
309 lines
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// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#include "ByteRange.h"
#include "DateTime.h"
#include "RefCounted.h"
#include "StringRange.h"
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
* Functionality:
* - Overlay multiple file sources (directories and archives)
* in a single virtual file system.
* - Enumerate entries from that combined virtual file system.
* - Read a file from the virtual file system.
* - Determine the path of the application's installed files.
* - Determine a sensible path for application configuration files.
namespace FileSystem {
class FileSource;
class FileData;
class FileSourceFS;
class FileSourceUnion;
void Init();
void Uninit();
extern FileSourceUnion gameDataFiles;
extern FileSourceFS userFiles;
std::string GetUserDir();
std::string GetDataDir();
/// Makes a string safe for use as a file name
/// warning: this mapping is non-injective, that is,
/// multiple input names may produce the same output
std::string SanitiseFileName(const std::string &a);
/// Create path <a>/<b>, coping with 'a' or 'b' being empty,
/// 'b' being an absolute path, or 'a' not having a trailing separator
std::string JoinPath(const std::string &a, const std::string &b);
/// Create path <base>/<path> ensuring that the result points
/// to a path at or below <base>
/// throws an exception (std::invalid_argument) if the path tries to escape
/// <base> must not be empty
std::string JoinPathBelow(const std::string &base, const std::string &path);
/// Given a path in the form <base>/<relpath>, return <relpath>.
/// If <base> is not the exact base of <path>, return <path> unchanged
std::string GetRelativePath(const std::string &base, const std::string &path);
/// Collapse redundant path separators, and '.' and '..' components
/// NB: this does not interpret symlinks, so the result may refer to
/// an entirely different file than the input
/// throws std::invalid_argument if the input path resolves to a 'negative' path
/// (e.g., "a/../.." resolves to a negative path)
std::string NormalisePath(const std::string &path);
enum class CopyMode {
OVERWRITE, // overwrite all files in target with files from source
ONLY_MISSING_IN_TARGET // only copy files that aren't present in target
/// Copy the contents of a directory from sourceFS into a directory in targetFS, according to copymode.
/// Returns false if sourceDir or targetDir are invalid
bool CopyDir(FileSource &sourceFS, std::string sourceDir, FileSourceFS &targetFS, std::string targetDir, CopyMode copymode = CopyMode::OVERWRITE);
class FileInfo {
friend class FileSource;
FileInfo() :
m_type(FT_NON_EXISTENT) {}
enum FileType {
// note: order here affects sort-order of FileInfo
enum FileType GetType() const { return m_type; }
bool Exists() const { return (m_type != FT_NON_EXISTENT); }
bool IsDir() const { return (m_type == FT_DIR); }
bool IsFile() const { return (m_type == FT_FILE); }
bool IsSpecial() const { return (m_type == FT_SPECIAL); }
// modification time specified in *local* time (not UTC)
// (specified in local time because we want it to be easy to display)
Time::DateTime GetModificationTime() const { return m_modTime; }
const std::string &GetPath() const { return m_path; }
std::string GetName() const { return m_path.substr(m_dirLen); }
std::string GetDir() const { return m_path.substr(0, m_dirLen); }
std::string GetAbsoluteDir() const;
std::string GetAbsolutePath() const;
const FileSource &GetSource() const { return *m_source; }
RefCountedPtr<FileData> Read() const;
friend bool operator==(const FileInfo &a, const FileInfo &b)
return (a.m_source == b.m_source && a.m_type == b.m_type && a.m_path == b.m_path);
friend bool operator!=(const FileInfo &a, const FileInfo &b)
return (a.m_source != b.m_source || a.m_type != b.m_type || a.m_path != b.m_path);
friend bool operator<(const FileInfo &a, const FileInfo &b)
int c =;
if (c != 0) {
return (c < 0);
if (a.m_type != b.m_type) {
return (a.m_type < b.m_type);
return (a.m_source < b.m_source);
friend bool operator<=(const FileInfo &a, const FileInfo &b)
int c =;
if (c != 0) {
return (c < 0);
if (a.m_type != b.m_type) {
return (a.m_type < b.m_type);
return (a.m_source <= b.m_source);
friend bool operator>(const FileInfo &a, const FileInfo &b) { return (b < a); }
friend bool operator>=(const FileInfo &a, const FileInfo &b) { return (b <= a); }
// use FileSource::MakeFileInfo to create your FileInfos
FileInfo(FileSource *source, const std::string &path, FileType type, Time::DateTime modTime);
FileSource *m_source;
std::string m_path;
Time::DateTime m_modTime;
int m_dirLen;
FileType m_type;
class FileData : public RefCounted {
virtual ~FileData() {}
const FileInfo &GetInfo() const { return m_info; }
size_t GetSize() const { return m_size; }
const char *GetData() const
return m_data;
StringRange AsStringRange() const { return StringRange(m_data, m_size); }
ByteRange AsByteRange() const { return ByteRange(m_data, m_size); }
FileData(const FileInfo &info, size_t size, char *data) :
m_size(size) {}
FileData(const FileInfo &info) :
m_size(0) {}
FileInfo m_info;
char *m_data;
size_t m_size;
class FileDataMalloc : public FileData {
FileDataMalloc(const FileInfo &info, size_t size) :
FileData(info, size, static_cast<char *>(std::malloc(size))) {}
FileDataMalloc(const FileInfo &info, size_t size, char *data) :
FileData(info, size, data) {}
virtual ~FileDataMalloc() { std::free(m_data); }
class FileSource {
explicit FileSource(const std::string &root, bool trusted = false) :
m_trusted(trusted) {}
virtual ~FileSource() {}
const std::string &GetRoot() const { return m_root; }
virtual FileInfo Lookup(const std::string &path) = 0;
virtual RefCountedPtr<FileData> ReadFile(const std::string &path) = 0;
virtual bool ReadDirectory(const std::string &path, std::vector<FileInfo> &output) = 0;
bool IsTrusted() const { return m_trusted; }
FileInfo MakeFileInfo(const std::string &path, FileInfo::FileType entryType, Time::DateTime modTime);
FileInfo MakeFileInfo(const std::string &path, FileInfo::FileType entryType);
std::string m_root;
bool m_trusted;
class FileSourceFS : public FileSource {
explicit FileSourceFS(const std::string &root, bool trusted = false);
virtual FileInfo Lookup(const std::string &path);
virtual RefCountedPtr<FileData> ReadFile(const std::string &path);
virtual bool ReadDirectory(const std::string &path, std::vector<FileInfo> &output);
bool MakeDirectory(const std::string &path);
enum WriteFlags {
// similar to fopen(path, "rb")
FILE *OpenReadStream(const std::string &path);
// similar to fopen(path, "wb")
FILE *OpenWriteStream(const std::string &path, int flags = 0);
class FileSourceUnion : public FileSource {
// add and remove sources
// note: order is important. The array of sources works like a PATH array:
// that is, earlier sources take priority over later sources
void PrependSource(FileSource *fs);
void AppendSource(FileSource *fs);
void RemoveSource(FileSource *fs);
virtual FileInfo Lookup(const std::string &path);
std::vector<FileInfo> LookupAll(const std::string &path);
virtual RefCountedPtr<FileData> ReadFile(const std::string &path);
virtual bool ReadDirectory(const std::string &path, std::vector<FileInfo> &output);
std::vector<FileSource *> m_sources;
class FileEnumerator {
enum Flags {
IncludeDirs = 1,
IncludeSpecials = 2,
ExcludeFiles = 4,
Recurse = 8
explicit FileEnumerator(FileSource &fs, int flags = 0);
explicit FileEnumerator(FileSource &fs, const std::string &path, int flags = 0);
void AddSearchRoot(const std::string &path);
bool Finished() const { return m_queue.empty(); }
void Next();
const FileInfo &Current() const { return m_queue.front(); }
void ExpandDirQueue();
void QueueDirectoryContents(const FileInfo &info);
FileSource *m_source;
std::deque<FileInfo> m_queue;
std::deque<FileInfo> m_dirQueue;
int m_flags;
} // namespace FileSystem
inline std::string FileSystem::FileInfo::GetAbsoluteDir() const
return JoinPath(m_source->GetRoot(), GetDir());
inline std::string FileSystem::FileInfo::GetAbsolutePath() const
return JoinPath(m_source->GetRoot(), GetPath());
inline RefCountedPtr<FileSystem::FileData> FileSystem::FileInfo::Read() const
return m_source->ReadFile(m_path);