It was found that between only running interest on players online or
running interst on all players with a credits account caused issues when
performing interest. (I.E. Server crash)
This update fixes it.
Mark 2 and Mark 3 provide more compact varients of the credit which
can be used to store vast amounts of physical credits. (With a ratio of
9 credits to 1 Mk2 credit or 81 credits to 1 Mk3 credit)
It was found that if a player left the HUD would not clean up, so when
the player returns the HUD system still though it could just update an
existing HUD.
It was found that MAIN logging was used rather than ACTION which means
in singleplayer worlds the game will actually tell the player if credits
are being allowed in replication. (Which should only be shown in the
server/client logs)