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// Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IReferenceCounted.h"
#include "IImage.h"
#include "dimension2d.h"
#include "EDriverTypes.h"
#include "irrString.h"
#include "matrix4.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
//! Enumeration flags telling the video driver in which format textures should be created.
/** Forces the driver to create 16 bit textures always, independent of
which format the file on disk has. When choosing this you may loose
some color detail, but gain much speed and memory. 16 bit textures can
be transferred twice as fast as 32 bit textures and only use half of
the space in memory.
When using this flag, it does not make sense to use the flags
ETCF_OPTIMIZED_FOR_SPEED at the same time. */
ETCF_ALWAYS_16_BIT = 0x00000001,
/** Forces the driver to create 32 bit textures always, independent of
which format the file on disk has. Please note that some drivers (like
the software device) will ignore this, because they are only able to
create and use 16 bit textures.
When using this flag, it does not make sense to use the flags
ETCF_OPTIMIZED_FOR_SPEED at the same time. */
ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT = 0x00000002,
/** Lets the driver decide in which format the textures are created and
tries to make the textures look as good as possible. Usually it simply
chooses the format in which the texture was stored on disk.
When using this flag, it does not make sense to use the flags
the same time. */
/** Lets the driver decide in which format the textures are created and
tries to create them maximizing render speed.
When using this flag, it does not make sense to use the flags
at the same time. */
/** Automatically creates mip map levels for the textures. */
ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS = 0x00000010,
/** Discard any alpha layer and use non-alpha color format. */
//! Allow the Driver to use Non-Power-2-Textures
/** BurningVideo can handle Non-Power-2 Textures in 2D (GUI), but not it 3D. */
ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 = 0x00000040,
/** This flag is never used, it only forces the compiler to compile
these enumeration values to 32 bit. */
ETCF_FORCE_32_BIT_DO_NOT_USE = 0x7fffffff
//! Helper function, helps to get the desired texture creation format from the flags.
/** \return Either ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT, ETCF_ALWAYS_16_BIT,
inline E_TEXTURE_CREATION_FLAG getTextureFormatFromFlags(u32 flags)
if (flags & ETCF_ALWAYS_16_BIT)
return ETCF_ALWAYS_16_BIT;
if (flags & ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT)
return ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT;
//! Interface of a Video Driver dependent Texture.
/** An ITexture is created by an IVideoDriver by using IVideoDriver::addTexture
or IVideoDriver::getTexture. After that, the texture may only be used by this
VideoDriver. As you can imagine, textures of the DirectX and the OpenGL device
will, e.g., not be compatible. An exception is the Software device and the
NULL device, their textures are compatible. If you try to use a texture
created by one device with an other device, the device will refuse to do that
and write a warning or an error message to the output buffer.
class ITexture : public virtual IReferenceCounted
//! constructor
ITexture(const core::string<c16>& name) : Name(name)
//! Lock function.
/** Locks the Texture and returns a pointer to access the
pixels. After lock() has been called and all operations on the pixels
are done, you must call unlock().
Locks are not accumulating, hence one unlock will do for an arbitrary
number of previous locks.
\param readOnly Specifies that no changes to the locked texture are
made. Unspecified behavior will arise if still write access happens.
\return Returns a pointer to the pixel data. The format of the pixel can
be determined by using getColorFormat(). 0 is returned, if
the texture cannot be locked. */
virtual void* lock(bool readOnly = false) = 0;
//! Unlock function. Must be called after a lock() to the texture.
/** One should avoid to call unlock more than once before another lock. */
virtual void unlock() = 0;
//! Get original size of the texture.
/** The texture is usually scaled, if it was created with an unoptimal
size. For example if the size of the texture file it was loaded from
was not a power of two. This returns the size of the texture, it had
before it was scaled. Can be useful when drawing 2d images on the
screen, which should have the exact size of the original texture. Use
ITexture::getSize() if you want to know the real size it has now stored
in the system.
\return The original size of the texture. */
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getOriginalSize() const = 0;
//! Get dimension (=size) of the texture.
/** \return The size of the texture. */
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getSize() const = 0;
//! Get driver type of texture.
/** This is the driver, which created the texture. This method is used
internally by the video devices, to check, if they may use a texture
because textures may be incompatible between different devices.
\return Driver type of texture. */
virtual E_DRIVER_TYPE getDriverType() const = 0;
//! Get the color format of texture.
/** \return The color format of texture. */
virtual ECOLOR_FORMAT getColorFormat() const = 0;
//! Get pitch of texture (in bytes).
/** The pitch is the amount of bytes used for a row of pixels in a
\return Pitch of texture in bytes. */
virtual u32 getPitch() const = 0;
//! Check whether the texture has MipMaps
/** \return True if texture has MipMaps, else false. */
virtual bool hasMipMaps() const { return false; }
//! Returns if the texture has an alpha channel
virtual bool hasAlpha() const {
return getColorFormat () == video::ECF_A8R8G8B8 || getColorFormat () == video::ECF_A1R5G5B5;
//! Regenerates the mip map levels of the texture.
/** Required after modifying the texture, usually after calling unlock(). */
virtual void regenerateMipMapLevels() = 0;
//! Check whether the texture is a render target
/** \return True if this is a render target, otherwise false. */
virtual bool isRenderTarget() const { return false; }
//! Get name of texture (in most cases this is the filename)
const core::string<c16>& getName() const { return Name; }
core::string<c16> Name;
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr