
61 lines
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// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#include "GameConfig.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
GameConfig::GameConfig(const map_string &override_)
// set defaults
std::map<std::string, std::string> &map = m_map[""];
map["Lang"] = "en";
map["AMD_MESA_HACKS"] = "0";
map["DisableSound"] = "0";
map["StartFullscreen"] = "0";
map["ScrWidth"] = "1280";
map["ScrHeight"] = "720";
map["UIScaleFactor"] = "1";
map["DetailCities"] = "1";
map["DetailPlanets"] = "1";
map["SfxVolume"] = "0.8";
map["EnableJoystick"] = "1";
map["InvertMouseY"] = "0";
map["FOVVertical"] = "65";
map["DisplayNavTunnel"] = "0";
map["CompactRadar"] = "1";
map["ConfirmQuit"] = "1";
map["MasterVolume"] = "0.8";
map["MusicVolume"] = "0.8";
map["MasterMuted"] = "0";
map["SfxMuted"] = "0";
map["MusicMuted"] = "0";
map["SectorViewXRotation"] = "-10.0";
map["SectorViewZRotation"] = "0";
map["SectorViewZoom"] = "2.0";
map["MaxPhysicsCyclesPerRender"] = "4";
map["AntiAliasingMode"] = "2";
map["JoystickDeadzone"] = "0.2"; // 20% deadzone is common
map["DefaultLowThrustPower"] = "0.25";
map["VSync"] = "1";
map["UseTextureCompression"] = "1";
map["WorkerThreads"] = "0";
map["SpeedLines"] = "0";
map["EnableCockpit"] = "0";
map["HudTrails"] = "0";
map["EnableServerAgent"] = "0";
map["AmountOfBackgroundStars"] = "1.0";
map["UseAnisotropicFiltering"] = "0";
map["RendererName"] = "Opengl 3.x"; // default to our best renderer
map["EnableGLDebug"] = "0";
map["EnableGPUJobs"] = "1";
map["GL3ForwardCompatible"] = "1";
Read(FileSystem::userFiles, "config.ini");
for (auto i = override_.begin(); i != override_.end(); ++i) {
const std::string &key = (*i).first;
const std::string &val = (*i).second;
map[key] = val;