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14 KiB

// Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#include "Camera.h"
#include "Body.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "Pi.h"
#include "Planet.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Sfx.h"
#include "Space.h"
#include "galaxy/StarSystem.h"
#include "graphics/TextureBuilder.h"
using namespace Graphics;
// if a body would render smaller than this many pixels, just ignore it
static const float OBJECT_HIDDEN_PIXEL_THRESHOLD = 2.0f;
// if a terrain object would render smaller than this many pixels, draw a billboard instead
static const float BILLBOARD_PIXEL_THRESHOLD = 8.0f;
CameraContext::CameraContext(float width, float height, float fovAng, float zNear, float zFar) :
m_frustum(m_width, m_height, m_fovAng, m_zNear, m_zFar),
if (m_camFrame)
void CameraContext::BeginFrame()
// make temporary camera frame
m_camFrame = Frame::CreateCameraFrame(m_frame);
Frame *camFrame = Frame::GetFrame(m_camFrame);
// move and orient it to the camera position
camFrame->SetOrient(m_orient, Pi::game ? Pi::game->GetTime() : 0.0);
// make sure old orient and interpolated orient (rendering orient) are not rubbish
camFrame->UpdateInterpTransform(1.0); // update root-relative pos/orient
void CameraContext::EndFrame()
m_camFrame = FrameId::Invalid;
void CameraContext::ApplyDrawTransforms(Graphics::Renderer *r)
r->SetProjection(matrix4x4f::InfinitePerspectiveMatrix(DEG2RAD(m_fovAng), m_width / m_height, m_zNear));
bool Camera::BodyAttrs::sort_BodyAttrs(const BodyAttrs &a, const BodyAttrs &b)
// both drawing last; distance order
if (a.bodyFlags & Body::FLAG_DRAW_LAST && b.bodyFlags & Body::FLAG_DRAW_LAST)
return a.camDist > b.camDist;
// a drawing last; draw b first
if (a.bodyFlags & Body::FLAG_DRAW_LAST)
return false;
// b drawing last; draw a first
if (b.bodyFlags & Body::FLAG_DRAW_LAST)
return true;
// both in normal draw; distance order
return a.camDist > b.camDist;
Camera::Camera(RefCountedPtr<CameraContext> context, Graphics::Renderer *renderer) :
Graphics::MaterialDescriptor desc;
desc.effect = Graphics::EFFECT_BILLBOARD;
desc.textures = 1;
m_billboardMaterial->texture0 = Graphics::TextureBuilder::Billboard("textures/").GetOrCreateTexture(m_renderer, "billboard");
static void position_system_lights(Frame *camFrame, Frame *frame, std::vector<Camera::LightSource> &lights)
if (lights.size() > 3) return;
SystemBody *body = frame->GetSystemBody();
// IsRotFrame check prevents double counting
if (body && !frame->IsRotFrame() && (body->GetSuperType() == SystemBody::SUPERTYPE_STAR)) {
vector3d lpos = frame->GetPositionRelTo(camFrame->GetId());
const double dist = lpos.Length() / AU;
lpos *= 1.0 / dist; // normalize
const Color &col = StarSystem::starRealColors[body->GetType()];
const Color lightCol(col[0], col[1], col[2], 0);
vector3f lightpos(lpos.x, lpos.y, lpos.z);
Graphics::Light light(Graphics::Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL, lightpos, lightCol, lightCol);
lights.push_back(Camera::LightSource(frame->GetBody(), light));
for (FrameId kid : frame->GetChildren()) {
Frame *kid_f = Frame::GetFrame(kid);
position_system_lights(camFrame, kid_f, lights);
void Camera::Update()
FrameId camFrame = m_context->GetTempFrame();
// evaluate each body and determine if/where/how to draw it
for (Body *b : Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetBodies()) {
BodyAttrs attrs;
attrs.body = b;
attrs.billboard = false; // false by default
// If the body wishes to be excluded from the draw, skip it.
if (b->GetFlags() & Body::FLAG_DRAW_EXCLUDE)
// determine position and transform for draw
// Frame::GetFrameTransform(b->GetFrame(), camFrame, attrs.viewTransform); // doesn't use interp coords, so breaks in some cases
Frame *f = Frame::GetFrame(b->GetFrame());
attrs.viewTransform = f->GetInterpOrientRelTo(camFrame);
attrs.viewCoords = attrs.viewTransform * b->GetInterpPosition();
// cull off-screen objects
double rad = b->GetClipRadius();
if (!m_context->GetFrustum().TestPointInfinite(attrs.viewCoords, rad))
attrs.camDist = attrs.viewCoords.Length();
attrs.bodyFlags = b->GetFlags();
// approximate pixel width (disc diameter) of body on screen
const float pixSize = Graphics::GetScreenHeight() * 2.0 * rad / (attrs.camDist * Graphics::GetFovFactor());
// terrain objects are visible from distance but might not have any discernable features
if (b->IsType(ObjectType::TERRAINBODY)) {
attrs.billboard = true;
// project the position
vector3d pos;
m_context->GetFrustum().TranslatePoint(attrs.viewCoords, pos);
attrs.billboardPos = vector3f(pos);
// limit the minimum billboard size for planets so they're always a little visible
attrs.billboardSize = std::max(1.0f, pixSize);
if (b->IsType(ObjectType::STAR)) {
attrs.billboardColor = StarSystem::starRealColors[b->GetSystemBody()->GetType()];
} else if (b->IsType(ObjectType::PLANET)) {
// XXX this should incorporate some lighting effect
// (ie, colour of the illuminating star(s))
attrs.billboardColor = b->GetSystemBody()->GetAlbedo();
} else {
attrs.billboardColor = Color::WHITE;
// this should always be the main star in the system - except for the star itself!
if (!m_lightSources.empty() && !b->IsType(ObjectType::STAR)) {
const Graphics::Light &light = m_lightSources[0].GetLight();
attrs.billboardColor *= light.GetDiffuse(); // colour the billboard a little with the Starlight
attrs.billboardColor.a = 255; // no alpha, these things are hard enough to see as it is
// depth sort
void Camera::Draw(const Body *excludeBody)
FrameId camFrameId = m_context->GetTempFrame();
FrameId rootFrameId = Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetRootFrame();
Frame *camFrame = Frame::GetFrame(camFrameId);
Frame *rootFrame = Frame::GetFrame(rootFrameId);
matrix4x4d trans2bg;
Frame::GetFrameTransform(rootFrameId, camFrameId, trans2bg);
// Pick up to four suitable system light sources (stars)
position_system_lights(camFrame, rootFrame, m_lightSources);
if (m_lightSources.empty()) {
// no lights means we're somewhere weird (eg hyperspace). fake one
Graphics::Light light(Graphics::Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL, vector3f(0.f), Color::WHITE, Color::WHITE);
m_lightSources.push_back(LightSource(0, light));
//fade space background based on atmosphere thickness and light angle
float bgIntensity = 1.f;
Frame *camParent = Frame::GetFrame(camFrame->GetParent());
if (camParent && camParent->IsRotFrame()) {
//check if camera is near a planet
Body *camParentBody = camParent->GetBody();
if (camParentBody && camParentBody->IsType(ObjectType::PLANET)) {
Planet *planet = static_cast<Planet *>(camParentBody);
const vector3f relpos(planet->GetInterpPositionRelTo(camFrameId));
double altitude(relpos.Length());
double pressure, density;
planet->GetAtmosphericState(altitude, &pressure, &density);
if (pressure >= 0.001) {
//go through all lights to calculate something resembling light intensity
float intensity = 0.f;
const Body *pBody = Pi::game->GetPlayer();
for (Uint32 i = 0; i < m_lightSources.size(); i++) {
// Set up data for eclipses. All bodies are assumed to be spheres.
const LightSource &it = m_lightSources[i];
const vector3f lightDir(it.GetLight().GetPosition().Normalized());
intensity += ShadowedIntensity(i, pBody) * std::max(0.f, lightDir.Dot(-relpos.Normalized())) * (it.GetLight().GetDiffuse().GetLuminance() / 255.0f);
intensity = Clamp(intensity, 0.0f, 1.0f);
//calculate background intensity with some hand-tweaked fuzz applied
bgIntensity = Clamp(1.f - std::min(1.f, powf(density, 0.25f)) * (0.3f + powf(intensity, 0.25f)), 0.f, 1.f);
std::vector<Graphics::Light> rendererLights;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_lightSources.size(); i++)
m_renderer->SetLights(rendererLights.size(), &rendererLights[0]);
for (std::list<BodyAttrs>::iterator i = m_sortedBodies.begin(); i != m_sortedBodies.end(); ++i) {
BodyAttrs *attrs = &(*i);
// explicitly exclude a single body if specified (eg player)
if (attrs->body == excludeBody)
// draw something!
if (attrs->billboard) {
Graphics::Renderer::MatrixTicket mt(m_renderer, matrix4x4f::Identity());
m_billboardMaterial->diffuse = attrs->billboardColor;
m_renderer->DrawPointSprites(1, &attrs->billboardPos, SfxManager::additiveAlphaState, m_billboardMaterial.get(), attrs->billboardSize);
} else
attrs->body->Render(m_renderer, this, attrs->viewCoords, attrs->viewTransform);
SfxManager::RenderAll(m_renderer, rootFrameId, camFrameId);
void Camera::CalcShadows(const int lightNum, const Body *b, std::vector<Shadow> &shadowsOut) const
// Set up data for eclipses. All bodies are assumed to be spheres.
const Body *lightBody = m_lightSources[lightNum].GetBody();
if (!lightBody)
const double lightRadius = lightBody->GetPhysRadius();
const vector3d bLightPos = lightBody->GetPositionRelTo(b);
const vector3d lightDir = bLightPos.Normalized();
double bRadius;
if (b->IsType(ObjectType::TERRAINBODY))
bRadius = b->GetSystemBody()->GetRadius();
bRadius = b->GetPhysRadius();
// Look for eclipsing third bodies:
for (const Body *b2 : Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetBodies()) {
if (b2 == b || b2 == lightBody || !(b2->IsType(ObjectType::PLANET) || b2->IsType(ObjectType::STAR)))
double b2Radius = b2->GetSystemBody()->GetRadius();
vector3d b2pos = b2->GetPositionRelTo(b);
const double perpDist = lightDir.Dot(b2pos);
if (perpDist <= 0 || perpDist > bLightPos.Length())
// b2 isn't between b and lightBody; no eclipse
// Project to the plane perpendicular to lightDir, taking the line between the shadowed sphere
// (b) and the light source as zero. Our calculations assume that the light source is at
// infinity. All lengths are normalised such that b has radius 1. srad is then the radius of the
// occulting sphere (b2), and lrad is the apparent radius of the light disc when considered to
// be at the distance of b2, and projectedCentre is the normalised projected position of the
// centre of b2 relative to the centre of b. The upshot is that from a point on b, with
// normalised projected position p, the picture is of a disc of radius lrad being occulted by a
// disc of radius srad centred at projectedCentre-p. To determine the light intensity at p, we
// then just need to estimate the proportion of the light disc being occulted.
const double srad = b2Radius / bRadius;
const double lrad = (lightRadius / bLightPos.Length()) * perpDist / bRadius;
if (srad / lrad < 0.01) {
// any eclipse would have negligible effect - ignore
const vector3d projectedCentre = (b2pos - perpDist * lightDir) / bRadius;
if (projectedCentre.Length() < 1 + srad + lrad) {
// some part of b is (partially) eclipsed
Camera::Shadow shadow = { projectedCentre, static_cast<float>(srad), static_cast<float>(lrad) };
float discCovered(const float dist, const float rad)
// proportion of unit disc covered by a second disc of radius rad placed
// dist from centre of first disc.
// WLOG, the second disc is displaced horizontally to the right.
// xl = rightwards distance to intersection of the two circles.
// xs = normalised leftwards distance from centre of second disc to intersection.
// d = vertical distance to an intersection point
// The clampings handle the cases where one disc contains the other.
const float radsq = rad * rad;
const float xl = Clamp((dist * dist + 1.f - radsq) / (2.f * std::max(0.001f, dist)), -1.f, 1.f);
const float xs = Clamp((dist - xl) / std::max(0.001f, rad), -1.f, 1.f);
const float d = sqrt(std::max(0.f, 1.f - xl * xl));
const float th = Clamp(acosf(xl), 0.f, float(M_PI));
const float th2 = Clamp(acosf(xs), 0.f, float(M_PI));
assert(!is_nan(d) && !is_nan(th) && !is_nan(th2));
// covered area can be calculated as the sum of segments from the two
// discs plus/minus some triangles, and it works out as follows:
return Clamp((th + radsq * th2 - dist * d) / float(M_PI), 0.f, 1.f);
static std::vector<Camera::Shadow> shadows;
float Camera::ShadowedIntensity(const int lightNum, const Body *b) const
CalcShadows(lightNum, b, shadows);
float product = 1.0;
for (std::vector<Camera::Shadow>::const_iterator it = shadows.begin(), itEnd = shadows.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
product *= 1.0 - discCovered(it->centre.Length() / it->lrad, it->srad / it->lrad);
return product;
// PrincipalShadows(b,n): returns the n biggest shadows on b in order of size
void Camera::PrincipalShadows(const Body *b, const int n, std::vector<Shadow> &shadowsOut) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4 && i < m_lightSources.size(); i++) {
CalcShadows(i, b, shadows);
std::sort(shadows.begin(), shadows.end());
std::vector<Shadow>::reverse_iterator it = shadows.rbegin(), itREnd = shadows.rend();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (it == itREnd) break;