Arena_lib is a library for Minetest working as a core for any arena minigame you have in mind.
It comes with an arena manager and a signs system. The latter creates a bridge inside your own server between the hub and your actual mod (deathmatch, capture the flag, assault, you name it). In other words, you don't have to do the boring job and you can focus exclusively on your minigame :*
> BEWARE! Arena_lib right now works with a minigame only. DO NOT use it for more than one mod in the same client/server or it'll override itself over and over. We're on it to fix it
1) **You DON'T need to create a different folder in your mods path.** Instead, create a folder called `arena_lib` inside your specific mod folder and put all the files of this repo there (mind the textures!).
4) For an in-depth understanding of what you can do with the library, have a look at the [full documentation](