266 lines
9.2 KiB
266 lines
9.2 KiB
using UnityEngine;
public class BasicMachine : MonoBehaviour
public float amount;
public float updateTick;
public int address;
public int speed = 1;
public int power;
public int heat;
public int cooling;
public int connectionAttempts;
public string inputType;
public string outputType;
public string ID = "unassigned";
public string creationMethod = "built";
public string inputID;
public string outputID;
public bool connectionFailed;
public bool hasHeatExchanger;
public bool powerON;
public GameObject inputObject;
public GameObject outputObject;
public GameObject powerObject;
public ConduitItem conduitItem;
public Material lineMat;
public PowerReceiver powerReceiver;
public BasicMachineRecipe[] recipes;
private LineRenderer connectionLine;
private GameObject builtObjects;
private int machineTimer;
// Called by unity engine on start up to initialize variables
public void Start()
powerReceiver = gameObject.AddComponent<PowerReceiver>();
connectionLine = gameObject.AddComponent<LineRenderer>();
conduitItem = GetComponentInChildren<ConduitItem>(true);
connectionLine.startWidth = 0.2f;
connectionLine.endWidth = 0.2f;
connectionLine.material = lineMat;
connectionLine.loop = true;
connectionLine.enabled = false;
builtObjects = GameObject.Find("Built_Objects");
// Called once per frame by unity engine
public void Update()
updateTick += 1 * Time.deltaTime;
if (updateTick > 0.5f + (address * 0.001f))
updateTick = 0;
if (speed > power && power != 0)
speed = power;
if (speed > 1)
heat = speed - 1 - cooling;
heat = 0;
if (heat < 0)
heat = 0;
if (inputObject == null || outputObject == null)
connectionAttempts += 1;
if (creationMethod.Equals("spawned"))
if (connectionAttempts >= 30)
connectionAttempts = 0;
connectionFailed = true;
if (connectionAttempts >= 120)
connectionAttempts = 0;
connectionFailed = true;
if (connectionFailed == false)
if (inputObject != null)
if (inputObject.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>() != null)
if (amount < 1 || outputType == "nothing")
outputType = GetOutputType();
if (inputObject.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().conduitItem.active == false)
conduitItem.active = false;
GetComponent<Light>().enabled = false;
conduitItem.active = false;
GetComponent<Light>().enabled = false;
if (inputObject != null && outputObject != null)
connectionAttempts = 0;
// The object exists, is active and is not a standard building block
private bool IsValidObject(GameObject obj)
if (obj != null)
return obj.transform.parent != builtObjects.transform && obj.activeInHierarchy;
return false;
// The object is a potential output connection
private bool IsValidOutputObject(GameObject obj)
return outputObject == null && inputObject != null && obj != inputObject && obj != gameObject;
// Finds and connects to a universal conduit for output
private void ConnectToOutput()
GameObject[] allObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Built");
foreach (GameObject obj in allObjects)
if (IsValidObject(obj))
if (obj.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>() != null)
float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, obj.transform.position);
if (IsValidOutputObject(obj) && distance < 20)
if (obj.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().inputObject == null)
if (creationMethod.Equals("spawned") && obj.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().ID.Equals(outputID))
outputObject = obj;
obj.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().type = outputType;
obj.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().inputObject = gameObject;
connectionLine.SetPosition(0, transform.position);
connectionLine.SetPosition(1, obj.transform.position);
connectionLine.enabled = true;
creationMethod = "built";
else if (creationMethod.Equals("built"))
outputObject = obj;
obj.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().type = outputType;
obj.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().inputObject = gameObject;
connectionLine.SetPosition(0, transform.position);
connectionLine.SetPosition(1, obj.transform.position);
connectionLine.enabled = true;
// Sets the appropriate output item according to the input
private string GetOutputType()
string incoming = inputObject.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().type;
if (incoming != "" && incoming != "nothing")
inputType = inputObject.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().type;
if (recipes != null)
foreach (BasicMachineRecipe recipe in recipes)
if (recipe.input == incoming)
return recipe.output;
return "nothing";
// If everything is working, items are moved to the output conduit; sounds and other effects are enabled.
private void HandleOutput()
if (outputObject != null)
if (outputObject.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>() != null)
outputObject.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().inputID = ID;
outputObject.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().type = outputType;
outputObject.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().speed = speed;
outputID = outputObject.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().ID;
if (amount >= speed)
if (outputType.Equals(outputObject.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().type))
if (powerON == true && connectionFailed == false && inputObject != null && speed > 0)
conduitItem.active = true;
GetComponent<Light>().enabled = true;
machineTimer += 1;
if (machineTimer > 5 - (address * 0.01f))
outputObject.GetComponent<UniversalConduit>().amount += speed - heat;
amount -= speed - heat;
machineTimer = 0;
conduitItem.active = false;
GetComponent<Light>().enabled = false;
machineTimer = 0;
// Reset the output connection, allow new connections to be made
connectionLine.enabled = false;
if (connectionFailed == true)
if (creationMethod.Equals("spawned"))
creationMethod = "built";
// Gets power values from power receiver
private void UpdatePowerReceiver()
powerReceiver.ID = ID;
power = powerReceiver.power;
powerON = powerReceiver.powerON;
powerObject = powerReceiver.powerObject;
} |