DOCS: removed the "Collaborating" section as it was redundant (it's already in the README)

Zughy 2020-07-14 11:54:02 +00:00
parent ac4200e8eb
commit 0c2ba46fd4
1 changed files with 1 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -300,13 +300,5 @@ Default is 0 and these are mostly hardcoded in arena_lib already, so it's advise
* Changing the number of the teams: it'll delete your spawners (this has to be done in order to avoid further problems)
* Any action in the "Players" section of the editor. It'll delete your spawners (same as above)
## 3. Collaborating
Something's wrong? Feel free to:
* open an [issue](
* submit a merge request. In this case, PLEASE, do follow milestones and my [coding guidelines]( I won't merge features for milestones that are different from the upcoming one (if it's declared), nor messy code
* contact me on the [Minetest Forum](
I'd really appreciate it :)
## 4. About the author(s)
## 3. About the author(s)
I'm Zughy (Marco), a professional Italian pixel artist who fights for FOSS and digital ethics. If this library spared you a lot of time and you want to support me somehow, please consider donating on [LiberaPay]( Also, this project wouldn't have been possible if it hadn't been for some friends who helped me testing through: `SonoMichele`, `_Zaizen_` and `Xx_Crazyminer_xX`