rules/001 Rules of Moderator Priv...

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Rules of Moderator Privileges

To indicate and standardize the special privileges of moderators on the server, to ensure player rights while moderators are using their special privileges to take actions against players.

1. Short title

This rules document may be cited as the Rules of Moderator Privileges.

2. Definations

In this Rules Document-

  1. Actions, or Moderator Actions, means the actions taken and the commands given by a moderator, that are not defined the any of the rules documents at the time.

3. Moderator Actions

  1. Moderators may take any actions that they deem necessary.
  2. For any actions taken according to subsection (1):
    1. The actions must be in accordance with human rights.
    2. Moderators may give penalties with the following limit:
      1. For bans, the length of the ban should not be longer than 1 week.
      2. All actions taken should be reported to the admins.
    3. Players may appeal against the actions according to section 6 of the Rules of Rules (Cap. 0).
    4. Moderators, if not admins, must not review their own actions.
    5. Moderators, if admins, could ignore subsection (2.2) when taking actions.