
362 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright © 2008-2016 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#include "Beam.h"
#include "CargoBody.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "GameSaveError.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include "Pi.h"
#include "Planet.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Sfx.h"
#include "Ship.h"
#include "Space.h"
#include "collider/CollisionContact.h"
#include "collider/CollisionSpace.h"
#include "graphics/Graphics.h"
#include "graphics/Material.h"
#include "graphics/RenderState.h"
#include "graphics/Renderer.h"
#include "graphics/TextureBuilder.h"
#include "graphics/VertexArray.h"
#include "lua/LuaEvent.h"
#include "lua/LuaUtils.h"
namespace {
static float lifetime = 0.1f;
std::unique_ptr<Graphics::VertexArray> Beam::s_sideVerts;
std::unique_ptr<Graphics::VertexArray> Beam::s_glowVerts;
std::unique_ptr<Graphics::Material> Beam::s_sideMat;
std::unique_ptr<Graphics::Material> Beam::s_glowMat;
Graphics::RenderState *Beam::s_renderState = nullptr;
void Beam::BuildModel()
//set up materials
Graphics::MaterialDescriptor desc;
desc.textures = 1;
s_sideMat->texture0 = Graphics::TextureBuilder::Billboard("textures/").GetOrCreateTexture(Pi::renderer, "billboard");
s_glowMat->texture0 = Graphics::TextureBuilder::Billboard("textures/").GetOrCreateTexture(Pi::renderer, "billboard");
//zero at projectile position
//+x down
//+y right
//+z forwards (or projectile direction)
const float w = 0.5f;
vector3f one(0.f, -w, 0.f); //top left
vector3f two(0.f, w, 0.f); //top right
vector3f three(0.f, w, -1.f); //bottom right
vector3f four(0.f, -w, -1.f); //bottom left
//uv coords
const vector2f topLeft(0.f, 1.f);
const vector2f topRight(1.f, 1.f);
const vector2f botLeft(0.f, 0.f);
const vector2f botRight(1.f, 0.f);
s_sideVerts.reset(new Graphics::VertexArray(Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION | Graphics::ATTRIB_UV0, 24));
s_glowVerts.reset(new Graphics::VertexArray(Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION | Graphics::ATTRIB_UV0, 240));
//add four intersecting planes to create a volumetric effect
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
s_sideVerts->Add(one, topLeft);
s_sideVerts->Add(two, topRight);
s_sideVerts->Add(three, botRight);
s_sideVerts->Add(three, botRight);
s_sideVerts->Add(four, botLeft);
s_sideVerts->Add(one, topLeft);
one.ArbRotate(vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f), DEG2RAD(45.f));
two.ArbRotate(vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f), DEG2RAD(45.f));
three.ArbRotate(vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f), DEG2RAD(45.f));
four.ArbRotate(vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f), DEG2RAD(45.f));
//create quads for viewing on end
static const float gw = 0.5f;
float gz = -0.1f;
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
s_glowVerts->Add(vector3f(-gw, -gw, gz), topLeft);
s_glowVerts->Add(vector3f(-gw, gw, gz), topRight);
s_glowVerts->Add(vector3f(gw, gw, gz), botRight);
s_glowVerts->Add(vector3f(gw, gw, gz), botRight);
s_glowVerts->Add(vector3f(gw, -gw, gz), botLeft);
s_glowVerts->Add(vector3f(-gw, -gw, gz), topLeft);
gz -= 0.02f; // as they move back
Graphics::RenderStateDesc rsd;
rsd.blendMode = Graphics::BLEND_ALPHA_ONE;
rsd.depthWrite = false;
rsd.cullMode = Graphics::CULL_NONE;
s_renderState = Pi::renderer->CreateRenderState(rsd);
void Beam::FreeModel()
Beam::Beam(Body *parent, const ProjectileData &prData, const vector3d &pos, const vector3d &baseVel, const vector3d &dir) :
if (!s_sideMat) BuildModel();
m_flags |= FLAG_DRAW_LAST;
m_parent = parent;
m_dir = dir;
m_baseDam = prData.damage;
m_length = prData.length;
m_mining = prData.mining;
m_color = prData.color;
m_baseVel = baseVel;
Beam::Beam(const Json &jsonObj, Space *space) :
Body(jsonObj, space),
if (!s_sideMat) BuildModel();
m_flags |= FLAG_DRAW_LAST;
try {
Json projectileObj = jsonObj["projectile"];
JsonToVector(&m_dir, projectileObj["dir"]);
m_baseDam = projectileObj["base_dam"];
m_length = projectileObj["length"];
m_mining = projectileObj["mining"];
m_age = projectileObj["age"];
JsonToColor(&m_color, projectileObj["color"]);
m_parentIndex = projectileObj["index_for_body"];
} catch (Json::type_error &) {
throw SavedGameCorruptException();
void Beam::SaveToJson(Json &jsonObj, Space *space)
Body::SaveToJson(jsonObj, space);
Json projectileObj({}); // Create JSON object to contain projectile data.
projectileObj["dir"] = m_dir;
projectileObj["base_dam"] = m_baseDam;
projectileObj["length"] = m_length;
projectileObj["mining"] = m_mining;
projectileObj["color"] = m_color;
projectileObj["age"] = m_age;
projectileObj["index_for_body"] = space->GetIndexForBody(m_parent);
jsonObj["projectile"] = projectileObj; // Add projectile object to supplied object.
void Beam::PostLoadFixup(Space *space)
m_parent = space->GetBodyByIndex(m_parentIndex);
void Beam::UpdateInterpTransform(double alpha)
m_interpOrient = GetOrient();
const vector3d oldPos = GetPosition() - (m_baseVel * Pi::game->GetTimeStep());
m_interpPos = alpha * GetPosition() + (1.0 - alpha) * oldPos;
void Beam::NotifyRemoved(const Body *const removedBody)
if (m_parent == removedBody)
m_parent = nullptr;
void Beam::TimeStepUpdate(const float timeStep)
// Laser pulse's do not age well!
m_age += timeStep;
if (m_age > lifetime)
SetPosition(GetPosition() + (m_baseVel * double(timeStep)));
float Beam::GetDamage() const
return m_baseDam;
double Beam::GetRadius() const
return sqrt(m_length * m_length);
static void MiningLaserSpawnTastyStuff(FrameId fId, const SystemBody *asteroid, const vector3d &pos)
lua_State *l = Lua::manager->GetLuaState();
// lua cant push "const SystemBody", needs to convert to non-const
RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> s = Pi::game->GetGalaxy()->GetStarSystem(asteroid->GetPath());
SystemBody *liveasteroid = s->GetBodyByPath(asteroid->GetPath());
// this is an adapted version of "CallMethod", because;
// 1, there is no template for LuaObject<LuaTable>::CallMethod(..., SystemBody)
// 2, this leaves the return value on the lua stack to be used by "new CargoBody()"
lua_pushstring(l, "SpawnMiningContainer");
lua_gettable(l, -2);
lua_pushvalue(l, -2);
lua_remove(l, -3);
pi_lua_protected_call(l, 2, 1);
CargoBody *cargo = new CargoBody(LuaRef(l, -1));
lua_pop(l, 1);
const double x = Pi::rng.Double();
vector3d dir = pos.Normalized();
dir.ArbRotate(vector3d(x, 1 - x, 0), Pi::rng.Double() - .5);
cargo->SetVelocity(Pi::rng.Double(100.0, 200.0) * dir);
void Beam::StaticUpdate(const float timeStep)
// This is just to stop it from hitting things repeatedly, it's dead in effect but still rendered
if (!m_active)
CollisionContact c;
Frame *frame = Frame::GetFrame(GetFrame());
frame->GetCollisionSpace()->TraceRay(GetPosition(), m_dir.Normalized(), m_length, &c, static_cast<ModelBody *>(m_parent)->GetGeom());
if (c.userData1) {
Body *hit = static_cast<Body *>(c.userData1);
if (hit != m_parent) {
hit->OnDamage(m_parent, GetDamage(), c);
m_active = false;
if (hit->IsType(ObjectType::SHIP))
LuaEvent::Queue("onShipHit", dynamic_cast<Ship *>(hit), dynamic_cast<Body *>(m_parent));
if (m_mining) {
// need to test for terrain hit
if (frame->GetBody() && frame->GetBody()->IsType(ObjectType::PLANET)) {
Planet *const planet = static_cast<Planet *>(frame->GetBody());
const SystemBody *b = planet->GetSystemBody();
vector3d pos = GetPosition();
double terrainHeight = planet->GetTerrainHeight(pos.Normalized());
if (terrainHeight > pos.Length()) {
// hit the fucker
if (b->GetType() == SystemBody::TYPE_PLANET_ASTEROID) {
vector3d n = GetPosition().Normalized();
MiningLaserSpawnTastyStuff(planet->GetFrame(), b, n * terrainHeight + 5.0 * n);
SfxManager::Add(this, TYPE_EXPLOSION);
m_active = false;
void Beam::Render(Graphics::Renderer *renderer, const Camera *camera, const vector3d &viewCoords, const matrix4x4d &viewTransform)
const vector3d _from = viewTransform * GetInterpPosition();
const vector3d _to = viewTransform * (GetInterpPosition() + (-m_dir));
const vector3d _dir = _to - _from;
const vector3f from(&_from.x);
const vector3f dir = vector3f(_dir).Normalized();
vector3f v1, v2;
matrix4x4f m = matrix4x4f::Identity();
v1.x = dir.y;
v1.y = dir.z;
v1.z = dir.x;
v2 = v1.Cross(dir).Normalized();
v1 = v2.Cross(dir);
m[0] = v1.x;
m[4] = v2.x;
m[8] = dir.x;
m[1] = v1.y;
m[5] = v2.y;
m[9] = dir.y;
m[2] = v1.z;
m[6] = v2.z;
m[10] = dir.z;
m[12] = from.x;
m[13] = from.y;
m[14] = from.z;
// increase visible size based on distance from camera, z is always negative
// allows them to be smaller while maintaining visibility for game play
const float dist_scale = float(viewCoords.z / -500);
const float length = m_length + dist_scale;
const float width = 1.0f + dist_scale;
renderer->SetTransform(m * matrix4x4f::ScaleMatrix(width, width, length));
Color color = m_color;
// fade them out as they age so they don't suddenly disappear
// this matches the damage fall-off calculation
const float base_alpha = 1.0f;
// fade out side quads when viewing nearly edge on
vector3f view_dir = vector3f(viewCoords).Normalized();
color.a = (base_alpha * (1.f - powf(fabs(dir.Dot(view_dir)), length))) * 255;
if (color.a > 3) {
s_sideMat->diffuse = color;
renderer->DrawTriangles(s_sideVerts.get(), s_renderState, s_sideMat.get());
// fade out glow quads when viewing nearly edge on
// these and the side quads fade at different rates
// so that they aren't both at the same alpha as that looks strange
color.a = (base_alpha * powf(fabs(dir.Dot(view_dir)), width)) * 255;
if (color.a > 3) {
s_glowMat->diffuse = color;
renderer->DrawTriangles(s_glowVerts.get(), s_renderState, s_glowMat.get());
// static
void Beam::Add(Body *parent, const ProjectileData &prData, const vector3d &pos, const vector3d &baseVel, const vector3d &dir)
Beam *p = new Beam(parent, prData, pos, baseVel, dir);