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2012-12-31 17:36:52 -08:00
// Copyright © 2008-2013 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
2012-09-15 17:59:15 -07:00
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
2012-09-12 04:38:30 -07:00
#include "ShipType.h"
#include "LuaVector.h"
#include "LuaUtils.h"
#include "LuaTable.h"
#include "LuaConstants.h"
2012-08-18 07:29:48 -07:00
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "Lang.h"
#include <algorithm>
const char *ShipType::gunmountNames[GUNMOUNT_MAX] = {
Lang::FRONT, Lang::REAR };
2012-10-30 21:26:42 -07:00
std::map<ShipType::Id, ShipType> ShipType::types;
2012-10-30 21:26:42 -07:00
std::vector<ShipType::Id> ShipType::player_ships;
std::vector<ShipType::Id> ShipType::static_ships;
std::vector<ShipType::Id> ShipType::missile_ships;
2012-10-30 21:26:42 -07:00
std::vector<ShipType::Id> ShipType::playable_atmospheric_ships;
2013-02-12 02:45:37 -08:00
std::string ShipType::POLICE = "kanara";
std::string ShipType::MISSILE_GUIDED = "missile_guided";
std::string ShipType::MISSILE_NAVAL = "missile_naval";
std::string ShipType::MISSILE_SMART = "missile_smart";
std::string ShipType::MISSILE_UNGUIDED = "missile_unguided";
// returns velocity of engine exhausts in m/s
static double GetEffectiveExhaustVelocity(double fuelTankMass, double thrusterFuelUse, double forwardThrust) {
double denominator = fuelTankMass * thrusterFuelUse * 10;
return fabs(denominator > 0 ? forwardThrust/denominator : 1e9);
static bool ShipIsUnbuyable(const ShipType::Id &id)
const ShipType &t = ShipType::types[id];
return (t.baseprice == 0);
2012-08-18 07:29:48 -07:00
static std::string s_currentShipFile;
2012-10-30 21:26:42 -07:00
int _define_ship(lua_State *L, ShipType::Tag tag, std::vector<ShipType::Id> *list)
2012-08-18 07:29:48 -07:00
if (s_currentShipFile.empty())
return luaL_error(L, "ship file contains multiple ship definitions");
ShipType s;
s.tag = tag;
2012-10-30 21:26:42 -07:00 = s_currentShipFile;
LuaTable t(L, -1); = t.Get("name", "");
s.modelName = t.Get("model", "");
s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_REVERSE] = t.Get("reverse_thrust", 0.0f);
s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD] = t.Get("forward_thrust", 0.0f);
s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_UP] = t.Get("up_thrust", 0.0f);
s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_DOWN] = t.Get("down_thrust", 0.0f);
s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_LEFT] = t.Get("left_thrust", 0.0f);
s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_RIGHT] = t.Get("right_thrust", 0.0f);
s.angThrust = t.Get("angular_thrust", 0.0f);
// invert values where necessary
s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD] *= -1.f;
s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_LEFT] *= -1.f;
s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_DOWN] *= -1.f;
// angthrust fudge (XXX: why?)
s.angThrust = s.angThrust / 2;
lua_pushstring(L, "camera_offset");
lua_gettable(L, -2);
if (!lua_isnil(L, -1))
fprintf(stderr, "ship definition for '%s' has deprecated 'camera_offset' field\n",;
lua_pop(L, 1);
s.cameraOffset = t.Get("camera_offset", vector3d(0.0));
for (int i=0; i<Equip::SLOT_MAX; i++) s.equipSlotCapacity[i] = 0;
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CARGO] = t.Get("max_cargo", 0);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENGINE] = t.Get("max_engine", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_LASER] = t.Get("max_laser", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_MISSILE] = t.Get("max_missile", 0);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ECM] = t.Get("max_ecm", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_SCANNER] = t.Get("max_scanner", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_RADARMAPPER] = t.Get("max_radarmapper", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_HYPERCLOUD] = t.Get("max_hypercloud", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_HULLAUTOREPAIR] = t.Get("max_hullautorepair", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENERGYBOOSTER] = t.Get("max_energybooster", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ATMOSHIELD] = t.Get("max_atmoshield", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CABIN] = t.Get("max_cabin", 50);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_SHIELD] = t.Get("max_shield", 9999);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_FUELSCOOP] = t.Get("max_fuelscoop", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CARGOSCOOP] = t.Get("max_cargoscoop", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_LASERCOOLER] = t.Get("max_lasercooler", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CARGOLIFESUPPORT] = t.Get("max_cargolifesupport", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_AUTOPILOT] = t.Get("max_autopilot", 1);
s.capacity = t.Get("capacity", 0);
s.hullMass = t.Get("hull_mass", 100);
s.fuelTankMass = t.Get("fuel_tank_mass", 5);
// fuel_use_rate can be given in two ways
float thruster_fuel_use = 0;
s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = t.Get("effective_exhaust_velocity", -1.0f);
thruster_fuel_use = t.Get("thruster_fuel_use", -1.0f);
if(s.effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use < 0) {
// default value of v_c is used
s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = 55000000;
} else if(s.effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use >= 0) {
// v_c undefined and thruster fuel use defined -- use it!
s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = GetEffectiveExhaustVelocity(s.fuelTankMass, thruster_fuel_use, s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD]);
} else {
if(thruster_fuel_use >= 0)
2013-02-02 07:31:00 -08:00
printf("Warning: Both thruster_fuel_use and effective_exhaust_velocity defined for %s, using effective_exhaust_velocity.\n", s.modelName.c_str());
s.baseprice = t.Get("price", 0);
s.baseprice *= 100; // in hundredths of credits
s.minCrew = t.Get("min_crew", 1);
s.maxCrew = t.Get("max_crew", 1);
s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENGINE] = Clamp(s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENGINE], 0, 1);
int hyperclass;
hyperclass = t.Get("hyperdrive_class", 1);
if (!hyperclass) {
s.hyperdrive = Equip::NONE;
} else {
s.hyperdrive = Equip::Type(Equip::DRIVE_CLASS1+hyperclass-1);
for (int i = 0; i < ShipType::GUNMOUNT_MAX; i++) {
s.gunMount[i].pos = vector3f(0,0,0);
s.gunMount[i].dir = vector3f(0,0,1);
s.gunMount[i].sep = 5;
s.gunMount[i].orient = ShipType::DUAL_LASERS_HORIZONTAL;
lua_pushstring(L, "gun_mounts");
lua_gettable(L, -2);
if (lua_istable(L, -1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ship definition for '%s' has deprecated 'gun_mounts' field\n",;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<lua_rawlen(L,-1); i++) {
lua_pushinteger(L, i+1);
lua_gettable(L, -2);
2012-09-14 03:07:26 -07:00
if (lua_istable(L, -1) && lua_rawlen(L,-1) == 4) {
lua_pushinteger(L, 1);
lua_gettable(L, -2);
s.gunMount[i].pos = LuaVector::CheckFromLuaF(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_pushinteger(L, 2);
lua_gettable(L, -2);
s.gunMount[i].dir = LuaVector::CheckFromLuaF(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
2012-09-14 03:07:26 -07:00
lua_pushinteger(L, 3);
lua_gettable(L, -2);
s.gunMount[i].sep = lua_tonumber(L,-1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_pushinteger(L, 4);
lua_gettable(L, -2);
s.gunMount[i].orient = static_cast<ShipType::DualLaserOrientation>(
LuaConstants::GetConstantFromArg(L, "DualLaserOrientation", -1));
2012-09-14 03:07:26 -07:00
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
2012-03-05 07:25:03 -08:00
//sanity check
if (
return luaL_error(L, "Ship has no name");
2013-02-02 07:31:00 -08:00
if (s.modelName.empty())
2012-03-05 07:25:03 -08:00
return luaL_error(L, "Missing model name in ship");
if (s.minCrew < 1 || s.maxCrew < 1 || s.minCrew > s.maxCrew)
return luaL_error(L, "Invalid values for min_crew and max_crew");
2012-08-18 07:29:48 -07:00
const std::string& id = s_currentShipFile;
2012-10-30 21:26:42 -07:00
typedef std::map<ShipType::Id, ShipType>::iterator iter;
2012-08-18 07:29:48 -07:00
std::pair<iter, bool> result = ShipType::types.insert(std::make_pair(id, s));
if (result.second)
return luaL_error(L, "Ship '%s' was already defined by a different file", id.c_str());
return 0;
int define_ship(lua_State *L)
return _define_ship(L, ShipType::TAG_SHIP, &ShipType::player_ships);
int define_static_ship(lua_State *L)
return _define_ship(L, ShipType::TAG_STATIC_SHIP, &ShipType::static_ships);
int define_missile(lua_State *L)
return _define_ship(L, ShipType::TAG_MISSILE, &ShipType::missile_ships);
void ShipType::Init()
static bool isInitted = false;
if (isInitted) return;
isInitted = true;
lua_State *l = luaL_newstate();
luaL_requiref(l, "_G", &luaopen_base, 1);
luaL_requiref(l, LUA_DBLIBNAME, &luaopen_debug, 1);
luaL_requiref(l, LUA_MATHLIBNAME, &luaopen_math, 1);
lua_pop(l, 3);
// provide shortcut vector constructor: v =
lua_getglobal(l, LuaVector::LibName);
lua_getfield(l, -1, "new");
assert(lua_iscfunction(l, -1));
lua_setglobal(l, "v");
lua_pop(l, 1); // pop the vector library table
// register ship definition functions
lua_register(l, "define_ship", define_ship);
lua_register(l, "define_static_ship", define_static_ship);
lua_register(l, "define_missile", define_missile);
// load all ship definitions
2012-08-18 07:29:48 -07:00
namespace fs = FileSystem;
for (fs::FileEnumerator files(fs::gameDataFiles, "ships", fs::FileEnumerator::Recurse);
!files.Finished(); files.Next()) {
const fs::FileInfo &info = files.Current();
if (ends_with(info.GetPath(), ".lua")) {
const std::string name = info.GetName();
s_currentShipFile = name.substr(0, name.size()-4);
pi_lua_dofile(l, info.GetPath());
2012-03-06 12:00:01 -08:00
//remove unbuyable ships from player ship list
std::remove_if(ShipType::player_ships.begin(), ShipType::player_ships.end(), ShipIsUnbuyable),
2012-03-06 12:00:01 -08:00
if (ShipType::player_ships.empty())
2012-05-26 16:30:55 -07:00
Error("No playable ships have been defined! The game cannot run.");
//collect ships that can fit atmospheric shields
2012-10-30 21:26:42 -07:00
for (std::vector<ShipType::Id>::const_iterator it = ShipType::player_ships.begin();
it != ShipType::player_ships.end(); ++it) {
const ShipType &ship = ShipType::types[*it];
if (ship.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ATMOSHIELD] != 0)
if (ShipType::playable_atmospheric_ships.empty())
Error("No ships can fit atmospheric shields! The game cannot run.");