_job;
JobQueue *m_queue;
JobClient *m_client;
Job() :
m_handle(nullptr) {}
virtual ~Job();
Job(const Job &) = delete;
Job &operator=(const Job &) = delete;
virtual void OnRun() = 0;
virtual void OnFinish() = 0;
virtual void OnCancel() {}
friend class AsyncJobQueue;
friend class SyncJobQueue;
friend class JobRunner;
void UnlinkHandle();
const Handle *GetHandle() const { return m_handle; }
void SetHandle(Handle *handle) { m_handle = handle; }
void ClearHandle() { m_handle = nullptr; }
bool cancelled;
Handle *m_handle;
// the queue management class. create one from the main thread, and feed your
// jobs do it. it will take care of the rest
class JobQueue {
JobQueue() = default;
JobQueue(const JobQueue &) = delete;
JobQueue &operator=(const JobQueue &) = delete;
// numRunners is the number of jobs to run in parallel. right now its the
// same as the number of threads, but there's no reason that it has to be
virtual ~JobQueue() {}
// call from the main thread to add a job to the queue. the job should be
// allocated with new. the queue will delete it once its its completed
virtual Job::Handle Queue(Job *job, JobClient *client = nullptr) = 0;
// call from the main thread to cancel a job. one of three things will happen
// - the job hasn't run yet. it will never be run, and neither OnFinished nor
// OnCancel will be called. the job will be deleted on the next call to
// FinishJobs
// - the job has finished. neither onFinished not onCancel will be called.
// the job will be deleted on the next call to FinishJobs
// - the job is running. OnCancel will be called
virtual void Cancel(Job *job) = 0;
// call from the main loop. this will call OnFinish for any finished jobs,
// and then delete all finished and cancelled jobs. returns the number of
// finished jobs (not cancelled)
virtual Uint32 FinishJobs() = 0;
// the queue management class. create one from the main thread, and feed your
// jobs do it. it will take care of the rest
class AsyncJobQueue : public JobQueue {
// numRunners is the number of jobs to run in parallel. right now its the
// same as the number of threads, but there's no reason that it has to be
AsyncJobQueue(Uint32 numRunners);
virtual ~AsyncJobQueue();
// call from the main thread to add a job to the queue. the job should be
// allocated with new. the queue will delete it once its its completed
virtual Job::Handle Queue(Job *job, JobClient *client = nullptr) override;
// call from the main thread to cancel a job. one of three things will happen
// - the job hasn't run yet. it will never be run, and neither OnFinished nor
// OnCancel will be called. the job will be deleted on the next call to
// FinishJobs
// - the job has finished. neither onFinished not onCancel will be called.
// the job will be deleted on the next call to FinishJobs
// - the job is running. OnCancel will be called
virtual void Cancel(Job *job) override;
// call from the main loop. this will call OnFinish for any finished jobs,
// and then delete all finished and cancelled jobs. returns the number of
// finished jobs (not cancelled)
virtual Uint32 FinishJobs() override;
// a runner wraps a single thread, and calls into the queue when its ready for
// a new job. no user-servicable parts inside!
class JobRunner {
JobRunner(AsyncJobQueue *jq, const uint8_t idx);
SDL_mutex *GetQueueDestroyingLock();
void SetQueueDestroyed();
static int Trampoline(void *);
void Main();
AsyncJobQueue *m_jobQueue;
Job *m_job;
SDL_mutex *m_jobLock;
SDL_mutex *m_queueDestroyingLock;
SDL_Thread *m_threadId;
uint8_t m_threadIdx;
std::string m_threadName;
bool m_queueDestroyed;
Job *GetJob();
void Finish(Job *job, const uint8_t threadIdx);
std::deque<Job *> m_queue;
SDL_mutex *m_queueLock;
SDL_cond *m_queueWaitCond;
std::deque<Job *> m_finished[MAX_THREADS];
SDL_mutex *m_finishedLock[MAX_THREADS];
std::vector<JobRunner *> m_runners;
bool m_shutdown;
class SyncJobQueue : public JobQueue {
SyncJobQueue() = default;
virtual ~SyncJobQueue();
// call from the main thread to add a job to the queue. the job should be
// allocated with new. the queue will delete it once its its completed
virtual Job::Handle Queue(Job *job, JobClient *client = nullptr) override;
// call from the main thread to cancel a job. one of three things will happen
// - the job hasn't run yet. it will never be run, and neither OnFinished nor
// OnCancel will be called. the job will be deleted on the next call to
// FinishJobs
// - the job has finished. neither onFinished not onCancel will be called.
// the job will be deleted on the next call to FinishJobs
// - the job is running. OnCancel will be called
virtual void Cancel(Job *job) override;
// call from the main loop. this will call OnFinish for any finished jobs,
// and then delete all finished and cancelled jobs. returns the number of
// finished jobs (not cancelled)
virtual Uint32 FinishJobs() override;
Uint32 RunJobs(Uint32 count = 1);
std::deque<Job *> m_queue;
std::deque<Job *> m_finished;
class JobClient {
virtual void Order(Job *job) = 0;
virtual void RemoveJob(Job::Handle *handle) = 0;
virtual ~JobClient() {}
class JobSet : public JobClient {
JobSet(JobQueue *queue) :
m_queue(queue) {}
JobSet(JobSet &&other) :
m_jobs(std::move(other.m_jobs)) { other.m_queue = nullptr; }
JobSet &operator=(JobSet &&other)
m_queue = other.m_queue;
m_jobs = std::move(other.m_jobs);
other.m_queue = nullptr;
return *this;
JobSet(const JobSet &) = delete;
JobSet &operator=(const JobSet &other) = delete;
virtual void Order(Job *job)
auto x = m_jobs.insert(m_queue->Queue(job, this));
(void)x; // suppress unused variable warning
virtual void RemoveJob(Job::Handle *handle) { m_jobs.erase(*handle); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return m_jobs.empty(); }
JobQueue *m_queue;
std::set<Job::Handle> m_jobs;