Spectate entities

Zughy 2022-05-25 21:25:39 +00:00
parent b740ffa6e7
commit 1b9f3e1383
6 changed files with 289 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -236,8 +236,11 @@ There are also some other functions which might turn useful. They are:
Default is 0 and these are mostly hardcoded in arena_lib already, so it's advised to not touch it and to use callbacks. The only exception is in case of manual elimination (i.e. in a murder minigame, so reason = 1).
Executioner can be passed to tell who removed the player. By default, this happens when someone uses `/arenakick` and `/forceend`, so that these commands can't be abused without consequences for the admin.
* `arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, channel, msg, <teamID>, <except_teamID>)`: sends a message to all the players/spectators in that specific arena, according to what `channel` is: `"players"`, `"spectators"` or `"both"`. If `teamID` is specified, it'll be only sent to the players inside that very team. On the contrary, if `except_teamID` is `true`, it'll be sent to every player BUT the ones in the specified team. These last two fields are pointless if `channel` is equal to `"spectators"`
* `arena_lib.add_spectable_target(mod, arena_name, t_type, t_name, target)`: adds to the current ongoing match a spectable target, allowing spectators to spectate more than just players. `t_type` indicates the target type, and for now can only be `"entity"`. `t_name` is the name that will appear in the spectator info hotbar, and `target` is the entity itself. When the entity is removed/unloaded, automatically calls `remove_spectable_target(...)`
* `arena_lib.remove_spectable_target(mod, arena_name, t_type, t_name)`: removes a target from the spectable targets of an ongoing match
* `arena_lib.is_player_spectating(sp_name)`: returns whether a player is spectating a match, as a boolean
* `arena_lib.is_player_spectated(p_name)`: returns whether a player is being spectated
* `arena_lib.is_entity_spectated(mod, arena_name, e_name)`: returns whether an entity is being spectated
* `arena_lib.is_arena_in_edit_mode(arena_name)`: returns whether the arena is in edit mode or not, as a boolean
* `arena_lib.is_player_in_edit_mode(p_name)`: returns whether a player is editing an arena, as a boolean
@ -255,7 +258,9 @@ Executioner can be passed to tell who removed the player. By default, this happe
* `arena_lib.get_active_teams(arena)`: returns an ordered table having as values the ID of teams that are not empty
* `arena_lib.get_player_spectators(p_name)`: returns a list containing all the people currently spectating `p_name`. Format `{sp_name = true}`
* `arena_lib.get_player_spectated(sp_name)`: returns the player `sp_name` is currently spectating, if any
* `arena_lib.get_player_in_edit_mode(arena_name)`: returns the name of the player who's editing `arena_name`, if there is any
* `arena_lib.get_spectable_entities(mod, arena_name)`: returns a table containing all the spectable entities of `arena_name`, if any. Format `{e_name = entity}`, where `e_name` is the name used to register the entity in `add_spectable_target(...)`
* `arena_lib.get_spectable_entities_amount(mod, arena_name)`: returns the amount of spectable entities currently present in `arena_name`, if any
* `arena_lib.get_player_in_edit_mode(arena_name)`: returns the name of the player who's editing `arena_name`, if any
### 1.10 Things you don't want to do with a light heart
* Changing the number of the teams: it'll delete your spawners (this has to be done in order to avoid further problems)
@ -461,6 +466,7 @@ An arena comes in 4 phases:
### 2.4 Spectate mode
Every minigame has this mode enabled by default. As the name suggests, it allows people to spectate a match, and there are two ways to enter this mode: the first is by getting eliminated (`remove_player_from_arena` with `1` as a reason), while the other is through the very sign of the arena. In this last case, users just need to right-click the sign and press the "eye" button to be turned into spectators (a game must be in progress). While in this state, they can't interact in any way with the actual match: neither by hitting entities/blocks, nor by writing in chat. The latter, more precisely, is a separated chat that spectators and spectators only are able to read. Vice versa, they're not able to read the players one.
By default, spectate mode allows to follow players, but it also allows modders to expand it to entities and (not currently implemented) areas. To do that, have a look at `arena_lib.add_spectable_target(...)`
## 3. About the author(s)

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@ -285,4 +285,5 @@ Currently spectating: @1=Stai seguendo: @1
# spectate/spectate_tools.lua
Change player=Cambia giocatore
Change team=Cambia squadra
Change entity=Cambia entità
Enter the match=Entra in partita

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@ -285,4 +285,5 @@ Currently spectating: @1=
# spectate/spectate_tools.lua
Change player=
Change team=
Change entity=
Enter the match=

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@ -86,12 +86,17 @@ function arena_lib.load_arena(mod, arena_ID)
count = count +1
-- se supporta la spettatore, inizializzo le varie tabelle
if mod_ref.spectate_mode then
arena_lib.init_spectate_containers(mod, arena.name)
-- eventuale codice aggiuntivo
if mod_ref.on_load then
-- inizio l'arena dopo tot secondi
-- avvio la partita dopo tot secondi
minetest.after(mod_ref.load_time, function()
arena_lib.start_arena(mod_ref, arena)
@ -267,6 +272,8 @@ function arena_lib.end_arena(mod_ref, mod, arena, winners, is_forced)
operations_before_leaving_arena(mod_ref, arena, pl_name)
arena_lib.unload_spectate_containers(mod, arena.name)
-- azzerramento giocatori e spettatori
arena.past_present_players = {}
arena.players_and_spectators = {}
@ -755,9 +762,9 @@ function operations_before_playing_arena(mod_ref, arena, p_name)
arena.past_present_players[p_name] = true
arena.past_present_players_inside[p_name] = true
-- inizializzo eventuale mod spettatore
-- aggiungo eventuale contenitore mod spettatore
if mod_ref.spectate_mode then
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(p_name)
@ -892,19 +899,19 @@ function operations_before_leaving_arena(mod_ref, arena, p_name, reason)
-- se ha partecipato come giocatore
if arena.past_present_players_inside[p_name] then
-- rimuovo eventuale mod spettatore
-- rimuovo eventuale contenitore mod spettatore
if mod_ref.spectate_mode then
-- resetto eventuali texture
-- ripristino eventuali texture
if arena.teams_enabled and mod_ref.teams_color_overlay then
textures = {string.match(player:get_properties().textures[1], "(.*)^%[")}
-- reimposto eventuale fov
-- ripristino eventuale fov
if mod_ref.fov then

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@ -3,9 +3,12 @@ local S = minetest.get_translator("arena_lib")
local function override_hotbar() end
local function set_spectator() end
local players_in_spectate_mode = {} -- KEY: player name, VALUE: {(string) minigame, (int) arenaID, (string) spectating}
local players_spectated = {} -- KEY: player name, VALUE: {(string) spectator(s) = true}
local players_in_spectate_mode = {} -- KEY: player name, VALUE: {(string) minigame, (int) arenaID, (string) type, (string) spectating}
local spectate_temp_storage = {} -- KEY: player_name, VALUE: {(table) camera_offset}
local players_spectated = {} -- KEY: player name, VALUE: {(string) spectator(s) = true}
local entities_spectated = {} -- KEY: [mod][arena][entity name], VALUE: {(string) spectator(s) = true}
local areas_spectated = {}
local entities_storage = {} -- KEY: [mod][arena][entity_name], VALUE: entity
@ -13,17 +16,45 @@ local spectate_temp_storage = {} -- KEY: player_name, VALUE: {(table)
--------------INTERNAL USE ONLY---------------
-- gestisco qui le tabelle che possono contenere i vari spettatori per ogni
-- giocatore, onde evitare di fare dei controlli ogni volta che si cambia giocatore
-- seguito (che rischierebbero di riempire/svuotare queste tabelle a ogni cambio)
function arena_lib.add_spectate_container(p_name)
-- init e unload servono esclusivamente per le eventuali entità e aree, e vengon
-- chiamate rispettivamente quando l'arena si avvia e termina. I contenitori dei
-- giocatori invece vengono creati/distrutti singolarmente ogni volta che un giocatore
-- entra/esce, venendo lanciati in operations_before_playing/leaving_arena
function arena_lib.init_spectate_containers(mod, arena_name)
if not entities_spectated[mod] then
entities_spectated[mod] = {}
if not areas_spectated[mod] then
areas_spectated[mod] = {}
if not entities_storage[mod] then
entities_storage[mod] = {}
entities_spectated[mod][arena_name] = {}
areas_spectated[mod][arena_name] = {}
entities_storage[mod][arena_name] = {}
function arena_lib.unload_spectate_containers(mod, arena_name)
entities_spectated[mod][arena_name] = nil -- non c'è bisogno di cancellare X[mod], al massimo rimangono vuote
areas_spectated[mod][arena_name] = nil
entities_storage[mod][arena_name] = nil
function arena_lib.add_spectate_p_container(p_name)
players_spectated[p_name] = {}
function arena_lib.remove_spectate_container(p_name)
players_spectated[p_name] = nil
function arena_lib.remove_spectate_p_container(p_name)
players_spectated[p_name] = {}
@ -91,6 +122,13 @@ function arena_lib.enter_spectate_mode(p_name, arena)
player:set_eye_offset({x = 0, y = -2, z = -25}, {x=0, y=0, z=0})
player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 0}})
-- assegno un ID al giocatore per ruotare chi/cosa sta seguendo, in quanto gli
-- elementi seguibili non dispongono di un ID per orientarsi nella loro navigazione
-- (cosa viene dopo l'elemento X? È il capolinea?). Lo uso essenzialmente come
-- un i = 1 nei cicli for, per capire dove mi trovo e cosa verrebbe dopo
-- (assegnarlo a 0 equivale ad azzerarlo, ma l'ho specificato per chiarezza nel codice)
player:get_meta():set_int("arenalib_watchID", 0)
-- inizia a seguire
@ -109,7 +147,7 @@ function arena_lib.leave_spectate_mode(p_name, to_join_match)
minetest.chat_send_player(p_name, "[!] SoonTM!")
--TODO: questi check ha senso ridurli in un luogo unico per quando si prova a entrare, dato che appaiono pure sui cartelli
--TODO: questi controlli ha senso ridurli in un luogo unico per quando si prova a entrare, dato che appaiono pure sui cartelli
-- se è piena
if arena.players_amount == arena.max_players * #arena.teams then
@ -153,14 +191,93 @@ function arena_lib.leave_spectate_mode(p_name, to_join_match)
arena_lib.HUD_hide("hotbar", p_name)
local target = players_in_spectate_mode[p_name].spectating
local type = players_in_spectate_mode[p_name].type
-- rimuovo dal database locale
players_spectated[target][p_name] = nil
if type == "player" then
players_spectated[target][p_name] = nil
local mod = arena_lib.get_mod_by_player(p_name)
local arena_name = arena.name
if type == "entity" then
entities_spectated[mod][arena_name][target][p_name] = nil
elseif type == "area" then
areas_spectated[mod][arena_name][target][p_name] = nil
players_in_spectate_mode[p_name] = nil
function arena_lib.add_spectable_target(mod, arena_name, t_type, t_name, target)
local arena_ID, arena = arena_lib.get_arena_by_name(mod, arena_name)
if not arena.in_game then return end
if t_type == "entity" then
local old_deact = target.on_deactivate
-- aggiungo sull'on_deactivate la funzione per rimuoverla dalla spettatore
target.on_deactivate = function(...)
local ret = old_deact and old_deact(...)
arena_lib.remove_spectable_target(mod, arena_name, t_type, t_name)
return ret
-- la aggiungo
entities_spectated[mod][arena_name][t_name] = {}
entities_storage[mod][arena_name][t_name] = target
-- se è l'unica entità registrata, aggiungo lo slot per seguire le entità
if arena_lib.get_spectable_entities_amount(mod, arena_name) == 1 then
for sp_name, _ in pairs(arena.spectators) do
override_hotbar(minetest.get_player_by_name(sp_name), mod, arena)
elseif t_type == "area" then
-- TODO registrare aree
function arena_lib.remove_spectable_target(mod, arena_name, t_type, t_name)
local arenaID, arena = arena_lib.get_arena_by_name(mod, arena_name)
-- se l'entità viene rimossa quando la partita è già finita, interrompi o crasha
if not arena.in_game then return end
if t_type == "entity" then
entities_storage[mod][arena_name][t_name] = nil
-- se non ci sono più entità, fai sparire l'icona
if not next(entities_storage[mod][arena_name]) then
for sp_name, _ in pairs(arena.spectators) do
local spectator = minetest.get_player_by_name(sp_name)
override_hotbar(spectator, mod, arena)
for sp_name, _ in pairs(entities_spectated[mod][arena_name][t_name]) do
arena_lib.find_and_spectate_entity(mod, arena_name, sp_name)
elseif t_type == "area" then
@ -179,24 +296,35 @@ end
function arena_lib.is_entity_spectated(mod, arena_name, e_name)
return entities_spectated[mod][arena_name][e_name] and next(entities_spectated[mod][arena_name][e_name])
function arena_lib.find_and_spectate_player(sp_name, change_team)
local spectator = minetest.get_player_by_name(sp_name)
local arena = arena_lib.get_arena_by_player(sp_name)
local prev_spectated = players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].spectating
local watching_ID = spectator:get_meta():get_int("arenalib_watchID")
local team_ID = players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].teamID
local players_amount
-- se l'ultimo rimasto ha abbandonato (es. alt+f4), rispedisco subito fuori senza che cada all'infinito con rischio di crash
if arena.players_amount == 0 then
arena_lib.remove_player_from_arena(sp_name, 3)
return end
local prev_spectated = players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].spectating
-- se c'è rimasto solo un giocatore e già lo si seguiva, annullo
if arena.players_amount == 1 and prev_spectated and arena.players[prev_spectated] then return end
local spectator = minetest.get_player_by_name(sp_name)
if players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].type ~= "player" then
spectator:get_meta():set_int("arenalib_watchID", 0)
local team_ID = players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].teamID
local players_amount
-- calcolo giocatori massimi tra cui ruotare
-- squadre:
if #arena.teams > 1 then
@ -235,36 +363,75 @@ function arena_lib.find_and_spectate_player(sp_name, change_team)
players_amount = arena.players_amount
local watching_ID = spectator:get_meta():get_int("arenalib_watchID")
local new_ID = players_amount <= watching_ID and 1 or watching_ID + 1
local i = 0
-- trovo il giocatore da seguire
-- squadre:
if #arena.teams > 1 then
for _, pl_name in pairs(arena_lib.get_players_in_team(arena, team_ID)) do
i = i + 1
local players_team = arena_lib.get_players_in_team(arena, team_ID)
for i = 1, #players_team do
if i == new_ID then
set_spectator(spectator, pl_name, i, prev_spectated)
set_spectator(spectator, "player", players_team[i], i)
return true
-- no squadre:
local i = 1
for pl_name, _ in pairs(arena.players) do
i = i + 1
if i == new_ID then
set_spectator(spectator, pl_name, i, prev_spectated)
set_spectator(spectator, "player", pl_name, i)
return true
i = i + 1
function arena_lib.find_and_spectate_entity(mod, arena_name, sp_name)
-- se non ci sono entità da seguire, segui un giocatore
if not next(entities_storage[mod][arena_name]) then
return end
local e_amount = arena_lib.get_spectable_entities_amount(mod, arena_name)
local prev_spectated = players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].spectating
-- se è l'unica entità rimasta e la si stava già seguendo
if e_amount == 1 and prev_spectated and next(entities_spectated[mod][arena_name])[sp_name] then
return end
local spectator = minetest.get_player_by_name(sp_name)
if players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].type ~= "entity" then
spectator:get_meta():set_int("arenalib_watchID", 0)
local current_ID = spectator:get_meta():get_int("arenalib_watchID")
local new_ID = e_amount <= current_ID and 1 or current_ID + 1
local i = 1
for en_name, _ in pairs(entities_spectated[mod][arena_name]) do
if i == new_ID then
set_spectator(spectator, "entity", en_name, i)
return true
i = i +1
@ -285,39 +452,79 @@ end
function arena_lib.get_spectable_entities(mod, arena_name)
return entities_storage[mod][arena_name]
function arena_lib.get_spectable_entities_amount(mod, arena_name)
local i = 0
for k, v in pairs(entities_storage[mod][arena_name]) do
i = i + 1
return i
---------------FUNZIONI LOCALI----------------
function set_spectator(spectator, p_name, i, prev_spectated)
function set_spectator(spectator, type, name, i)
local sp_name = spectator:get_player_name()
local mod = arena_lib.get_mod_by_player(sp_name)
local arena_name = arena_lib.get_arena_by_player(sp_name).name
local prev_spectated = players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].spectating
-- se stava già seguendo qualcuno, lo rimuovo da questo
if prev_spectated then
players_spectated[prev_spectated][sp_name] = nil
local prev_type = players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].type
if prev_type == "player" then
players_spectated[prev_spectated][sp_name] = nil
elseif prev_type == "entity" then
entities_spectated[mod][arena_name][prev_spectated][sp_name] = nil
areas_spectated[mod][arena_name][prev_spectated][sp_name] = nil
players_spectated[p_name][sp_name] = true
players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].spectating = p_name
local target = ""
local target = minetest.get_player_by_name(p_name)
if type == "player" then
players_spectated[name][sp_name] = true
target = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
spectator:set_attach(target, "", {x=0, y=-5, z=-20}, {x=0, y=0, z=0})
spectator:set_hp(target:get_hp() > 0 and target:get_hp() or 1)
elseif type == "entity" then
entities_spectated[mod][arena_name][name][sp_name] = true
target = entities_storage[mod][arena_name][name].object
spectator:set_attach(target, "", {x=0, y=-5, z=-20}, {x=0, y=0, z=0})
spectator:set_hp(target:get_hp() > 0 and target:get_hp() or 1)
elseif type == "area" then
players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].spectating = name
players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].type = type
spectator:set_attach(target, "", {x=0, y=-5, z=-20}, {x=0, y=0, z=0})
spectator:set_hp(target:get_hp() > 0 and target:get_hp() or 1)
spectator:get_meta():set_int("arenalib_watchID", i)
arena_lib.HUD_send_msg("hotbar", sp_name, S("Currently spectating: @1", p_name))
arena_lib.HUD_send_msg("hotbar", sp_name, S("Currently spectating: @1", name))
local mod_ref = arena_lib.mods[players_in_spectate_mode[sp_name].minigame]
-- eventuale codice aggiuntivo
if mod_ref.on_change_spectated_target then
local arena = arena_lib.get_arena_by_player(sp_name)
--TODO: hardcoded for now, need to implement entities (ObjRef) and locations (table) focus first
target = p_name
target = name
local prev_target = prev_spectated
mod_ref.on_change_spectated_target(arena, sp_name, target, prev_target)
@ -340,6 +547,10 @@ function override_hotbar(player, mod, arena)
table.insert(tools, 2, "arena_lib:spectate_changeteam")
if next(arena_lib.get_spectable_entities(mod, arena.name)) then
table.insert(tools, #tools, "arena_lib:spectate_changeentity")
if mod_ref.join_while_in_progress then
table.insert(tools, #tools, "arena_lib:spectate_join")

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@ -11,13 +11,6 @@ minetest.register_tool("arena_lib:spectate_changeplayer", {
on_drop = function() end,
on_use = function(itemstack, user)
local p_name = user:get_player_name()
local arena = arena_lib.get_arena_by_player(p_name)
-- non far cambiare se c'è rimasto solo un giocatore da seguire
if arena.players_amount == 1 then return end
@ -41,7 +34,28 @@ minetest.register_tool("arena_lib:spectate_changeteam", {
-- non far cambiare se c'è rimasto solo una squadra da seguire
if arena_lib.get_active_teams(arena) == 1 then return end
arena_lib.find_and_spectate_player(user:get_player_name(), true)
arena_lib.find_and_spectate_player(p_name, true)
minetest.register_tool("arena_lib:spectate_changeentity", {
description = S("Change entity"),
inventory_image = "arenalib_spectate_changeentity.png",
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = 1, oddly_breakable_by_hand = "2"},
on_place = function() end,
on_drop = function() end,
on_use = function(itemstack, user)
local p_name = user:get_player_name()
local mod = arena_lib.get_mod_by_player(p_name)
local arena_name = arena_lib.get_arena_by_player(p_name).name
arena_lib.find_and_spectate_entity(mod, arena_name, p_name)