Merged revisions 2892:2947 from 1.6 branch. Mainly GUI fixes. Cylinder texturing enhanced. WIN64 defines everywhere also use _WIN64. Code layout and documentation updates.

git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
hybrid 2009-11-30 14:42:58 +00:00
parent 9e1eb1e6ca
commit e7b200fef4
19 changed files with 987 additions and 92 deletions

View File

@ -101,8 +101,33 @@ Changes in 1.7
Changes in 1.6.1
- !!API change!! Disabled AntiAliasing of Lines in material default
Please enable this manually per material when sure that it won't lead to SW rendering.
- IGUIComboBox: clicking on the statictext displaying the active selection does now close and open listbox correctly. (Bug found by Reiko)
- Scrollbuttons in IGUITabControl adapt now to tab-height.
- Fix texturing of cylinder mesh
- Fix modal dialog position (found by LoneBoco:
- Fix DMF loading
- Fixing left+right special keys (ctrl, shift, alt) on Win32 (thanks to pc0de for good patch-ideas).
- Make stringarrays for enums in IGUISkin a little safer
- Add support for keys KEY_PRINT, KEY_HOME (on numpad) and KEY_NUMLOCK on Linux.
- Fix material handling in createMeshWith1TCoords
- Fix another (OldValue == NewValue) before drop()/grap(), this time in CTextureAttribute::setTexture.
- Fix LIGHTMAP_LIGHTING for D3D drivers.
- AntiAliasing disabled for debug render elements.
- Bugfix: CGUIToolBar::addButton does no longer mess up when no image is set and does now actually work with the text.
- Fix ninja animation range which got messed up a little when b3d animations got fixed (thx gbox for finding)
@ -761,6 +786,12 @@ Changes in 1.6 (23.09.2009)
Changes in version 1.5.2 (??.??.2009)
- Properly check boundaries in getFont and setFont.
- Reinit values in the driver when scene manager is cleared.
- Normals handling fixed in createMeshWithTangents, existing normals are not always destroyed now.
- Fix terrain smoothing, bug found by loverlinfish
- SOLARIS recognition removed. Please specify the platform define manually. This allows for compilation under sparc/Linux and sparc/Solaris

View File

@ -1642,3 +1642,860 @@ Split hardware mapping hint into vertex and index part
Fix angle calculation for integer vectors
Changes for Version 1.5.2
Even less visible changes have been made in this version. Only the automatic Solaris OS recognition has changed, so make sure you have all things defined properly if you compile for Solaris. And the float parser bugfix is a visible change, though non-interfering for existing code.
Changes for Version 1.6.0
This releases has many changes in method signatures. The most obvious ones are signedness changes from s32 to u32. Since many templates won't accept both types, you need to change the ypes manually in your code. The other major change is from many different types of strings to the new class io::path. These changes should be transparent to the app, unless you need proper overrides in derived classes.
Finally, some deprecated methods have been removed, and some were simply renamed. Just check the API if some methods is not found anymore.
Added default parameters for identity transformation
IMeshSceneNode(ISceneNode* parent, ISceneManager* mgr, s32 id,
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& rotation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1,1,1))
This is a new type, which handles stuff with UTF file systems.
typedef core::string<fschar_t> io::path;
New scene node identifiers
ESNT_SKY_DOME = MAKE_IRR_ID('s','k','y','d'),
ESNT_VOLUME_LIGHT = MAKE_IRR_ID('v','o','l','l'),
New methods
virtual void setSelected(const wchar_t *item) = 0;
virtual void setItemHeight( s32 height ) = 0;
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) = 0;
New texture generation flag for burnings video driver
//! Allow the Driver to use Non-Power-2-Textures
ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2 = 0x00000040,
Parameter change (now using path type instead of C-strings)
ITexture(const io::path& name)
Signedness change
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getOriginalSize() const = 0;
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getSize() const = 0;
New method
virtual bool hasAlpha() const
Parameter change (now using path type instead of stringc)
const io::path& getName() const
This is a new interface for the light manager
class ILightManager : public IReferenceCounted
Signedness change
virtual core::dimension2du getTextDimension() = 0;
New method
virtual const ISceneNode* getSceneNodeForTriangle(u32 triangleIndex) const = 0;
New methods
virtual void makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMeshBuffer* meshbuffer, f32 resolution=0.001f) const =0;
virtual void makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMeshBuffer* buffer, f32 resolutionS, f32 resolutionT, u8 axis, const core::vector3df& offset) const =0;
virtual IMesh* createMeshWith1TCoords(IMesh* mesh) const = 0;
Removed parameter
const c8* const DMF_USE_MATERIALS_DIRS = "DMF_MaterialsDir";
New parameters
const c8* const DMF_IGNORE_MATERIALS_DIRS = "DMF_IgnoreMaterialsDir";
const c8* const OBJ_LOADER_IGNORE_MATERIAL_FILES = "OBJ_IgnoreMaterialFiles";
const c8* const B3D_LOADER_IGNORE_MIPMAP_FLAG = "B3D_IgnoreMipmapFlag";
const c8* const DEBUG_NORMAL_LENGTH = "DEBUG_Normal_Length";
const c8* const DEBUG_NORMAL_COLOR = "DEBUG_Normal_Color";
Removed method (use getTransform)
void setTransformState( video::E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state);
New methods
core::matrix4& getTransform( video::E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state);
const core::matrix4& getTransform( video::E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state) const;
bool clipLine(core::line3d<f32>& line) const;
Changed parameters (to io::path)
virtual const io::path& getFileName(u32 index) const = 0;
virtual const io::path& getFullFileName(u32 index) const = 0;
New methods
virtual u32 getFileSize(u32 index) const = 0;
virtual s32 findFile(const io::path& filename, bool isFolder=false) const = 0;
virtual const io::path& getPath() const = 0;
New methods
s32 isFileExtension(const io::path& filename,
const io::path& ext0, const io::path& ext1, const io::path& ext2)
bool hasFileExtension(const io::path& filename,
const io::path& ext0, const io::path& ext1 = "", const io::path& ext2 = "")
stringw& cutFilenameExtension ( stringw &dest, const stringw &source )
core::stringw& deletePathFromFilename(core::stringw& filename)
core::stringc& deletePathFromFilename(core::stringc& filename)
io::path& deletePathFromPath(io::path& filename, s32 pathCount)
s32 isInSameDirectory ( const io::path& path, const io::path& file )
New methods
virtual u32 getItemData(u32 idx) const = 0;
virtual s32 getIndexForItemData(u32 data ) const = 0;
New parameter
virtual u32 addItem(const wchar_t* text, u32 data = 0) = 0;
New allocation scheme member
Use overload instead of different name
s32 binary_search(const T& element) const
New method
void setAllocStrategy ( eAllocStrategy newStrategy = ALLOC_STRATEGY_DOUBLE )
s32 binary_search_multi(const T& element, s32 &last)
New compiler flags
//! Define _IRR_D3D_USE_LEGACY_HLSL_COMPILER to enable the old HLSL compiler in recent DX SDKs
//! _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_WINDOWS_DEVICE_ for Windows API based device
//! _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_WINDOWS_CE_DEVICE_ for Windows CE API based device
//! _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_OSX_DEVICE_ for Cocoa native windowing on OSX
//! _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_DEVICE_ for Linux X11 based device
//! _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_SDL_DEVICE_ for platform independent SDL framework
//! _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_CONSOLE_DEVICE_ for no windowing system, used as a fallback
Removed compiler flags
//! _IRR_USE_SDL_DEVICE_ for platform independent SDL framework
//! _IRR_USE_WINDOWS_DEVICE_ for Windows API based device
//! _IRR_USE_WINDOWS_CE_DEVICE_ for Windows CE API based device
//! _IRR_USE_LINUX_DEVICE_ for X11 based device
//! _IRR_USE_OSX_DEVICE_ for Cocoa native windowing on OSX
Old compilers rejected
# error "Only Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0 and later are supported."
Force symbol export in shared libraries built with gcc.
#define IRRLICHT_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
New method
virtual const io::path& getDirectoryName() = 0;
New enum for multi-device support
Changed parameter to use io::path instead of C strings
virtual bool isALoadableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const = 0;
Changed return value to pointer type
virtual const SMD3QuaternionTag* getMD3TagTransformation( const core::stringc & tagname) = 0;
New enum values and numbering
Changed parameter to use io::path instead of C strings
virtual IAnimatedMesh* getMesh(const io::path& filename) = 0;
New methods
virtual io::IFileSystem* getFileSystem() = 0;
virtual ITriangleSelector* createTriangleSelector(IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* node) = 0;
virtual const c8* getAnimatorTypeName(ESCENE_NODE_ANIMATOR_TYPE type) = 0;
virtual ISkinnedMesh* createSkinnedMesh() = 0;
virtual void setLightManager(ILightManager* lightManager) = 0;
virtual const IGeometryCreator* getGeometryCreator(void) const = 0;
virtual bool isCulled(const ISceneNode* node) const =0;
Changed return type to IMeshSceneNode
virtual IMeshSceneNode* addOctTreeSceneNode(IAnimatedMesh* mesh, ISceneNode* parent=0,
s32 id=-1, s32 minimalPolysPerNode=512, bool alsoAddIfMeshPointerZero=false) = 0;
virtual IMeshSceneNode* addOctTreeSceneNode(IMesh* mesh, ISceneNode* parent=0,
s32 id=-1, s32 minimalPolysPerNode=256, bool alsoAddIfMeshPointerZero=false) = 0;
virtual IMeshSceneNode* addQuake3SceneNode(IMeshBuffer* meshBuffer, const quake3::IShader * shader,
ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
New parameter invertMouse
virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNodeFPS(ISceneNode* parent = 0,
f32 rotateSpeed = 100.0f, f32 moveSpeed = 0.5f, s32 id=-1,
SKeyMap* keyMapArray=0, s32 keyMapSize=0, bool noVerticalMovement=false,
f32 jumpSpeed = 0.f, bool invertMouse=false) = 0;
New parameter radius
virtual ISceneNode* addSkyDomeSceneNode(video::ITexture* texture,
u32 horiRes=16, u32 vertRes=8,
f32 texturePercentage=0.9, f32 spherePercentage=2.0,f32 radius = 1000.f,
ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
Changed to use io::path instead of C strings
virtual ITerrainSceneNode* addTerrainSceneNode(
const io::path& heightMapFileName,
ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1,
virtual IAnimatedMesh* addHillPlaneMesh(const io::path& name,
const core::dimension2d<f32>& tileSize, const core::dimension2d<u32>& tileCount,
video::SMaterial* material = 0, f32 hillHeight = 0.0f,
const core::dimension2d<f32>& countHills = core::dimension2d<f32>(0.0f, 0.0f),
const core::dimension2d<f32>& textureRepeatCount = core::dimension2d<f32>(1.0f, 1.0f)) = 0;
virtual IAnimatedMesh* addArrowMesh(const io::path& name,
video::SColor vtxColor0=0xFFFFFFFF,
video::SColor vtxColor1=0xFFFFFFFF,
u32 tesselationCylinder=4, u32 tesselationCone=8,
virtual IAnimatedMesh* addSphereMesh(const io::path& name,
f32 radius=5.f, u32 polyCountX = 16,
u32 polyCountY = 16) = 0;
virtual bool saveScene(const io::path& filename, ISceneUserDataSerializer* userDataSerializer=0) = 0;
virtual bool loadScene(const io::path& filename, ISceneUserDataSerializer* userDataSerializer=0) = 0;
Changed to use io::path instead of C strings and signedness change
virtual IAnimatedMesh* addTerrainMesh(const io::path& meshname,
video::IImage* texture, video::IImage* heightmap,
const core::dimension2d<f32>& stretchSize = core::dimension2d<f32>(10.0f,10.0f),
f32 maxHeight=200.0f,
const core::dimension2d<u32>& defaultVertexBlockSize = core::dimension2d<u32>(64,64)) = 0;
New method
virtual IAnimatedMesh* addVolumeLightMesh(const io::path& name,
const u32 SubdivideU = 32, const u32 SubdivideV = 32,
const video::SColor FootColor = video::SColor(51, 0, 230, 180),
const video::SColor TailColor = video::SColor(0, 0, 0, 0)) = 0;
Constification of method
virtual ICameraSceneNode* getActiveCamera() const =0;
New parameters
virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createFlyCircleAnimator(
const core::vector3df& center=core::vector3df(0.f,0.f,0.f),
f32 radius=100.f, f32 speed=0.001f,
const core::vector3df& direction=core::vector3df(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
f32 startPosition = 0.f,
f32 radiusEllipsoid = 0.f) = 0;
virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createFlyStraightAnimator(const core::vector3df& startPoint,
const core::vector3df& endPoint, u32 timeForWay, bool loop=false, bool pingpong = false) = 0;
New interface
class ICollisionCallback : public virtual IReferenceCounted
New methods for ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse
virtual void setAnimateTarget ( bool enable ) = 0;
virtual bool getAnimateTarget () const = 0;
virtual void setTargetNode(ISceneNode * node) = 0;
virtual ISceneNode* getTargetNode(void) const = 0;
virtual bool collisionOccurred() const = 0;
virtual const core::vector3df & getCollisionPoint() const = 0;
virtual const core::triangle3df & getCollisionTriangle() const = 0;
virtual const core::vector3df & getCollisionResultPosition(void) const = 0;
virtual const ISceneNode* getCollisionNode(void) const = 0;
virtual void setCollisionCallback(ICollisionCallback* callback) = 0;
New methods
virtual void setVisible(bool isVisible) = 0;
New enums
EMWT_PLY = MAKE_IRR_ID('p','l','y',0)
New method
virtual bool hasFinished(void) const
Changed types
u8 TextureWrap;
bool BilinearFilter:1;
bool TrilinearFilter:1;
u8 AnisotropicFilter;
New member
s8 LODBias;
Signedness change
virtual core::dimension2d<u32> getVideoModeResolution(s32 modeNumber) const = 0;
virtual core::dimension2d<u32> getVideoModeResolution(const core::dimension2d<u32>& minSize, const core::dimension2d<u32>& maxSize) const = 0;
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getDesktopResolution() const = 0;
Enum values changed (all renumbered)
Renamed methods (was create... before, but these methods grab the things they create)
virtual SSkinMeshBuffer* addMeshBuffer() = 0;
virtual SJoint* addJoint(SJoint *parent=0) = 0;
virtual SWeight* addWeight(SJoint *joint) = 0;
virtual SPositionKey* addPositionKey(SJoint *joint) = 0;
virtual SScaleKey* addScaleKey(SJoint *joint) = 0;
virtual SRotationKey* addRotationKey(SJoint *joint) = 0;
Type change
bool CastShadows:1;
New element
// written by Reinhard Ostermeier,
class IGUITreeView : public IGUIElement
Renamed class (from SMD3QuaterionTag)
struct SMD3QuaternionTag
New methods
virtual IGUIImageList* createImageList( video::ITexture* texture,
core::dimension2d<s32> imageSize, bool useAlphaChannel ) = 0;
virtual IGUITreeView* addTreeView(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, bool drawBackground=false,
bool scrollBarVertical = true, bool scrollBarHorizontal = false) = 0;
Changed parameters to use io::path (instead of C strings)
virtual IGUIFont* getFont(const io::path& filename) = 0;
virtual IGUISpriteBank* getSpriteBank(const io::path& filename) = 0;
virtual IGUISpriteBank* addEmptySpriteBank(const io::path& name) = 0;
virtual bool saveGUI(const io::path& filename, IGUIElement* start=0) = 0;
virtual bool loadGUI(const io::path& filename, IGUIElement* parent=0) = 0;
New parameter "border"
virtual IGUISpinBox* addSpinBox(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
bool border=true,IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
Made non-const
static core::stringc irrEmptyStringc("");
New enum values
enum eQ3MeshIndex
New interface
class IGeometryCreator : public IReferenceCounted
New interfaces
class IFileArchive : public virtual IReferenceCounted
class IArchiveLoader : public virtual IReferenceCounted
Changed parameters to use io::path (instead of C strings/stringc)
virtual IReadFile* createAndOpenFile(const path& filename) =0;
virtual IReadFile* createMemoryReadFile(void* memory, s32 len, const path& fileName, bool deleteMemoryWhenDropped=false) =0;
virtual IWriteFile* createAndWriteFile(const path& filename, bool append=false) =0;
virtual const path& getWorkingDirectory() =0;
virtual bool changeWorkingDirectoryTo(const path& newDirectory) =0;
virtual path getAbsolutePath(const path& filename) const =0;
virtual path getFileDir(const path& filename) const =0;
virtual path getFileBasename(const path& filename, bool keepExtension=true) const =0;
virtual bool existFile(const path& filename) const =0;
virtual IXMLReader* createXMLReader(const path& filename) =0;
virtual IXMLReaderUTF8* createXMLReaderUTF8(const path& filename) =0;
virtual IXMLWriter* createXMLWriter(const path& filename) =0;
New methods
virtual IReadFile* createLimitReadFile(const path& fileName,
IReadFile* alreadyOpenedFile, long pos, long areaSize) =0;
virtual IWriteFile* createMemoryWriteFile(void* memory, s32 len, const path& fileName, bool deleteMemoryWhenDropped=false) =0;
virtual bool addFileArchive(const path& filename, bool ignoreCase=true, bool ignorePaths=true,
virtual void addArchiveLoader(IArchiveLoader* loader) =0;
virtual u32 getFileArchiveCount() const =0;
virtual bool removeFileArchive(u32 index) =0;
virtual bool removeFileArchive(const path& filename) =0;
virtual bool moveFileArchive(u32 sourceIndex, s32 relative) =0;
virtual IFileArchive* getFileArchive(u32 index) =0;
virtual path& flattenFilename(path& directory, const path& root="/") const =0;
virtual EFileSystemType setFileListSystem(EFileSystemType listType) =0;
Deprecate methods
virtual bool addZipFileArchive(const c8* filename, bool ignoreCase=true, bool ignorePaths=true)
virtual bool addFolderFileArchive(const c8* filename, bool ignoreCase=true, bool ignorePaths=true)
virtual bool addPakFileArchive(const c8* filename, bool ignoreCase=true, bool ignorePaths=true)
Constification of method
virtual IFileList* createFileList() =0;
Renamed method (from setResizeAble)
virtual void setResizable(bool resize=false) = 0;
New methods
virtual void minimizeWindow() =0;
virtual void maximizeWindow() =0;
virtual void restoreWindow() =0;
virtual bool setGammaRamp(f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue,
f32 relativebrightness, f32 relativecontrast) =0;
virtual bool getGammaRamp(f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue,
f32 &brightness, f32 &contrast) =0;
virtual E_DEVICE_TYPE getType() const = 0;
Renamed from ROUNDING_ERROR_32
const f32 ROUNDING_ERROR_f32 = 0.000001f;
Renamed from ROUNDING_ERROR_64
const f64 ROUNDING_ERROR_f64 = 0.00000001;
New constant
const s32 ROUNDING_ERROR_S32 = 1;
New methods
bool isnotzero(const f32 a, const f32 tolerance = ROUNDING_ERROR_f32)
u16 if_c_a_else_b ( const s16 condition, const u16 a, const u16 b )
f32 squareroot(const f32 f)
f64 squareroot(const f64 f)
s32 squareroot(const s32 f)
f64 reciprocal_squareroot(const f64 x)
s32 reciprocal_squareroot(const s32 x)
f64 reciprocal ( const f64 f )
Changed parameters to use io::path
virtual s32 addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles(
const io::path& vertexShaderProgramFileName,
const c8* vertexShaderEntryPointName = "main",
E_VERTEX_SHADER_TYPE vsCompileTarget = EVST_VS_1_1,
const io::path& pixelShaderProgramFileName = "",
const c8* pixelShaderEntryPointName = "main",
E_PIXEL_SHADER_TYPE psCompileTarget = EPST_PS_1_1,
IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback = 0,
virtual s32 addShaderMaterialFromFiles(const io::path& vertexShaderProgramFileName,
const io::path& pixelShaderProgramFileName,
IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback = 0,
E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial = video::EMT_SOLID,
s32 userData = 0) = 0;
New method
virtual bool isTrulyVisible() const
New enum values
New enum
New members
bool Shift:1;
bool Control:1;
u32 ButtonStates;
New methods
bool isLeftPressed() const { return 0 != ( ButtonStates & EMBSM_LEFT ); }
bool isRightPressed() const { return 0 != ( ButtonStates & EMBSM_RIGHT ); }
bool isMiddlePressed() const { return 0 != ( ButtonStates & EMBSM_MIDDLE ); }
Types changed
bool PressedDown:1;
bool Shift:1;
bool Control:1;
New method
virtual void draw2DSpriteBatch(const core::array<u32>& indices, const core::array<core::position2di>& pos,
const core::rect<s32>* clip=0,
const video::SColor& color= video::SColor(255,255,255,255),
u32 starttime=0, u32 currenttime=0,
bool loop=true, bool center=false) = 0;
New enums
New parameters
inline f32 pack_texureBlendFunc ( const E_BLEND_FACTOR srcFact, const E_BLEND_FACTOR dstFact, const E_MODULATE_FUNC modulate=EMFN_MODULATE_1X, const u32 alphaSource=EAS_TEXTURE )
inline void unpack_texureBlendFunc ( E_BLEND_FACTOR &srcFact, E_BLEND_FACTOR &dstFact,
E_MODULATE_FUNC &modulo, u32& alphaSource, const f32 param )
New methods
inline bool textureBlendFunc_hasAlpha ( const E_BLEND_FACTOR factor )
Default value set elsewhere now (see IrrCompileConfig.h)
Types changed
u8 ZBuffer;
bool Wireframe:1;
bool PointCloud:1;
bool GouraudShading:1;
bool Lighting:1;
bool ZWriteEnable:1;
bool BackfaceCulling:1;
bool FrontfaceCulling:1;
bool FogEnable:1;
bool NormalizeNormals:1;
New members
u8 AntiAliasing;
u8 ColorMask:4;
u8 ColorMaterial:3;
New constant
IRRLICHT_API extern SMaterial IdentityMaterial;
New enum values
New parameters
void getMatrix( matrix4 &dest, const vector3df &translation ) const;
New method
void getMatrixCenter( matrix4 &dest, const vector3df &center, const vector3df &translation ) const;
New method
virtual void setInvertMouse(bool invert) = 0;
New enum values
/** Floating Point formats. The following formats may only be used for render target textures. */
Signedness change
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getDimension() const = 0;
virtual void copyToScaling(void* target, u32 width, u32 height, ECOLOR_FORMAT format=ECF_A8R8G8B8, u32 pitch=0) =0;
New parameter
virtual void setPixel(u32 x, u32 y, const SColor &color, bool blend = false ) = 0;
New method
virtual void copyToScalingBoxFilter(IImage* target, s32 bias = 0, bool blend = false) = 0;
static u32 getBitsPerPixelFromFormat(const ECOLOR_FORMAT format)
static bool isRenderTargetOnlyFormat(const ECOLOR_FORMAT format)
New enum values (only existing if _IRR_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES_ large enough)
New enums
New type
struct SOverrideMaterial
New methods
virtual u32 getImageLoaderCount() const = 0;
virtual IImageLoader* getImageLoader(u32 n) = 0;
virtual u32 getImageWriterCount() const = 0;
virtual IImageWriter* getImageWriter(u32 n) = 0;
virtual bool setRenderTarget(E_RENDER_TARGET target, bool clearTarget=true,
bool clearZBuffer=true, SColor color=video::SColor(0,0,0,0)) =0;
virtual void draw2DVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const void* indexList, u32 primCount,
virtual void draw2DImageBatch(const video::ITexture* texture,
const core::array<core::position2d<s32> >& positions,
const core::array<core::rect<s32> >& sourceRects,
const core::rect<s32>* clipRect=0,
SColor color=SColor(255,255,255,255),
bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture=false) =0;
virtual void turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn) =0;
virtual bool writeImageToFile(IImage* image, io::IWriteFile* file, u32 param =0) =0;
virtual IImage* createImage(ITexture* texture,
const core::position2d<s32>& pos, const core::dimension2d<u32>& size) =0;
virtual void setMinHardwareBufferVertexCount(u32 count) =0;
virtual SOverrideMaterial& getOverrideMaterial() =0;
Changed parameters to use io::path
virtual ITexture* getTexture(const io::path& filename) = 0;
virtual void renameTexture(ITexture* texture, const io::path& newName) = 0;
virtual ITexture* addTexture(const io::path& name, IImage* image) = 0;
virtual IImage* createImageFromFile(const io::path& filename) = 0;
virtual bool writeImageToFile(IImage* image, const io::path& filename, u32 param = 0) = 0;
virtual video::ITexture* findTexture(const io::path& filename) = 0;
Changed signedness
virtual ITexture* addTexture(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size,
const io::path& name, ECOLOR_FORMAT format = ECF_A8R8G8B8) = 0;
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getScreenSize() const =0;
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getCurrentRenderTargetSize() const =0;
virtual IImage* createImageFromData(ECOLOR_FORMAT format,
const core::dimension2d<u32>& size, void *data,
bool ownForeignMemory=false,
bool deleteMemory = true) =0;
virtual IImage* createImage(ECOLOR_FORMAT format, const core::dimension2d<u32>& size) =0;
virtual IImage* createImage(IImage* imageToCopy,
const core::position2d<s32>& pos,
const core::dimension2d<u32>& size) =0;
virtual void OnResize(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size) =0;
Changed signedness and usage of io::path
virtual ITexture* addRenderTargetTexture(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size,
const io::path& name = "rt", const ECOLOR_FORMAT format = ECF_UNKNOWN) =0;
Removed deprecated method
virtual ITexture* createRenderTargetTexture(const core::dimension2d<s32>& size,
const c8* name=0) =0;
New parameter
virtual void makeColorKeyTexture(video::ITexture* texture,
video::SColor color, bool zeroTexels = false) const =0;
virtual void makeColorKeyTexture(video::ITexture* texture,
core::position2d<s32> colorKeyPixelPos, bool zeroTexels = false) const =0;
Changed parameters
virtual void setFog(SColor color=SColor(0,255,255,255),
f32 start=50.0f, f32 end=100.0f, f32 density=0.01f,
bool pixelFog=false, bool rangeFog=false) =0;
Changed return types
virtual s32 addDynamicLight(const SLight& light) =0;
New enum values
New methods
virtual void setMin(s32 max) = 0;
virtual s32 getMin() const = 0;
Removed method
virtual void releaseMesh(s32 index) = 0;
Made return value non-const
virtual quake3::tQ3EntityList& getEntityList() = 0;
New parameter
virtual bool getCollisionPoint(const core::line3d<f32>& ray,
ITriangleSelector* selector, core::vector3df& outCollisionPoint,
core::triangle3df& outTriangle, const ISceneNode*& outNode) =0;
virtual core::vector3df getCollisionResultPosition(
ITriangleSelector* selector,
const core::vector3df &ellipsoidPosition,
const core::vector3df& ellipsoidRadius,
const core::vector3df& ellipsoidDirectionAndSpeed,
core::triangle3df& triout,
core::vector3df& hitPosition,
bool& outFalling,
const ISceneNode*& outNode,
f32 slidingSpeed = 0.0005f,
const core::vector3df& gravityDirectionAndSpeed = core::vector3df(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) = 0;
Made parameter const&
virtual core::line3d<f32> getRayFromScreenCoordinates(
const core::position2d<s32> & pos, ICameraSceneNode* camera = 0) = 0;
virtual core::position2d<s32> getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition(
const core::vector3df & pos, ICameraSceneNode* camera=0) = 0;
Made parameter const& and added new parameter
virtual ISceneNode* getSceneNodeFromScreenCoordinatesBB(const core::position2d<s32>& pos,
s32 idBitMask=0, bool bNoDebugObjects=false, ISceneNode* root=0) =0;
virtual ISceneNode* getSceneNodeFromRayBB(const core::line3d<f32>& ray,
s32 idBitMask=0, bool bNoDebugObjects=false, ISceneNode* root=0) =0;
New method
virtual ISceneNode* getSceneNodeAndCollisionPointFromRay(
core::line3df ray, core::vector3df & outCollisionPoint,
core::triangle3df & outTriangle, s32 idBitMask = 0,
ISceneNode * collisionRootNode = 0, bool noDebugObjects = false) = 0;
Changed interface of method (qualifiers and signedness)
extern "C" IRRLICHT_API IrrlichtDevice* IRRCALLCONV createDevice(
video::E_DRIVER_TYPE deviceType = video::EDT_SOFTWARE,
// parantheses are necessary for some compilers
const core::dimension2d<u32>& windowSize = (core::dimension2d<u32>(640,480)),
u32 bits = 16,
bool fullscreen = false,
bool stencilbuffer = false,
bool vsync = false,
IEventReceiver* receiver = 0);
extern "C" IRRLICHT_API IrrlichtDevice* IRRCALLCONV createDeviceEx(
const SIrrlichtCreationParameters& parameters);
Changed parameters to use io::path
virtual bool isALoadableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const = 0;
New methods
virtual bool isDraggable() const = 0;
virtual void setDraggable(bool draggable) = 0;
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) = 0;
virtual bool getDrawBackground() const = 0;
virtual void setDrawTitlebar(bool draw) = 0;
virtual bool getDrawTitlebar() const = 0;
New methods
virtual void setViewMatrixAffector(const core::matrix4& affector) =0;
virtual const core::matrix4& getViewMatrixAffector() const =0;
New enum value
Changed parameters to use io::path
virtual bool isAWriteableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const = 0;
Added members
bool Doublebuffer;
bool Stereobuffer;
Changed signedness
core::dimension2d<u32> WindowSize;
Changed type (from bool)
u8 AntiAlias;
New methods
bool isOrthogonal() const;
CMatrix4<T>& buildRotateFromTo(const core::vector3df& from, const core::vector3df& to);
void setRotationCenter(const core::vector3df& center, const core::vector3df& translate);
void buildAxisAlignedBillboard( const core::vector3df& camPos,
const core::vector3df& center, const core::vector3df& translation,
const core::vector3df& axis, const core::vector3df& from);
Changed parameters to use io::path
virtual const path& getFileName() const = 0;
New methods
virtual void setSelected( s32 index ) = 0;
Changed type (from wide c string)
virtual void setCellText(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex, const core::stringw& text) = 0;
virtual void setCellText(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex, const core::stringw& text, video::SColor color) = 0;
New enum value
Changed type (from wide c string)
virtual void draw(const core::stringw& text, const core::rect<s32>& position,
video::SColor color, bool hcenter=false, bool vcenter=false,
const core::rect<s32>* clip=0) = 0;
Changed signedness
virtual core::dimension2d<u32> getDimension(const wchar_t* text) const = 0;
New method
virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0;
Changed parameters to use io::path
virtual void addMesh(const io::path& filename, IAnimatedMesh* mesh) = 0;
virtual IAnimatedMesh* getMeshByFilename(const io::path& filename) = 0;
virtual const io::path& getMeshFilename(u32 index) const = 0;
virtual const io::path& getMeshFilename(const IAnimatedMesh* const mesh) const = 0;
virtual const io::path& getMeshFilename(const IMesh* const mesh) const = 0;
virtual bool setMeshFilename(u32 index, const io::path& filename) = 0;
virtual bool setMeshFilename(const IAnimatedMesh* const mesh, const io::path& filename) = 0;
virtual bool setMeshFilename(const IMesh* const mesh, const io::path& filename) = 0;
virtual bool isMeshLoaded(const io::path& filename) = 0;
Added default value
virtual void setImage(video::ITexture* image=0) = 0;
virtual void setPressedImage(video::ITexture* image=0) = 0;
virtual void setSpriteBank(IGUISpriteBank* bank=0) = 0;
virtual void setIsPushButton(bool isPushButton=true) = 0;
virtual void setPressed(bool pressed=true) = 0;
virtual void setUseAlphaChannel(bool useAlphaChannel=true) = 0;
virtual void setDrawBorder(bool border=true) = 0;
New methods
virtual void setScaleImage(bool scaleImage=true) = 0;
virtual bool isScalingImage() const = 0;
Replaced by vector2d
New interface
class IGUIImageList : public virtual IReferenceCounted
Added second template parameter to allow mismatched signedness
template <class U>
rect(const position2d<T>& pos, const dimension2d<U>& size)
Removed wrong overrides
virtual void serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out,
io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) const {}
virtual s32 deserializeAttributes(s32 startIndex, io::IAttributes* in,
io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) { return 0; }
Return const string
virtual const c8* getTextFromClipboard() const = 0;
Signedness change
void setMaxSize(core::dimension2du size)
void setMinSize(core::dimension2du size)
Changed parameters to use io::path
virtual const io::path& getFileName() const = 0;
IReadFile* createReadFile(const io::path& fileName);
IReadFile* createLimitReadFile(const io::path& fileName, IReadFile* alreadyOpenedFile, long pos, long areaSize);
IReadFile* createMemoryReadFile(void* memory, long size, const io::path& fileName, bool deleteMemoryWhenDropped);
New methods
virtual void setTabMaxWidth(s32 width ) = 0;
virtual s32 getTabMaxWidth() const = 0;
Removed wrong overrides
virtual void serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) const {}
virtual s32 deserializeAttributes(s32 startIndex, io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) { return 0; }
New method
virtual void log(const c8* text, const wchar_t* hint, ELOG_LEVEL ll=ELL_INFORMATION) = 0;
New methods
vector2d(const dimension2d<T>& other) : X(other.Width), Y(other.Height) {}
vector2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X = other.Width; Y = other.Height; return *this; }
vector2d<T> operator+(const dimension2d<T>& other) const { return vector2d<T>(X + other.Width, Y + other.Height); }
vector2d<T>& operator+=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X += other.Width; Y += other.Height; return *this; }
vector2d<T> operator-(const dimension2d<T>& other) const { return vector2d<T>(X - other.Width, Y - other.Height); }
vector2d<T>& operator-=(const dimension2d<T>& other) { X -= other.Width; Y -= other.Height; return *this; }
// These methods are declared in dimension2d, but need definitions of vector2d
template<class T>
dimension2d<T>::dimension2d(const vector2d<T>& other) : Width(other.X), Height(other.Y) { }
template<class T>
bool dimension2d<T>::operator==(const vector2d<T>& other) const { return Width == other.X && Height == other.Y; }
Changes for Version 1.6.1
This is again just a bugfix release. However, some minor API changes have happened. The most important one is the removal of lins anti-aliasing from SMaterial's default values. Please add that line smoothing flag to the materials you want to be smoothed. But note that this may lead to drastically reduced performance, if no multi-sampling is active.
new methods
virtual u32 getID(u32 index) const = 0;
virtual u32 addItem(const io::path& fullPath, u32 size, bool isDirectory, u32 id=0) = 0;
virtual void sort() = 0;
Removed auto recognition of Solaris OS, please define the setting on your own if you need it
removed methods (use automatically generated versions)
IGUITreeViewNode() {}
virtual ~IGUITreeViewNode() {}
virtual ~IGUITreeView() {}
new method
virtual IFileList* createEmptyFileList(const io::path& path, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) =0;
Removed default value (EAAM_LINE_SMOOTH from AntiAliasing)
ZBuffer(ECFN_LESSEQUAL), AntiAliasing(EAAM_SIMPLE), ColorMask(ECP_ALL),
new enum value

View File

@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ public:
\param point: The point at which to find a GUI element.
\return The topmost GUI element at that point, or 0 if there are
no candidate elements at this point.
IGUIElement* getElementFromPoint(const core::position2d<s32>& point)
IGUIElement* target = 0;

View File

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ public:
//! \param destPos: Position of the image to draw
//! \param clip: Optional pointer to a rectalgle against which the text will be clipped.
//! If the pointer is null, no clipping will be done.
virtual void draw( s32 index, const core::position2d<s32>& destPos,
const core::rect<s32>* clip = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void draw(s32 index, const core::position2d<s32>& destPos,
const core::rect<s32>* clip = 0) = 0;
//! Returns the count of Images in the list.
//! \return Returns the count of Images in the list.

View File

@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ namespace gui
//! set global itemHeight
virtual void setItemHeight( s32 height ) = 0;
//! Sets whether to draw the background
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) = 0;
//! Sets whether to draw the background
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) = 0;

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ namespace gui
will be placed after it. If the row is larger than the actual
number of row by more than one, it won't be created. Note that
if you create a row that's not at the end, there might be
performance issues.
performance issues.
\return index of inserted row. */
virtual u32 addRow(u32 rowIndex) = 0;

View File

@ -20,16 +20,10 @@ namespace gui
class IGUITreeViewNode : public IReferenceCounted
//! constructor
IGUITreeViewNode() {}
//! destructor
virtual ~IGUITreeViewNode() {}
//! returns the owner (tree view) of this node
virtual IGUITreeView* getOwner() const = 0;
//! Returns the parent node of this node.
//! Returns the parent node of this node.
/** For the root node this will return 0. */
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getParent() const = 0;
@ -87,13 +81,10 @@ namespace gui
\param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
\return The new node
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* addChildBack(
const wchar_t* text,
const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex = -1,
s32 selectedImageIndex = -1,
void* data = 0,
IReferenceCounted* data2 = 0 ) = 0;
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* addChildBack(
const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex=-1, s32 selectedImageIndex=-1,
void* data=0, IReferenceCounted* data2=0) =0;
//! Adds a new node before the first child node.
/** \param text text of the new node
@ -104,15 +95,12 @@ namespace gui
\param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
\return The new node
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* addChildFront(
const wchar_t* text,
const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex = -1,
s32 selectedImageIndex = -1,
void* data = 0,
IReferenceCounted* data2 = 0 ) = 0;
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* addChildFront(
const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex=-1, s32 selectedImageIndex=-1,
void* data=0, IReferenceCounted* data2=0 ) =0;
//! Adds a new node behind the other node.
//! Adds a new node behind the other node.
/** The other node has also te be a child node from this node.
\param other Node to insert after
\param text text of the new node
@ -123,16 +111,13 @@ namespace gui
\param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
\return The new node or 0 if other is no child node from this
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* insertChildAfter(
IGUITreeViewNode* other,
const wchar_t* text,
const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex = -1,
s32 selectedImageIndex = -1,
void* data = 0,
IReferenceCounted* data2 = 0 ) = 0;
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* insertChildAfter(
IGUITreeViewNode* other,
const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex=-1, s32 selectedImageIndex=-1,
void* data=0, IReferenceCounted* data2=0) =0;
//! Adds a new node before the other node.
//! Adds a new node before the other node.
/** The other node has also te be a child node from this node.
\param other Node to insert before
\param text text of the new node
@ -143,14 +128,11 @@ namespace gui
\param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
\return The new node or 0 if other is no child node from this
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* insertChildBefore(
IGUITreeViewNode* other,
const wchar_t* text,
const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex = -1,
s32 selectedImageIndex = -1,
void* data = 0,
IReferenceCounted* data2 = 0 ) = 0;
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* insertChildBefore(
IGUITreeViewNode* other,
const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex=-1, s32 selectedImageIndex=-1,
void* data=0, IReferenceCounted* data2=0) = 0;
//! Return the first child node from this node.
/** \return The first child node or 0 if this node has no childs. */
@ -214,21 +196,17 @@ namespace gui
//! Default tree view GUI element.
/** Displays a windows like tree buttons to expand/collaps the child nodes of an node
and optional tree lines.
Each node consits of an text, an icon text and a void pointer for user data.
/** Displays a windows like tree buttons to expand/collaps the child
nodes of an node and optional tree lines. Each node consits of an
text, an icon text and a void pointer for user data. */
class IGUITreeView : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
IGUITreeView( IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id,
core::rect<s32> rectangle )
IGUITreeView(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent,
s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIElement( EGUIET_TREE_VIEW, environment, parent, id, rectangle ) {}
//! destructor
virtual ~IGUITreeView() {}
//! returns the root node (not visible) from the tree.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getRoot() const = 0;

View File

@ -38,18 +38,18 @@ namespace gui
//! Sets whether the window can be dragged by the mouse
virtual void setDraggable(bool draggable) = 0;
//! Set if the window background will be drawn
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) = 0;
//! Set if the window background will be drawn
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) = 0;
//! Get if the window background will be drawn
virtual bool getDrawBackground() const = 0;
//! Get if the window background will be drawn
virtual bool getDrawBackground() const = 0;
//! Set if the window titlebar will be drawn
//! Note: If the background is not drawn, then the titlebar is automatically also not drawn
virtual void setDrawTitlebar(bool draw) = 0;
//! Set if the window titlebar will be drawn
//! Note: If the background is not drawn, then the titlebar is automatically also not drawn
virtual void setDrawTitlebar(bool draw) = 0;
//! Get if the window titlebar will be drawn
virtual bool getDrawTitlebar() const = 0;
//! Get if the window titlebar will be drawn
virtual bool getDrawTitlebar() const = 0;

View File

@ -289,7 +289,9 @@ namespace scene
//! Removes a child from this scene node.
/** \param child A pointer to the new child.
/** If found in the children list, the child pointer is also
dropped and might be deleted if no other grab exists.
\param child A pointer to the child which shall be removed.
\return True if the child was removed, and false if not,
e.g. because it couldn't be found in the children list. */
virtual bool removeChild(ISceneNode* child)
@ -310,6 +312,9 @@ namespace scene
//! Removes all children of this scene node
/** The scene nodes found in the children list are also dropped
and might be deleted if no other grab exists on them.
virtual void removeAll()
ISceneNodeList::Iterator it = Children.begin();
@ -323,7 +328,9 @@ namespace scene
//! Removes this scene node from the scene, deleting it.
//! Removes this scene node from the scene
/** If no other grab exists for this node, it will be deleted.
virtual void remove()
if (Parent)
@ -352,21 +359,27 @@ namespace scene
//! Removes an animator from this scene node.
/** \param animator A pointer to the animator to be deleted. */
/** If the animator is found, it is also dropped and might be
deleted if not other grab exists for it.
\param animator A pointer to the animator to be deleted. */
virtual void removeAnimator(ISceneNodeAnimator* animator)
ISceneNodeAnimatorList::Iterator it = Animators.begin();
for (; it != Animators.end(); ++it)
if ((*it) == animator)
//! Removes all animators from this scene node.
/** The animators might also be deleted if no other grab exists
for them. */
virtual void removeAnimators()
ISceneNodeAnimatorList::Iterator it = Animators.begin();

View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ namespace video
: MaterialType(EMT_SOLID), AmbientColor(255,255,255,255), DiffuseColor(255,255,255,255),
EmissiveColor(0,0,0,0), SpecularColor(255,255,255,255),
Shininess(0.0f), MaterialTypeParam(0.0f), MaterialTypeParam2(0.0f), Thickness(1.0f),
ZBuffer(ECFN_LESSEQUAL), AntiAliasing(EAAM_SIMPLE), ColorMask(ECP_ALL),
Wireframe(false), PointCloud(false), GouraudShading(true), Lighting(true), ZWriteEnable(true),
BackfaceCulling(true), FrontfaceCulling(false), FogEnable(false), NormalizeNormals(false)

View File

@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ namespace scene
//! recalculates the bounding box member based on the planes
inline void recalculateBoundingBox();
//! update the given state's matrix based on video::E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE
//! get the given state's matrix based on frustum E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE
core::matrix4& getTransform( video::E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state);
//! get the given state's matrix based on frustum E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE_FRUSTUM
//! get the given state's matrix based on frustum E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE
const core::matrix4& getTransform( video::E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state) const;
//! clips a line to the view frustum.

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ strings
//! define a break macro for debugging.
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#if defined(_IRR_WINDOWS_API_) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined (_WIN32_WCE)
#if defined(_WIN64) // using portable common solution for x64 configuration
#if defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) // using portable common solution for x64 configuration
#include <crtdbg.h>
#define _IRR_DEBUG_BREAK_IF( _CONDITION_ ) if (_CONDITION_) {_CrtDbgBreak();}

View File

@ -198,7 +198,9 @@ bool CGUIComboBox::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_RETURN || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_SPACE)
if (!event.KeyInput.PressedDown)
ListButton->setPressed(ListBox == 0);
@ -251,8 +253,7 @@ bool CGUIComboBox::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (ListBox &&
(Environment->hasFocus(ListBox) || ListBox->isMyChild(event.GUIEvent.Caller) ) &&
event.GUIEvent.Element != this &&
event.GUIEvent.Element != ListButton &&
event.GUIEvent.Element != ListBox &&
!isMyChild(event.GUIEvent.Element) &&
@ -303,7 +304,9 @@ bool CGUIComboBox::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (!(ListBox &&
ListBox->getAbsolutePosition().isPointInside(p) &&
return true;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUIModalScreen::CGUIModalScreen(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
: IGUIElement(EGUIET_MODAL_SCREEN, environment, parent, id, parent->getAbsolutePosition()),
: IGUIElement(EGUIET_MODAL_SCREEN, environment, parent, id, core::recti(0, 0, parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth(), parent->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight()) ),
#ifdef _DEBUG

View File

@ -688,6 +688,7 @@ void CGUITabControl::setTabHeight( s32 height )
TabHeight = height;
@ -758,8 +759,17 @@ void CGUITabControl::setTabVerticalAlignment( EGUI_ALIGNMENT alignment )
VerticalAlignment = alignment;
void CGUITabControl::recalculateScrollButtonPlacement()
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
s32 ButtonSize = 16;
s32 ButtonHeight = TabHeight - 2;
if ( ButtonHeight < 0 )
ButtonHeight = TabHeight;
if (skin)
ButtonSize = skin->getSize(EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH);
@ -772,25 +782,22 @@ void CGUITabControl::setTabVerticalAlignment( EGUI_ALIGNMENT alignment )
if (VerticalAlignment == EGUIA_UPPERLEFT)
ButtonY = (TabHeight / 2) - (ButtonSize / 2);
ButtonY = 2 + (TabHeight / 2) - (ButtonHeight / 2);
ButtonY = RelativeRect.getHeight() - (TabHeight / 2) - (ButtonSize / 2);
ButtonY = RelativeRect.getHeight() - (TabHeight / 2) - (ButtonHeight / 2) - 2;
UpButton->setRelativePosition(core::rect<s32>(ButtonX, ButtonY, ButtonX+ButtonSize, ButtonY+ButtonSize));
UpButton->setRelativePosition(core::rect<s32>(ButtonX, ButtonY, ButtonX+ButtonSize, ButtonY+ButtonHeight));
ButtonX += ButtonSize + 1;
DownButton->setRelativePosition(core::rect<s32>(ButtonX, ButtonY, ButtonX+ButtonSize, ButtonY+ButtonSize));
DownButton->setRelativePosition(core::rect<s32>(ButtonX, ButtonY, ButtonX+ButtonSize, ButtonY+ButtonHeight));
//! Get the alignment of the tabs
EGUI_ALIGNMENT CGUITabControl::getTabVerticalAlignment() const

View File

@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ namespace gui
bool needScrollControl( s32 startIndex=0, bool withScrollControl=false );
s32 calcTabWidth(s32 pos, IGUIFont* font, const wchar_t* text, bool withScrollControl );
void recalculateScrollButtonPlacement();
void recalculateScrollBar();
core::array<CGUITab*> Tabs;

View File

@ -501,8 +501,8 @@ IMesh* CGeometryCreator::createSphereMesh(f32 radius, u32 polyCountX, u32 polyCo
/* A cylinder with proper normals and texture coords */
IMesh* CGeometryCreator::createCylinderMesh(f32 radius, f32 length,
u32 tesselation, const video::SColor& color,
bool closeTop, f32 oblique) const
u32 tesselation, const video::SColor& color,
bool closeTop, f32 oblique) const
SMeshBuffer* buffer = new SMeshBuffer();
@ -514,10 +514,10 @@ IMesh* CGeometryCreator::createCylinderMesh(f32 radius, f32 length,
u32 i;
video::S3DVertex v;
v.Color = color;
f32 tcx = 0.f;
for ( i = 0; i != tesselation; ++i )
for ( i = 0; i <= tesselation; ++i )
const f32 angle = angleStep * i;
v.Pos.X = radius * cosf(angle);
@ -554,8 +554,9 @@ IMesh* CGeometryCreator::createCylinderMesh(f32 radius, f32 length,
tcx += recTesselation;
const u32 nonWrappedSize = ( tesselation* 4 ) - 2;
for ( i = 0; i != nonWrappedSize; i += 2 )
// indices for the main hull part
const u32 nonWrappedSize = tesselation* 4;
for (i=0; i != nonWrappedSize; i += 2)
buffer->Indices.push_back(i + 2);
buffer->Indices.push_back(i + 0);
@ -566,6 +567,7 @@ IMesh* CGeometryCreator::createCylinderMesh(f32 radius, f32 length,
buffer->Indices.push_back(i + 3);
// two closing quads between end and start
buffer->Indices.push_back(i + 0);
buffer->Indices.push_back(i + 1);
@ -635,9 +637,10 @@ IMesh* CGeometryCreator::createCylinderMesh(f32 radius, f32 length,
/* A cone with proper normals and texture coords */
IMesh* CGeometryCreator::createConeMesh(f32 radius, f32 length, u32 tesselation,
const video::SColor& colorTop,
const video::SColor& colorBottom, f32 oblique) const
IMesh* CGeometryCreator::createConeMesh(f32 radius, f32 length, u32 tesselation,
const video::SColor& colorTop,
const video::SColor& colorBottom,
f32 oblique) const
SMeshBuffer* buffer = new SMeshBuffer();

View File

@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ void CIrrDeviceWin32::setWindowCaption(const wchar_t* text)
if (IsNonNTWindows)
const core::stringc s = text;
#ifdef WIN64
#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(WIN64)
SetWindowTextA(HWnd, s.c_str());
SendMessageTimeout(HWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0,
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ void CIrrDeviceWin32::setWindowCaption(const wchar_t* text)
#ifdef WIN64
#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(WIN64)
SetWindowTextW(HWnd, text);
SendMessageTimeoutW(HWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0,

View File

@ -292,6 +292,8 @@ bool COpenGLSLMaterialRenderer::linkProgram()
return false;
// seems that some implementations use an extra null terminator
c8 *buf = new c8[maxlen];