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// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#pragma once
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
#pragma unmanaged
#include "..\\..\\include\\irrlicht.h"
#pragma managed
#include "Event.h"
#include "ISceneNode.h"
#include "ViewFrustum.h"
namespace Irrlicht
namespace Scene
public __gc class ICameraSceneNode : public ISceneNode
/// <summary>
/// Creates a scene node from a native C++ scene node. Don't use this, its better to create
/// scene nodes using the SceneManager with its addSceneNode() methods.
/// </summary>
ICameraSceneNode(irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode* realSceneNode);
/// Destructor
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the projection matrix of the camera. The core::matrix4 class has some methods
/// to build a projection matrix. e.g: core::matrix4::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveFovLH.
/// Note that the matrix will only stay as set by this method until one of
/// the following Methods are called: setNearValue, setFarValue, setAspectRatio, setFOV.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projection"> The new projection matrix of the camera. </param>
__property void set_ProjectionMatrix(Core::Matrix4 projection);
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the projection matrix of the camera. The core::matrix4 class has some methods
/// to build a projection matrix. e.g: core::matrix4::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveFovLH.
/// Note that the matrix will only stay as set by this method until one of
/// the following Methods are called: setNearValue, setFarValue, setAspectRatio, setFOV.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projection"> The new projection matrix of the camera. </param>
__property Core::Matrix4 get_ProjectionMatrix();
/// Gets the current view matrix of the camera.
/// <returns> Returns the current view matrix of the camera.</returns>
__property Core::Matrix4 get_ViewMatrix();
/// <summary>
/// It is possible to send mouse and key events to the camera. Most cameras
/// may ignore this input, but camera scene nodes which are created for
/// example with ISceneManager::addMayaCameraSceneNode or
/// ISceneManager::addMeshViewerCameraSceneNode, may want to get this input
/// for changing their position, look at target or whatever.
/// </summary>
bool OnEvent(Event event);
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the look at target of the camera
/// </summary>
__property void set_Target(Core::Vector3D pos);
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the look at target of the camera
/// </summary>
__property Core::Vector3D get_Target();
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the up vector of the camera.
/// </summary>
__property void set_UpVector(Core::Vector3D pos);
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the up vector of the camera.
/// </summary>
__property Core::Vector3D get_UpVector();
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the value of the near plane of the camera.
/// </summary>
__property float get_NearValue();
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the value of the near plane of the camera.
/// </summary>
__property void set_NearValue(float value);
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the value of the far plane of the camera.
/// </summary>
__property float get_FarValue();
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the value of the far plane of the camera.
/// </summary>
__property void set_FarValue(float value);
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the value of the aspect ratio of the camera.
/// </summary>
__property float get_AspectRatio();
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the value of the aspect ratio of the camera.
/// </summary>
__property void set_AspectRatio(float f);
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the value of the field of view of the camera.
/// </summary>
__property float get_FOV();
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets the value of the field of view of the camera.
/// </summary>
__property void set_FOV(float value);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current view frustum. Needed sometimes by bspTree or LOD render nodes.
/// </summary>
__property ViewFrustum get_ViewFrustum();
/// <summary>
/// Disables or enables the camera to get key or mouse inputs.
/// If this is set to true, the camera will respond to key inputs
/// otherwise not.
/// </summary>
__property void set_InputReceiverEnabled(bool enabled);
/// <summary>
/// Disables or enables the camera to get key or mouse inputs.
/// If this is set to true, the camera will respond to key inputs
/// otherwise not.
/// </summary>
__property bool get_InputReceiverEnabled();
inline irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode* get_NativeCameraSceneNode()
return (irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode*)SceneNode;
/// <summary>
/// Returns if a camera is orthogonal.
/// This setting does not change anything of the view or projection matrix. However
/// it influences how collision detection and picking is done with this camera. */
/// </summary>
__property void set_IsOrthogonal(bool enabled);
/// <summary>
/// Returns if a camera is orthogonal.
/// This setting does not change anything of the view or projection matrix. However
/// it influences how collision detection and picking is done with this camera. */
/// </summary>
__property bool get_IsOrthogonal();