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2020-10-13 20:57:28 -07:00
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<title>Musical Keyboard - JS Dynamic Audio Synth</title>
<meta name="description" content="A keyboard! Play with it. ;) A synthesizer created entirely in HTML5 + JS that dynamically generates modulated Waveform Audio dataURIs.">
<meta name="keywords" content="keith, keith horwood, keithwhor, social media, uwo, westernu, start-up, corporation, CEO, science, technology, blog, youtube, dataURI, javascript, JS, java, HTML5, piano, keyboard, HTML5 piano, HTML5 keyboard, waveform audio, .wav, .wav audio, audio">
<meta name="author" content="Keith William Horwood">
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow,archive">
<meta property="og:description" content="A keyboard! Play with it. ;) A synthesizer created entirely in HTML5 + JS that dynamically generates modulated Waveform Audio dataURIs.">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
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.small { font-size: 20px; }
.keyboard-options { margin: 0; width: auto; text-align: center; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 200; padding:10px; }
.keyboard-holder { margin: 30px auto; height: 200px; position:relative; user-select:none; -webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-o-user-select:none; }
.about { position: relative; max-width: 700px; margin: 30px auto; }
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<script >
var Synth, AudioSynth, AudioSynthInstrument;
var _encapsulated = false;
var AudioSynthInstance = null;
var pack = function(c,arg){return [String.fromCharCode(arg&255,(arg>>8)&255),String.fromCharCode(arg&255,(arg>>8)&255,(arg>>16)&255,(arg>>24)&255)][c];};
var setPrivateVar = function(n,v,w,e){Object.defineProperty(this,n,{value:v,writable:!!w,enumerable:!!e});};
var setPublicVar = function(n,v,w){,n,v,w,true);};
AudioSynthInstrument = function AudioSynthInstrument(){this.__init__.apply(this,arguments);};
var setPriv = setPrivateVar.bind(AudioSynthInstrument.prototype);
var setPub = setPublicVar.bind(AudioSynthInstrument.prototype);
setPriv('__init__', function(a,b,c) {
if(!_encapsulated) { throw new Error('AudioSynthInstrument can only be instantiated from the createInstrument method of the AudioSynth object.'); }, '_parent', a);, 'name', b);, '_soundID', c);
setPub('play', function(note, octave, duration) {
return, note, octave, duration);
setPub('generate', function(note, octave, duration) {
return this._parent.generate(this._soundID, note, octave, duration);
AudioSynth = function AudioSynth(){if(AudioSynthInstance instanceof AudioSynth){return AudioSynthInstance;}else{ this.__init__(); return this; }};
setPriv = setPrivateVar.bind(AudioSynth.prototype);
setPub = setPublicVar.bind(AudioSynth.prototype);
setPub('setSampleRate', function(v) {
this._sampleRate = Math.max(Math.min(v|0,44100), 4000);
return this._sampleRate;
setPub('getSampleRate', function() { return this._sampleRate; });
setPub('setVolume', function(v) {
v = parseFloat(v); if(isNaN(v)) { v = 0; }
v = Math.round(v*32768);
this._volume = Math.max(Math.min(v|0,32768), 0);
return this._volume;
setPub('getVolume', function() { return Math.round(this._volume/32768*10000)/10000; });
setPriv('_mod',[function(i,s,f,x){return Math.sin((2 * Math.PI)*(i/s)*f+x);}]);
setPriv('_resizeCache', function() {
var f = this._fileCache;
var l = this._sounds.length;
while(f.length<l) {
var octaveList = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
var noteList = {};
for(var k in this._notes) {
noteList[k] = {};
setPriv('_clearCache', function() {
this._fileCache = [];
setPub('generate', function(sound, note, octave, duration) {
var thisSound = this._sounds[sound];
if(!thisSound) {
for(var i=0;i<this._sounds.length;i++) {
if(this._sounds[i].name==sound) {
thisSound = this._sounds[i];
sound = i;
if(!thisSound) { throw new Error('Invalid sound or sound ID: ' + sound); }
var t = (new Date).valueOf();
this._temp = {};
octave |= 0;
octave = Math.min(8, Math.max(1, octave));
var time = !duration?2:parseFloat(duration);
if(typeof(this._notes[note])=='undefined') { throw new Error(note + ' is not a valid note.'); }
if(typeof(this._fileCache[sound][octave-1][note][time])!='undefined') {
if(this._debug) { console.log((new Date).valueOf() - t, 'ms to retrieve (cached)'); }
return this._fileCache[sound][octave-1][note][time];
} else {
var frequency = this._notes[note] * Math.pow(2,octave-4);
var data = [];
var sampleRate = this._sampleRate;
var volume = this._volume;
var channels = this._channels;
var bitsPerSample = this._bitsPerSample;
var attack = thisSound.attack(sampleRate, frequency, volume);
var dampen = thisSound.dampen(sampleRate, frequency, volume);
var wave = thisSound.wave.bind({modulate: this._mod, vars: this._temp});
var val = 0;
var curVol = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < (sampleRate * time); i++) {
if(i<=sampleRate*attack) {
curVol = volume * (i/(sampleRate*attack));
} else {
curVol = volume * Math.pow((1-((i-(sampleRate*attack))/(sampleRate*(time-attack)))),dampen);
val = curVol * Math.min(Math.max(wave(i, sampleRate, frequency, volume), -1), 1);
val = String.fromCharCode(val&255, (val>>>8)&255);
data = data.join('');
// Format sub-chunk
var chunk1 = [
'fmt ', // Sub-chunk identifier
pack(1, 16), // Chunk length
pack(0, 1), // Audio format (1 is linear quantization)
pack(0, channels),
pack(1, sampleRate),
pack(1, sampleRate * channels * bitsPerSample / 8), // Byte rate
pack(0, channels * bitsPerSample / 8),
pack(0, bitsPerSample)
// Data sub-chunk (contains the sound)
var chunk2 = [
'data', // Sub-chunk identifier
pack(1, data.length * channels * bitsPerSample / 8), // Chunk length
// Header
var header = [
pack(1, 4 + (8 + chunk1.length) + (8 + chunk2.length)), // Length
var out = [header, chunk1, chunk2].join('');
var dataURI = 'data:audio/wav;base64,' + escape(window.btoa(out));
this._fileCache[sound][octave-1][note][time] = dataURI;
if(this._debug) { console.log((new Date).valueOf() - t, 'ms to generate'); }
return dataURI;
setPub('play', function(note, octave, duration) {
var src = this.generate(note, octave, duration);
var audio = new Audio(src);
audio.addEventListener('ended', function() { audio = null; });
audio.autoplay = true;
audio.setAttribute('type', 'audio/wav');
return true;
setPub('debug', function() { this._debug = true; });
setPub('createInstrument', function(sound) {
var n = 0;
var found = false;
if(typeof(sound)=='string') {
for(var i=0;i<this._sounds.length;i++) {
if(this._sounds[i].name==sound) {
found = true;
n = i;
} else {
if(this._sounds[sound]) {
n = sound;
sound = this._sounds[n].name;
found = true;
if(!found) { throw new Error('Invalid sound or sound ID: ' + sound); }
_encapsulated = true;
var ins = new AudioSynthInstrument(this, sound, n);
_encapsulated = false;
return ins;
setPub('listSounds', function() {
var r = [];
for(var i=0;i<this._sounds.length;i++) {
return r;
setPriv('__init__', function(){
setPub('loadSoundProfile', function() {
for(var i=0,len=arguments.length;i<len;i++) {
o = arguments[i];
if(!(o instanceof Object)) { throw new Error('Invalid sound profile.'); }
return true;
setPub('loadModulationFunction', function() {
for(var i=0,len=arguments.length;i<len;i++) {
f = arguments[i];
if(typeof(f)!='function') { throw new Error('Invalid modulation function.'); }
return true;
AudioSynthInstance = new AudioSynth();
Synth = AudioSynthInstance;
function(i, sampleRate, frequency, x) { return 1 * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * ((i / sampleRate) * frequency) + x); },
function(i, sampleRate, frequency, x) { return 1 * Math.sin(4 * Math.PI * ((i / sampleRate) * frequency) + x); },
function(i, sampleRate, frequency, x) { return 1 * Math.sin(8 * Math.PI * ((i / sampleRate) * frequency) + x); },
function(i, sampleRate, frequency, x) { return 1 * Math.sin(0.5 * Math.PI * ((i / sampleRate) * frequency) + x); },
function(i, sampleRate, frequency, x) { return 1 * Math.sin(0.25 * Math.PI * ((i / sampleRate) * frequency) + x); },
function(i, sampleRate, frequency, x) { return 0.5 * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * ((i / sampleRate) * frequency) + x); },
function(i, sampleRate, frequency, x) { return 0.5 * Math.sin(4 * Math.PI * ((i / sampleRate) * frequency) + x); },
function(i, sampleRate, frequency, x) { return 0.5 * Math.sin(8 * Math.PI * ((i / sampleRate) * frequency) + x); },
function(i, sampleRate, frequency, x) { return 0.5 * Math.sin(0.5 * Math.PI * ((i / sampleRate) * frequency) + x); },
function(i, sampleRate, frequency, x) { return 0.5 * Math.sin(0.25 * Math.PI * ((i / sampleRate) * frequency) + x); }
name: 'piano',
attack: function() { return 0.002; },
dampen: function(sampleRate, frequency, volume) {
return Math.pow(0.5*Math.log((frequency*volume)/sampleRate),2);
wave: function(i, sampleRate, frequency, volume) {
var base = this.modulate[0];
return this.modulate[1](
Math.pow(base(i, sampleRate, frequency, 0), 2) +
(0.75 * base(i, sampleRate, frequency, 0.25)) +
(0.1 * base(i, sampleRate, frequency, 0.5))
name: 'organ',
attack: function() { return 0.3 },
dampen: function(sampleRate, frequency) { return 1+(frequency * 0.01); },
wave: function(i, sampleRate, frequency) {
var base = this.modulate[0];
return this.modulate[1](
base(i, sampleRate, frequency, 0) +
0.5*base(i, sampleRate, frequency, 0.25) +
0.25*base(i, sampleRate, frequency, 0.5)
name: 'acoustic',
attack: function() { return 0.002; },
dampen: function() { return 1; },
wave: function(i, sampleRate, frequency) {
var vars = this.vars;
vars.valueTable = !vars.valueTable?[]:vars.valueTable;
if(typeof(vars.playVal)=='undefined') { vars.playVal = 0; }
if(typeof(vars.periodCount)=='undefined') { vars.periodCount = 0; }
var valueTable = vars.valueTable;
var playVal = vars.playVal;
var periodCount = vars.periodCount;
var period = sampleRate/frequency;
var p_hundredth = Math.floor((period-Math.floor(period))*100);
var resetPlay = false;
if(valueTable.length<=Math.ceil(period)) {
return valueTable[valueTable.length-1];
} else {
valueTable[playVal] = (valueTable[playVal>=(valueTable.length-1)?0:playVal+1] + valueTable[playVal]) * 0.5;
if(playVal>=Math.floor(period)) {
if(playVal<Math.ceil(period)) {
if((periodCount%100)>=p_hundredth) {
// Reset
resetPlay = true;
valueTable[playVal+1] = (valueTable[0] + valueTable[playVal+1]) * 0.5;
} else {
resetPlay = true;
var _return = valueTable[playVal];
if(resetPlay) { vars.playVal = 0; } else { vars.playVal++; }
return _return;
name: 'edm',
attack: function() { return 0.002; },
dampen: function() { return 1; },
wave: function(i, sampleRate, frequency) {
var base = this.modulate[0];
var mod = this.modulate.slice(1);
return mod[0](
Math.pow(base(i, sampleRate, frequency, 0), 3) +
Math.pow(base(i, sampleRate, frequency, 0.5), 5) +
Math.pow(base(i, sampleRate, frequency, 1), 7)
) +
base(i, sampleRate, frequency, 1.75)
function AudioSynthView() {
var isMobile = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i);
if(isMobile) { var evtListener = ['touchstart', 'touchend']; } else { var evtListener = ['mousedown', 'mouseup']; }
var __audioSynth = new AudioSynth();
var __octave = 4;
// Change octave
var fnChangeOctave = function(x) {
x |= 0;
__octave += x;
__octave = Math.min(5, Math.max(3, __octave));
var octaveName = document.getElementsByName('OCTAVE_LABEL');
var i = octaveName.length;
while(i--) {
var val = parseInt(octaveName[i].getAttribute('value'));
octaveName[i].innerHTML = (val + __octave);
document.getElementById('OCTAVE_LOWER').innerHTML = __octave-1;
document.getElementById('OCTAVE_UPPER').innerHTML = __octave+1;
// Key bindings, notes to keyCodes.
var keyboard = {
/* 2 */
50: 'C#,-1',
/* 3 */
51: 'D#,-1',
/* 5 */
53: 'F#,-1',
/* 6 */
54: 'G#,-1',
/* 7 */
55: 'A#,-1',
/* 9 */
57: 'C#,0',
/* 0 */
48: 'D#,0',
/* + */
187: 'F#,0',
61: 'F#,0',
/* Q */
81: 'C,-1',
/* W */
87: 'D,-1',
/* E */
69: 'E,-1',
/* R */
82: 'F,-1',
/* T */
84: 'G,-1',
/* Y */
89: 'A,-1',
/* U */
85: 'B,-1',
/* I */
73: 'C,0',
/* O */
79: 'D,0',
/* P */
80: 'E,0',
/* [ */
219: 'F,0',
/* ] */
221: 'G,0',
/* A */
65: 'G#,0',
/* S */
83: 'A#,0',
/* F */
70: 'C#,1',
/* G */
71: 'D#,1',
/* J */
74: 'F#,1',
/* K */
75: 'G#,1',
/* L */
76: 'A#,1',
/* Z */
90: 'A,0',
/* X */
88: 'B,0',
/* C */
67: 'C,1',
/* V */
86: 'D,1',
/* B */
66: 'E,1',
/* N */
78: 'F,1',
/* M */
77: 'G,1',
/* , */
188: 'A,1',
/* . */
190: 'B,1'
var reverseLookupText = {};
var reverseLookup = {};
// Create a reverse lookup table.
for(var i in keyboard) {
var val;
switch(i|0) {
case 187:
val = 61;
case 219:
val = 91;
case 221:
val = 93;
case 188:
val = 44;
case 190:
val = 46;
val = i;
reverseLookupText[keyboard[i]] = val;
reverseLookup[keyboard[i]] = i;
// Keys you have pressed down.
var keysPressed = [];
var visualKeyboard = null;
var selectSound = null;
var fnCreateKeyboard = function(keyboardElement) {
// Generate keyboard
// This is our main keyboard element! It's populated dynamically based on what you've set above.
visualKeyboard = document.getElementById('keyboard');
selectSound = document.getElementById('sound');
var iKeys = 0;
var iWhite = 0;
var notes = __audioSynth._notes;
for(var i=-1;i<=1;i++) {
for(var n in notes) {
if(n[2]!='b') {
var thisKey = document.createElement('div');
if(n.length>1) {
thisKey.className = 'black key'; = '30px'; = '120px'; = (40 * (iWhite - 1)) + 25 + 'px';
} else {
thisKey.className = 'white key'; = '40px'; = '200px'; = 40 * iWhite + 'px';
var label = document.createElement('div');
label.className = 'label';
label.innerHTML = '<b>' + String.fromCharCode(reverseLookupText[n + ',' + i]) + '</b>' + '<br /><br />' + n.substr(0,1) +
'<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="' + i + '">' + (__octave + parseInt(i)) + '</span>' + (n.substr(1,1)?n.substr(1,1):'');
thisKey.setAttribute('ID', 'KEY_' + n + ',' + i);
thisKey.addEventListener(evtListener[0], (function(_temp) { return function() { fnPlayKeyboard({keyCode:_temp}); } })(reverseLookup[n + ',' + i]));
visualKeyboard[n + ',' + i] = thisKey;
} = iWhite * 40 + 'px';
window.addEventListener(evtListener[1], function() { n = keysPressed.length; while(n--) { fnRemoveKeyBinding({keyCode:keysPressed[n]}); } });
// Creates our audio player
var fnPlayNote = function(note, octave) {
src = __audioSynth.generate(selectSound.value, note, octave, 2);
container = new Audio(src);
container.addEventListener('ended', function() { container = null; });
container.addEventListener('loadeddata', function(e) {; });
container.autoplay = false;
container.setAttribute('type', 'audio/wav');
return container;
// Detect keypresses, play notes.
var fnPlayKeyboard = function(e) {
var i = keysPressed.length;
while(i--) {
if(keysPressed[i]==e.keyCode) {
return false;
switch(e.keyCode) {
// left
case 37:
// right
case 39:
// space
case 16:
['E,0', 8],
['D,0', 8],
['C,0', 2],
['C,0', 8],
['D,0', 8],
['C,0', 8],
['E,0', 8],
['D,0', 1],
['C,0', 8],
['D,0', 8],
['E,0', 2],
['A,0', 8],
['G,0', 8],
['E,0', 8],
['C,0', 8],
['D,0', 1],
['A,0', 8],
['B,0', 8],
['C,1', 2],
['B,0', 8],
['C,1', 8],
['D,1', 8],
['C,1', 8],
['A,0', 1],
['G,0', 8],
['A,0', 8],
['B,0', 2],
['C,1', 8],
['B,0', 8],
['A,0', 8],
['G,0', 8],
['A,0', 1]
if(keyboard[e.keyCode]) {
if(visualKeyboard[keyboard[e.keyCode]]) {
visualKeyboard[keyboard[e.keyCode]].style.backgroundColor = '#ff0000';
visualKeyboard[keyboard[e.keyCode]].style.marginTop = '5px';
visualKeyboard[keyboard[e.keyCode]].style.boxShadow = 'none';
var arrPlayNote = keyboard[e.keyCode].split(',');
var note = arrPlayNote[0];
var octaveModifier = arrPlayNote[1]|0;
fnPlayNote(note, __octave + octaveModifier);
} else {
return false;
// Remove key bindings once note is done.
var fnRemoveKeyBinding = function(e) {
var i = keysPressed.length;
while(i--) {
if(keysPressed[i]==e.keyCode) {
if(visualKeyboard[keyboard[e.keyCode]]) {
visualKeyboard[keyboard[e.keyCode]].style.backgroundColor = '';
visualKeyboard[keyboard[e.keyCode]].style.marginTop = '';
visualKeyboard[keyboard[e.keyCode]].style.boxShadow = '';
keysPressed.splice(i, 1);
var fnPlaySong = function(arr) {
if(arr.length>0) {
var noteLen = 1000*(1/parseInt(arr[0][1]));
if(!(arr[0][0] instanceof Array)) {
arr[0][0] = [arr[0][0]];
var i = arr[0][0].length;
var keys = [];
while(i--) {
setTimeout(function(array, val){ return function() { var i = val.length; while(i--) { fnRemoveKeyBinding({keyCode:val[i]}); } fnPlaySong(array); } }(arr, keys), noteLen);
// Set up global event listeners
window.addEventListener('keydown', fnPlayKeyboard);
window.addEventListener('keyup', fnRemoveKeyBinding);
document.getElementById('-_OCTAVE').addEventListener('click', function() { fnChangeOctave(-1); });
document.getElementById('+_OCTAVE').addEventListener('click', function() { fnChangeOctave(1); });
Object.defineProperty(this, 'draw', {
value: fnCreateKeyboard
<div id="mus">
<div class="keyboard-options">
<select id="sound">
<option value="0" selected="selected">Keyboard</option>
<option value="1">Organ</option>
<option value="2">Acoustic Guitar</option>
<option value="3">EDM, bro!</option>
<div style="width: 840px;" id="keyboard" class="keyboard-holder"><div id="KEY_C,-1" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 0px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>Q</b><br><br>C<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span></div></div><div id="KEY_C#,-1" style="width: 30px; height: 120px; left: 25px;" class="black key"><div class="label"><b>2</b><br><br>C<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span>#</div></div><div id="KEY_D,-1" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 40px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>W</b><br><br>D<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span></div></div><div id="KEY_D#,-1" style="width: 30px; height: 120px; left: 65px;" class="black key"><div class="label"><b>3</b><br><br>D<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span>#</div></div><div id="KEY_E,-1" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 80px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>E</b><br><br>E<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span></div></div><div id="KEY_F,-1" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 120px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>R</b><br><br>F<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span></div></div><div id="KEY_F#,-1" style="width: 30px; height: 120px; left: 145px;" class="black key"><div class="label"><b>5</b><br><br>F<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span>#</div></div><div id="KEY_G,-1" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 160px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>T</b><br><br>G<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span></div></div><div id="KEY_G#,-1" style="width: 30px; height: 120px; left: 185px;" class="black key"><div class="label"><b>6</b><br><br>G<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span>#</div></div><div id="KEY_A,-1" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 200px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>Y</b><br><br>A<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span></div></div><div id="KEY_A#,-1" style="width: 30px; height: 120px; left: 225px;" class="black key"><div class="label"><b>7</b><br><br>A<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span>#</div></div><div id="KEY_B,-1" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 240px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>U</b><br><br>B<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="-1">3</span></div></div><div id="KEY_C,0" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 280px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>I</b><br><br>C<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="0">4</span></div></div><div id="KEY_C#,0" style="width: 30px; height: 120px; left: 305px;" class="black key"><div class="label"><b>9</b><br><br>C<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="0">4</span>#</div></div><div id="KEY_D,0" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 320px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>O</b><br><br>D<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="0">4</span></div></div><div id="KEY_D#,0" style="width: 30px; height: 120px; left: 345px;" class="black key"><div class="label"><b>0</b><br><br>D<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="0">4</span>#</div></div><div id="KEY_E,0" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 360px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>P</b><br><br>E<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="0">4</span></div></div><div id="KEY_F,0" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 400px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>[</b><br><br>F<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="0">4</span></div></div><div id="KEY_F#,0" style="width: 30px; height: 120px; left: 425px;" class="black key"><div class="label"><b>=</b><br><br>F<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="0">4</span>#</div></div><div id="KEY_G,0" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 440px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>]</b><br><br>G<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="0">4</span></div></div><div id="KEY_G#,0" style="width: 30px; height: 120px; left: 465px;" class="black key"><div class="label"><b>A</b><br><br>G<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="0">4</span>#</div></div><div id="KEY_A,0" style="width: 40px; height: 200px; left: 480px;" class="white key"><div class="label"><b>Z</b><br><br>A<span name="OCTAVE_LABEL" value="0">4</span></div></div><div id="KEY_A#,0" style="width: 30px; height: 120px; left: 505px;" class="black key"><div class="la
<div class="keyboard-options">
Range [C<span id="OCTAVE_LOWER">3</span>-B<span id="OCTAVE_UPPER">5</span>]
<input id="-_OCTAVE" value="-" type="button">
<input id="+_OCTAVE" value="+" type="button"><br>
<i>(Use left/right arrows to adjust with keyboard)</i>
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