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Entity Definition

An Entity Definition is a table representing the properties and callbacks of an entity. Entity Definitions are supplied when calling zepha.register_entity. The entity definitions for registered entities can be found at runtime in the zepha.registered_entities table.

The properties and callbacks that can be used in a Block Definition are as follows.



Used to specify how the entity renders. Valid parameters:

gameobject: Render as a registered Block or Item.

model: Render as a loaded B3D Model.

display = "gameobject"


Used to specify additional parameters based on the display property.

If the display property is "gameobject", this property sets the Block or Item that is rendered.

If the display property is "model", this property specifies the name of the model to render.

display_object = "zeus:materials:stick"


If the display property is model, this property specfies the texture to use for the model.

display_texture = "zeus:default:player"



Called when an instance of the entity is added to the world, or loaded from a serialized state.

static contains a serialized data structure if one was supplied during construction, or one was saved for this entity by on_serialize.

on_create = function(self, static)


Called every update step.

delta is the time in seconds since the last update step.

on_update = function(self, delta)


Called before the object is destroyed.

on_destroy = function(self)


Called when the object is unloaded. When an object is unloaded it can supply a string of serialized data to store for when it gets loaded in later.

on_serialize = function(self) return "data" end