
865 B

Medicine 1.2 (Newest Version)

This mod adds different medical accessories that can get better to your health. Note: the mod is very simple now. It has been awaiting global update (2.0) that entirely change all mod and add multiplicity of possibilities.

Currently it includes: 1.Medicine block. 2.Alcohol. 3.Bandage. 4.Cotton wool. 5.Syringes. 6.Headphones. 7.Mask. 8.Pill and tablet. 9.Pinceps. 10.Plaster and thermometr.

Planned things (planned version 2.0): 1.New mobs. 2.Furniture. 3.Dropper. 4.Some effects for players and maybe even for mobs in game. 5.Enable to medical objects to functionate. 6.Different pills for healing of various diseases (effects). 7.Syringes for healing of various diseases (effects). 8.Zinc ore (zinc will be used for crafting syringes/pills).

