
706 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CZipReader.h"
#include "CFileList.h"
#include "CReadFile.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "coreutil.h"
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include <zlib.h> // use system lib
#include "zlib/zlib.h"
namespace irr
namespace io
//! Constructor
CArchiveLoaderZIP::CArchiveLoaderZIP( io::IFileSystem* fs)
: FileSystem(fs)
#ifdef _DEBUG
//! destructor
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class
bool CArchiveLoaderZIP::isALoadableFileFormat(const core::string<c16>& filename) const
return core::hasFileExtension ( filename, "zip", "pk3" );
//! Creates an archive from the filename
/** \param file File handle to check.
\return Pointer to newly created archive, or 0 upon error. */
IFileArchive* CArchiveLoaderZIP::createArchive(const core::string<c16>& filename, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) const
IFileArchive *archive = 0;
io::IReadFile* file = FileSystem->createAndOpenFile(filename);
if (file)
archive = createArchive ( file, ignoreCase, ignorePaths );
file->drop ();
return archive;
//! creates/loads an archive from the file.
//! \return Pointer to the created archive. Returns 0 if loading failed.
IFileArchive* CArchiveLoaderZIP::createArchive(io::IReadFile* file, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) const
IFileArchive *archive = 0;
if ( file )
file->seek ( 0 );
archive = new CZipReader(file, ignoreCase, ignorePaths);
return archive;
//! Check if the file might be loaded by this class
/** Check might look into the file.
\param file File handle to check.
\return True if file seems to be loadable. */
bool CArchiveLoaderZIP::isALoadableFileFormat(io::IReadFile* file) const
return false;
ZIP Archive
CZipReader::CZipReader(IReadFile* file, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths)
: File(file), IgnoreCase(ignoreCase), IgnorePaths(ignorePaths), Type ( "zip" )
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (File)
Base = File->getFileName();
// scan local headers
while (scanLocalHeader());
//while (scanLocalHeader2());
// prepare file index for binary search
if (File)
//! splits filename from zip file into useful filenames and paths
void CZipReader::extractFilename(SZipFileEntry* entry)
s32 lorfn = entry->header.FilenameLength; // length of real file name
if (!lorfn)
if (IgnoreCase)
const c16* p = entry->zipFileName.c_str() + lorfn;
// suche ein slash oder den anfang.
while (*p!='/' && p!=entry->zipFileName.c_str())
bool thereIsAPath = p != entry->zipFileName.c_str();
if (thereIsAPath)
// there is a path
entry->simpleFileName = p;
entry->path = "";
// pfad auch kopieren
if (thereIsAPath)
lorfn = (s32)(p - entry->zipFileName.c_str());
entry->path = entry->zipFileName.subString ( 0, lorfn );
//entry->path.append(entry->zipFileName, lorfn);
//entry->path.append ( "" );
if (!IgnorePaths)
entry->simpleFileName = entry->zipFileName; // thanks to Pr3t3nd3r for this fix
#if 0
#include <windows.h>
const c8 *sigName( u32 sig )
switch ( sig )
case 0x04034b50: return "PK0304";
case 0x02014b50: return "PK0102";
case 0x06054b50: return "PK0506";
return "unknown";
bool CZipReader::scanLocalHeader2()
c8 buf [ 128 ];
c8 *c;
File->read( &temp.header.Sig, 4 );
sprintf ( buf, "sig: %08x,%s,", temp.header.Sig, sigName ( temp.header.Sig ) );
OutputDebugStringA ( buf );
// Local File Header
if ( temp.header.Sig == 0x04034b50 )
File->read( &temp.header.VersionToExtract, sizeof( temp.header ) - 4 );
temp.zipFileName.reserve( temp.header.FilenameLength+2);
c = (c8*) temp.zipFileName.c_str();
File->read( c, temp.header.FilenameLength);
c [ temp.header.FilenameLength ] = 0;
sprintf ( buf, "%d,'%s'\n", temp.header.CompressionMethod, c );
OutputDebugStringA ( buf );
if (temp.header.ExtraFieldLength)
File->seek( temp.header.ExtraFieldLength, true);
if (temp.header.GeneralBitFlag & ZIP_INFO_IN_DATA_DESCRITOR)
// read data descriptor
File->seek(sizeof(SZIPFileDataDescriptor), true );
// compressed data
temp.fileDataPosition = File->getPos();
File->seek( temp.header.DataDescriptor.CompressedSize, true);
FileList.push_back( temp );
return true;
// Central directory structure
if ( temp.header.Sig == 0x04034b50 )
//SZIPFileCentralDirFileHeader h;
//File->read( &h, sizeof( h ) - 4 );
return true;
// End of central dir
if ( temp.header.Sig == 0x06054b50 )
return true;
// eof
if ( temp.header.Sig == 0x02014b50 )
return false;
return false;
//! scans for a local header, returns false if there is no more local file header.
bool CZipReader::scanLocalHeader()
//c8 tmp[1024];
SZipFileEntry entry;
entry.fileDataPosition = 0;
memset(&entry.header, 0, sizeof(SZIPFileHeader));
File->read(&entry.header, sizeof(SZIPFileHeader));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
entry.header.Sig = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.Sig);
entry.header.VersionToExtract = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.VersionToExtract);
entry.header.GeneralBitFlag = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.GeneralBitFlag);
entry.header.CompressionMethod = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.CompressionMethod);
entry.header.LastModFileTime = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.LastModFileTime);
entry.header.LastModFileDate = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.LastModFileDate);
entry.header.DataDescriptor.CRC32 = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.DataDescriptor.CRC32);
entry.header.DataDescriptor.CompressedSize = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.DataDescriptor.CompressedSize);
entry.header.DataDescriptor.UncompressedSize = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.DataDescriptor.UncompressedSize);
entry.header.FilenameLength = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.FilenameLength);
entry.header.ExtraFieldLength = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.ExtraFieldLength);
if (entry.header.Sig != 0x04034b50)
return false; // local file headers end here.
// read filename
c8 *tmp = new c8 [ entry.header.FilenameLength + 2 ];
File->read(tmp, entry.header.FilenameLength);
tmp[entry.header.FilenameLength] = 0x0;
entry.zipFileName = tmp;
delete [] tmp;
// move forward length of extra field.
if (entry.header.ExtraFieldLength)
File->seek(entry.header.ExtraFieldLength, true);
// if bit 3 was set, read DataDescriptor, following after the compressed data
if (entry.header.GeneralBitFlag & ZIP_INFO_IN_DATA_DESCRITOR)
// read data descriptor
File->read(&entry.header.DataDescriptor, sizeof(entry.header.DataDescriptor));
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
entry.header.DataDescriptor.CRC32 = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.DataDescriptor.CRC32);
entry.header.DataDescriptor.CompressedSize = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.DataDescriptor.CompressedSize);
entry.header.DataDescriptor.UncompressedSize = os::Byteswap::byteswap(entry.header.DataDescriptor.UncompressedSize);
// store position in file
entry.fileDataPosition = File->getPos();
// move forward length of data
File->seek(entry.header.DataDescriptor.CompressedSize, true);
#ifdef _DEBUG
//os::Debuginfo::print("added file from archive", entry.simpleFileName.c_str());
return true;
//! opens a file by file name
IReadFile* CZipReader::openFile(const core::string<c16>& filename)
s32 index = findFile(filename);
if (index != -1)
return openFile(index);
return 0;
//! opens a file by index
IReadFile* CZipReader::openFile(s32 index)
//0 - The file is stored (no compression)
//1 - The file is Shrunk
//2 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 1
//3 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 2
//4 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 3
//5 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 4
//6 - The file is Imploded
//7 - Reserved for Tokenizing compression algorithm
//8 - The file is Deflated
//9 - Reserved for enhanced Deflating
//10 - PKWARE Date Compression Library Imploding
const SZipFileEntry &e = FileList[index];
wchar_t buf[64];
case 0: // no compression
return createLimitReadFile( e.simpleFileName, File, e.fileDataPosition, e.header.DataDescriptor.CompressedSize);
case 8:
const u32 uncompressedSize = e.header.DataDescriptor.UncompressedSize;
const u32 compressedSize = e.header.DataDescriptor.CompressedSize;
void* pBuf = new c8[ uncompressedSize ];
if (!pBuf)
swprintf ( buf, 64, L"Not enough memory for decompressing %s", e.simpleFileName.c_str() );
os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_ERROR);
return 0;
c8 *pcData = new c8[ compressedSize ];
if (!pcData)
swprintf ( buf, 64, L"Not enough memory for decompressing %s", e.simpleFileName.c_str() );
os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_ERROR);
return 0;
//memset(pcData, 0, compressedSize );
File->seek( e.fileDataPosition );
File->read(pcData, compressedSize );
// Setup the inflate stream.
z_stream stream;
s32 err;
stream.next_in = (Bytef*)pcData;
stream.avail_in = (uInt)compressedSize;
stream.next_out = (Bytef*)pBuf;
stream.avail_out = uncompressedSize;
stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
// Perform inflation. wbits < 0 indicates no zlib header inside the data.
err = inflateInit2(&stream, -MAX_WBITS);
if (err == Z_OK)
err = inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err == Z_STREAM_END)
err = Z_OK;
err = Z_OK;
delete[] pcData;
if (err != Z_OK)
swprintf ( buf, 64, L"Error decompressing %s", e.simpleFileName.c_str() );
os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_ERROR);
delete [] (c8*)pBuf;
return 0;
return io::createMemoryReadFile(pBuf, uncompressedSize, e.zipFileName, true);
return 0; // zlib not compiled, we cannot decompress the data.
swprintf ( buf, 64, L"file has unsupported compression method. %s", e.simpleFileName.c_str() );
os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_ERROR);
return 0;
//! returns count of files in archive
u32 CZipReader::getFileCount()
return FileList.size();
//! returns data of file
const IFileArchiveEntry* CZipReader::getFileInfo(u32 index)
return &FileList[index];
//! return the id of the file Archive
const core::string<c16>& CZipReader::getArchiveName ()
return Base;
//! returns fileindex
s32 CZipReader::findFile( const core::string<c16>& simpleFilename)
SZipFileEntry entry;
entry.simpleFileName = simpleFilename;
if (IgnoreCase)
if (IgnorePaths)
s32 res = FileList.binary_search(entry);
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (res == -1)
for (u32 i=0; i<FileList.size(); ++i)
if (FileList[i].simpleFileName == entry.simpleFileName)
os::Printer::log("File in archive but not found.", entry.simpleFileName.c_str(), ELL_ERROR);
return res;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Constructor
CArchiveLoaderMount::CArchiveLoaderMount( io::IFileSystem* fs)
: FileSystem(fs)
#ifdef _DEBUG
//! destructor
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class
bool CArchiveLoaderMount::isALoadableFileFormat(const core::string<c16>& filename) const
bool ret = false;
core::string<c16> fname ( filename );
deletePathFromFilename ( fname );
if ( 0 == fname.size() )
ret = true;
return ret;
//! Creates an archive from the filename
IFileArchive* CArchiveLoaderMount::createArchive(const core::string<c16>& filename, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) const
IFileArchive *archive = 0;
eFileSystemType current = FileSystem->setFileListSystem ( FILESYSTEM_NATIVE );
core::string<c16> save = FileSystem->getWorkingDirectory ();
core::string<c16> fullPath = FileSystem->getAbsolutePath ( filename );
FileSystem->flattenFilename ( fullPath );
if ( FileSystem->changeWorkingDirectoryTo ( fullPath ) )
archive = new CMountPointReader(FileSystem, fullPath, ignoreCase, ignorePaths);
FileSystem->changeWorkingDirectoryTo ( save );
FileSystem->setFileListSystem ( current );
return archive;
//! Check if the file might be loaded by this class
/** Check might look into the file.
\param file File handle to check.
\return True if file seems to be loadable. */
bool CArchiveLoaderMount::isALoadableFileFormat(io::IReadFile* file) const
return false;
//! creates/loads an archive from the file.
//! \return Pointer to the created archive. Returns 0 if loading failed.
IFileArchive* CArchiveLoaderMount::createArchive(io::IReadFile* file, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) const
return 0;
#if 1
//! simple Reader ( does not handle ignorecase and ignorePath )
// its more a simple wrapper for handling relative directories
// advantage: speed
class CMountPointReadFile : public CReadFile
CMountPointReadFile ( const core::string<c16>& realName,
const core::string<c16>& hashName )
: CReadFile( realName ), CallFileName ( hashName )
virtual ~CMountPointReadFile () {}
virtual const core::string<c16>& getFileName() const
return CallFileName;
core::string<c16> CallFileName;
CMountPointReader::CMountPointReader( IFileSystem * parent, const core::string<c16>& basename, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths)
:CZipReader ( 0, ignoreCase, ignorePaths ), Parent ( parent )
Base = basename;
u16 last = Base.size() ? Base [ Base.size() - 1 ] : 0;
if ( last != '\\' && last != '/' )
Base += '/';
Type = "mount";
void CMountPointReader::buildDirectory ( )
//! opens a file by file name
IReadFile* CMountPointReader::openFile(const core::string<c16>& filename)
core::string<c16> fname ( Base );
fname += filename;
CMountPointReadFile* file = new CMountPointReadFile( fname, filename);
if (file->isOpen())
return file;
return 0;
//! returns fileindex
s32 CMountPointReader::findFile(const core::string<c16>& filename)
IReadFile *file = openFile ( filename );
if ( 0 == file )
return -1;
file->drop ();
return 1;
//! compatible Folder Archticture
CMountPointReader::CMountPointReader( IFileSystem * parent, const core::string<c16>& basename, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths)
: CZipReader( 0, ignoreCase, ignorePaths ), Parent ( parent )
Type = "mount";
core::string<c16> work = Parent->getWorkingDirectory ();
Parent->changeWorkingDirectoryTo ( basename );
buildDirectory ( );
Parent->changeWorkingDirectoryTo ( work );
void CMountPointReader::buildDirectory ( )
IFileList * list = new CFileList();
SZipFileEntry entry;
const u32 size = list->getFileCount();
for (u32 i = 0; i!= size; ++i)
if ( false == list->isDirectory( i ) )
entry.zipFileName = list->getFullFileName ( i );
entry.header.FilenameLength = entry.zipFileName.size ();
const core::string<c16>& rel = list->getFileName ( i );
if ( rel != "." && rel != ".." )
Parent->changeWorkingDirectoryTo ( rel );
buildDirectory ();
Parent->changeWorkingDirectoryTo ( ".." );
list->drop ();
s32 CMountPointReader::findFile(const core::string<c16>& simpleFilename)
return CZipReader::findFile( simpleFilename);
//! opens a file by file name
IReadFile* CMountPointReader::openFile(const core::string<c16>& filename)
s32 index = -1;
if ( IgnorePaths )
index = findFile(filename);
if ( FileList.size () )
core::string<c16> search = FileList[0].path + filename;
index = findFile( search );
if (index == -1)
return 0;
return createReadFile(FileList[index].zipFileName.c_str() );
} // end namespace io
} // end namespace irr