added fake low lift to extend the run takeoff

Alexsandro Percy 2022-05-04 13:21:05 -03:00
parent 7029166f3f
commit e401840bd7
1 changed files with 18 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -669,7 +669,24 @@ function pa28.flightstep(self)
local new_accel = accel
if longit_speed > 1.5 then
new_accel = airutils.getLiftAccel(self, velocity, new_accel, longit_speed, roll, curr_pos, pa28.lift, 15000, 12) --I added more 3 meters for wingspan to increase the ground effect for the low wing (the wingspan variable is only used for ground effect)
--[[lets do something interesting:
here I'll fake the longit speed effect for takeoff, to force the airplane
to use more runway
local factorized_longit_speed = longit_speed
if is_flying == false and airutils.quadBezier then
local takeoff_speed = pa28.min_speed * 4 --so first I'll consider the takeoff speed 4x the minimal flight speed
if longit_speed < takeoff_speed and longit_speed > pa28.min_speed then -- then if the airplane is above the mininam speed and bellow the take off
local scale = (longit_speed*1)/takeoff_speed --get a scale of current longit speed relative to takeoff speed
if scale == nil then scale = 0 end --lets avoid any nil
factorized_longit_speed = airutils.quadBezier(scale, pa28.min_speed, longit_speed, longit_speed) --here the magic happens using a bezier curve
--minetest.chat_send_all("factor: " .. factorized_longit_speed .. " - longit: " .. longit_speed .. " - scale: " .. scale)
if factorized_longit_speed < 0 then factorized_longit_speed = 0 end --lets avoid negative numbers
if factorized_longit_speed == nil then factorized_longit_speed = longit_speed end --and nil numbers
--now gets the lift!
new_accel = airutils.getLiftAccel(self, velocity, new_accel, factorized_longit_speed, roll, curr_pos, pa28.lift, 15000, 12) --I added more 3 meters for wingspan to increase the ground effect for the low wing (the wingspan variable is only used for ground effect)
-- end lift