
664 lines
37 KiB

using UnityEngine;
public class InfoHUD : MonoBehaviour
private PlayerController playerController;
private GuiCoordinates guiCoordinates;
private TextureDictionary textureDictionary;
private string machineDisplayID = "unassigned";
private string machineDisplayOutputID = "unassigned";
private string machineDisplayOutputID2 = "unassigned";
private string machineDisplayInputID = "unassigned";
private string machineDisplayInputID2 = "unassigned";
// Called by unity engine on start up to initialize variables
public void Start()
playerController = GetComponent<PlayerController>();
guiCoordinates = GetComponent<GuiCoordinates>();
textureDictionary = GetComponent<TextureDictionary>();
// Returns true if the info hud should be drawn
private bool ShouldDrawInfoHud()
return playerController.stateManager.worldLoaded == true
&& GetComponent<MainMenu>().finishedLoading == true
&& playerController.objectInSight != null
&& playerController.building == false
&& playerController.inventoryOpen == false
&& playerController.escapeMenuOpen == false
&& playerController.tabletOpen == false;
// Called by unity engine for rendering and handling GUI events
public void OnGUI()
GUI.skin = GetComponent<PlayerGUI>().thisGUIskin;
int ScreenHeight = Screen.height;
int ScreenWidth = Screen.width;
if (ScreenHeight < 700)
GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 10;
if (ShouldDrawInfoHud())
GameObject obj = playerController.objectInSight;
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.messageBackgroundRect, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (playerController.machineID.Equals("Lander") || playerController.machineID.Equals("Rocket"))
machineDisplayID = playerController.machineID;
else if (playerController.machineID.Length > playerController.stateManager.WorldName.Length)
machineDisplayID = playerController.machineID.Substring(playerController.stateManager.WorldName.Length);
machineDisplayID = "unassigned";
if (playerController.machineInputID.Equals("Lander") || playerController.machineInputID.Equals("Rocket"))
machineDisplayInputID = playerController.machineInputID;
else if (playerController.machineInputID.Length > playerController.stateManager.WorldName.Length)
machineDisplayInputID = playerController.machineInputID.Substring(playerController.stateManager.WorldName.Length);
machineDisplayInputID = "unassigned";
if (playerController.machineInputID2.Equals("Lander") || playerController.machineInputID2.Equals("Rocket") || playerController.machineInputID2.Equals("unassigned"))
machineDisplayInputID2 = playerController.machineInputID2;
else if (playerController.machineInputID2.Length > playerController.stateManager.WorldName.Length)
machineDisplayInputID2 = playerController.machineInputID2.Substring(playerController.stateManager.WorldName.Length);
machineDisplayInputID2 = "unassigned";
if (playerController.machineOutputID.Equals("Lander") || playerController.machineOutputID.Equals("Rocket"))
machineDisplayOutputID = playerController.machineOutputID;
else if (playerController.machineOutputID.Length > playerController.stateManager.WorldName.Length)
machineDisplayOutputID = playerController.machineOutputID.Substring(playerController.stateManager.WorldName.Length);
machineDisplayOutputID = "unassigned";
if (playerController.machineOutputID2.Equals("Lander") || playerController.machineOutputID2.Equals("Rocket"))
machineDisplayOutputID2 = playerController.machineOutputID2;
else if (playerController.machineOutputID2.Length > playerController.stateManager.WorldName.Length)
machineDisplayOutputID2 = playerController.machineOutputID2.Substring(playerController.stateManager.WorldName.Length);
machineDisplayOutputID2 = "unassigned";
if (obj.GetComponent<InventoryManager>() != null && obj.GetComponent<AutoCrafter>() == null && obj.GetComponent<Retriever>() == null && obj != gameObject)
if (obj.GetComponent<RailCart>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Rail Cart" + "\nPress E to interact." + "\nPress F to Collect.");
else if (obj.GetComponent<InventoryManager>().ID.Equals("Lander"))
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nLunar Lander" + "\nPress E to interact.");
else if (obj.GetComponent<InventoryManager>().ID.Equals("Rocket"))
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nRocket" + "\nPress E to interact.");
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Storage Container" + "\nPress E to open." + "\nPress F to Collect.");
else if (obj.GetComponent<DarkMatter>() != null || obj.GetComponent<UniversalResource>() != null)
string resourceName = obj.GetComponent<DarkMatter>() != null ? "Dark Matter" : obj.GetComponent<UniversalResource>().type;
int f = GUI.skin.label.fontSize;
GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 16;
GUIContent content = new GUIContent(resourceName);
GUIStyle style = GUI.skin.box;
style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
Vector2 size = style.CalcSize(content);
Rect resourceInfoRect = new Rect((ScreenWidth / 2) - (size.x / 2), (ScreenHeight - 70) - (size.y / 2), size.x, size.y);
GUI.Label(resourceInfoRect, resourceName);
GUI.skin.label.fontSize = f;
else if (obj.GetComponent<IronBlock>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Iron Block");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRect, "Press F to remove blocks.\nPress B to add blocks.\nPress Q to stop building.");
else if (obj.GetComponent<Steel>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Steel Block");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRect, "Press F to remove blocks.\nPress B to add blocks.\nPress Q to stop building.");
else if (obj.GetComponent<Glass>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Glass Block");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRect, "Press F to remove blocks.\nPress B to add blocks.\nPress Q to stop building.");
else if (obj.GetComponent<Brick>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Brick Block");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRect, "Press F to remove blocks.\nPress B to add blocks.\nPress Q to stop building.");
else if (obj.GetComponent<ElectricLight>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nElectric Light" + "\nPress F to Collect.");
else if (obj.GetComponent<AirLock>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Quantum Hatchway" + "\nPress E to interact." + "\nPress F to Collect.");
else if (obj.GetComponent<StorageComputer>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Storage Computer" + "\nPress E to interact." + "\nPress F to Collect.");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<StorageComputer>().initialized == true)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Storage Computer" + "\nID: " + machineDisplayID + "\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower);
if (obj.GetComponent<StorageComputer>().bootTimer > 0)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Storage Computer" + "\nBooting up...");
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Storage Computer" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<RailCartHub>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<RailCartHub>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Rail Cart Hub" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nCircuit: " + obj.GetComponent<RailCartHub>().circuit +
"\nRange: " + playerController.machineRange / 10 + " meters" +
"\n" + "Input ID: " + machineDisplayInputID +
"\n" + "Output ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\n" + "Stop: " + obj.GetComponent<RailCartHub>().stop +
"\n" + "Stop Duration: " + obj.GetComponent<RailCartHub>().stopTime + " seconds");
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Rail Cart Hub" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<DarkMatterConduit>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<DarkMatterConduit>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Dark Matter Conduit" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nRange: " + playerController.machineRange / 10 + " meters" +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.machineAmount + " Dark Matter" +
"\n" + "Input ID: " + machineDisplayInputID +
"\n" + "Output ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\n" + "Input Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineInputAmount + " " + playerController.machineInputType +
"\n" + "Output Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineOutputAmount + " " + playerController.machineOutputType);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Dark Matter Conduit" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Universal Conduit" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nRange: " + playerController.machineRange / 10 + " meters" +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.machineAmount + " " + playerController.machineType +
"\n" + "Input ID: " + machineDisplayInputID +
"\n" + "Output ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\n" + "Input Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineInputAmount + " " + playerController.machineInputType +
"\n" + "Output Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineOutputAmount + " " + playerController.machineOutputType);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Universal Conduit" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<PowerSource>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<PowerSource>().type == "Solar Panel")
if (obj.GetComponent<PowerSource>().connectionFailed == false && obj.GetComponent<PowerSource>().blocked == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Solar Panel" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nOutput ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW");
else if (obj.GetComponent<PowerSource>().connectionFailed == true)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Solar Panel" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<PowerSource>().blocked == true)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Solar Panel" + "\nBlocked");
else if (obj.GetComponent<PowerSource>().type == "Generator")
if (obj.GetComponent<PowerSource>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Generator" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nOutput ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nFuel: " + playerController.machineAmount + " " + playerController.machineType);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Generator" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<PowerSource>().type == "Reactor Turbine")
if (obj.GetComponent<PowerSource>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Reactor Turbine" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nOutput ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW");
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Reactor Turbine" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<NuclearReactor>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Press F to collect.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Nuclear Reactor" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling + " KBTU" +
"\nRequired Cooling: " + obj.GetComponent<NuclearReactor>().turbineCount * 5 + " KBTU");
else if (obj.GetComponent<PowerConduit>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<PowerConduit>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Power Conduit" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nRange: " + playerController.machineRange / 10 + " meters" +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput 1: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\nOutput 2: " + machineDisplayOutputID2);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Power Conduit" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<UniversalExtractor>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<UniversalExtractor>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Universal Extractor" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput: " + playerController.machineSpeed + " IPC" +
"\nHeat: " + playerController.machineHeat + " KBTU" +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling + " KBTU" +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.collectorAmount + " " + playerController.machineType);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Universal Extractor" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<Auger>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Auger" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput: " + playerController.machineSpeed + " IPC" +
"\nHeat: " + playerController.machineHeat + " KBTU" +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling + " KBTU" +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.collectorAmount + " Regolith");
else if (obj.GetComponent<DarkMatterCollector>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<DarkMatterCollector>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Dark Matter Collector" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput: " + playerController.machineSpeed + " IPC" +
"\nHeat: " + playerController.machineHeat + " KBTU" +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling + " KBTU" +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.collectorAmount + " Dark Matter");
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Dark Matter Collector" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<Smelter>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<Smelter>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Smelter" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput: " + playerController.machineSpeed + " IPC" +
"\nHeat: " + playerController.machineHeat + " KBTU" +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling + " KBTU" +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.machineAmount + " " + playerController.machineType +
"\n" + "Input ID: " + machineDisplayInputID +
"\n" + "Output ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\n" + "Input Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineInputAmount + " " + playerController.machineInputType +
"\n" + "Output Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineOutputAmount + " " + playerController.machineOutputType);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Smelter" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<AlloySmelter>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<AlloySmelter>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Alloy Smelter" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput: " + playerController.machineSpeed + " IPC" +
"\nHeat: " + playerController.machineHeat + " KBTU" +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling + " KBTU" +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.machineAmount + " " + playerController.machineType +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.machineAmount2 + " " + playerController.machineType2 +
"\n" + "Input ID: " + machineDisplayInputID +
"\n" + "Input ID 2: " + machineDisplayInputID2 +
"\n" + "Output ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\n" + "Input Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineInputAmount + " " + playerController.machineInputType +
"\n" + "Input 2 Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineInputAmount2 + " " + playerController.machineInputType2 +
"\n" + "Output Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineOutputAmount + " " + playerController.machineOutputType);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Alloy Smelter" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<Press>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<Press>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Press" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput: " + playerController.machineSpeed + " IPC" +
"\nHeat: " + playerController.machineHeat + " KBTU" +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling + " KBTU" +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.machineAmount + " " + playerController.machineType +
"\n" + "Input ID: " + machineDisplayInputID +
"\n" + "Output ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\n" + "Input Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineInputAmount + " " + playerController.machineInputType +
"\n" + "Output Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineOutputAmount + " " + playerController.machineOutputType);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Press" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<Extruder>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<Extruder>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Extruder" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput: " + playerController.machineSpeed + " IPC" +
"\nHeat: " + playerController.machineHeat + " KBTU" +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling + " KBTU" +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.machineAmount + " " + playerController.machineType +
"\n" + "Input ID: " + machineDisplayInputID +
"\n" + "Output ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\n" + "Input Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineInputAmount + " " + playerController.machineInputType +
"\n" + "Output Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineOutputAmount + " " + playerController.machineOutputType);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Extruder" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<Retriever>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<Retriever>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Retriever" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput: " + playerController.machineSpeed + " IPC" +
"\nHeat: " + playerController.machineHeat + " KBTU" +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling + " KBTU" +
"\nRetrieving: " + playerController.machineType +
"\n" + "Input ID: " + machineDisplayInputID +
"\n" + "Output ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Retriever" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<AutoCrafter>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<AutoCrafter>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Auto Crafter" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput: " + playerController.machineSpeed + " IPC" +
"\nHeat: " + playerController.machineHeat + " KBTU" +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling + " KBTU" +
"\nCrafting: " + playerController.machineType +
"\n" + "Input ID: " + machineDisplayInputID +
"\n" + "Output ID: " + machineDisplayInputID);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Auto Crafter" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<GearCutter>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<GearCutter>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Gear Cutter" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput: " + playerController.machineSpeed + " IPC" +
"\nHeat: " + playerController.machineHeat + " KBTU" +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling + " KBTU" +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.machineAmount + " " + playerController.machineType +
"\n" + "Input ID: " + machineDisplayInputID +
"\n" + "Output ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\n" + "Input Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineInputAmount + " " + playerController.machineInputType +
"\n" + "Output Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineOutputAmount + " " + playerController.machineOutputType);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Gear Cutter" + "\nOffline");
else if (obj.GetComponent<Turret>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
int rpm = (int)(60 / (0.2f + (3 - (playerController.machineSpeed * 0.1f))));
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Turret" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nEnergized: " + playerController.machineHasPower +
"\nPower: " + playerController.machinePower + " MW" +
"\nOutput: " + rpm + " RPM" +
"\nHeat: " + playerController.machineHeat + " KBTU" +
"\nCooling: " + playerController.machineCooling);
else if (obj.GetComponent<HeatExchanger>() != null)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "\nPress F to collect.\nPress E to interact.");
if (playerController.machineInSight != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.infoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
if (obj.GetComponent<HeatExchanger>().connectionFailed == false)
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Heat Exchanger" +
"\nID: " + machineDisplayID +
"\nCooling: " + obj.GetComponent<HeatExchanger>().providingCooling +
"\nOutput: " + playerController.machineSpeed + " KBTU" +
"\nHolding: " + (int)playerController.machineAmount + " " + playerController.machineType +
"\n" + "Input ID: " + machineDisplayInputID +
"\n" + "Output ID: " + machineDisplayOutputID +
"\n" + "Input Holding: " + (int)playerController.machineInputAmount + " " + playerController.machineInputType);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.infoRect, "Heat Exchanger" + "\nOffline");
else if (playerController.lookingAtCombinedMesh == true && playerController.paintGunActive == false)
if (obj.name.Equals("ironHolder(Clone)"))
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Iron Structure");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRect, "Press F to remove blocks.\nPress B to add blocks.\nPress Q to stop building.");
if (obj.name.Equals("glassHolder(Clone)"))
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Glass Structure");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRect, "Press F to remove blocks.\nPress B to add blocks.\nPress Q to stop building.");
if (obj.name.Equals("steelHolder(Clone)"))
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Steel Structure");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRect, "Press F to remove blocks.\nPress B to add blocks.\nPress Q to stop building.");
if (obj.name.Equals("brickHolder(Clone)"))
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.messageRect, "Brick Structure");
GUI.DrawTexture(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRectBG, textureDictionary.dictionary["Interface Background"]);
GUI.Label(guiCoordinates.buildInfoRect, "Press F to remove blocks.\nPress B to add blocks.\nPress Q to stop building.");