
392 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#include "CityOnPlanet.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "ModelCache.h"
#include "Pi.h"
#include "Planet.h"
#include "SpaceStation.h"
#include "collider/Geom.h"
#include "graphics/Frustum.h"
#include "scenegraph/Animation.h"
#include "scenegraph/ModelSkin.h"
#include "scenegraph/SceneGraph.h"
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_NUM_BUILDINGS = 1000;
static const double START_SEG_SIZE = CityOnPlanet::RADIUS;
static const double START_SEG_SIZE_NO_ATMO = CityOnPlanet::RADIUS / 5.0f;
using SceneGraph::Model;
CityOnPlanet::citybuildinglist_t CityOnPlanet::s_buildingList = {
CityOnPlanet::cityflavourdef_t CityOnPlanet::cityflavour[CITYFLAVOURS];
void CityOnPlanet::AddStaticGeomsToCollisionSpace()
// reset data structures
for (Uint32 i = 0; i < s_buildingList.numBuildings; i++) {
m_buildingCounts[i] = 0;
// Generate the new building list
int skipMask;
switch (Pi::detail.cities) {
case 0: skipMask = 0xf; break;
case 1: skipMask = 0x7; break;
case 2: skipMask = 0x3; break;
case 3: skipMask = 0x1; break;
skipMask = 0;
Uint32 numVisibleBuildings = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_buildings.size(); i++) {
if (!(i & skipMask)) {
// we know how many building we'll be adding, reserve space up front
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_buildings.size(); i++) {
if (i & skipMask) {
} else {
Frame *f = Frame::GetFrame(m_frame);
// Update building types
// reset the reset flag
m_detailLevel = Pi::detail.cities;
void CityOnPlanet::RemoveStaticGeomsFromCollisionSpace()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_buildings.size(); i++) {
Frame *f = Frame::GetFrame(m_frame);
// Get all model file names under buildings/
// This is temporary. Buildings should be defined in BuildingSet data files, or something.
void CityOnPlanet::EnumerateNewBuildings(std::set<std::string> &filenames)
const std::string fullpath = FileSystem::JoinPathBelow("models", "buildings");
for (FileSystem::FileEnumerator files(FileSystem::gameDataFiles, fullpath, FileSystem::FileEnumerator::Recurse); !files.Finished(); files.Next()) {
const std::string &name = files.Current().GetName();
if (ends_with_ci(name, ".model")) {
filenames.insert(name.substr(0, name.length() - 6));
} else if (ends_with_ci(name, ".sgm")) {
filenames.insert(name.substr(0, name.length() - 4));
void CityOnPlanet::LookupBuildingListModels(citybuildinglist_t *list)
std::vector<Model *> models;
//get test newmodels - to be replaced with building set definitions
std::set<std::string> filenames; // set so we get unique names
for (auto it = filenames.begin(), itEnd = filenames.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
// find/load the model
Model *model = Pi::modelCache->FindModel(*it);
// good to use
Output("Got %d buildings of tag %s\n", static_cast<int>(models.size()), list->modelTagName);
list->buildings = new citybuilding_t[models.size()];
list->numBuildings = models.size();
int i = 0;
for (auto m = models.begin(), itEnd = models.end(); m != itEnd; ++m, i++) {
list->buildings[i].instIndex = i;
list->buildings[i].resolvedModel = *m;
list->buildings[i].idle = (*m)->FindAnimation("idle");
list->buildings[i].collMesh = (*m)->CreateCollisionMesh();
const Aabb &aabb = list->buildings[i].collMesh->GetAabb();
const double maxx = std::max(fabs(aabb.max.x), fabs(aabb.min.x));
const double maxy = std::max(fabs(aabb.max.z), fabs(aabb.min.z));
list->buildings[i].xzradius = sqrt(maxx * maxx + maxy * maxy);
Output(" - %s: %f\n", (*m)->GetName().c_str(), list->buildings[i].xzradius);
Output("End of buildings.\n");
void CityOnPlanet::Init()
/* Resolve city model numbers since it is a bit expensive */
void CityOnPlanet::Uninit()
delete[] s_buildingList.buildings;
// Need a reliable way to sort the models rather than using their address in memory we use their name which should be unique.
bool setcomp(SceneGraph::Model *mlhs, SceneGraph::Model *mrhs) { return mlhs->GetName() < mrhs->GetName(); }
bool (*fn_pt)(SceneGraph::Model *mlhs, SceneGraph::Model *mrhs) = setcomp;
struct ModelNameComparator {
bool operator()(const SceneGraph::Model *lhs, const SceneGraph::Model *rhs) const
return lhs->GetName() < rhs->GetName();
void CityOnPlanet::SetCityModelPatterns(const SystemPath &path)
Uint32 _init[5] = { path.systemIndex, Uint32(path.sectorX), Uint32(path.sectorY), Uint32(path.sectorZ), UNIVERSE_SEED };
Random rand(_init, 5);
typedef std::set<SceneGraph::Model *, ModelNameComparator> ModelSet;
typedef ModelSet::iterator TSetIter;
ModelSet modelSet;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < s_buildingList.numBuildings; j++) {
SceneGraph::Model *m = s_buildingList.buildings[j].resolvedModel;
SceneGraph::ModelSkin skin;
for (TSetIter it = modelSet.begin(), itEnd = modelSet.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
SceneGraph::Model *m = (*it);
if (!m->SupportsPatterns()) continue;
if (m->SupportsPatterns())
m->SetPattern(rand.Int32(0, m->GetNumPatterns() - 1));
// frame may be null (already removed from
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_buildings.size(); i++) {
Frame *f = Frame::GetFrame(m_frame);
delete m_buildings[i].geom;
CityOnPlanet::CityOnPlanet(Planet *planet, SpaceStation *station, const Uint32 seed)
// beware, these are not used in this function, but are used in subroutines!
m_planet = planet;
m_frame = planet->GetFrame();
m_detailLevel = Pi::detail.cities;
const Aabb &aabb = station->GetAabb();
const matrix4x4d &m = station->GetOrient();
const vector3d p = station->GetPosition();
const vector3d mx = m * vector3d(1, 0, 0);
const vector3d mz = m * vector3d(0, 0, 1);
Random rand;
int population = planet->GetSystemBody()->GetPopulation();
int cityradius;
if (planet->GetSystemBody()->HasAtmosphere()) {
population *= 1000;
cityradius = (population < 200) ? 200 : ((population > START_SEG_SIZE) ? START_SEG_SIZE : population);
} else {
population *= 100;
cityradius = (population < 250) ? 250 : ((population > START_SEG_SIZE_NO_ATMO) ? START_SEG_SIZE_NO_ATMO : population);
citybuildinglist_t *buildings = &s_buildingList;
vector3d cent = p;
const int cellsize_i = 80;
const double cellsize = double(cellsize_i); // current widest building = 92
const double bodyradius = planet->GetSystemBody()->GetRadius(); // cache for bodyradius value
static const int gmid = (cityradius / cellsize_i);
static const int gsize = gmid * 2;
assert((START_SEG_SIZE / cellsize_i) < 100);
assert((START_SEG_SIZE_NO_ATMO / cellsize_i) < 100);
uint8_t cellgrid[200][200];
std::memset(cellgrid, 0, sizeof(cellgrid));
// calculate the size of the station model
const int x1 = floor(aabb.min.x / cellsize);
const int x2 = ceil(aabb.max.x / cellsize);
const int z1 = floor(aabb.min.z / cellsize);
const int z2 = ceil(aabb.max.z / cellsize);
// Clear the cells where the station is
for (int x = 0; x <= gsize; x++) {
for (int z = 0; z <= gsize; z++) {
const int zz = z - gmid;
const int xx = x - gmid;
if (zz > z1 && zz < z2 && xx > x1 && xx < x2)
cellgrid[x][z] = 1;
// precalc orientation transforms (to rotate buildings to face north/south/east/west)
matrix4x4d orientcalc[4];
orientcalc[0] = m * matrix4x4d::RotateYMatrix(M_PI * 0.5 * 0);
orientcalc[1] = m * matrix4x4d::RotateYMatrix(M_PI * 0.5 * 1);
orientcalc[2] = m * matrix4x4d::RotateYMatrix(M_PI * 0.5 * 2);
orientcalc[3] = m * matrix4x4d::RotateYMatrix(M_PI * 0.5 * 3);
const double maxdist = pow(gmid + 0.333, 2);
for (int x = 0; x <= gsize; x++) {
const double distx = pow((x - gmid), 2);
for (int z = 0; z <= gsize; z++) {
if (cellgrid[x][z] > 0) {
// This cell has been allocated for something already
const double distz = pow((z - gmid), 2);
if ((distz + distx) > maxdist)
// fewer and fewer buildings the further from center you get
if ((distx + distz) * (1.0 / maxdist) > rand.Double())
cent = p + mz * ((z - gmid) * cellsize) + mx * ((x - gmid) * cellsize);
cent = cent.Normalized();
const double height = planet->GetTerrainHeight(cent);
if ((height - bodyradius) < 0) // don't position below sealevel
cent = cent * height;
// quickly get a random building
const citybuilding_t &bt = buildings->buildings[rand.Int32(buildings->numBuildings)];
const CollMesh *cmesh = bt.collMesh.Get(); // collision mesh
// rotate the building to face a random direction
const int32_t orient = rand.Int32(4);
// FIXME: geoms need a userdata to tell gameplay code what we actually hit.
// We don't want to create a separate Body for each instance of the buildings, so we
// scam the code by pretending we're part of the host planet.
Geom *geom = new Geom(cmesh->GetGeomTree(), orientcalc[orient], cent, GetPlanet());
// add it to the list of buildings to render
m_buildings.push_back({ bt.instIndex, float(cmesh->GetRadius()), orient, cent, geom });
Aabb buildAABB;
for (std::vector<BuildingDef>::const_iterator iter = m_buildings.begin(), itEND = m_buildings.end(); iter != itEND; ++iter) {
buildAABB.Update((*iter).pos - p);
m_realCentre = buildAABB.min + ((buildAABB.max - buildAABB.min) * 0.5);
m_clipRadius = buildAABB.GetRadius();
void CityOnPlanet::Render(Graphics::Renderer *r, const Graphics::Frustum &frustum, const SpaceStation *station, const vector3d &viewCoords, const matrix4x4d &viewTransform)
// Early frustum test of whole city.
const vector3d stationPos = viewTransform * (station->GetPosition() + m_realCentre);
//modelview seems to be always identity
if (!frustum.TestPoint(stationPos, m_clipRadius))
matrix4x4d rot[4];
matrix4x4f rotf[4];
rot[0] = station->GetOrient();
// change detail level if necessary
const bool bDetailChanged = m_detailLevel != Pi::detail.cities;
if (bDetailChanged) {
rot[0] = viewTransform * rot[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
rot[i] = rot[0] * matrix4x4d::RotateYMatrix(M_PI * 0.5 * double(i));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int e = 0; e < 16; e++) {
rotf[i][e] = float(rot[i][e]);
// update any idle animations
for (Uint32 i = 0; i < s_buildingList.numBuildings; i++) {
SceneGraph::Animation *pAnim = s_buildingList.buildings[i].idle;
if (pAnim) {
pAnim->SetProgress(fmod(pAnim->GetProgress() + (Pi::game->GetTimeStep() / pAnim->GetDuration()), 1.0));
Uint32 uCount = 0;
std::vector<Uint32> instCount;
std::vector<std::vector<matrix4x4f>> transform;
memset(&instCount[0], 0, sizeof(Uint32) * s_buildingList.numBuildings);
for (Uint32 i = 0; i < s_buildingList.numBuildings; i++) {
for (std::vector<BuildingDef>::const_iterator iter = m_enabledBuildings.begin(), itEND = m_enabledBuildings.end(); iter != itEND; ++iter) {
const vector3d pos = viewTransform * (*iter).pos;
const vector3f posf(pos);
if (!frustum.TestPoint(pos, (*iter).clipRadius))
matrix4x4f _rot(rotf[(*iter).rotation]);
// increment the instance count and store the transform
// render the building models using instancing
for (Uint32 i = 0; i < s_buildingList.numBuildings; i++) {
if (!transform[i].empty())
r->GetStats().AddToStatCount(Graphics::Stats::STAT_BUILDINGS, uCount);
r->GetStats().AddToStatCount(Graphics::Stats::STAT_CITIES, 1);