
461 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#pragma once
#include "ITexture.h"
#include "Color.h"
namespace Irrlicht
namespace Video
/// <summary>
/// Abstracted and easy to use standard material modes.
/// </summary>
public __value enum MaterialType
/// Standard solid material. Only first texture is used, which is
/// supposed to be the diffuse material.
SOLID = 0,
/// Solid material with 2 texture layers. The second is blended onto the
/// first using the alpha value of the vertex colors.
/// This material is currently not implemented in OpenGL, but it
/// works with DirectX.
/// Material type with standard lightmap technique:
/// There should be 2 textures: The first texture layer is a diffuse map,
/// the second is a light map. Vertex light is ignored.
/// Material type with lightmap technique like EMT_LIGHTMAP, but
/// lightmap and diffuse texture are not modulated, but added instead.
/// Material type with standard lightmap technique:
/// There should be 2 textures: The first texture layer is a diffuse map,
/// the second is a light map. Vertex light is ignored.
/// The texture colors are effectively multiplyied by 2 for brightening.
/// like known in DirectX as D3DTOP_MODULATE2X.
/// Material type with standard lightmap technique:
/// There should be 2 textures: The first texture layer is a diffuse map,
/// the second is a light map. Vertex light is ignored.
/// The texture colors are effectively multiplyied by 4 for brightening.
/// like known in DirectX as D3DTOP_MODULATE4X.
/// Like EMT_LIGHTMAP, but also supports dynamic lighting.
/// Like EMT_LIGHTMAP_M2, but also supports dynamic lighting.
/// Like EMT_LIGHTMAP_4, but also supports dynamic lighting.
/// Detail mapped material. The first texture is diffuse color map, the
/// second is added to this and usually displayed with a bigger scale value
/// so that it adds more detail. The detail map is added to the diffuse map using
/// ADD_SIGNED, so that it is possible to add and substract color from the diffuse
/// map. For example a value of (127,127,127) will not change the appearance of
/// the diffuse map at all.
/// Often used for terrain rendering.
/// Makes the material look like it was reflection the environment
/// around it. To make this possible, a texture called 'sphere map'
/// is used, which must be set as Texture1.
/// A reflecting material with an
/// optional additional non reflecting texture layer. The reflection
/// map should be set as Texture 1.
/// Please note that this material type is currently not 100% implemented
/// in OpenGL. It works in DirectX8.
/// A transparent material. Only the first texture is used.
/// The new color is calculated by simply adding the source color and
/// the dest color. This means if for example a billboard using a texture with
/// black background and a red circle on it is drawed with this material, the
/// result is that only the red circle will be drawn a little bit transparent,
/// and everything which was black is 100% transparent and not visible.
/// This material type is useful for e.g. particle effects.
/// Makes the material transparent based on the texture alpha channel.
/// The final color is blended together from the destination color and the
/// texture color, using the alpha channel value as blend factor.
/// Only first texture is used. If you are using this material with small
/// textures and 3d object, it is a good idea to load the texture in 32 bit
/// mode (video::IVideoDriver::setTextureCreationFlag()).
/// Makes the material transparent based on the texture alpha channel.
/// If the alpha channel value is greater than 127, a pixel is written to the
/// target, otherwise not. This material does not use alpha blending
/// and is a lot faster than EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL. It
/// is ideal for drawing stuff like leafes of plants, because the borders
/// are not blurry but sharp.
/// Only first texture is used. If you are using this material with small
/// textures and 3d object, it is a good idea to load the texture in 32 bit
/// mode (video::IVideoDriver::setTextureCreationFlag()).
/// Makes the material transparent based on the vertex alpha value.
/// A transparent reflecting material with an
/// optional additional non reflecting texture layer. The reflection
/// map should be set as Texture 1. The transparency depends on the
/// alpha value in the vertex colors. A texture which will not reflect
/// can be set als Texture 2.
/// Please note that this material type is currently not 100% implemented
/// in OpenGL. It works in DirectX8.
/// A solid normal map renderer. First texture is the color map, the
/// second should be the normal map. Note that you should use this material
/// only when drawing geometry consisting of vertices of type S3DVertexTangents
/// (TANGENTS). You can convert any mesh into this format using
/// IMeshManipulator::createMeshWithTangents() (See SpecialFX2 Tutorial).
/// This shader runs on vertex shader 1.1 and pixel shader 1.1 capable hardware and
/// falls back on a fixed function lighted material if this hardware is not available.
/// Only two lights are supported by this shader, if there are more, the nearest two
/// are chosen. Currently, this shader is only implemented for the D3D8 and D3D9 renderers.
/// A transparent normal map renderer. First texture is the color map, the
/// second should be the normal map. Note that you should use this material
/// only when drawing geometry consisting of vertices of type S3DVertexTangents
/// (TANGENTS). You can convert any mesh into this format using
/// IMeshManipulator::createMeshWithTangents() (See SpecialFX2 Tutorial).
/// This shader runs on vertex shader 1.1 and pixel shader 1.1 capable hardware and
/// falls back on a fixed function lighted material if this hardware is not available.
/// Only two lights are supported by this shader, if there are more, the nearest two
/// are chosen. Currently, this shader is only implemented for the D3D8 and D3D9 renderers.
/// A transparent (based on the vertex alpha value) normal map renderer.
/// First texture is the color map, the
/// second should be the normal map. Note that you should use this material
/// only when drawing geometry consisting of vertices of type S3DVertexTangents
/// (EVT_TANGENTS). You can convert any mesh into this format using
/// IMeshManipulator::createMeshWithTangents() (See SpecialFX2 Tutorial).
/// This shader runs on vertex shader 1.1 and pixel shader 1.1 capable hardware and
/// falls back on a fixed function lighted material if this hardware is not available.
/// Only two lights are supported by this shader, if there are more, the nearest two
/// are chosen. Currently, this shader is only implemented for the D3D8 and D3D9 renderers.
/// Just like EMT_NORMAL_MAP_SOLID, but uses parallax mapping too, which
/// looks a lot more realistic. This only works when the hardware supports at
/// least vertex shader 1.1 and pixel shader 1.4.
/// First texture is the color map, the second should be the normal map.
/// The normal map texture should contain the height value in the
/// alpha component. The IVideoDriver::makeNormalMapTexture() method writes
/// this value automaticly when creating normal maps from a heightmap when using a 32 bit
/// texture.
/// The height scale of the material (affecting the bumpiness) is being controlled
/// by the SMaterial::MaterialTypeParam member.
/// If set to zero, the default value (0.02f) will be applied. Otherwise
/// the value set in SMaterial::MaterialTypeParam is taken. This value depends on with which
/// scale the texture is mapped on the material. Too high or low values of MaterialTypeParam
/// can result in strange artifacts.
/// A material just like EMT_PARALLAX_MAP_SOLID, but it is transparent, using
/// EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR as base material.
/// A material just like EMT_PARALLAX_MAP_SOLID, but it is transparent, using
/// EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA as base material.
/// This value is not used. It only forces this enumeration to compile in 32 bit.
FORCE_32BIT_DO_NOT_USE = 0x7fffffff
/// <summary>
/// Material flags
/// </summary>
public __value enum MaterialFlag
/// Draw as wireframe or filled triangles? Default: false
/// Draw as point cloud or filled triangles? Default: false
/// Flat or Gouraud shading? Default: true
/// Will this material be lighted? Default: true
/// Is the ZBuffer enabled? Default: true
/// May be written to the zbuffer or is it readonly. Default: true
/// This flag is ignored, if the material type is a transparent type.
/// Is backfaceculling enabled? Default: true
/// Is bilinear filtering enabled? Default: true
/// Is trilinear filtering enabled? Default: false
/// If the trilinear filter flag is enabled,
/// the bilinear filtering flag is ignored.
//! Is anisotropic filtering? Default: false
//! In Irrlicht you can use anisotropic texture filtering in conjunction with bilinear or trilinear
//! texture filtering to improve rendering results. Primitives will look less blurry with this
//! flag switched on.
/// Is fog enabled? Default: false
/// Normalizes normals.You can enable this if you need
/// to scale a dynamic lighted model. Usually, its normals will get scaled
/// too then and it will get darker. If you enable the EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS flag,
/// the normals will be normalized again, and the model will look as bright as it should.
/// This is not a flag, but a value indicating how much flags there are.
const System::Int32 MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES = 2;
/// <summary>
/// Class describing material parameters
public __value class Material
/// default constructor, creates a solid material with standard colors
: AmbientColor(255,255,255,255), DiffuseColor(255,255,255,255),
EmissiveColor(0,0,0,0), SpecularColor(0,0,0,0), Texture1(0), Texture2(0),
Type(SOLID), Shininess(0.0f)
Flags[MaterialFlag::WIREFRAME] = false;
Flags[MaterialFlag::POINTCLOUD] = false;
Flags[MaterialFlag::LIGHTING] = true;
Flags[MaterialFlag::ZBUFFER] = true;
Flags[MaterialFlag::ZWRITE_ENABLE] = true;
Flags[MaterialFlag::BACK_FACE_CULLING] = true;
Flags[MaterialFlag::GOURAUD_SHADING] = true;
Flags[MaterialFlag::BILINEAR_FILTER] = true;
Flags[MaterialFlag::TRILINEAR_FILTER] = false;
Flags[MaterialFlag::ANISOTROPIC_FILTER] = false;
Flags[MaterialFlag::FOG_ENABLE] = false;
Flags[MaterialFlag::NORMALIZE_NORMALS] = false;
/// <summary>
/// Type of the material. Specifies how everything is blended together
/// </summary>
MaterialType Type;
/// <summary>
/// How much ambient light (a global light) is reflected by this material.
/// The default is full white, meaning objects are completely globally illuminated.
/// Reduce this if you want to see diffuse or specular light effects, or change
/// the blend of colors to make the object have a base color other than white.
/// </summary>
Color AmbientColor;
/// <summary>
/// How much diffuse light coming from a light source is reflected by this material.
/// The default is full white.
/// </summary>
Color DiffuseColor;
/// <summary>
/// Light emitted by this material. Default is to emitt no light.
/// </summary>
Color EmissiveColor;
/// <summary>
/// How much specular light (highlights from a light) is reflected.
/// The default is to reflect no specular light.
Color SpecularColor;
/// <summary>
/// Value affecting the size of specular highlights.
/// </summary>
float Shininess;
/// <summary>
/// Free parameter dependend on the material type.
/// Mostly ignored, used for example in PARALLAX_MAP_SOLID.
/// </summary>
float MaterialTypeParam;
/// </summary>
/// Primary texture layer.
/// <summary>
ITexture* Texture1;
/// </summary>
/// Secondary texture layer.
/// <summary>
ITexture* Texture2;
/// </summary>
/// 3rd texture layer.
/// <summary>
ITexture* Texture3;
/// </summary>
/// 4th texture layer.
/// <summary>
ITexture* Texture4;
/// Material flags, can also be set by all the properties of this class
bool Flags __nogc [MATERIAL_FLAG_COUNT];
/// <summary>
/// Draw as wireframe or filled triangles? Default: false
/// </summary>
__property bool get_Wireframe() { return Flags[WIREFRAME]; }
/// <summary>
/// Draw as pointcloud? Default: false
/// </summary>
__property bool get_PointClound() { return Flags[POINTCLOUD]; }
/// <summary>
/// Flat or Gouraud shading? Default: true
/// </summary>
__property bool get_GouraudShading() { return Flags[GOURAUD_SHADING]; }
/// <summary>
/// Will this material be lighted? Default: true
/// </summary>
__property bool get_Lighting() { return Flags[LIGHTING]; }
/// <summary>
/// Is the ZBuffer enabled? Default: true
/// </summary>
__property bool get_ZBuffer() { return Flags[ZBUFFER]; }
/// <summary>
/// May be written to the zbuffer or is it readonly. Default: true
/// This flag is ignored, if the MaterialType is a transparent type.
/// </summary>
__property bool get_ZWriteEnable() { return Flags[ZWRITE_ENABLE]; }
/// <summary>
/// Is backfaceculling enabled? Default: true
/// </summary>
__property bool get_BackfaceCulling() { return Flags[BACK_FACE_CULLING]; }
/// <summary>
/// Is bilinear filtering enabled? Default: true
/// </summary>
__property bool get_BilinearFilter() { return Flags[BILINEAR_FILTER]; }
/// <summary>
/// Is trilinear filtering enabled? Default: false
/// If the trilinear filter flag is enabled,
/// the bilinear filtering flag is ignored.
/// </summary>
__property bool get_TrilinearFilter() { return Flags[TRILINEAR_FILTER]; }
/// <summary>
/// Is fog enabled? Default: false
/// </summary>
__property bool get_FogEnable() { return Flags[FOG_ENABLE]; }
/// <summary>
/// Normalizes normals? Default: false
/// </summary>
__property bool get_NormalizeNormals() { return Flags[NORMALIZE_NORMALS]; }
/// <summary>
/// Draw as wireframe or filled triangles? Default: false
/// </summary>
__property void set_Wireframe(bool f) { Flags[WIREFRAME] = f; }
/// <summary>
/// Draw as point cloud? Default: false
/// </summary>
__property void set_PointCloud(bool f) { Flags[POINTCLOUD] = f; }
/// <summary>
/// Flat or Gouraud shading? Default: true
/// </summary>
__property void set_GouraudShading(bool f) { Flags[GOURAUD_SHADING] = f; }
/// <summary>
/// Will this material be lighted? Default: true
/// </summary>
__property void set_Lighting(bool f) { Flags[LIGHTING] = f; }
/// <summary>
/// Is the ZBuffer enabled? Default: true
/// </summary>
__property void set_ZBuffer(bool f) { Flags[ZBUFFER] = f; }
/// <summary>
/// May be written to the zbuffer or is it readonly. Default: true
/// This flag is ignored, if the MaterialType is a transparent type.
/// </summary>
__property void set_ZWriteEnable(bool f) { Flags[ZWRITE_ENABLE] = f; }
/// <summary>
/// Is backfaceculling enabled? Default: true
/// </summary>
__property void set_BackfaceCulling(bool f) { Flags[BACK_FACE_CULLING] = f; }
/// <summary>
/// Is bilinear filtering enabled? Default: true
/// </summary>
__property void set_BilinearFilter(bool f) { Flags[BILINEAR_FILTER] = f; }
/// <summary>
/// Is trilinear filtering enabled? Default: false
/// If the trilinear filter flag is enabled,
/// the bilinear filtering flag is ignored.
/// </summary>
__property void set_TrilinearFilter(bool f) { Flags[TRILINEAR_FILTER] = f; }
/// <summary>
/// Is anisotropic filtering enabled? Default: false
/// </summary>
__property void set_AnisotropicFilter(bool f) { Flags[ANISOTROPIC_FILTER] = f; }
/// <summary>
/// Is fog enabled? Default: false
/// </summary>
__property void set_FogEnable(bool f) { Flags[FOG_ENABLE] = f; }
/// <summary>
/// Normalizes normals? Default: false
/// </summary>
__property void set_NormalizeNormals(bool f) { Flags[NORMALIZE_NORMALS] = f; }
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr