799 lines
28 KiB
799 lines
28 KiB
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
//! This is the core class for the player which handles most of the player's interactions with the game.
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
private InputManager inputManager;
private Coroutine saveCoroutine;
private Vector3 originalPosition;
public Vector3 destroyStartPosition;
public Vector3 buildStartPosition;
public StateManager stateManager;
public GameManager gameManager;
public Camera mCam;
public InventoryManager playerInventory;
public InventoryManager storageInventory;
public AudioSource builderSound;
public AudioSource guiSound;
public GameObject objectInSight;
public GameObject machineInSight;
public LaserController laserController;
public BlockSelector blockSelector;
public bool outOfSpace;
public bool cannotCollect;
public bool building;
public bool inventoryOpen;
public bool storageGUIopen;
public bool machineGUIopen;
public bool craftingGUIopen;
public bool marketGUIopen;
public bool remoteStorageActive;
public bool escapeMenuOpen;
public bool machineHasPower;
public bool lookingAtCombinedMesh;
public bool tabletOpen;
public bool optionsGUIopen;
public bool timeToDeliverWarningRecieved;
public bool draggingItem;
public bool displayingBuildItem;
public bool exiting;
public bool requestedSave;
public bool invalidAugerPlacement;
public bool autoAxisMessage;
public bool invalidRailCartPlacement;
public bool helpMenuOpen;
public bool requestedBuildingStop;
public bool pirateAttackWarningActive;
public bool meteorShowerWarningActive;
public bool destructionMessageActive;
public bool timeToDeliver;
public bool paintGunActive;
public bool paintColorSelected;
public bool videoMenuOpen;
public bool schematicMenuOpen;
public bool crosshairEnabled = true;
public bool stoppingBuildCoRoutine;
public bool separatedBlocks;
public bool destroying;
public bool requestedChunkLoad;
public bool blockLimitMessage;
public bool requestedEscapeMenu;
public bool laserCannonActive;
public bool scannerActive;
public bool firing;
public bool scanning;
private bool gotPosition;
private bool gameStarted;
private bool meteorShowerWarningReceived;
private bool pirateAttackWarningReceived;
private bool destructionMessageReceived;
private bool movedPlayer;
private bool introDisplayed;
public string cubeloc = "up";
public string machineID = "unassigned";
public string machineOutputID = "unassigned";
public string machineOutputID2 = "unassigned";
public string machineInputID = "unassigned";
public string machineInputID2 = "unassigned";
public string machineType;
public string machineType2;
public string machineInputType;
public string machineInputType2;
public string machineOutputType;
public string currentTabletMessage = "";
public string buildType = "Dark Matter Collector";
public string nextBuildType = "Turret";
public string previousBuildType = "Dark Matter Conduit";
public float outOfSpaceTimer;
public float cannotCollectTimer;
public float collectorAmount;
public float hxAmount;
public float machineAmount;
public float machineAmount2;
public float machineInputAmount;
public float machineInputAmount2;
public float machineOutputAmount;
public float deliveryWarningTimer;
public float buildItemDisplayTimer;
public float footStepTimer;
public float footStepSoundFrquency;
public float destroyTimer;
public float buildTimer;
public float buildIncrementTimer;
public float invalidAugerPlacementTimer;
public float autoAxisMessageTimer;
public float invalidRailCartPlacementTimer;
public float paintRed;
public float paintGreen;
public float paintBlue;
public float requestedSaveTimer;
public float blockLimitMessageTimer;
public int playerMoveSpeed;
public int machinePower;
public int machineSpeed;
public double machineRange;
public int machineHeat;
public int machineCooling;
public int buildMultiplier = 1;
public int money;
public int destructionMessageCount;
public int storageComputerInventory;
public AudioClip footStep1;
public AudioClip footStep2;
public AudioClip footStep3;
public AudioClip footStep4;
public AudioClip metalFootStep1;
public AudioClip metalFootStep2;
public AudioClip metalFootStep3;
public AudioClip metalFootStep4;
public AudioClip missingItemsClip;
public AudioClip buttonClip;
public AudioClip craftingClip;
public GameObject ping;
public GameObject tablet;
public GameObject scanner;
public GameObject laserCannon;
public GameObject paintGun;
public GameObject paintGunTank;
public GameObject adjustedPaintGunTank;
public GameObject adjustedPaintGunTank2;
public GameObject muzzleFlash;
public GameObject scannerFlash;
public GameObject weaponHit;
public GameObject darkMatterCollector;
public GameObject darkMatter;
public GameObject darkMatterConduit;
public GameObject ironBlock;
public GameObject ironRamp;
public GameObject steel;
public GameObject steelRamp;
public GameObject storageContainer;
public GameObject universalExtractor;
public GameObject auger;
public GameObject airlock;
public GameObject universalConduit;
public GameObject glass;
public GameObject brick;
public GameObject electricLight;
public GameObject smelter;
public GameObject turret;
public GameObject solarPanel;
public GameObject generator;
public GameObject reactorTurbine;
public GameObject nuclearReactor;
public GameObject press;
public GameObject extruder;
public GameObject retriever;
public GameObject railCart;
public GameObject railCartHub;
public GameObject storageComputer;
public GameObject autoCrafter;
public GameObject heatExchanger;
public GameObject gearCutter;
public GameObject alloySmelter;
public GameObject powerConduit;
public GameObject playerBody;
public GameObject builder;
public GameObject headlamp;
public GameObject guiObject;
public GameObject currentStorageComputer;
public GameObject buildObject;
public GameObject modMachine;
public Material constructionMat;
private bool addedModMachines;
// Called by unity engine on start up to initialize variables.
public void Start()
// Reference to the game manager and state manager.
gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>();
stateManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<StateManager>();
// Initialize component classes.
playerInventory = GetComponent<InventoryManager>();
laserController = new LaserController(this, gameManager);
// Load mouse settings.
Cursor.visible = true;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
if (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("xSensitivity") != 0)
GetComponent<MSCameraController>().CameraSettings.firstPerson.sensibilityX = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("xSensitivity");
if (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("ySensitivity") != 0)
GetComponent<MSCameraController>().CameraSettings.firstPerson.sensibilityY = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("ySensitivity");
GetComponent<MSCameraController>().CameraSettings.firstPerson.invertYInput = PlayerPrefsX.GetPersistentBool("mouseInverted");
// Loading volume settings.
if (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("volume") > 0)
AudioListener.volume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("volume");
GetComponent<MSCameraController>().cameras[0].volume = AudioListener.volume;
GetComponent<MSCameraController>().cameras[0].volume = 2.5f;
// Audio source for placing blocks.
builderSound = builder.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
// Audio source for GUI related sounds.
guiSound = guiObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
// Fog and Scanner color for atmospheric worlds.
if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name.Equals("QE_World_Atmo"))
scannerFlash.GetComponent<Light>().color = Color.white;
scannerFlash.GetComponent<Light>().intensity = 1;
float fogDensity = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("fogDensity");
RenderSettings.fogDensity = fogDensity > 0 ? fogDensity : 0.00025f;
RenderSettings.fog = PlayerPrefsX.GetPersistentBool("fogEnabled");
inputManager = new InputManager(this);
blockSelector = new BlockSelector(this);
//! Called once per frame by unity engine.
public void Update()
if (ReadyToLoadModMachines() == true)
BlockDictionary blockDictionary = GetComponent<BuildController>().blockDictionary;
addedModMachines = true;
// Get a refrence to the camera.
if (mCam == null)
mCam = Camera.main;
if (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("FOV") != 0)
mCam.fieldOfView = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("FOV");
if (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("drawDistance") != 0)
mCam.farClipPlane = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("drawDistance");
// Disable mouse look during main menu sequence.
gameObject.GetComponent<MSCameraController>().enabled &= gameStarted != false;
// Get the spawn location, for respawning the player character.
if (gotPosition == false)
originalPosition = transform.position;
gotPosition = true;
// The state manager has finished loading the world.
if (stateManager.worldLoaded == true)
gameStarted = true;
if (FileBasedPrefs.GetBool(stateManager.WorldName + "oldWorld") == false)
else if (movedPlayer == false)
if (ShouldShowTabletIntro())
// Destruction messages.
if (destructionMessageActive == true)
if (destructionMessageCount > 10)
currentTabletMessage = "";
destructionMessageCount = 0;
if (destructionMessageReceived == false)
destructionMessageReceived = true;
destructionMessageCount = 0;
destructionMessageReceived = false;
// Pirate attack warnings.
if (pirateAttackWarningActive == true)
currentTabletMessage = "Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning!\n\nIncoming pirate attack!";
if (pirateAttackWarningReceived == false)
pirateAttackWarningReceived = true;
pirateAttackWarningReceived = false;
// Meteor shower warnings.
if (meteorShowerWarningActive == true)
currentTabletMessage = "Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning!\n\nIncoming meteor shower!";
if (meteorShowerWarningReceived == false)
meteorShowerWarningReceived = true;
meteorShowerWarningReceived = false;
if (timeToDeliver == true)
timeToDeliverWarningRecieved = false;
if (destroying == true)
if (requestedBuildingStop == true)
// The player controller is notified that the game manager finished combining meshes.
if (stoppingBuildCoRoutine == true && gameManager.working == false)
stoppingBuildCoRoutine = false;
if (requestedChunkLoad == true)
// Locking or unlocking the mouse cursor for GUI interaction.
if (GuiOpen())
Cursor.visible = true;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
gameObject.GetComponent<MSCameraController>().enabled = false;
Cursor.visible = false;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
gameObject.GetComponent<MSCameraController>().enabled = true;
if (requestedEscapeMenu == true)
if (requestedSave == true)
if (storageInventory != null && storageGUIopen == true)
if (stateManager.saving == false)
//! Returns true when prerequisites are met for loading machines added by mods.
private bool ReadyToLoadModMachines()
return addedModMachines == false
&& modMachine != null
&& blockSelector != null
&& BlockDictionaryInitiazlied()
&& LoadedModTextures();
//! Returns true if block dictionary is non null.
private bool BlockDictionaryInitiazlied()
if (GetComponent<BuildController>() != null)
return GetComponent<BuildController>().blockDictionary != null;
return false;
//! Returns true when all mod textures have finished loading.
private bool LoadedModTextures()
if (GetComponent<TextureDictionary>() != null)
return GetComponent<TextureDictionary>().addedModTextures;
return false;
//! Saves the player's location and money.
public void SavePlayerData()
PlayerPrefsX.SetVector3(stateManager.WorldName + "playerPosition", transform.position);
PlayerPrefsX.SetQuaternion(stateManager.WorldName + "playerRotation", transform.rotation);
FileBasedPrefs.SetInt(stateManager.WorldName + "money", money);
FileBasedPrefs.SetBool(stateManager.WorldName + "oldWorld", true);
//! Applies global settings.
public void ApplySettings()
PlayerPrefsX.SetPersistentBool("mouseInverted", GetComponent<MSCameraController>().CameraSettings.firstPerson.invertYInput);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("xSensitivity", GetComponent<MSCameraController>().CameraSettings.firstPerson.sensibilityX);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("ySensitivity", GetComponent<MSCameraController>().CameraSettings.firstPerson.sensibilityY);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("FOV", mCam.fieldOfView);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("drawDistance", mCam.farClipPlane);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("volume", GetComponent<MSCameraController>().cameras[0].volume);
PlayerPrefsX.SetPersistentBool("fogEnabled", RenderSettings.fog);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("fogDensity", RenderSettings.fogDensity);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("chunkSize", gameManager.chunkSize);
//! Plays a sound.
public void PlayButtonSound()
guiSound.volume = 0.15f;
guiSound.clip = buttonClip;
//! Plays a sound.
public void PlayCraftingSound()
guiSound.volume = 0.3f;
guiSound.clip = craftingClip;
//! Plays a sound.
public void PlayMissingItemsSound()
guiSound.volume = 0.3f;
guiSound.clip = missingItemsClip;
//! Returns true if any GUI is open.
public bool GuiOpen()
return cGUI.showingInputGUI == true
|| inventoryOpen == true
|| escapeMenuOpen == true
|| machineGUIopen == true
|| tabletOpen == true
|| marketGUIopen == true
|| (paintGunActive == true && paintColorSelected == false);
//! Returns true at the beginning of the first in-game day when the intro should be displayed on the tablet.
private bool ShouldShowTabletIntro()
return currentTabletMessage.Equals("")
&& GameObject.Find("Rocket").GetComponent<Rocket>().day == 1
&& (int)GameObject.Find("Rocket").GetComponent<Rocket>().gameTime < 200;
//! Displays the intro message on the tablet.
private void ShowTabletIntro()
currentTabletMessage = "To all deployed members of:\nQuantum Engineering, \nDark Matter Research, \nMoon Base Establishment Division" +
"\n\n" + "Manufacture of Quantum Manifestation Projection Units \nis going ahead as planned. " + "Our systems show all \nengineers have " +
"successfully arrived at their \ndesignated FOB establishment locations. " + "\nExpected return payload to planetary facilities \nat the end " +
"of day 1 is currently 50 units \nof non-anomylous dark matter as planned. " + "\n\n" + "As always, thank you for your service." + "\n" +
"Agrat Eirelis:" + "\n" + "Chief Officer," + "\n" + "Quantum Engineering," + "\n" + "Dark Matter Research," + "\n" + "Moon Base Establishment Division";
//! Moves the player to their previous location when a game is loaded.
private void MovePlayerToSavedLocation()
transform.position = PlayerPrefsX.GetVector3(stateManager.WorldName + "playerPosition");
transform.rotation = PlayerPrefsX.GetQuaternion(stateManager.WorldName + "playerRotation");
money = FileBasedPrefs.GetInt(stateManager.WorldName + "money");
movedPlayer = true;
//! Opens the tablet to display a message the first time the world is loaded.
private void OpenTabletOnFirstLoad()
if (GetComponent<MainMenu>().finishedLoading == true)
if (introDisplayed == false)
Cursor.visible = true;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
tabletOpen = true;
introDisplayed = true;
//! Displays a message on the player's tablet when the rocket is landing to collect dark matter.
private void DisplayDeliveryWarning()
deliveryWarningTimer += 1 * Time.deltaTime;
if (deliveryWarningTimer > 30)
deliveryWarningTimer = 0;
int payload = GameObject.Find("Rocket").GetComponent<Rocket>().payloadRequired;
currentTabletMessage = "Please load: " + payload + " dark matter\ninto the rocket near the lunar lander."
+ "\nExpected return payload to planetary facilities \nat the end " +
"of the day tomorrow is currently:" + "\n" + (payload * 2) + " units of dark matter. "
+ "\n\n" + "As always, Thank you for your service." + "\n" +
"Agrat Eirelis:" + "\n" + "Chief Officer," + "\n" + "Quantum Engineering," + "\n"
+ "Dark Matter Research," + "\n" + "Moon Base Establishment Division";
if (timeToDeliverWarningRecieved == false)
timeToDeliverWarningRecieved = true;
//! Stops the players building mode and sends a request to the game manager to recombine any edited combined meshes.
private void HandleBuildingStopRequest()
if (gameManager.working == false)
stoppingBuildCoRoutine = true;
separatedBlocks = false;
destroyTimer = 0;
buildTimer = 0;
building = false;
destroying = false;
requestedBuildingStop = false;
requestedBuildingStop = true;
//! Handles the sending of chunk load requests for modifying combined meshes.
private void ModifyCombinedMeshes()
destroyTimer += 1 * Time.deltaTime;
if (destroyTimer >= 30)
if (gameManager.working == false)
stoppingBuildCoRoutine = true;
destroyTimer = 0;
buildTimer = 0;
building = false;
destroying = false;
separatedBlocks = false;
requestedBuildingStop = true;
float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, destroyStartPosition);
if (distance > 15)
if (gameManager.working == false)
gameManager.meshManager.SeparateBlocks(transform.position, "all", true);
separatedBlocks = true;
requestedChunkLoad = true;
destroyStartPosition = transform.position;
//! Handles requests to load chunks of blocks from combined meshes near the player.
private void HandleChunkLoadRequest()
if (gameManager.working == false)
if (destroying == false)
gameManager.meshManager.SeparateBlocks(transform.position, "all", true);
gameManager.meshManager.SeparateBlocks(transform.position, "all", false);
separatedBlocks = true;
requestedChunkLoad = false;
//! Handles requests to open the escape menu, stopping appropriate coroutines.
private void HandleEscapeMenuRequest()
if (building == true || destroying == true)
if (gameManager.working == false)
stoppingBuildCoRoutine = true;
separatedBlocks = false;
destroyTimer = 0;
buildTimer = 0;
building = false;
destroying = false;
requestedBuildingStop = true;
else if (gameManager.working == false)
Cursor.visible = true;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
gameObject.GetComponent<MSCameraController>().enabled = false;
escapeMenuOpen = true;
requestedEscapeMenu = false;
//! Enforces world size limitations.
private void EnforceWorldLimits()
if (gameObject.transform.position.x > 4500)
gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(4490, gameObject.transform.position.y, gameObject.transform.position.z);
if (gameObject.transform.position.z > 4500)
gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x, gameObject.transform.position.y, 4490);
if (gameObject.transform.position.x < -4500)
gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(-4490, gameObject.transform.position.y, gameObject.transform.position.z);
if (gameObject.transform.position.z < -4500)
gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x, gameObject.transform.position.y, -4490);
if (gameObject.transform.position.y > 500)
gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x, 490, gameObject.transform.position.z);
if (gameObject.transform.position.y < -100)
gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x, 500, gameObject.transform.position.z);
//! Handles requests to exit the game
private void HandleSaveRequest()
requestedSaveTimer += 1 * Time.deltaTime;
if (requestedSaveTimer >= 5)
if (gameManager.working == false)
saveCoroutine = StartCoroutine(Save());
requestedSaveTimer = 0;
requestedSave = false;
//! Closes the storage GUI if the player has moved too far from the container.
private void CheckStorageDistance()
if (remoteStorageActive == false)
float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, storageInventory.gameObject.transform.position);
if (distance > 40)
storageGUIopen = false;
inventoryOpen = false;
float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, currentStorageComputer.transform.position);
if (distance > 40)
storageGUIopen = false;
inventoryOpen = false;
//! Handles saving world and exiting to the main menu.
public static IEnumerator Save()
float f = 0;
while (f < 6000)
if (GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>().blocksCombined == false)
if (GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>().dataSaveRequested == false)
if (GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<StateManager>().saving == false)
Debug.Log("Game saved to " + FileBasedPrefs.GetSaveFilePath());
Debug.Log("Creating backup...");
string fileName = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<StateManager>().WorldName;
string destinationPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "SaveData/" + fileName + ".bak");
File.Copy(FileBasedPrefs.GetSaveFilePath(), destinationPath, true);
Debug.Log("Backup saved to " + destinationPath);
if (GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent<PlayerController>().exiting == true)
Debug.Log("Loading main menu...");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
} |