Whitelisted players and whitelist status are both saved into the mod storage, and they're updated every time one of the core functions below succeeds. The end (?)
## 2. Functions
### 2.1 Core
> The `sender` field in here is optional. If specified, the sender will receive an output message
*`whitelist.enable(<sender>)`: enables the whitelist
*`whitelist.disable(<sender>)`: disables the whitelist
*`whitelist.is_player_whitelisted(p_name)`: returns whether `p_name` is whitelisted, as a boolean. If true, it also returns the name as it appears in the whitelist (as it's not case sensitive)
*`whitelist.is_whitelist_enabled()`: returns whether the whitelist is enabled, as a boolean
## 3. About the author
I'm Zughy (Marco), a professional Italian pixel artist who fights for FOSS and digital ethics. If this mod spared you some time and you want to support me somehow, please consider donating on [LiberaPay](https://liberapay.com/Zughy/)