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// Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "ITexture.h"
#include "IImage.h"
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
// include windows headers for HWND
#include <windows.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma comment(lib, "OpenGL32.lib")
#elif defined(_IRR_OSX_PLATFORM_)
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#define NO_SDL_GLEXT
#include <SDL/SDL_video.h>
#include <SDL/SDL_opengl.h>
#if defined(_IRR_OSX_PLATFORM_)
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
namespace irr
namespace video
class COpenGLDriver;
//! OpenGL texture.
class COpenGLTexture : public ITexture
//! constructor
COpenGLTexture(IImage* surface, const io::path& name, COpenGLDriver* driver=0);
//! destructor
virtual ~COpenGLTexture();
//! lock function
virtual void* lock(bool readOnly = false);
//! unlock function
virtual void unlock();
//! Returns original size of the texture (image).
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getOriginalSize() const;
//! Returns size of the texture.
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getSize() const;
//! returns driver type of texture (=the driver, that created it)
virtual E_DRIVER_TYPE getDriverType() const;
//! returns color format of texture
virtual ECOLOR_FORMAT getColorFormat() const;
//! returns pitch of texture (in bytes)
virtual u32 getPitch() const;
//! return open gl texture name
GLuint getOpenGLTextureName() const;
//! return whether this texture has mipmaps
virtual bool hasMipMaps() const;
//! Regenerates the mip map levels of the texture. Useful after
//! locking and modifying the texture
virtual void regenerateMipMapLevels();
//! Is it a render target?
virtual bool isRenderTarget() const;
//! Is it a FrameBufferObject?
virtual bool isFrameBufferObject() const;
//! Bind RenderTargetTexture
virtual void bindRTT();
//! Unbind RenderTargetTexture
virtual void unbindRTT();
//! sets whether this texture is intended to be used as a render target.
void setIsRenderTarget(bool isTarget);
//! protected constructor with basic setup, no GL texture name created, for derived classes
COpenGLTexture(const io::path& name, COpenGLDriver* driver);
//! get the desired color format based on texture creation flags and the input format.
ECOLOR_FORMAT getBestColorFormat(ECOLOR_FORMAT format);
//! convert the image into an internal image with better properties for this driver.
void getImageData(IImage* image);
//! copies the texture into an OpenGL texture.
//! \param: newTexture is true if method is called from a newly created texture for the first time. Otherwise call with false to improve memory handling.
void copyTexture(bool newTexture=true);
core::dimension2d<u32> ImageSize;
core::dimension2d<u32> TextureSize;
s32 Pitch;
COpenGLDriver* Driver;
IImage* Image;
GLuint TextureName;
GLint InternalFormat;
GLenum PixelFormat;
GLenum PixelType;
bool HasMipMaps;
bool IsRenderTarget;
bool AutomaticMipmapUpdate;
bool ReadOnlyLock;
bool KeepImage;
//! OpenGL FBO texture.
class COpenGLFBOTexture : public COpenGLTexture
//! FrameBufferObject constructor
COpenGLFBOTexture(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size, const io::path& name,
COpenGLDriver* driver = 0, const ECOLOR_FORMAT format = ECF_UNKNOWN);
//! destructor
virtual ~COpenGLFBOTexture();
//! Is it a FrameBufferObject?
virtual bool isFrameBufferObject() const;
//! Bind RenderTargetTexture
virtual void bindRTT();
//! Unbind RenderTargetTexture
virtual void unbindRTT();
ITexture* DepthTexture;
GLint getOpenGLFormatAndParametersFromColorFormat(
ECOLOR_FORMAT format, GLint& filtering, GLenum& colorformat, GLenum& type);
GLuint ColorFrameBuffer;
//! OpenGL FBO depth texture.
class COpenGLFBODepthTexture : public COpenGLFBOTexture
//! FrameBufferObject depth constructor
COpenGLFBODepthTexture(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size, const io::path& name, COpenGLDriver* driver=0, bool useStencil=false);
//! destructor
virtual ~COpenGLFBODepthTexture();
//! Bind RenderTargetTexture
virtual void bindRTT();
//! Unbind RenderTargetTexture
virtual void unbindRTT();
bool attach(ITexture*);
GLuint DepthRenderBuffer;
GLuint StencilRenderBuffer;
bool UseStencil;
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr