rules/002 Rules of

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Rules of Stealing

To protect the in-game personal property of the players, to define the restoration of the swag and the compensation of influences.

1. Short Title

This rules document may be cited as the Rules of Stealing.

2. Theft

A player commits theft if he/she takes another's property without a valid consent from the owner.

3. Property

  1. Property means stuffs-
    1. obtained by the player from the wild,
    2. traded from another player, or
    3. obtained without violating the rules.
  2. The following should not treated as properties-
    1. the content of bones, while the bone is marked as old,
    2. the content of public storage, with an obvious label, shows the storage is for public use, and the owner could see and understand the label when placing the properties inside.
  1. Consent includes-
    1. word from the owner, shows the assent to allow the player to take the properties, and
    2. trades.
  2. Under the following condition(s), the consent is invalid-
    1. the owner is threatened to make the consent.

5. Convictions and Penalties

  1. For players committed theft-
    1. Moderators may give penalties.
    2. The swags should be treated as defined in section (6).
  2. If the thief received an invalid consent from the owner and took the properties according to the invalid consent, the player should not be convicted, though the swags should still be treated as defined in section (6).
  3. If the stolen swags are another thief's swags, the swags should be returned to the thief, and eventually return to the owner, as defined in section (6).

6. Restoration of the swags

  1. The thief should return the swags, or the equivalent, to their owner.
  2. If it is impossible to return the swag or the equivalent, the thief should compensate for the loss. The form and amount of reparation should be discussed and determined between the owner and the thief.
  3. Swags with an unknown owner should be confiscated.