Redo quit callbacks (deprecate on_disconnect and on_kick)

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Zughy 2022-06-07 18:19:03 +00:00
parent 9e87893362
commit ac45819527
2 changed files with 41 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -134,10 +134,8 @@ To customise your mod even more, there are a few empty callbacks you can use. Th
* `arena_lib.on_time_tick(mod, function(arena))`: called every second if `time_mode` is different from `"none"`
* `arena_lib.on_timeout(mod, function(arena))`: called when the timer of an arena, if exists (`time_mode = "decremental"`), reaches 0. Not declaring it will make the server crash when time runs out
* `arena_lib.on_eliminate(mod, function(arena, p_name))`: called when a player is eliminated (see `arena_lib.remove_player_from_arena(...)`)
* `arena_lib.on_kick(mod, function(arena, p_name, is_spectator))`: called when a player/spectator is kicked from a match (same as above)
* `arena_lib.on_quit(mod, function(arena, p_name, is_spectator))`: called when a player/spectator quits from a match (same as above)
* `arena_lib.on_prequit(mod, function(arena, p_name))`: called when a player tries to quit. If it returns false, quit is cancelled. Useful to ask confirmation first, or simply to impede a player to quit
* `arena_lib.on_disconnect(mod, function(arena, p_name, is_spectator))`: called when a player/spectator disconnects while in a match
* `arena_lib.on_quit(mod, function(arena, p_name, is_spectator, reason))`: called when a player/spectator quits from a match. See `arena_lib.remove_player_from_arena(...)` to learn about the `reason` parameter
* `arena_lib.on_prequit(mod, function(arena, p_name))`: called when a player tries to quit with `/quit`. If it returns false, quit is cancelled. Useful to ask confirmation first, or simply to impede a player to quit
> **BEWARE**: there is a default behaviour already for most of these situations: for instance when a player dies, their deaths increase by 1. These callbacks exist just in case you want to add some extra behaviour to arena_lib's.
@ -235,13 +233,14 @@ There are also some other functions which might turn useful. They are:
* `arena_lib.force_arena_ending(mod, arena, <sender>)`: forcibly ends an ongoing game. It's usually called by `/forceend`, but it can be used, for instance, to annul a game. `sender` will inform players about who called the function. It returns `true` if successfully executed
* `arena_lib.join_queue(mod, arena, p_name)`: adds `p_name` to the queue of `arena`. Returns `true` if successful. If the player is already in a different queue, they'll be removed from the one they're currently in and automatically added to the new one
* `arena_lib.remove_player_from_queue(p_name)`: removes the player from the queue is in, if any. Returns `true` if successful
* `arena_lib.remove_player_from_arena(p_name, reason, <executioner>)`: removes the player from the arena and it brings back the player to the lobby if still online. Reason is an int, and it equals to...
* `0`: player disconnected. Calls `on_disconnect`
* `1`: player eliminated. Calls `on_eliminate` if declared. Otherwise calls `on_quit`
* `2`: player kicked. Calls `on_kick` if declared. Otherwise calls `on_quit`
* `3`: player quit. Calls `on_quit`
Default is 0 and these are mostly hardcoded in arena_lib already, so it's advised to not touch it and to use callbacks. The only exception is in case of manual elimination (i.e. in a murder minigame, so reason = 1).
Executioner can be passed to tell who removed the player. By default, this happens when someone uses `/arenakick` and `/forceend`, so that these commands can't be abused without consequences for the admin.
* `arena_lib.remove_player_from_arena(p_name, reason, <executioner>)`: removes the player from the arena and it brings back the player to the game world if still online. This is already extensively used within arena_lib, but modders can use it to customise their gameplay (e.g. to eliminate a player or to automatically kick a user who went AFK). This is *not* called when an arena is forcibly terminated
* `reason` is an integer, and it equals to...
* `0`: player disconnected. Default used when: players disconnect
* `1`: player eliminated. Default used when: ---
* `2`: player kicked. Default used when: players are kicked through `/arenakick`
* `3`: player quits. Default used when: players do `/quit` or when they leave the spectator mode
* All these reasons call `on_quit`, with the only exception of `1`, that calls `on_eliminate` if declared, and that only calls `on_quit` if there is no spectator mode
* `executioner` can be passed to tell who removed the player. By default, this happens when someone uses `/arenakick` and `/forceend`, so that these commands can't be abused without consequences for the admin
* `arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, channel, msg, <teamID>, <except_teamID>)`: sends a message to all the players/spectators in that specific arena, according to what `channel` is: `"players"`, `"spectators"` or `"both"`. If `teamID` is specified, it'll be only sent to the players inside that very team. On the contrary, if `except_teamID` is `true`, it'll be sent to every player BUT the ones in the specified team. These last two fields are pointless if `channel` is equal to `"spectators"`
* `arena_lib.add_spectate_entity(mod, arena, e_name, entity)`: adds to the current ongoing match a spectatable entity, allowing spectators to spectate more than just players. `e_name` is the name that will appear in the spectator info hotbar, and `entity` the `luaentity` table. When the entity is removed/unloaded, automatically calls `remove_spectate_entity(...)`
* `arena_lib.add_spectate_area(mod, arena, pos_name, pos)`: same as `add_spectate_entity`, but it adds an area instead. `pos` is a table containing the coordinates of the area to spectate

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ local function assign_team_spawner() end
local function operations_before_entering_arena() end
local function operations_before_playing_arena() end
local function operations_before_leaving_arena() end
local function eliminate_player() end
local function handle_leaving_callbacks() end
local function victory_particles() end
local function show_victory_particles() end
@ -396,30 +397,10 @@ function arena_lib.remove_player_from_arena(p_name, reason, executioner)
-- se è stato eliminato, tratto il callback a parte perché è l'unico dove potrebbe venire mandato eventualmente in spettatore
if reason == 1 then
-- manda eventualmente in spettatore
if mod_ref.spectate_mode and arena.players_amount > 0 then
arena_lib.enter_spectate_mode(p_name, arena)
operations_before_leaving_arena(mod_ref, arena, p_name)
arena.players_and_spectators[p_name] = nil
arena.past_present_players_inside[p_name] = nil
players_in_game[p_name] = nil
if executioner then
arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, "both", minetest.colorize("#f16a54", "<<< " .. S("@1 has been eliminated by @2", p_name, executioner)))
arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, "both", minetest.colorize("#f16a54", "<<< " .. S("@1 has been eliminated", p_name)))
if mod_ref.on_eliminate then
mod_ref.on_eliminate(arena, p_name)
elseif mod_ref.on_quit then
mod_ref.on_quit(arena, p_name)
-- se è stato eliminato e c'è la spettatore, non va rimosso, bensì solo spostato in spettatore
if reason == 1 and mod_ref.spectate_mode and arena.players_amount > 0 then
eliminate_player(mod_ref, arena, p_name, executioner)
arena_lib.enter_spectate_mode(p_name, arena)
-- sennò procedo a rimuoverlo normalmente
@ -427,10 +408,9 @@ function arena_lib.remove_player_from_arena(p_name, reason, executioner)
arena.players_and_spectators[p_name] = nil
arena.past_present_players_inside[p_name] = nil
players_in_game[p_name] = nil
handle_leaving_callbacks(mod_ref, arena, p_name, reason, executioner)
handle_leaving_callbacks(mod_ref, arena, p_name, reason, executioner)
-- se è già in celebrazione, non c'è bisogno di andare oltre
@ -881,6 +861,19 @@ end
function eliminate_player(mod_ref, arena, p_name, executioner)
if executioner then
arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, "both", minetest.colorize("#f16a54", "<<< " .. S("@1 has been eliminated by @2", p_name, executioner)))
arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, "both", minetest.colorize("#f16a54", "<<< " .. S("@1 has been eliminated", p_name)))
if mod_ref.on_eliminate then
mod_ref.on_eliminate(arena, p_name)
function handle_leaving_callbacks(mod_ref, arena, p_name, reason, executioner, is_spectator)
local msg_color = reason < 3 and "#f16a54" or "#d69298"
@ -895,10 +888,16 @@ function handle_leaving_callbacks(mod_ref, arena, p_name, reason, executioner, i
if reason == 0 then
arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, "both", minetest.colorize(msg_color, "<<< " .. p_name .. spect_str))
-- DEPRECATED: remove in 6.0
if mod_ref.on_disconnect then
minetest.log("warning", "[ARENA_LIB] on_kick is deprecated. Please use on_quit with reason `0` instead")
mod_ref.on_disconnect(arena, p_name, is_spectator)
-- se è stato eliminato (no spettatore, quindi viene rimosso dall'arena)
elseif reason == 1 then
eliminate_player(mod_ref, arena, p_name, executioner)
-- se è stato cacciato
elseif reason == 2 then
if executioner then
@ -907,19 +906,19 @@ function handle_leaving_callbacks(mod_ref, arena, p_name, reason, executioner, i
arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, "both", minetest.colorize(msg_color, "<<< " .. S("@1 has been kicked", p_name) .. spect_str))
-- DEPRECATED: remove in 6.0
if mod_ref.on_kick then
minetest.log("warning", "[ARENA_LIB] on_kick is deprecated. Please use on_quit with reason `2` instead")
mod_ref.on_kick(arena, p_name, is_spectator)
elseif mod_ref.on_quit then
mod_ref.on_quit(arena, p_name, is_spectator)
-- se ha abbandonato
elseif reason == 3 then
arena_lib.send_message_in_arena(arena, "both", minetest.colorize(msg_color, "<<< " .. S("@1 has quit the match", p_name) .. spect_str))
if mod_ref.on_quit then
mod_ref.on_quit(arena, p_name, is_spectator)
if mod_ref.on_quit then
mod_ref.on_quit(arena, p_name, is_spectator, reason)