Update translations via Wuzzy's script

This commit is contained in:
Zughy 2023-09-18 22:29:00 +02:00
parent 24ecc98084
commit 58310d751f
6 changed files with 97 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -1,26 +1,43 @@
# version 1.3.0-dev
# textdomain: parties
# author(s): Wuzzy
# reviewer(s):
# textdomain: parties
# api.lua
##[ src/api.lua ]##
[!] Only the party leader can perform this action!=[!] Nur der Gruppenleiter kann diese Aktion durchführen!
[!] You can't invite yourself!=[!] Sie können sich nicht selbst einladen!
[!] This player is not online!=[!] Dieser Spieler ist nicht online!
[!] You've already invited this player!=[!] Sie haben bereits diesen Spieler eingeladen!
[!] This player is already in a party!=[!] Dieser Spieler ist bereits in einer Gruppe!
[!] You've already invited this player!=[!] Sie haben bereits diesen Spieler eingeladen!
Invite to @1 successfully sent=Einladung zu @1 erfolgreich abgesendet
@1 has invited you to a party, would you like to join? (/party join, or /party join @2)=@1 hat Sie in eine Gruppe eingeladen, möchten Sie ihr beitreten? (/party join oder /party join @2)
No answer from @1...=Keine Antwort von @1 …
[!] You have no pending invites!=[!] Sie haben keine ausstehenden Einladungen!
[!] You have no pending invites from this player!=[!] Sie haben keine ausstehenden Einladungen von diesem Spieler!
[!] More players have invited you in their party: please specify the nick of the one you want to join!=
[!] The party leader has disconnected!=[!] Der Gruppenleiter hat sich getrennt!
@1 has joined the party=@1 ist der Gruppe beigetreten
@1 has joined another party=@1 ist einer anderen Gruppe beigetreten
@1 has joined the party=@1 ist der Gruppe beigetreten
You've joined @1's party=Sie sind der Gruppe von @1 beigetreten
[!] You must enter a party first!=[!] Sie müssen zuerst einer Gruppe beitreten
The party has been disbanded=Die Gruppe wurde aufgelöst
@1 has left the party=@1 hat die Gruppe verlassen
You've left the party=Sie haben die Gruppe verlassen
@1 has left the party=@1 hat die Gruppe verlassen
[!] There is no player called @1 in your party!=
[!] You can't kick yourself!=
@1 has been kicked from the party=
@1 has kicked you from the party=
The party has been disbanded=Die Gruppe wurde aufgelöst
@1 is the new party leader=@1 ist nun der neue Gruppenleiter
No answer from @1...=Keine Antwort von @1 …
##[ src/commands.lua ]##
Do '/party help' to see all the subcommands=
invites a player to join your party. It creates one if there is none=
accepts an invitation. If you've received more than one, specify 'player'=
leaves the party you're in=
disbands your party=
sends a message in the party chat=
manage parties=
[!] You must enter a message after '/p'!=

View File

@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
# version 1.4.0-dev
# textdomain: parties
# author(s): Dragonop, Zughy
# reviewer(s):
# textdomain: parties
# api.lua
##[ src/api.lua ]##
[!] Only the party leader can perform this action!=[!] ¡Solo el líder del grupo puede realizar esta acción!
[!] You can't invite yourself!=[!] ¡No puedes invitarte a ti mismo!
[!] This player is not online!=[!] ¡Este jugador no está conectado!
[!] You've already invited this player!=[!] ¡Ya has invitado a este jugador!
[!] This player is already in a party!=[!] ¡Este jugador ya está en un grupo!
[!] You've already invited this player!=[!] ¡Ya has invitado a este jugador!
Invite to @1 successfully sent=Invitación a @1 enviada con éxito
@1 has invited you to a party, would you like to join? (/party join, or /party join @2)=@1 te ha invitado a un grupo, te gustaría unirte? (/party join, o /party join @2)
[!] You have no pending invites!=[!] ¡No tienes invitaciones pendientes!
[!] You have no pending invites from this player!=[!] ¡No tienes invitaciones pendientes de este jugador!
[!] More players have invited you in their party: please specify the nick of the one you want to join!=[!] Más jugadores te han invitado en sus grupo: especifica el nombre del jugador a lo que quieres unirte!
[!] The party leader has disconnected!=[!] ¡El líder del grupo se ha desconectado!
@1 has joined the party=@1 se ha unido al grupo
@1 has joined another party=@1 se ha unido a otro grupo
@1 has joined the party=@1 se ha unido al grupo
You've joined @1's party=Te has unido al grupo de @1
[!] You must enter a party first!=[!] ¡Debes unirte a un grupo primero!
The party has been disbanded=El grupo ha sido disuelto
@1 has left the party=@1 ha dejado el grupo
You've left the party=Has dejado el grupo
@1 has left the party=@1 ha dejado el grupo
[!] There is no player called @1 in your party!=[!] ¡No hay ningún jugador en tu grupo llamado @1!
[!] You can't kick yourself!=[!] ¡No puedes echar a sí mismo!
@1 has been kicked from the party=@1 ha sido echado del grupo
@1 has kicked you from the party=@1 te ha echado del grupo
The party has been disbanded=El grupo ha sido disuelto
@1 is the new party leader=@1 es el nuevo líder del grupo
No answer from @1...=Sin respuesta de @1...
##[ src/commands.lua ]##
# commands.lua
Do '/party help' to see all the subcommands=Escribe /party help' para ver todos los subcomandos

View File

@ -1,26 +1,43 @@
# version 1.3.0-dev
# textdomain: parties
# author(s): nyomi
# reviewer(s):
# textdomain: parties
# api.lua
##[ src/api.lua ]##
[!] Only the party leader can perform this action!=[!] Ezt az akciót csak a pártvezető hajthatja végre!
[!] You can't invite yourself!=[!] Nem hívhatod meg magad!
[!] This player is not online!=[!] Ez a játékos nincs online!
[!] You've already invited this player!=[!] Már meghívtad ezt a játékost!
[!] This player is already in a party!=[!] Ez a játékos már buliban van!
[!] You've already invited this player!=[!] Már meghívtad ezt a játékost!
Invite to @1 successfully sent=A @1 meghívója sikeresen elküldve
@1 has invited you to a party, would you like to join? (/party join, or /party join @2)=@1 meghívott egy buliba, szeretnél csatlakozni? (/party join, vagy /party join @2)
No answer from @1...=@1-től nincs válasz...
[!] You have no pending invites!=[!] Nincs várakozo meghívód!
[!] You have no pending invites from this player!=[!] Nincs várakozó meghívód ettől a Játékostól!
[!] More players have invited you in their party: please specify the nick of the one you want to join!=
[!] The party leader has disconnected!=[!] A buli vezetője kilépett!
@1 has joined the party=@1 csatlakozott a bulihoz
@1 has joined another party=@1 ist egy másik bulihoz csatlakozott
@1 has joined the party=@1 csatlakozott a bulihoz
You've joined @1's party=Csatlakoztál @1-nek a bulijába
[!] You must enter a party first!=[!] Be kell lépned egy buliba elöször
The party has been disbanded=A buli feloszlott
@1 has left the party=@1 Elhagyta a csapatot
You've left the party=Elhagytad a bulit
@1 has left the party=@1 Elhagyta a csapatot
[!] There is no player called @1 in your party!=
[!] You can't kick yourself!=
@1 has been kicked from the party=
@1 has kicked you from the party=
The party has been disbanded=A buli feloszlott
@1 is the new party leader=@1 Az új vezetője a bulinak
No answer from @1...=@1-től nincs válasz...
##[ src/commands.lua ]##
Do '/party help' to see all the subcommands=
invites a player to join your party. It creates one if there is none=
accepts an invitation. If you've received more than one, specify 'player'=
leaves the party you're in=
disbands your party=
sends a message in the party chat=
manage parties=
[!] You must enter a message after '/p'!=

View File

@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
# version 1.4.0-dev
# author(s):
# reviewer(s):
# textdomain: parties
# author(s): Zughy
# reviewer(s):
# api.lua
##[ src/api.lua ]##
[!] Only the party leader can perform this action!=[!] Solo lə capo gruppo può eseguire quest'azione!
[!] You can't invite yourself!=[!] Non ci si può invitare da solɜ!
[!] This player is not online!=[!] Questə giocatorə non è connessə!
[!] You've already invited this player!=[!] Hai già invitato questə giocatorə!
[!] This player is already in a party!=[!] Questə giocatorə è già in un gruppo!
[!] You've already invited this player!=[!] Hai già invitato questə giocatorə!
Invite to @1 successfully sent=Invito a @1 inviato con successo
@1 has invited you to a party, would you like to join? (/party join, or /party join @2)=@1 ti ha invitato in un gruppo, vuoi unirti? (/party join, o /party join @2)
[!] You have no pending invites!=[!] Non hai nessun invito da accettare!
[!] You have no pending invites from this player!=[!] Non hai nessun invito da accettare da parte di questə giocatorə!
[!] More players have invited you in their party: please specify the nick of the one you want to join!=[!] Più giocatorɜ ti hanno invitato in un gruppo: specifica il nome dellə giocatorə al quale ti vuoi unire!
[!] The party leader has disconnected!=[!] Lə capo gruppo si è disconnessə!
@1 has joined the party=@1 si è unitə al gruppo
@1 has joined another party=@1 si è unitə a un altro gruppo
@1 has joined the party=@1 si è unitə al gruppo
You've joined @1's party=Ti sei unitə al gruppo di @1
[!] You must enter a party first!=[!] Devi prima entrare in un gruppo!
The party has been disbanded=Il gruppo è stato sciolto
@1 has left the party=@1 è uscitə dal gruppo
You've left the party=Sei uscitə dal gruppo
@1 has left the party=@1 è uscitə dal gruppo
[!] There is no player called @1 in your party!=[!] Non c'è nessunə giocatorə nel tuo gruppo chiamatə @1!
[!] You can't kick yourself!=[!] Non puoi cacciare te stessə!
@1 has been kicked from the party=@1 è statə cacciatə dal gruppo
@1 has kicked you from the party=@1 ti ha cacciatə dal gruppo
The party has been disbanded=Il gruppo è stato sciolto
@1 is the new party leader=@1 è lə nuovə capo gruppo
No answer from @1...=Nessuna risposta da @1...
##[ src/commands.lua ]##
# commands.lua
Do '/party help' to see all the subcommands=Fai '/party help' per vedere tutti i sottocomandi

View File

@ -1,27 +1,43 @@
# version 1.4.0-dev
# textdomain: parties
# author(s): Szkodnix
# reviewer(s):
# textdomain: parties
# api.lua
##[ src/api.lua ]##
[!] Only the party leader can perform this action!=[!] Tylko lider grupy może wykonać tę akcję!
[!] You can't invite yourself!=[!] Nie możesz zaprosić samego/samej siebie!
[!] This player is not online!=[!] Ten gracz nie jest online!
[!] You've already invited this player!=[!] Już zaprosiłeś/aś tego gracza!
[!] This player is already in a party!=[!] Ten gracz jest już w grupie!
[!] You've already invited this player!=[!] Już zaprosiłeś/aś tego gracza!
Invite to @1 successfully sent=Zaproszenie do @1 wysłane pomyślnie
@1 has invited you to a party, would you like to join? (/party join, or /party join @2)=@1 zaprosił/a cię do grupy, chcesz dołączyć? (/party join, albo /party join @2)
[!] You have no pending invites!=[!] Nie masz oczekujących zaproszeń!
[!] You have no pending invites from this player!=[!] Nie masz oczekujących zaproszeń od tego gracza!
[!] More players have invited you to their party: please specify the nick of the one you want to join!=[!] Więcej graczy zaprosiło cię do swoich grup: podaj nick osoby, do której grupy chcesz dołączyć!
[!] More players have invited you in their party: please specify the nick of the one you want to join!=[!] Więcej graczy zaprosiło cię do swoich grup: podaj nick osoby, do której grupy chcesz dołączyć!
[!] The party leader has disconnected!=[!] Lider grupy się rozłączył!
@1 has joined the party=@1 dołączył/a do grupy
@1 has joined another party=@1 dołączył/a do innej grupy
@1 has joined the party=@1 dołączył/a do grupy
You've joined @1's party=Dołączyłeś/aś do grupy @1
[!] You must enter a party first!=[!] Musisz najpierw dołączyć do grupy!
The party has been disbanded=Grupa została rozwiązana
@1 has left the party=@1 opuścił/a grupę
You've left the party=Opuściłeś/aś grupę
@1 has left the party=@1 opuścił/a grupę
[!] There is no player called @1 in your party!=
[!] You can't kick yourself!=
@1 has been kicked from the party=
@1 has kicked you from the party=
The party has been disbanded=Grupa została rozwiązana
@1 is the new party leader=Nowym liderem grupy został/a @1
No answer from @1...=Brak odpowiedzi od @1...
##[ src/commands.lua ]##
Do '/party help' to see all the subcommands=
invites a player to join your party. It creates one if there is none=
accepts an invitation. If you've received more than one, specify 'player'=
leaves the party you're in=
disbands your party=
sends a message in the party chat=
manage parties=
[!] You must enter a message after '/p'!=

View File

@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
# version 1.4.0-dev
# textdomain: parties
# author(s):
# reviewer(s):
# textdomain: parties
# api.lua
##[ src/api.lua ]##
[!] Only the party leader can perform this action!=
[!] You can't invite yourself!=
[!] This player is not online!=
[!] You've already invited this player!=
[!] This player is already in a party!=
[!] You've already invited this player!=
Invite to @1 successfully sent=
@1 has invited you to a party, would you like to join? (/party join, or /party join @2)=
[!] You have no pending invites!=
[!] You have no pending invites from this player!=
[!] More players have invited you to their party: please specify the nick of the one you want to join!=
[!] More players have invited you in their party: please specify the nick of the one you want to join!=
[!] The party leader has disconnected!=
@1 has joined the party=
@1 has joined another party=
@1 has joined the party=
You've joined @1's party=
[!] You must enter a party first!=
The party has been disbanded=
@1 has left the party=
You've left the party=
@1 has left the party=
[!] There is no player called @1 in your party!=
[!] You can't kick yourself!=
@1 has been kicked from the party=
@1 has kicked you from the party=
The party has been disbanded=
@1 is the new party leader=
No answer from @1...=
##[ src/commands.lua ]##
# commands.lua
Do '/party help' to see all the subcommands=