102 lines
2.8 KiB

* Module to convert gettext po file to js representation
* @author Stanislav Kalashnik <>
* @edited Igor Kopanev
var program = require('commander'),
pofile = require('pofile'),
path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs');
// console colors
var red = '\u001b[31m',
bold = '\u001b[1m',
cyan = '\u001b[36m',
green = '\u001b[32m',
reset = '\u001b[0m';
function list( str ){
return str.split(' ');
// CLI init
.option('-f, --file [path]', 'gettext destination file')
.option('-s, --sources <files>', 'gettext po files', list)
// the po files is given
if ( !program.sources || !Array.isArray(program.sources) ) { console.log('Not enough parameters!'); return; }
var jsFile = program.file,
count = 0,
items = {},
result = [
' * automatically generated gettext localization dictionary',
' * do not edit manually, correction will be lost'
itemsSorted = {},
itemsSum = 0,
fuzzyCount = 0,
keyList, overwritten;
// proceed all given po files
program.sources.forEach(function ( poFile ) {
// absolute path
poFile = path.resolve(poFile.trim());
// get localization
var po = pofile.parse(fs.readFileSync(poFile, {encoding: 'utf8'}));
// dump name
console.log(cyan + 'file:\t' + reset + poFile + '\t' + green + po.items.length + reset);
// apply for the first po file
if ( count === 0 ) {
jsFile = jsFile || (path.dirname(poFile) + path.sep + path.basename(poFile, '.po') + '.js');
result.push(' * @name ' + po.headers['Project-Id-Version']);
result.push(' * @language ' + po.headers['Language']);
result.push(' */');
// fill items
po.items.forEach(function ( item ) {
// skip commented
if ( item.obsolete === true ) {
if ( item.flags.fuzzy ) {
// find duplicates
if ( items[item.msgid] && items[item.msgid] !== item.msgstr[0] ) {
console.log(red + '\toverwritten: ' + reset + item.msgid + ' (old: "' + items[item.msgid] + '" new: "' + item.msgstr[0] + '")');
items[item.msgid] = item.msgstr[0];
itemsSum = itemsSum + po.items.length;
keyList = Object.keys(items);
overwritten = itemsSum - keyList.length;
// sorting by key names
keyList.sort().forEach(function ( key ) {
if ( itemsSorted[key] ) {
console.log('\toverwritten:' + key);
if ( items[key] && items[key].length > 0 ) {
itemsSorted[key] = items[key];
result.push('gettext.load(' + JSON.stringify(itemsSorted, null, 4) + ');');
// and save
console.log(cyan + 'build:\t' + reset + bold + jsFile + '\t' + green + keyList.length + reset + (fuzzyCount ? red : green) + '\tfuzzy:' + fuzzyCount + reset + (overwritten ? ' (total overwritten: ' + overwritten + ')' : '') + '\n');
// store js file
fs.writeFileSync(jsFile, result.join('\n'), {encoding:'utf8'});