2020-09-16 21:40:25 -05:00

85 lines
2.4 KiB

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
public class PluginLoader :MonoBehaviour
private Assembly assembly;
//! Adds plugins from mods to the game.
public void Start()
string modPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "Mods");
string[] modDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(modPath);
foreach (string path in modDirs)
string pluginPath = path + "/Plugins/";
DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(pluginPath);
foreach (FileInfo file in d.GetFiles("*.dll"))
string filePath = pluginPath + file.Name;
string pluginName = file.Name.Remove(file.Name.Length - 4);
LoadPlugin(pluginName, filePath);
Debug.Log("Loading mod plugin: " + pluginName);
//! Starts the assembly loading coroutine.
private void LoadPlugin(string pluginName, string url)
StartCoroutine(LoadAssembly(pluginName, url));
//! Uses GetAssembly to load classes from the dll and add them to a dictionary.
private IEnumerator LoadAssembly(string pluginName, string url)
if(url == null)
yield break;
UriBuilder uriBuildier = new UriBuilder(url) { Scheme = "file" };
using (UnityWebRequest uwr = UnityWebRequest.Get(uriBuildier.ToString()))
yield return uwr.SendWebRequest();
if (!uwr.isNetworkError && !uwr.isHttpError)
assembly = GetAssembly(uwr);
if (assembly != null)
AddPlugin(assembly, pluginName);
//! Loads assembly from file.
private Assembly GetAssembly(UnityWebRequest uwr)
if (uwr != null)
if (uwr.downloadHandler != null)
if (uwr.downloadHandler.data != null)
return Assembly.Load(uwr.downloadHandler.data);
return null;
//! Gets type by name from dll.
private void AddPlugin(Assembly dll, string pluginName)
Type type = dll.GetType(pluginName);
if (type != null)
GameObject obj = new GameObject { name = pluginName };