is_forced moved onto on_end (before was on_quit)

Zughy 2021-02-16 23:32:50 +01:00
parent e0cbd40a6d
commit 86aa73faf3
2 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ To customise your mod even more, there are a few empty callbacks you can use. Th
* `arena_lib.on_load(mod, function(arena)`: see [2.3 Arena phases](#23-arena-phases)
* `arena_lib.on_start(mod, function(arena))`: same as above
* `arena_lib.on_celebration(mod, function(arena, winner_name)`: same as above
* `arena_lib.on_end(mod, function(arena, players, winner_name, spectators))`: same as above. Players and spectators are given here because `end_arena` deleted them already - hence these are a copy
* `arena_lib.on_end(mod, function(arena, players, winner_name, spectators, is_forced))`: same as above. Players and spectators are given here because `end_arena` deleted them already - hence these are a copy. `is_forced` returns `true` when the match has been forcibly terminated (via `force_arena_ending`)
* `arena_lib.on_join(mod, function(p_name, arena, as_spectator))`: called when a player joins an ongoing match. If `as_spectator` is true, they'll be added as such
* `arena_lib.on_death(mod, function(arena, p_name, reason))`: called when a player dies
* `arena_lib.on_time_tick(mod, function(arena))`: called every second if `time_mode` is different from `"none"`
* `arena_lib.on_timeout(mod, function(arena))`: called when the timer of an arena, if exists (`time_mode = "decremental"`), reaches 0. Not declaring it will make the server crash when time runs out
* `arena_lib.on_eliminate(mod, function(arena, p_name))`: called when a player is eliminated (see `arena_lib.remove_player_from_arena(...)`)
* `arena_lib.on_kick(mod, function(arena, p_name, is_spectator))`: called when a player/spectator is kicked from a match (same as above)
* `arena_lib.on_quit(mod, function(arena, p_name, is_spectator, is_forced))`: called when a player/spectator quits from a match (same as above). `is_forced` is `true` when the match has been forcibly terminated
* `arena_lib.on_quit(mod, function(arena, p_name, is_spectator))`: called when a player/spectator quits from a match (same as above)
* `arena_lib.on_prequit(mod, function(arena, p_name))`: called when a player tries to quit. If it returns false, quit is cancelled. Useful to ask confirmation first, or simply to impede a player to quit
* `arena_lib.on_disconnect(mod, function(arena, p_name, is_spectator))`: called when a player/spectator disconnects while in a match

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@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@ end
function arena_lib.end_arena(mod_ref, mod, arena, winner_name)
function arena_lib.end_arena(mod_ref, mod, arena, winner_name, is_forced)
-- copie da passare a on_end
local spectators = {}
@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@ function arena_lib.end_arena(mod_ref, mod, arena, winner_name)
-- eventuale codice aggiuntivo
if mod_ref.on_end then
mod_ref.on_end(arena, players, winner_name, spectators)
mod_ref.on_end(arena, players, winner_name, spectators, is_forced)
arena.in_loading = false -- nel caso venga forzata mentre sta caricando, sennò rimane a caricare all'infinito
@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ function arena_lib.force_arena_ending(mod, arena, sender)
arena_lib.end_arena(mod_ref, mod, arena)
arena_lib.end_arena(mod_ref, mod, arena, _, true)
return true