Merged from 1.5 branch to trunk, all changes from 1913 to 1932. Mostly example and test fixes. Some bug fixes, camera interface changes.

git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
hybrid 2008-12-08 17:06:34 +00:00
parent ace653f4fc
commit ad43762777
75 changed files with 1247 additions and 1014 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Changes in version 1.5 (...12.2008) Changes in version 1.5 (...12.2008)
- Construction calls for FPS camera changed to take speed in units/milliseconds, just as the setSpeed method does.
- Code::Blocks workspaces added. C::B projects (using gcc) now output to /lib/gcc and /bin/gcc, when built on either Windows or Linux.
- Added a test suite in the /tests directory. This can be used to perform regression tests, and should be updated with new tests to verify fixes or validate new features. - Added a test suite in the /tests directory. This can be used to perform regression tests, and should be updated with new tests to verify fixes or validate new features.
- Changed the preferred way of altering light node's radius: Use the new member methods of ILightSceneNode instead of directly modifying the SLight structure. - Changed the preferred way of altering light node's radius: Use the new member methods of ILightSceneNode instead of directly modifying the SLight structure.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
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View File

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
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View File

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
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View File

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
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View File

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
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View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
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View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
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View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ scene::ISceneNode* Model = 0;
scene::ISceneNode* SkyBox = 0; scene::ISceneNode* SkyBox = 0;
bool Octree=false; bool Octree=false;
scene::ICameraSceneNode* Camera[2] = { 0, 0}; scene::ICameraSceneNode* Camera[2] = {0, 0};
/* /*
Toggle between various cameras Toggle between various cameras
@ -83,15 +83,11 @@ void loadModel(const c8* fn)
extension.make_lower(); extension.make_lower();
// if a texture is loaded apply it to the current model.. // if a texture is loaded apply it to the current model..
if (extension == ".jpg" || if (extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".pcx" ||
extension == ".pcx" || extension == ".png" || extension == ".ppm" ||
extension == ".png" || extension == ".pgm" || extension == ".pbm" ||
extension == ".ppm" || extension == ".psd" || extension == ".tga" ||
extension == ".pgm" || extension == ".bmp" || extension == ".wal")
extension == ".pbm" ||
extension == ".psd" ||
extension == ".tga" ||
extension == ".bmp")
{ {
video::ITexture * texture = video::ITexture * texture =
Device->getVideoDriver()->getTexture( filename.c_str() ); Device->getVideoDriver()->getTexture( filename.c_str() );
@ -105,12 +101,15 @@ void loadModel(const c8* fn)
} }
return; return;
} }
// if a archive is loaded add it to the FileSystems.. // if a archive is loaded add it to the FileSystems..
if (extension == ".pk3" || else if (extension == ".pk3" || extension == ".zip")
extension == ".zip")
{ {
Device->getFileSystem()->addZipFileArchive( filename.c_str() ); Device->getFileSystem()->addZipFileArchive(filename.c_str());
else if (extension == ".pak")
return; return;
} }
@ -745,7 +744,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// show about message box and load default model // show about message box and load default model
if (argc==1) if (argc==1)
showAboutText(); showAboutText();
loadModel(StartUpModelFile.c_str()); loadModel(StartUpModelFile.c_str());
// add skybox // add skybox
@ -761,10 +760,14 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// add a camera scene node // add a camera scene node
Camera[0] = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeMaya(); Camera[0] = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeMaya();
Camera[0]->setFarValue(20000.f); Camera[0]->setFarValue(20000.f);
Camera[0]->setPosition(core::vector3df(0,0,-100)); // Maya cameras reposition themselves relative to their target, so target the location
// where the mesh scene node is placed.
Camera[1] = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(); Camera[1] = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS();
Camera[1]->setFarValue(20000.f); Camera[1]->setFarValue(20000.f);
Camera[1]->setPosition(core::vector3df(0,0,-100)); Camera[1]->setPosition(core::vector3df(0,0,-70));
setActiveCamera(Camera[0]); setActiveCamera(Camera[0]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
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View File

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
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View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
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View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -208,6 +208,14 @@ int main()
camera->addAnimator(anim); camera->addAnimator(anim);
anim->drop(); anim->drop();
/* If you need access to the terrain data you can also do this directly via the following code fragment.
scene::CDynamicMeshBuffer* buffer = new scene::CDynamicMeshBuffer(video::EVT_2TCOORDS, video::EIT_16BIT);
terrain->getMeshBufferForLOD(*buffer, 0);
video::S3DVertex2TCoords* data = (video::S3DVertex2TCoords*)buffer->getVertexBuffer().getData();
// Work on data or get the IndexBuffer with a similar call.
buffer->drop(); // When done drop the buffer again.
/* /*
To make the user be able to switch between normal and wireframe mode, To make the user be able to switch between normal and wireframe mode,
we create an instance of the event reciever from above and let Irrlicht we create an instance of the event reciever from above and let Irrlicht

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
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View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
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View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ int main()
case 'e': driverType = video::EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO;break; case 'e': driverType = video::EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO;break;
case 'f': driverType = video::EDT_NULL; break; case 'f': driverType = video::EDT_NULL; break;
default: return 1; default: return 1;
} }
//Instance of the EventReceiver //Instance of the EventReceiver
MyEventReceiver receiver; MyEventReceiver receiver;
@ -240,10 +240,11 @@ Sounds a little complicated, but you'll see it isn't:
//Get and show fps //Get and show fps
if (driver->getFPS() != lastFPS) if (driver->getFPS() != lastFPS)
{ {
lastFPS = driver->getFPS(); lastFPS = driver->getFPS();
wchar_t tmp[1024]; core::stringw tmp = L"Irrlicht SplitScreen-Example (FPS: ";
swprintf( tmp, 1024, L"Irrlicht SplitScreen-Example (FPS: %d)", lastFPS); tmp += lastFPS;
device->setWindowCaption(tmp); tmp += ")";
} }
} }
//Delete device //Delete device

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
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View File

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View File

@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ int main()
case 'e': driverType = video::EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO;break; case 'e': driverType = video::EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO;break;
case 'f': driverType = video::EDT_NULL; break; case 'f': driverType = video::EDT_NULL; break;
default: return 0; default: return 0;
} }
// create device // create device
MyEventReceiver receiver; MyEventReceiver receiver;
@ -171,9 +171,10 @@ int main()
std::cout << "Joystick support is not enabled." << std::endl; std::cout << "Joystick support is not enabled." << std::endl;
} }
wchar_t tmp[1024]; core::stringw tmp = L"Irrlicht Joystick Example (";
swprintf(tmp, 1024, L"Irrlicht Joystick Example (%u joysticks)", joystickInfo.size()); tmp += joystickInfo.size();
device->setWindowCaption(tmp); tmp += " joysticks)";
video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver(); video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager(); scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();
@ -209,12 +210,12 @@ int main()
const SEvent::SJoystickEvent & joystickData = receiver.GetJoystickState(); const SEvent::SJoystickEvent & joystickData = receiver.GetJoystickState();
// Use the analog range of the axes, and a 5% dead zone // Use the analog range of the axes, and a 5% dead zone
moveHorizontal = moveHorizontal =
(f32)joystickData.Axis[SEvent::SJoystickEvent::AXIS_X] / 32767.f; (f32)joystickData.Axis[SEvent::SJoystickEvent::AXIS_X] / 32767.f;
if(fabs(moveHorizontal) < 0.05f) if(fabs(moveHorizontal) < 0.05f)
moveHorizontal = 0.f; moveHorizontal = 0.f;
moveVertical = moveVertical =
(f32)joystickData.Axis[SEvent::SJoystickEvent::AXIS_Y] / -32767.f; (f32)joystickData.Axis[SEvent::SJoystickEvent::AXIS_Y] / -32767.f;
if(fabs(moveVertical) < 0.05f) if(fabs(moveVertical) < 0.05f)
moveVertical = 0.f; moveVertical = 0.f;
@ -267,12 +268,9 @@ int main()
} }
node->setPosition(nodePosition); node->setPosition(nodePosition);
// Turn lighting on and off depending on whether the left mouse button is down. // Turn lighting on and off depending on whether the left mouse button is down.
if(receiver.GetMouseState().LeftButtonDown) node->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, receiver.GetMouseState().LeftButtonDown);
node->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, true);
node->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(255,113,113,133)); driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(255,113,113,133));
smgr->drawAll(); // draw the 3d scene smgr->drawAll(); // draw the 3d scene
@ -283,6 +281,6 @@ int main()
In the end, delete the Irrlicht device. In the end, delete the Irrlicht device.
*/ */
device->drop(); device->drop();
return 0; return 0;
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<Workspace title="Build all examples">
<Project filename="01.HelloWorld\HelloWorld.cbp" active="1" />
<Project filename="02.Quake3Map\Quake3Map.cbp" />
<Project filename="03.CustomSceneNode\CustomSceneNode.cbp" />
<Project filename="04.Movement\Movement.cbp" />
<Project filename="05.UserInterface\UserInterface.cbp" />
<Project filename="06.2DGraphics\2DGraphics.cbp" />
<Project filename="07.Collision\Collision.cbp" />
<Project filename="08.SpecialFX\SpecialFX.cbp" />
<Project filename="09.Meshviewer\Meshviewer.cbp" />
<Project filename="10.Shaders\Shaders.cbp" />
<Project filename="11.PerPixelLighting\PerPixelLighting.cbp" />
<Project filename="12.TerrainRendering\TerrainRendering.cbp" />
<Project filename="13.RenderToTexture\RenderToTexture.cbp" />
<Project filename="14.Win32Window\Win32Window.cbp" />
<Project filename="15.LoadIrrFile\LoadIrrFile.cbp" />
<Project filename="16.Quake3MapShader\Quake3MapShader.cbp" />
<Project filename="18.SplitScreen\SplitScreen.cbp" />
<Project filename="19.MouseAndJoystick\MouseAndJoystick.cbp" />
<Project filename="Demo\demo.cbp" />
<Project filename="..\source\Irrlicht\Irrlicht-gcc.cbp" />

View File

@ -1,63 +1,42 @@
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View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#! /bin/sh #! /bin/bash
[ -z $1 ] || TARGET=$1 [ -z $1 ] || TARGET=$1
[ -z $TARGET ] && TARGET=all [ -z $TARGET ] && TARGET=all
for i in [01]* Demo; do for i in [01]* Demo; do

View File

@ -72,12 +72,15 @@ namespace scene
public: public:
IVertexList *Vertices; IVertexList *Vertices;
CVertexBuffer(video::E_VERTEX_TYPE vertexType) :Vertices(0), MappingHint(EHM_NEVER), ChangedID(1) CVertexBuffer(video::E_VERTEX_TYPE vertexType) : Vertices(0),
MappingHint(EHM_NEVER), ChangedID(1)
{ {
setType(vertexType); setType(vertexType);
} }
CVertexBuffer(const IVertexBuffer &VertexBufferCopy) :Vertices(0), MappingHint(EHM_NEVER), ChangedID(1) CVertexBuffer(const IVertexBuffer &VertexBufferCopy) :
Vertices(0), MappingHint(EHM_NEVER),
{ {
setType(VertexBufferCopy.getType()); setType(VertexBufferCopy.getType());
reallocate(VertexBufferCopy.size()); reallocate(VertexBufferCopy.size());
@ -91,7 +94,6 @@ namespace scene
delete Vertices; delete Vertices;
} }
//virtual void setType(video::E_VERTEX_TYPE vertexType);
virtual void setType(video::E_VERTEX_TYPE vertexType) virtual void setType(video::E_VERTEX_TYPE vertexType)
{ {

View File

@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ namespace scene
struct SViewFrustum; struct SViewFrustum;
//! Scene Node which is a (controlable) camera. //! Scene Node which is a (controlable) camera.
/** The whole scene will be /** The whole scene will be rendered from the cameras point of view.
rendered from the cameras point of view. Because the ICameraScenNode Because the ICameraScenNode is a SceneNode, it can be attached to any
is a SceneNode, it can be attached to any other scene node, and will other scene node, and will follow its parents movement, rotation and so
follow its parents movement, rotation and so on. on.
*/ */
class ICameraSceneNode : public ISceneNode, public IEventReceiver class ICameraSceneNode : public ISceneNode, public IEventReceiver
{ {
@ -32,13 +32,16 @@ namespace scene
: ISceneNode(parent, mgr, id, position, rotation, scale), IsOrthogonal(false) {} : ISceneNode(parent, mgr, id, position, rotation, scale), IsOrthogonal(false) {}
//! Sets the projection matrix of the camera. //! Sets the projection matrix of the camera.
/** The core::matrix4 class has some methods /** The core::matrix4 class has some methods to build a
to build a projection matrix. e.g: core::matrix4::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveFovLH. projection matrix. e.g:
Note that the matrix will only stay as set by this method until one of core::matrix4::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveFovLH.
the following Methods are called: setNearValue, setFarValue, setAspectRatio, setFOV. Note that the matrix will only stay as set by this method until
one of the following Methods are called: setNearValue,
setFarValue, setAspectRatio, setFOV.
\param projection The new projection matrix of the camera. \param projection The new projection matrix of the camera.
\param isOrthogonal Set this to true if the matrix is an \param isOrthogonal Set this to true if the matrix is an
orthogonal one (e.g. from matrix4::buildProjectionMatrixOrtho... */ orthogonal one (e.g. from matrix4::buildProjectionMatrixOrtho).
virtual void setProjectionMatrix(const core::matrix4& projection, bool isOrthogonal = false) = 0; virtual void setProjectionMatrix(const core::matrix4& projection, bool isOrthogonal = false) = 0;
//! Gets the current projection matrix of the camera. //! Gets the current projection matrix of the camera.
@ -52,8 +55,8 @@ namespace scene
//! It is possible to send mouse and key events to the camera. //! It is possible to send mouse and key events to the camera.
/** Most cameras may ignore this input, but camera scene nodes /** Most cameras may ignore this input, but camera scene nodes
which are created for example with which are created for example with
ISceneManager::addMayaCameraSceneNode or ISceneManager::addCameraSceneNodeMaya or
ISceneManager::addMeshViewerCameraSceneNode, may want to get ISceneManager::addCameraSceneNodeFPS, may want to get
this input for changing their position, look at target or this input for changing their position, look at target or
whatever. */ whatever. */
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) = 0; virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) = 0;
@ -67,8 +70,9 @@ namespace scene
//! Sets the rotation of the node. //! Sets the rotation of the node.
/** This only modifies the relative rotation of the node. /** This only modifies the relative rotation of the node.
If the camera's target and rotation are bound ( @see bindTargetAndRotation() ) If the camera's target and rotation are bound ( @see
then calling this will also change the camera's target to match the rotation. bindTargetAndRotation() ) then calling this will also change
the camera's target to match the rotation.
\param rotation New rotation of the node in degrees. */ \param rotation New rotation of the node in degrees. */
virtual void setRotation(const core::vector3df& rotation) = 0; virtual void setRotation(const core::vector3df& rotation) = 0;
@ -122,8 +126,8 @@ namespace scene
virtual const SViewFrustum* getViewFrustum() const = 0; virtual const SViewFrustum* getViewFrustum() const = 0;
//! Disables or enables the camera to get key or mouse inputs. //! Disables or enables the camera to get key or mouse inputs.
/** If this is set to true, the camera will respond to key inputs /** If this is set to true, the camera will respond to key
otherwise not. */ inputs otherwise not. */
virtual void setInputReceiverEnabled(bool enabled) = 0; virtual void setInputReceiverEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
//! Checks if the input receiver of the camera is currently enabled. //! Checks if the input receiver of the camera is currently enabled.
@ -137,10 +141,13 @@ namespace scene
} }
//! Binds the camera scene node's rotation to its target position and vice vera, or unbinds them. //! Binds the camera scene node's rotation to its target position and vice vera, or unbinds them.
/** When bound, calling setRotation() will update the camera's target position to be along /** When bound, calling setRotation() will update the camera's
its +Z axis, and likewise calling setTarget() will update its rotation so that its +Z axis target position to be along its +Z axis, and likewise calling
will point at the target point. FPS camera use this binding by default; other cameras do not. setTarget() will update its rotation so that its +Z axis will
\param binding true to bind the camera's scene node rotation and targetting, false to unbind them. point at the target point. FPS camera use this binding by
default; other cameras do not.
\param binding true to bind the camera's scene node rotation
and targetting, false to unbind them.
@see getTargetAndRotationBinding() */ @see getTargetAndRotationBinding() */
virtual void bindTargetAndRotation(bool bound) = 0; virtual void bindTargetAndRotation(bool bound) = 0;

View File

@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ namespace scene
* <TR> * <TR>
* <TD>3D Studio (.3ds)</TD> * <TD>3D Studio (.3ds)</TD>
* <TD>Loader for 3D-Studio files which lots of 3D packages * <TD>Loader for 3D-Studio files which lots of 3D packages
* are able to export. Only static meshes are currently * are able to export. Only static meshes are currently
* supported by this importer. </TD> * supported by this importer. </TD>
* </TR> * </TR>
* <TR> * <TR>
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ namespace scene
* architecture and calculating lighting. Irrlicht can * architecture and calculating lighting. Irrlicht can
* directly import .csm files thanks to the IrrCSM library * directly import .csm files thanks to the IrrCSM library
* created by Saurav Mohapatra which is now integrated * created by Saurav Mohapatra which is now integrated
* directly in Irrlicht. If you are using this loader, * directly in Irrlicht. If you are using this loader,
* please note that you'll have to set the path of the * please note that you'll have to set the path of the
* textures before loading .csm files. You can do this * textures before loading .csm files. You can do this
* using * using
@ -180,52 +180,51 @@ namespace scene
* <TR> * <TR>
* <TD>COLLADA (.dae, .xml)</TD> * <TD>COLLADA (.dae, .xml)</TD>
* <TD>COLLADA is an open Digital Asset Exchange Schema for * <TD>COLLADA is an open Digital Asset Exchange Schema for
* the interactive 3D industry. There are exporters and * the interactive 3D industry. There are exporters and
* importers for this format available for most of the * importers for this format available for most of the
* big 3d packagesat Irrlicht can * big 3d packagesat Irrlicht can
* import COLLADA files by using the * import COLLADA files by using the
* ISceneManager::getMesh() method. COLLADA files need * ISceneManager::getMesh() method. COLLADA files need
* not contain only one single mesh but multiple meshes * not contain only one single mesh but multiple meshes
* and a whole scene setup with lights, cameras and mesh * and a whole scene setup with lights, cameras and mesh
* instances, this loader can set up a scene as * instances, this loader can set up a scene as
* described by the COLLADA file instead of loading and * described by the COLLADA file instead of loading and
* returning one single mesh. By default, this loader * returning one single mesh. By default, this loader
* behaves like the other loaders and does not create * behaves like the other loaders and does not create
* instances, but it can be switched into this mode by * instances, but it can be switched into this mode by
* using * using
* SceneManager->getParameters()->setParameter(COLLADA_CREATE_SCENE_INSTANCES, true); * SceneManager->getParameters()->setParameter(COLLADA_CREATE_SCENE_INSTANCES, true);
* Created scene nodes will be named as the names of the * Created scene nodes will be named as the names of the
* nodes in the COLLADA file. The returned mesh is just * nodes in the COLLADA file. The returned mesh is just
* a dummy object in this mode. Meshes included in the * a dummy object in this mode. Meshes included in the
* scene will be added into the scene manager with the * scene will be added into the scene manager with the
* following naming scheme: * following naming scheme:
* path/to/file/file.dea#meshname. The loading of such * path/to/file/file.dea#meshname. The loading of such
* meshes is logged. Currently, this loader is able to * meshes is logged. Currently, this loader is able to
* create meshes (made of only polygons), lights, and * create meshes (made of only polygons), lights, and
* cameras. Materials and animations are currently not * cameras. Materials and animations are currently not
* supported but this will change with future releases. * supported but this will change with future releases.
* </TD> * </TD>
* </TR> * </TR>
* <TR> * <TR>
* <TD>Delgine DeleD (.dmf)</TD> * <TD>Delgine DeleD (.dmf)</TD>
* <TD>DeleD ( is a 3D editor and level-editor * <TD>DeleD ( is a 3D editor and level-editor
* combined into one and is specifically designed for 3D * combined into one and is specifically designed for 3D
* game-development. With this loader, it is possible to * game-development. With this loader, it is possible to
* directly load all geometry is as well as textures and * directly load all geometry is as well as textures and
* lightmaps from .dmf files. To set texture and * lightmaps from .dmf files. To set texture and
* material paths, see scene::DMF_USE_MATERIALS_DIRS and * material paths, see scene::DMF_USE_MATERIALS_DIRS and
* scene::DMF_TEXTURE_PATH. It is also possible to flip * scene::DMF_TEXTURE_PATH. It is also possible to flip
* the alpha texture by setting * the alpha texture by setting
* scene::DMF_FLIP_ALPHA_TEXTURES to true and to set the * scene::DMF_FLIP_ALPHA_TEXTURES to true and to set the
* material transparent reference value by setting * material transparent reference value by setting
* scene::DMF_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF to a float between 0 and * scene::DMF_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF to a float between 0 and
* 1. The loader is based on Salvatore Russo's .dmf * 1. The loader is based on Salvatore Russo's .dmf
* loader, I just changed some parts of it. Thanks to * loader, I just changed some parts of it. Thanks to
* Salvatore for his work and for allowing me to use his * Salvatore for his work and for allowing me to use his
* code in Irrlicht and put it under Irrlicht's license. * code in Irrlicht and put it under Irrlicht's license.
* For newer and more enchanced versions of the loader, * For newer and more enchanced versions of the loader,
* take a look at * take a look at</TD>
* </TD>
* </TR> * </TR>
* <TR> * <TR>
* <TD>DirectX (.x)</TD> * <TD>DirectX (.x)</TD>
@ -234,7 +233,7 @@ namespace scene
* and there are several tools for them available, e.g. * and there are several tools for them available, e.g.
* the Maya exporter included in the DX SDK. * the Maya exporter included in the DX SDK.
* .x files can include skeletal animations and Irrlicht * .x files can include skeletal animations and Irrlicht
* is able to play and display them. Currently, Irrlicht * is able to play and display them. Currently, Irrlicht
* only supports uncompressed .x files.</TD> * only supports uncompressed .x files.</TD>
* </TR> * </TR>
* <TR> * <TR>
@ -249,91 +248,90 @@ namespace scene
* <TD>.MS3D files contain models and sometimes skeletal * <TD>.MS3D files contain models and sometimes skeletal
* animations from the Milkshape 3D modeling and animation * animations from the Milkshape 3D modeling and animation
* software. This importer for Irrlicht can display and/or * software. This importer for Irrlicht can display and/or
* animate these files. </TD> * animate these files. </TD>
* </TR> * </TR>
* <TR> * <TR>
* <TD>My3D (.my3d)</TD> * <TD>My3D (.my3d)</TD>
* <TD>.my3D is a flexible 3D file format. The My3DTools * <TD>.my3D is a flexible 3D file format. The My3DTools
* contains plug-ins to export .my3D files from several * contains plug-ins to export .my3D files from several
* 3D packages. With this built-in importer, Irrlicht * 3D packages. With this built-in importer, Irrlicht
* can read and display those files directly. This * can read and display those files directly. This
* loader was written by Zhuck Dimitry who also created * loader was written by Zhuck Dimitry who also created
* the whole My3DTools package. If you are using this * the whole My3DTools package. If you are using this
* loader, please note that you can set the path of the * loader, please note that you can set the path of the
* textures before loading .my3d files. You can do this * textures before loading .my3d files. You can do this
* using * using
* SceneManager-&gt;getParameters()-&gt;setParameter(scene::MY3D_TEXTURE_PATH, * SceneManager-&gt;getParameters()-&gt;setParameter(scene::MY3D_TEXTURE_PATH,
* &quot;path/to/your/textures&quot;); * &quot;path/to/your/textures&quot;);</TD>
* </TD> * </TR>
* </TR> * <TR>
* <TR> * <TD>OCT (.oct)</TD>
* <TD>OCT (.oct)</TD> * <TD>The oct file format contains 3D geometry and
* <TD>The oct file format contains 3D geometry and * lightmaps and can be loaded directly by Irrlicht. OCT
* lightmaps and can be loaded directly by Irrlicht. OCT * files<br> can be created by FSRad, Paul Nette's
* files<br> can be created by FSRad, Paul Nette's * radiosity processor or exported from Blender using
* radiosity processor or exported from Blender using * OCTTools which can be found in the exporters/OCTTools
* OCTTools which can be found in the exporters/OCTTools * directory of the SDK. Thanks to Murphy McCauley for
* directory of the SDK. Thanks to Murphy McCauley for * creating all this.</TD>
* creating all this.</TD> * </TR>
* </TR> * <TR>
* <TR> * <TD>OGRE Meshes (.mesh)</TD>
* <TD>OGRE Meshes (.mesh)</TD> * <TD>Ogre .mesh files contain 3D data for the OGRE 3D
* <TD>Ogre .mesh files contain 3D data for the OGRE 3D * engine. Irrlicht can read and display them directly
* engine. Irrlicht can read and display them directly * with this importer. To define materials for the mesh,
* with this importer. To define materials for the mesh, * copy a .material file named like the corresponding
* copy a .material file named like the corresponding * .mesh file where the .mesh file is. (For example
* .mesh file where the .mesh file is. (For example * ogrehead.material for ogrehead.mesh). Thanks to
* ogrehead.material for ogrehead.mesh). Thanks to * Christian Stehno who wrote and contributed this
* Christian Stehno who wrote and contributed this * loader.</TD>
* loader.</TD> * </TR>
* </TR> * <TR>
* <TR> * <TD>Pulsar LMTools (.lmts)</TD>
* <TD>Pulsar LMTools (.lmts)</TD> * <TD>LMTools is a set of tools (Windows &amp; Linux) for
* <TD>LMTools is a set of tools (Windows &amp; Linux) for * creating lightmaps. Irrlicht can directly read .lmts
* creating lightmaps. Irrlicht can directly read .lmts * files thanks to<br> the importer created by Jonas
* files thanks to<br> the importer created by Jonas * Petersen. If you are using this loader, please note
* Petersen. If you are using this loader, please note * that you can set the path of the textures before
* that you can set the path of the textures before * loading .lmts files. You can do this using
* loading .lmts files. You can do this using * SceneManager-&gt;getParameters()-&gt;setParameter(scene::LMTS_TEXTURE_PATH,
* SceneManager-&gt;getParameters()-&gt;setParameter(scene::LMTS_TEXTURE_PATH, * &quot;path/to/your/textures&quot;);
* &quot;path/to/your/textures&quot;); * Notes for<br> this version of the loader:<br>
* Notes for<br> this version of the loader:<br> * - It does not recognise/support user data in the
* - It does not recognise/support user data in the * *.lmts files.<br>
* *.lmts files.<br> * - The TGAs generated by LMTools don't work in
* - The TGAs generated by LMTools don't work in * Irrlicht for some reason (the textures are upside
* Irrlicht for some reason (the textures are upside * down). Opening and resaving them in a graphics app
* down). Opening and resaving them in a graphics app * will solve the problem.</TD>
* will solve the problem.</TD> * </TR>
* </TR> * <TR>
* <TR> * <TD>Quake 3 levels (.bsp)</TD>
* <TD>Quake 3 levels (.bsp)</TD> * <TD>Quake 3 is a popular game by IDSoftware, and .pk3
* <TD>Quake 3 is a popular game by IDSoftware, and .pk3 * files contain .bsp files and textures/lightmaps
* files contain .bsp files and textures/lightmaps * describing huge prelighted levels. Irrlicht can read
* describing huge prelighted levels. Irrlicht can read * .pk3 and .bsp files directly and thus render Quake 3
* .pk3 and .bsp files directly and thus render Quake 3 * levels directly. Written by Nikolaus Gebhardt
* levels directly. Written by Nikolaus Gebhardt * enhanced by Dean P. Macri with the curved surfaces
* enhanced by Dean P. Macri with the curved surfaces * feature.</TD>
* feature. </TD> * </TR>
* </TR> * <TR>
* <TR> * <TD>Quake 2 models (.md2)</TD>
* <TD>Quake 2 models (.md2)</TD> * <TD>Quake 2 models are characters with morph target
* <TD>Quake 2 models are characters with morph target * animation. Irrlicht can read, display and animate
* animation. Irrlicht can read, display and animate * them directly with this importer. </TD>
* them directly with this importer. </TD> * </TR>
* </TR> * </TABLE>
* </TABLE>
* *
* To load and display a mesh quickly, just do this: * To load and display a mesh quickly, just do this:
* \code * \code
* SceneManager->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode( * SceneManager->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(
* SceneManager->getMesh("yourmesh.3ds")); * SceneManager->getMesh("yourmesh.3ds"));
* \endcode * \endcode
* If you would like to implement and add your own file format loader to Irrlicht, * If you would like to implement and add your own file format loader to Irrlicht,
* see addExternalMeshLoader(). * see addExternalMeshLoader().
* \param filename: Filename of the mesh to load. * \param filename: Filename of the mesh to load.
* \return Returns NULL if failed and the pointer to the mesh if * \return Returns NULL if failed and the pointer to the mesh if
* successful. * successful.
* This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. * This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information.
**/ **/
virtual IAnimatedMesh* getMesh(const c8* filename) = 0; virtual IAnimatedMesh* getMesh(const c8* filename) = 0;
@ -341,7 +339,7 @@ namespace scene
/** Works just as getMesh(const char* filename). If you want to /** Works just as getMesh(const char* filename). If you want to
remove a loaded mesh from the cache again, use removeMesh(). remove a loaded mesh from the cache again, use removeMesh().
\param file File handle of the mesh to load. \param file File handle of the mesh to load.
\return NULL if failed and pointer to the mesh if successful. \return 0 if failed and pointer to the mesh if successful.
This pointer should not be dropped. See This pointer should not be dropped. See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */ IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IAnimatedMesh* getMesh(io::IReadFile* file) = 0; virtual IAnimatedMesh* getMesh(io::IReadFile* file) = 0;
@ -367,8 +365,8 @@ namespace scene
/** Example Usage: /** Example Usage:
scene::IVolumeLightSceneNode * n = smgr->addVolumeLightSceneNode(NULL, -1, scene::IVolumeLightSceneNode * n = smgr->addVolumeLightSceneNode(NULL, -1,
32, 32, //Subdivide U/V 32, 32, //Subdivide U/V
video::SColor(0, 180, 180, 180), //foot color video::SColor(0, 180, 180, 180), //foot color
video::SColor(0, 0, 0, 0) //tail color video::SColor(0, 0, 0, 0) //tail color
); );
if (n) if (n)
{ {
@ -527,71 +525,77 @@ namespace scene
const core::vector3df& lookat = core::vector3df(0,0,100), s32 id=-1) = 0; const core::vector3df& lookat = core::vector3df(0,0,100), s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a maya style user controlled camera scene node to the scene graph. //! Adds a maya style user controlled camera scene node to the scene graph.
/** This is a standard camera with an animator that provides mouse control similar /** This is a standard camera with an animator that provides
to camera in the 3D Software Maya by Alias Wavefront. mouse control similar to camera in the 3D Software Maya.
\param parent: Parent scene node of the camera. Can be null. \param parent: Parent scene node of the camera. Can be null.
\param rotateSpeed: Rotation speed of the camera. \param rotateSpeed: Rotation speed of the camera.
\param zoomSpeed: Zoom speed of the camera. \param zoomSpeed: Zoom speed of the camera.
\param translationSpeed: TranslationSpeed of the camera. \param translationSpeed: Translation speed of the camera.
\param id: id of the camera. This id can be used to identify the camera. \param id: id of the camera. This id can be used to identify the camera.
\return Returns a pointer to the interface of the camera if successful, otherwise 0. \return Pointer to the interface of the camera if successful, otherwise 0.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */ This pointer should not be dropped. See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNodeMaya(ISceneNode* parent = 0, virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNodeMaya(ISceneNode* parent = 0,
f32 rotateSpeed = -1500.0f, f32 zoomSpeed = 200.0f, f32 rotateSpeed = -1500.0f, f32 zoomSpeed = 200.0f,
f32 translationSpeed = 1500.0f, s32 id=-1) = 0; f32 translationSpeed = 1500.0f, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a camera scene node with an animator which provides mouse and keyboard control appropriate for first person shooters (FPS). //! Adds a camera scene node with an animator which provides mouse and keyboard control appropriate for first person shooters (FPS).
/** This FPS camera is intended to provide a demonstration of a camera that behaves /** This FPS camera is intended to provide a demonstration of a
like a typical First Person Shooter. It is useful for simple demos and prototyping but is not camera that behaves like a typical First Person Shooter. It is
intended to provide a full solution for a production quality game. It binds the camera scene node useful for simple demos and prototyping but is not intended to
rotation to the look-at target; @see ICameraSceneNode::bindTargetAndRotation(). provide a full solution for a production quality game. It binds
With this camera, you look with the mouse, and move with cursor keys. If you want to the camera scene node rotation to the look-at target; @see
change the key layout, you can specify your own keymap. For example to make the camera ICameraSceneNode::bindTargetAndRotation(). With this camera,
be controlled by the cursor keys AND the keys W,A,S, and D, do something you look with the mouse, and move with cursor keys. If you want
like this: to change the key layout, you can specify your own keymap. For
\code example to make the camera be controlled by the cursor keys AND
SKeyMap keyMap[8]; the keys W,A,S, and D, do something like this:
keyMap[0].Action = EKA_MOVE_FORWARD; \code
keyMap[0].KeyCode = KEY_UP; SKeyMap keyMap[8];
keyMap[1].Action = EKA_MOVE_FORWARD; keyMap[0].Action = EKA_MOVE_FORWARD;
keyMap[1].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_W; keyMap[0].KeyCode = KEY_UP;
keyMap[1].Action = EKA_MOVE_FORWARD;
keyMap[1].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_W;
keyMap[2].Action = EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD; keyMap[2].Action = EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD;
keyMap[2].KeyCode = KEY_DOWN; keyMap[2].KeyCode = KEY_DOWN;
keyMap[3].Action = EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD; keyMap[3].Action = EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD;
keyMap[3].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_S; keyMap[3].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_S;
keyMap[4].Action = EKA_STRAFE_LEFT; keyMap[4].Action = EKA_STRAFE_LEFT;
keyMap[4].KeyCode = KEY_LEFT; keyMap[4].KeyCode = KEY_LEFT;
keyMap[5].Action = EKA_STRAFE_LEFT; keyMap[5].Action = EKA_STRAFE_LEFT;
keyMap[5].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_A; keyMap[5].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_A;
keyMap[6].Action = EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT; keyMap[6].Action = EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT;
keyMap[6].KeyCode = KEY_RIGHT; keyMap[6].KeyCode = KEY_RIGHT;
keyMap[7].Action = EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT; keyMap[7].Action = EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT;
keyMap[7].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_D; keyMap[7].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_D;
camera = sceneManager->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(0, 100, 500, -1, keyMap, 8); camera = sceneManager->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(0, 100, 500, -1, keyMap, 8);
\endcode \endcode
\param parent: Parent scene node of the camera. Can be null. \param parent: Parent scene node of the camera. Can be null.
\param rotateSpeed: Speed with which the camera is rotated. This can be done \param rotateSpeed: Speed in degress with which the camera is
only with the mouse. rotated. This can be done only with the mouse.
\param moveSpeed: Speed with which the camera is moved. Movement is done with \param moveSpeed: Speed in units per millisecond with which
the cursor keys. the camera is moved. Movement is done with the cursor keys.
\param id: id of the camera. This id can be used to identify the camera. \param id: id of the camera. This id can be used to identify the camera.
\param keyMapArray: Optional pointer to an array of a keymap, specifying what \param keyMapArray: Optional pointer to an array of a keymap, specifying what
keys should be used to move the camera. If this is null, the default keymap keys should be used to move the camera. If this is null, the default keymap
is used. You can define actions more then one time in the array, to bind is used. You can define actions more then one time in the array, to bind
multiple keys to the same action. multiple keys to the same action.
\param keyMapSize: Amount of items in the keymap array. \param keyMapSize: Amount of items in the keymap array.
\param noVerticalMovement: Setting this to true makes the camera only move within a \param noVerticalMovement: Setting this to true makes the
horizontal plane, and disables vertical movement as known from most ego shooters. Default camera only move within a horizontal plane, and disables
is 'false', with which it is possible to fly around in space, if no gravity is there. vertical movement as known from most ego shooters. Default is
\param jumpSpeed: Speed with which the camera is moved when jumping. 'false', with which it is possible to fly around in space, if
\return Returns a pointer to the interface of the camera if successful, otherwise 0. no gravity is there.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */ \param jumpSpeed: Speed with which the camera is moved when jumping.
\return Pointer to the interface of the camera if successful, otherwise 0.
This pointer should not be dropped. See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNodeFPS(ISceneNode* parent = 0, virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNodeFPS(ISceneNode* parent = 0,
f32 rotateSpeed = 100.0f, f32 moveSpeed = 500.0f, s32 id=-1, f32 rotateSpeed = 100.0f, f32 moveSpeed = .5f, s32 id=-1,
SKeyMap* keyMapArray=0, s32 keyMapSize=0, bool noVerticalMovement=false, SKeyMap* keyMapArray=0, s32 keyMapSize=0, bool noVerticalMovement=false,
f32 jumpSpeed = 0.f) = 0; f32 jumpSpeed = 0.f) = 0;
@ -829,11 +833,11 @@ namespace scene
ISceneNode* parent = 0, const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0), ISceneNode* parent = 0, const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
s32 id=-1) = 0; s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a text scene node, which uses billboards. The node, and the text on it, will scale with distance. //! Adds a text scene node, which uses billboards. The node, and the text on it, will scale with distance.
/** /**
\param font The font to use on the billboard. Pass 0 to use the GUI environment's default font. \param font The font to use on the billboard. Pass 0 to use the GUI environment's default font.
\param text The text to display on the billboard. \param text The text to display on the billboard.
\param parent The billboard's parent. Pass 0 to use the root scene node. \param parent The billboard's parent. Pass 0 to use the root scene node.
\param size The billboard's width and height. \param size The billboard's width and height.
\param position The billboards position relative to its parent. \param position The billboards position relative to its parent.
\param colorTop: The color of the vertices at the top of the billboard (default: white). \param colorTop: The color of the vertices at the top of the billboard (default: white).

View File

@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ namespace scene
virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createClone(ISceneNode* node, ISceneManager* newManager=0) = 0; virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createClone(ISceneNode* node, ISceneManager* newManager=0) = 0;
//! Returns true if this animator receives events. //! Returns true if this animator receives events.
/** When attached to the an active camera, this animator will be able to respond to events /** When attached to an active camera, this animator will be
such as mouse and keyboard events. */ able to respond to events such as mouse and keyboard events. */
virtual bool isEventReceiverEnabled() const virtual bool isEventReceiverEnabled() const
{ {
return false; return false;

View File

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ namespace scene
{ {
//! Special scene node animator for FPS cameras //! Special scene node animator for FPS cameras
/** This scene node animator can be attached to a camera to make it act like a first /** This scene node animator can be attached to a camera to make it act
person shooter like a first person shooter
*/ */
class ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS : public ISceneNodeAnimator class ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS : public ISceneNodeAnimator
{ {
@ -29,21 +29,24 @@ namespace scene
//! Sets the speed of movement in units per millisecond //! Sets the speed of movement in units per millisecond
virtual void setMoveSpeed(f32 moveSpeed) = 0; virtual void setMoveSpeed(f32 moveSpeed) = 0;
//! Returns the rotation speed //! Returns the rotation speed in degrees
/** The degrees are equivalent to a half screen movement of the mouse,
i.e. if the mouse cursor had been moved to the border of the screen since
the last animation. */
virtual f32 getRotateSpeed() const = 0; virtual f32 getRotateSpeed() const = 0;
//! Set the rotation speed //! Set the rotation speed in degrees
virtual void setRotateSpeed(f32 rotateSpeed) = 0; virtual void setRotateSpeed(f32 rotateSpeed) = 0;
//! Sets the keyboard mapping for this animator //! Sets the keyboard mapping for this animator
//! \param keymap: an array of keyboard mappings, see SKeyMap /** \param keymap Array of keyboard mappings, see SKeyMap
//! \param count: the size of the keyboard map array \param count Size of the keyboard map array */
virtual void setKeyMap(SKeyMap *map, u32 count) = 0; virtual void setKeyMap(SKeyMap *map, u32 count) = 0;
//! Sets whether vertical movement should be allowed. //! Sets whether vertical movement should be allowed.
//! If vertical movement is enabled then the camera may fight with /** If vertical movement is enabled then the camera may fight with
//! gravity causing camera shake. Disable this if the camera has gravity causing camera shake. Disable this if the camera has
//! a collision animator with gravity enabled. a collision animator with gravity enabled. */
virtual void setVerticalMovement(bool allow) = 0; virtual void setVerticalMovement(bool allow) = 0;
}; };
} // end namespace scene } // end namespace scene

View File

@ -13,18 +13,20 @@ namespace irr
namespace scene namespace scene
{ {
//! Special scene node animator for FPS cameras //! Special scene node animator for Maya-style cameras
/** This scene node animator can be attached to a camera to make it act like a first /** This scene node animator can be attached to a camera to make it act like a 3d
person shooter modelling tool.
The camera is moving relative to the target with the mouse, by pressing either
of the three buttons.
*/ */
class ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya : public ISceneNodeAnimator class ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya : public ISceneNodeAnimator
{ {
public: public:
//! Returns the speed of movement in units per millisecond //! Returns the speed of movement
virtual f32 getMoveSpeed() const = 0; virtual f32 getMoveSpeed() const = 0;
//! Sets the speed of movement in units per millisecond //! Sets the speed of movement
virtual void setMoveSpeed(f32 moveSpeed) = 0; virtual void setMoveSpeed(f32 moveSpeed) = 0;
//! Returns the rotation speed //! Returns the rotation speed

View File

@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ namespace scene
* *
* This scene node is capable of very quickly loading * This scene node is capable of very quickly loading
* terrains and updating the indices at runtime to enable viewing very large terrains. It uses a * terrains and updating the indices at runtime to enable viewing very large terrains. It uses a
* CLOD ( Continuous Level of Detail ) algorithm which updates the indices for each patch based on * CLOD (Continuous Level of Detail) algorithm which updates the indices for each patch based on
* a LOD ( Level of Detail ) which is determined based on a patch's distance from the camera. * a LOD (Level of Detail) which is determined based on a patch's distance from the camera.
* *
* The Patch Size of the terrain must always be a size of ( 2^N+1, i.e. 8+1(9), 16+1(17), etc. ). * The Patch Size of the terrain must always be a size of ( 2^N+1, i.e. 8+1(9), 16+1(17), etc. ).
* The MaxLOD available is directly dependent on the patch size of the terrain. LOD 0 contains all * The MaxLOD available is directly dependent on the patch size of the terrain. LOD 0 contains all
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ namespace scene
class ITerrainSceneNode : public ISceneNode class ITerrainSceneNode : public ISceneNode
{ {
public: public:
//! Constructor //! Constructor
ITerrainSceneNode(ISceneNode* parent, ISceneManager* mgr, s32 id, ITerrainSceneNode(ISceneNode* parent, ISceneManager* mgr, s32 id,
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
@ -57,34 +56,30 @@ namespace scene
const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) ) const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) )
: ISceneNode (parent, mgr, id, position, rotation, scale) {} : ISceneNode (parent, mgr, id, position, rotation, scale) {}
//! Destructor
virtual ~ITerrainSceneNode() {}
//! Get the bounding box of the terrain. //! Get the bounding box of the terrain.
/** \return The bounding box of the entire terrain. */ /** \return The bounding box of the entire terrain. */
virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox() const = 0; virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox() const =0;
//! Get the bounding box of a patch //! Get the bounding box of a patch
/** \return The bounding box of the chosen patch. */ /** \return The bounding box of the chosen patch. */
virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox(s32 patchX, s32 patchZ) const = 0; virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox(s32 patchX, s32 patchZ) const =0;
//! Get the number of indices currently in the meshbuffer //! Get the number of indices currently in the meshbuffer
/** \return The index count. */ /** \return The index count. */
virtual u32 getIndexCount() const = 0; virtual u32 getIndexCount() const =0;
//! Get pointer to the mesh //! Get pointer to the mesh
/** \return Pointer to the mesh. */ /** \return Pointer to the mesh. */
virtual IMesh* getMesh() = 0; virtual IMesh* getMesh() =0;
//! Get pointer to the buffer used by the terrain (most users will not need this)
//! Returns a pointer to the buffer used by the terrain (most users will not need this) virtual IMeshBuffer* getRenderBuffer() =0;
virtual IMeshBuffer* getRenderBuffer() = 0;
//! Gets the meshbuffer data based on a specified level of detail. //! Gets the meshbuffer data based on a specified level of detail.
/** \param mb A reference to an SMeshBuffer object /** \param mb A reference to an IDynamicMeshBuffer object
\param LOD The level of detail you want the indices from. */ \param LOD The level of detail you want the indices from. */
virtual void getMeshBufferForLOD(IDynamicMeshBuffer& mb, s32 LOD) const = 0; virtual void getMeshBufferForLOD(IDynamicMeshBuffer& mb, s32 LOD=0) const =0;
//! Gets the indices for a specified patch at a specified Level of Detail. //! Gets the indices for a specified patch at a specified Level of Detail.
/** \param indices A reference to an array of u32 indices. /** \param indices A reference to an array of u32 indices.
@ -93,42 +88,42 @@ namespace scene
\param LOD The level of detail to get for that patch. If -1, \param LOD The level of detail to get for that patch. If -1,
then get the CurrentLOD. If the CurrentLOD is set to -1, then get the CurrentLOD. If the CurrentLOD is set to -1,
meaning it's not shown, then it will retrieve the triangles at meaning it's not shown, then it will retrieve the triangles at
the highest LOD ( 0 ). the highest LOD (0).
\return Number of indices put into the buffer. */ \return Number of indices put into the buffer. */
virtual s32 getIndicesForPatch(core::array<u32>& indices, virtual s32 getIndicesForPatch(core::array<u32>& indices,
s32 patchX, s32 patchZ, s32 LOD = 0 ) = 0; s32 patchX, s32 patchZ, s32 LOD=0) =0;
//! Populates an array with the CurrentLOD of each patch. //! Populates an array with the CurrentLOD of each patch.
/** \param LODs A reference to a core::array<s32> to hold the /** \param LODs A reference to a core::array<s32> to hold the
values values
\return Number of elements in the array */ \return Number of elements in the array */
virtual s32 getCurrentLODOfPatches(core::array<s32>& LODs) const = 0; virtual s32 getCurrentLODOfPatches(core::array<s32>& LODs) const =0;
//! Manually sets the LOD of a patch //! Manually sets the LOD of a patch
/** \param patchX Patch x coordinate. /** \param patchX Patch x coordinate.
\param patchZ Patch z coordinate. \param patchZ Patch z coordinate.
\param LOD The level of detail to set the patch to. */ \param LOD The level of detail to set the patch to. */
virtual void setLODOfPatch( s32 patchX, s32 patchZ, s32 LOD ) = 0; virtual void setLODOfPatch(s32 patchX, s32 patchZ, s32 LOD=0) =0;
//! Get center of terrain. //! Get center of terrain.
virtual const core::vector3df& getTerrainCenter() const = 0; virtual const core::vector3df& getTerrainCenter() const =0;
//! Get height of a point of the terrain. //! Get height of a point of the terrain.
virtual f32 getHeight( f32 x, f32 y ) const = 0; virtual f32 getHeight(f32 x, f32 y) const =0;
//! Sets the movement camera threshold. //! Sets the movement camera threshold.
/** It is used to determine when to recalculate /** It is used to determine when to recalculate
indices for the scene node. The default value is 10.0f. */ indices for the scene node. The default value is 10.0f. */
virtual void setCameraMovementDelta(f32 delta) = 0; virtual void setCameraMovementDelta(f32 delta) =0;
//! Sets the rotation camera threshold. //! Sets the rotation camera threshold.
/** It is used to determine when to recalculate /** It is used to determine when to recalculate
indices for the scene node. The default value is 1.0f. */ indices for the scene node. The default value is 1.0f. */
virtual void setCameraRotationDelta(f32 delta) = 0; virtual void setCameraRotationDelta(f32 delta) =0;
//! Sets whether or not the node should dynamically update its associated selector when the geomipmap data changes. //! Sets whether or not the node should dynamically update its associated selector when the geomipmap data changes.
/** \param bVal: Boolean value representing whether or not to update selector dynamically. */ /** \param bVal: Boolean value representing whether or not to update selector dynamically. */
virtual void setDynamicSelectorUpdate(bool bVal) = 0; virtual void setDynamicSelectorUpdate(bool bVal) =0;
//! Override the default generation of distance thresholds. //! Override the default generation of distance thresholds.
/** For determining the LOD a patch is rendered at. If any LOD /** For determining the LOD a patch is rendered at. If any LOD
@ -137,7 +132,7 @@ namespace scene
then apply a scale to the scene node, it is your responsibility then apply a scale to the scene node, it is your responsibility
to update the new distances to work best with your new terrain to update the new distances to work best with your new terrain
size. */ size. */
virtual bool overrideLODDistance(s32 LOD, f64 newDistance) = 0; virtual bool overrideLODDistance(s32 LOD, f64 newDistance) =0;
//! Scales the base texture, similar to makePlanarTextureMapping. //! Scales the base texture, similar to makePlanarTextureMapping.
/** \param scale The scaling amount. Values above 1.0 /** \param scale The scaling amount. Values above 1.0
@ -149,7 +144,7 @@ namespace scene
second texture coordinate set to the same values as in the second texture coordinate set to the same values as in the
first set. If this is another value than zero, it will scale first set. If this is another value than zero, it will scale
the second texture coordinate set by this value. */ the second texture coordinate set by this value. */
virtual void scaleTexture(f32 scale = 1.0f, f32 scale2 = 0.0f) = 0; virtual void scaleTexture(f32 scale = 1.0f, f32 scale2=0.0f) =0;
//! Initializes the terrain data. Loads the vertices from the heightMapFile. //! Initializes the terrain data. Loads the vertices from the heightMapFile.
/** The file must contain a loadable image of the heightmap. The heightmap /** The file must contain a loadable image of the heightmap. The heightmap

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public:
/** \param degrees Amount of degrees to rotate by, anticlockwise. /** \param degrees Amount of degrees to rotate by, anticlockwise.
\param center Rotation center. \param center Rotation center.
\return This vector after transformation. */ \return This vector after transformation. */
vector2d<T>& rotateBy(f64 degrees, const vector2d<T>& center) vector2d<T>& rotateBy(f64 degrees, const vector2d<T>& center=vector2d<T>())
{ {
degrees *= DEGTORAD64; degrees *= DEGTORAD64;
const f64 cs = cos(degrees); const f64 cs = cos(degrees);

media/ninja.b3d Normal file

Binary file not shown.

media/nskinbl.jpg Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 39 KiB

media/nskinrd.jpg Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 51 KiB

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@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode()
} }
} }
IMesh * CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMeshForCurrentFrame(bool forceRecalcOfControlJoints) IMesh * CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMeshForCurrentFrame(void)
{ {
if(Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_SKINNED) if(Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_SKINNED)
{ {
@ -210,20 +210,15 @@ IMesh * CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMeshForCurrentFrame(bool forceRecalcOfControl
} }
else else
{ {
// As multiple scene nodes may be sharing the same skinned mesh, we have to
// re-animated it every frame to ensure that this node gets the mesh that it needs.
CSkinnedMesh* skinnedMesh = reinterpret_cast<CSkinnedMesh*>(Mesh); CSkinnedMesh* skinnedMesh = reinterpret_cast<CSkinnedMesh*>(Mesh);
if (JointMode == EJUOR_CONTROL && forceRecalcOfControlJoints)//write to mesh if (JointMode == EJUOR_CONTROL)//write to mesh
skinnedMesh->transferJointsToMesh(JointChildSceneNodes); skinnedMesh->transferJointsToMesh(JointChildSceneNodes);
else else
{ skinnedMesh->animateMesh(getFrameNr(), 1.0f);
// Return the mesh for the current frame if it hasn't changed, otherwise update it.
if(MeshForCurrentFrame && core::equals(CurrentFrameNr, FrameWhenCurrentMeshWasGenerated))
return MeshForCurrentFrame;
skinnedMesh->animateMesh(getFrameNr(), 1.0f);
// Update the skinned mesh for the current joint transforms. // Update the skinned mesh for the current joint transforms.
skinnedMesh->skinMesh(); skinnedMesh->skinMesh();
@ -239,9 +234,10 @@ IMesh * CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMeshForCurrentFrame(bool forceRecalcOfControl
JointChildSceneNodes[n]->updateAbsolutePositionOfAllChildren(); //temp, should be an option JointChildSceneNodes[n]->updateAbsolutePositionOfAllChildren(); //temp, should be an option
} }
} }
if(JointMode == EJUOR_CONTROL)
{ {
// For EJUOR_READ meshes, this is done by calling animateMesh() // For meshes other than EJUOR_CONTROL, this is done by calling animateMesh()
skinnedMesh->updateBoundingBox(); skinnedMesh->updateBoundingBox();
} }
@ -256,15 +252,7 @@ IMesh * CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMeshForCurrentFrame(bool forceRecalcOfControl
//! OnAnimate() is called just before rendering the whole scene. //! OnAnimate() is called just before rendering the whole scene.
void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::OnAnimate(u32 timeMs) void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::OnAnimate(u32 timeMs)
{ {
CurrentFrameNr = buildFrameNr ( timeMs ); CurrentFrameNr = buildFrameNr ( timeMs );
if ( Mesh )
scene::IMesh * mesh = getMeshForCurrentFrame(true);
if ( mesh )
Box = mesh->getBoundingBox();
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::OnAnimate ( timeMs ); IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::OnAnimate ( timeMs );
} }
@ -284,9 +272,13 @@ void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::render()
++PassCount; ++PassCount;
scene::IMesh* m = getMeshForCurrentFrame(false); scene::IMesh* m = getMeshForCurrentFrame();
if ( 0 == m ) if(m)
Box = m->getBoundingBox();
{ {
#ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef _DEBUG
os::Printer::log("Animated Mesh returned no mesh to render.", Mesh->getDebugName(), ELL_WARNING); os::Printer::log("Animated Mesh returned no mesh to render.", Mesh->getDebugName(), ELL_WARNING);

View File

@ -162,10 +162,7 @@ namespace scene
private: private:
//! Get a static mesh for the current frame of this animated mesh //! Get a static mesh for the current frame of this animated mesh
/** \param forceRecalcOfControlJoints If the mesh is a skinned mesh with controlled joints, force IMesh* getMeshForCurrentFrame(void);
a recalculation even if the frame number hasn't changed. Otherwise return the cached mesh for the
current frame if it exists. */
IMesh* getMeshForCurrentFrame(bool forceRecalcOfControlJoints);
f32 buildFrameNr( u32 timeMs); f32 buildFrameNr( u32 timeMs);
void checkJoints(); void checkJoints();

View File

@ -2776,7 +2776,7 @@ ITexture* COpenGLDriver::addRenderTargetTexture(const core::dimension2d<s32>& si
//! call. //! call.
u32 COpenGLDriver::getMaximalPrimitiveCount() const u32 COpenGLDriver::getMaximalPrimitiveCount() const
{ {
return 65535;// TODO: Fix all loaders to auto-split and then return the correct value: MaxIndices; return 0x7fffffff;
} }

View File

@ -667,8 +667,9 @@ ICameraSceneNode* CSceneManager::addCameraSceneNodeFPS(ISceneNode* parent,
parent = this; parent = this;
ICameraSceneNode* node = new CCameraSceneNode(parent, this, id); ICameraSceneNode* node = new CCameraSceneNode(parent, this, id);
ISceneNodeAnimator* anm = new CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS(CursorControl, rotateSpeed, ISceneNodeAnimator* anm = new CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS(CursorControl,
moveSpeed, jumpSpeed, keyMapArray, keyMapSize, noVerticalMovement); rotateSpeed, moveSpeed, jumpSpeed,
keyMapArray, keyMapSize, noVerticalMovement);
// Bind the node's rotation to its target. This is consistent with 1.4.2 and below. // Bind the node's rotation to its target. This is consistent with 1.4.2 and below.
node->bindTargetAndRotation(true); node->bindTargetAndRotation(true);

View File

@ -127,18 +127,18 @@ namespace scene
//! \return Pointer to interface to camera //! \return Pointer to interface to camera
virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNode(ISceneNode* parent = 0, virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNode(ISceneNode* parent = 0,
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0), const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& lookat = core::vector3df(0,0,0), s32 id=-1); const core::vector3df& lookat = core::vector3df(0,0,100), s32 id=-1);
//! Adds a camera scene node which is able to be controlle with the mouse similar //! Adds a camera scene node which is able to be controlle with the mouse similar
//! like in the 3D Software Maya by Alias Wavefront. //! like in the 3D Software Maya by Alias Wavefront.
//! The returned pointer must not be dropped. //! The returned pointer must not be dropped.
virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNodeMaya(ISceneNode* parent = 0, virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNodeMaya(ISceneNode* parent = 0,
f32 rotateSpeed = -1500.0f, f32 zoomSpeed = 200.0f, f32 translationSpeed = 100.0f, s32 id=-1); f32 rotateSpeed = -1500.0f, f32 zoomSpeed = 200.0f, f32 translationSpeed = 1500.0f, s32 id=-1);
//! Adds a camera scene node which is able to be controled with the mouse and keys //! Adds a camera scene node which is able to be controled with the mouse and keys
//! like in most first person shooters (FPS): //! like in most first person shooters (FPS):
virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNodeFPS(ISceneNode* parent = 0, virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNodeFPS(ISceneNode* parent = 0,
f32 rotateSpeed = 1500.0f, f32 moveSpeed = 200.0f, s32 id=-1, f32 rotateSpeed = 100.0f, f32 moveSpeed = .5f, s32 id=-1,
SKeyMap* keyMapArray=0, s32 keyMapSize=0, bool noVerticalMovement=false, SKeyMap* keyMapArray=0, s32 keyMapSize=0, bool noVerticalMovement=false,
f32 jumpSpeed = 0.f); f32 jumpSpeed = 0.f);

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS::CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS(gui::ICursorControl* cu
f32 rotateSpeed, f32 moveSpeed, f32 jumpSpeed, f32 rotateSpeed, f32 moveSpeed, f32 jumpSpeed,
SKeyMap* keyMapArray, u32 keyMapSize, bool noVerticalMovement) SKeyMap* keyMapArray, u32 keyMapSize, bool noVerticalMovement)
: CursorControl(cursorControl), MaxVerticalAngle(88.0f), : CursorControl(cursorControl), MaxVerticalAngle(88.0f),
MoveSpeed(moveSpeed/1000.0f), RotateSpeed(rotateSpeed), JumpSpeed(jumpSpeed), MoveSpeed(moveSpeed), RotateSpeed(rotateSpeed), JumpSpeed(jumpSpeed),
LastAnimationTime(0), firstUpdate(true), NoVerticalMovement(noVerticalMovement) LastAnimationTime(0), firstUpdate(true), NoVerticalMovement(noVerticalMovement)
{ {
#ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef _DEBUG
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS::setVerticalMovement(bool allow)
ISceneNodeAnimator* CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS::createClone(ISceneNode* node, ISceneManager* newManager) ISceneNodeAnimator* CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS::createClone(ISceneNode* node, ISceneManager* newManager)
{ {
CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS * newAnimator = CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS * newAnimator =
new CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS(CursorControl, RotateSpeed, (MoveSpeed * 1000.0f), JumpSpeed, new CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS(CursorControl, RotateSpeed, MoveSpeed, JumpSpeed,
0, 0, NoVerticalMovement); 0, 0, NoVerticalMovement);
newAnimator->setKeyMap(KeyMap); newAnimator->setKeyMap(KeyMap);
return newAnimator; return newAnimator;

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace scene
//! Constructor //! Constructor
CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS(gui::ICursorControl* cursorControl, CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS(gui::ICursorControl* cursorControl,
f32 rotateSpeed = 100.0f, f32 moveSpeed = 500.0f, f32 jumpSpeed=0.f, f32 rotateSpeed = 100.0f, f32 moveSpeed = .5f, f32 jumpSpeed=0.f,
SKeyMap* keyMapArray=0, u32 keyMapSize=0, bool noVerticalMovement=false); SKeyMap* keyMapArray=0, u32 keyMapSize=0, bool noVerticalMovement=false);
//! Destructor //! Destructor
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ namespace scene
//! Event receiver //! Event receiver
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event); virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event);
//! Returns the speed of movement in units per millisecond //! Returns the speed of movement in units per second
virtual f32 getMoveSpeed() const; virtual f32 getMoveSpeed() const;
//! Sets the speed of movement in units per millisecond //! Sets the speed of movement in units per second
virtual void setMoveSpeed(f32 moveSpeed); virtual void setMoveSpeed(f32 moveSpeed);
//! Returns the rotation speed //! Returns the rotation speed
@ -118,3 +118,4 @@ namespace scene
} // end namespace irr } // end namespace irr

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@ -14,11 +14,9 @@ namespace scene
//! constructor //! constructor
CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya(gui::ICursorControl* cursor, f32 rotate, f32 zoom, f32 translate) CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya(gui::ICursorControl* cursor, f32 rotate, f32 zoom, f32 translate)
: CursorControl(cursor), Zooming(false), Rotating(false), Moving(false), Translating(false), : CursorControl(cursor), Zooming(false), Rotating(false), Moving(false),
ZoomSpeed(zoom), RotateSpeed(rotate), TranslateSpeed(translate), Translating(false), ZoomSpeed(zoom), RotateSpeed(rotate), TranslateSpeed(translate),
RotateStartX(0.0f), RotateStartY(0.0f), ZoomStartX(0.0f), ZoomStartY(0.0f), CurrentZoom(70.0f), RotX(0.0f), RotY(0.0f), OldCamera(0), MousePos(0.5f, 0.5f)
TranslateStartX(0.0f), TranslateStartY(0.0f), CurrentZoom(70.0f), RotX(0.0f), RotY(0.0f),
OldCamera(0), MousePos(0.5f, 0.5f)
{ {
#ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef _DEBUG
setDebugName("CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya"); setDebugName("CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya");
@ -103,9 +101,7 @@ void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::animateNode(ISceneNode *node, u32 timeMs)
OldCamera = camera; OldCamera = camera;
} }
Target = camera->getTarget(); core::vector3df target = camera->getTarget();
const SViewFrustum* va = camera->getViewFrustum();
f32 nRotX = RotX; f32 nRotX = RotX;
f32 nRotY = RotY; f32 nRotY = RotY;
@ -115,28 +111,23 @@ void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::animateNode(ISceneNode *node, u32 timeMs)
{ {
if (!Zooming) if (!Zooming)
{ {
ZoomStartX = MousePos.X; ZoomStart = MousePos;
ZoomStartY = MousePos.Y;
Zooming = true; Zooming = true;
nZoom = CurrentZoom; nZoom = CurrentZoom;
} }
else else
{ {
f32 old = nZoom; const f32 targetMinDistance = 0.1f;
nZoom += (ZoomStartX - MousePos.X) * ZoomSpeed; nZoom += (ZoomStart.X - MousePos.X) * ZoomSpeed;
f32 targetMinDistance = 0.1f;
if (nZoom < targetMinDistance) // jox: fixed bug: bounce back when zooming to close if (nZoom < targetMinDistance) // jox: fixed bug: bounce back when zooming to close
nZoom = targetMinDistance; nZoom = targetMinDistance;
if (nZoom < 0)
nZoom = old;
} }
} }
else if (Zooming) else if (Zooming)
{ {
f32 old = CurrentZoom; const f32 old = CurrentZoom;
CurrentZoom = CurrentZoom + (ZoomStartX - MousePos.X ) * ZoomSpeed; CurrentZoom = CurrentZoom + (ZoomStart.X - MousePos.X ) * ZoomSpeed;
nZoom = CurrentZoom; nZoom = CurrentZoom;
if (nZoom < 0) if (nZoom < 0)
@ -146,35 +137,34 @@ void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::animateNode(ISceneNode *node, u32 timeMs)
// Translation --------------------------------- // Translation ---------------------------------
core::vector3df translate(OldTarget), UpVector(camera->getUpVector()); core::vector3df translate(OldTarget), upVector(camera->getUpVector());
core::vector3df tvectX = Pos - Target; core::vector3df tvectX = Pos - target;
tvectX = tvectX.crossProduct(UpVector); tvectX = tvectX.crossProduct(upVector);
tvectX.normalize(); tvectX.normalize();
const SViewFrustum* const va = camera->getViewFrustum();
core::vector3df tvectY = (va->getFarLeftDown() - va->getFarRightDown()); core::vector3df tvectY = (va->getFarLeftDown() - va->getFarRightDown());
tvectY = tvectY.crossProduct(UpVector.Y > 0 ? Pos - Target : Target - Pos); tvectY = tvectY.crossProduct(upVector.Y > 0 ? Pos - target : target - Pos);
tvectY.normalize(); tvectY.normalize();
if (isMouseKeyDown(2) && !Zooming) if (isMouseKeyDown(2) && !Zooming)
{ {
if (!Translating) if (!Translating)
{ {
TranslateStartX = MousePos.X; TranslateStart = MousePos;
TranslateStartY = MousePos.Y;
Translating = true; Translating = true;
} }
else else
{ {
translate += tvectX * (TranslateStartX - MousePos.X)*TranslateSpeed + translate += tvectX * (TranslateStart.X - MousePos.X)*TranslateSpeed +
tvectY * (TranslateStartY - MousePos.Y)*TranslateSpeed; tvectY * (TranslateStart.Y - MousePos.Y)*TranslateSpeed;
} }
} }
else if (Translating) else if (Translating)
{ {
translate += tvectX * (TranslateStartX - MousePos.X)*TranslateSpeed + translate += tvectX * (TranslateStart.X - MousePos.X)*TranslateSpeed +
tvectY * (TranslateStartY - MousePos.Y)*TranslateSpeed; tvectY * (TranslateStart.Y - MousePos.Y)*TranslateSpeed;
OldTarget = translate; OldTarget = translate;
Translating = false; Translating = false;
} }
@ -185,22 +175,21 @@ void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::animateNode(ISceneNode *node, u32 timeMs)
{ {
if (!Rotating) if (!Rotating)
{ {
RotateStartX = MousePos.X; RotateStart = MousePos;
RotateStartY = MousePos.Y;
Rotating = true; Rotating = true;
nRotX = RotX; nRotX = RotX;
nRotY = RotY; nRotY = RotY;
} }
else else
{ {
nRotX += (RotateStartX - MousePos.X) * RotateSpeed; nRotX += (RotateStart.X - MousePos.X) * RotateSpeed;
nRotY += (RotateStartY - MousePos.Y) * RotateSpeed; nRotY += (RotateStart.Y - MousePos.Y) * RotateSpeed;
} }
} }
else if (Rotating) else if (Rotating)
{ {
RotX = RotX + (RotateStartX - MousePos.X) * RotateSpeed; RotX += (RotateStart.X - MousePos.X) * RotateSpeed;
RotY = RotY + (RotateStartY - MousePos.Y) * RotateSpeed; RotY += (RotateStart.Y - MousePos.Y) * RotateSpeed;
nRotX = RotX; nRotX = RotX;
nRotY = RotY; nRotY = RotY;
Rotating = false; Rotating = false;
@ -208,25 +197,25 @@ void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::animateNode(ISceneNode *node, u32 timeMs)
// Set Pos ------------------------------------ // Set Pos ------------------------------------
Target = translate; target = translate;
Pos.X = nZoom + Target.X; Pos.X = nZoom + target.X;
Pos.Y = Target.Y; Pos.Y = target.Y;
Pos.Z = Target.Z; Pos.Z = target.Z;
Pos.rotateXYBy(nRotY, Target); Pos.rotateXYBy(nRotY, target);
Pos.rotateXZBy(-nRotX, Target); Pos.rotateXZBy(-nRotX, target);
// Rotation Error ---------------------------- // Rotation Error ----------------------------
// jox: fixed bug: jitter when rotating to the top and bottom of y // jox: fixed bug: jitter when rotating to the top and bottom of y
UpVector.set(0,1,0); upVector.set(0,1,0);
UpVector.rotateXYBy(-nRotY); upVector.rotateXYBy(-nRotY);
UpVector.rotateXZBy(-nRotX+180.f); upVector.rotateXZBy(-nRotX+180.f);
camera->setPosition(Pos); camera->setPosition(Pos);
camera->setTarget(Target); camera->setTarget(target);
camera->setUpVector(UpVector); camera->setUpVector(upVector);
} }
@ -243,25 +232,6 @@ void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::allKeysUp()
} }
// function added by jox
void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::updateAnimationState()
core::vector3df pos(Pos - Target);
// X rotation
core::vector2df vec2d(pos.X, pos.Z);
RotX = (f32)vec2d.getAngle();
// Y rotation
vec2d.set(pos.X, pos.Y);
RotY = -(f32)vec2d.getAngle();
// Zoom
CurrentZoom = (f32)Pos.getDistanceFrom(Target);
//! Sets the rotation speed //! Sets the rotation speed
void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::setRotateSpeed(f32 speed) void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::setRotateSpeed(f32 speed)
{ {

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@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ namespace scene
{ {
//! Special scene node animator for FPS cameras //! Special scene node animator for FPS cameras
/** This scene node animator can be attached to a camera to make it act like a first /** This scene node animator can be attached to a camera to make it act
person shooter like a 3d modelling tool camera
*/ */
class CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya : public ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya class CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya : public ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya
{ {
@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ namespace scene
void allKeysUp(); void allKeysUp();
void animate(); void animate();
bool isMouseKeyDown(s32 key); bool isMouseKeyDown(s32 key);
void updateAnimationState();
bool MouseKeys[3]; bool MouseKeys[3];
@ -94,19 +93,19 @@ namespace scene
f32 ZoomSpeed; f32 ZoomSpeed;
f32 RotateSpeed; f32 RotateSpeed;
f32 TranslateSpeed; f32 TranslateSpeed;
f32 RotateStartX, RotateStartY; core::position2df RotateStart;
f32 ZoomStartX, ZoomStartY; core::position2df ZoomStart;
f32 TranslateStartX, TranslateStartY; core::position2df TranslateStart;
f32 CurrentZoom; f32 CurrentZoom;
f32 RotX, RotY; f32 RotX, RotY;
core::vector3df Target;
core::vector3df OldTarget; core::vector3df OldTarget;
scene::ICameraSceneNode* OldCamera; scene::ICameraSceneNode* OldCamera;
core::position2d<f32> MousePos; core::position2df MousePos;
}; };
} // end namespace scene } // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr } // end namespace irr
#endif #endif

View File

@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ namespace scene
//! Initializes the terrain data. Loads the vertices from the heightMapFile //! Initializes the terrain data. Loads the vertices from the heightMapFile
bool CTerrainSceneNode::loadHeightMap( io::IReadFile* file, video::SColor vertexColor, s32 smoothFactor ) bool CTerrainSceneNode::loadHeightMap(io::IReadFile* file, video::SColor vertexColor,
s32 smoothFactor)
{ {
if( !file ) if( !file )
return false; return false;
@ -425,7 +426,6 @@ namespace scene
// We copy the data to the renderBuffer, after the normals have been calculated. // We copy the data to the renderBuffer, after the normals have been calculated.
RenderBuffer->getVertexBuffer().set_used( vertexCount ); RenderBuffer->getVertexBuffer().set_used( vertexCount );
for( u32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++ ) for( u32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++ )
{ {
RenderBuffer->getVertexBuffer()[i] = mb->getVertexBuffer()[i]; RenderBuffer->getVertexBuffer()[i] = mb->getVertexBuffer()[i];
@ -473,6 +473,7 @@ namespace scene
ForceRecalculation = true; ForceRecalculation = true;
} }
//! Sets the rotation of the node. This only modifies //! Sets the rotation of the node. This only modifies
//! the relative rotation of the node. //! the relative rotation of the node.
//! \param rotation: New rotation of the node in degrees. //! \param rotation: New rotation of the node in degrees.
@ -483,6 +484,7 @@ namespace scene
ForceRecalculation = true; ForceRecalculation = true;
} }
//! Sets the pivot point for rotation of this node. This is useful for the TiledTerrainManager to //! Sets the pivot point for rotation of this node. This is useful for the TiledTerrainManager to
//! rotate all terrain tiles around a global world point. //! rotate all terrain tiles around a global world point.
//! NOTE: The default for the RotationPivot will be the center of the individual tile. //! NOTE: The default for the RotationPivot will be the center of the individual tile.
@ -492,6 +494,7 @@ namespace scene
TerrainData.RotationPivot = pivot; TerrainData.RotationPivot = pivot;
} }
//! Sets the position of the node. //! Sets the position of the node.
//! \param newpos: New postition of the scene node. //! \param newpos: New postition of the scene node.
void CTerrainSceneNode::setPosition(const core::vector3df& newpos) void CTerrainSceneNode::setPosition(const core::vector3df& newpos)
@ -501,6 +504,7 @@ namespace scene
ForceRecalculation = true; ForceRecalculation = true;
} }
//! Apply transformation changes( scale, position, rotation ) //! Apply transformation changes( scale, position, rotation )
void CTerrainSceneNode::applyTransformation() void CTerrainSceneNode::applyTransformation()
{ {
@ -526,9 +530,9 @@ namespace scene
calculatePatchData(); calculatePatchData();
RenderBuffer->setDirty(EBT_VERTEX); RenderBuffer->setDirty(EBT_VERTEX);
} }
//! Updates the scene nodes indices if the camera has moved or rotated by a certain //! Updates the scene nodes indices if the camera has moved or rotated by a certain
//! threshold, which can be changed using the SetCameraMovementDeltaThreshold and //! threshold, which can be changed using the SetCameraMovementDeltaThreshold and
//! SetCameraRotationDeltaThreshold functions. This also determines if a given patch //! SetCameraRotationDeltaThreshold functions. This also determines if a given patch
@ -545,9 +549,10 @@ namespace scene
ForceRecalculation = false; ForceRecalculation = false;
} }
void CTerrainSceneNode::preRenderLODCalculations() void CTerrainSceneNode::preRenderLODCalculations()
{ {
SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering( this ); SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this);
// Do Not call ISceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode(), this node should have no children // Do Not call ISceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode(), this node should have no children
// Determine the camera rotation, based on the camera direction. // Determine the camera rotation, based on the camera direction.
@ -555,7 +560,6 @@ namespace scene
const core::vector3df cameraRotation = core::line3d<f32>(cameraPosition, SceneManager->getActiveCamera()->getTarget()).getVector().getHorizontalAngle(); const core::vector3df cameraRotation = core::line3d<f32>(cameraPosition, SceneManager->getActiveCamera()->getTarget()).getVector().getHorizontalAngle();
const f32 CameraFOV = SceneManager->getActiveCamera()->getFOV(); const f32 CameraFOV = SceneManager->getActiveCamera()->getFOV();
// Only check on the Camera's Y Rotation // Only check on the Camera's Y Rotation
if (!ForceRecalculation) if (!ForceRecalculation)
{ {
@ -619,18 +623,15 @@ namespace scene
switch (RenderBuffer->getIndexBuffer().getType()) switch (RenderBuffer->getIndexBuffer().getType())
{ {
case video::EIT_16BIT: case video::EIT_16BIT:
preRenderIndicesCalculationsDirect<u16>((u16*)RenderBuffer->getIndexBuffer().pointer()); preRenderIndicesCalculationsDirect<u16>((u16*)RenderBuffer->getIndexBuffer().pointer());
break; break;
case video::EIT_32BIT: case video::EIT_32BIT:
preRenderIndicesCalculationsDirect<u32>((u32*)RenderBuffer->getIndexBuffer().pointer()); preRenderIndicesCalculationsDirect<u32>((u32*)RenderBuffer->getIndexBuffer().pointer());
break; break;
} }
} }
template<class INDEX_TYPE> template<class INDEX_TYPE>
void CTerrainSceneNode::preRenderIndicesCalculationsDirect(INDEX_TYPE* IndexBuffer) void CTerrainSceneNode::preRenderIndicesCalculationsDirect(INDEX_TYPE* IndexBuffer)
{ {
@ -689,10 +690,6 @@ namespace scene
} }
//! Render the scene node //! Render the scene node
void CTerrainSceneNode::render() void CTerrainSceneNode::render()
{ {
@ -791,18 +788,21 @@ namespace scene
} }
} }
//! Return the bounding box of the entire terrain. //! Return the bounding box of the entire terrain.
const core::aabbox3d<f32>& CTerrainSceneNode::getBoundingBox() const const core::aabbox3d<f32>& CTerrainSceneNode::getBoundingBox() const
{ {
return TerrainData.BoundingBox; return TerrainData.BoundingBox;
} }
//! Return the bounding box of a patch //! Return the bounding box of a patch
const core::aabbox3d<f32>& CTerrainSceneNode::getBoundingBox( s32 patchX, s32 patchZ ) const const core::aabbox3d<f32>& CTerrainSceneNode::getBoundingBox( s32 patchX, s32 patchZ ) const
{ {
return TerrainData.Patches[patchX * TerrainData.PatchCount + patchZ].BoundingBox; return TerrainData.Patches[patchX * TerrainData.PatchCount + patchZ].BoundingBox;
} }
//! Gets the meshbuffer data based on a specified Level of Detail. //! Gets the meshbuffer data based on a specified Level of Detail.
//! \param mb: A reference to an SMeshBuffer object //! \param mb: A reference to an SMeshBuffer object
//! \param LOD: The Level Of Detail you want the indices from. //! \param LOD: The Level Of Detail you want the indices from.
@ -863,6 +863,7 @@ namespace scene
} }
} }
//! Gets the indices for a specified patch at a specified Level of Detail. //! Gets the indices for a specified patch at a specified Level of Detail.
//! \param mb: A reference to an array of u32 indices. //! \param mb: A reference to an array of u32 indices.
//! \param patchX: Patch x coordinate. //! \param patchX: Patch x coordinate.
@ -940,6 +941,7 @@ namespace scene
return rv; return rv;
} }
//! Populates an array with the CurrentLOD of each patch. //! Populates an array with the CurrentLOD of each patch.
//! \param LODs: A reference to a core::array<s32> to hold the values //! \param LODs: A reference to a core::array<s32> to hold the values
//! \return Returns the number of elements in the array //! \return Returns the number of elements in the array
@ -980,6 +982,7 @@ namespace scene
return true; return true;
} }
//! Creates a planar texture mapping on the terrain //! Creates a planar texture mapping on the terrain
//! \param resolution: resolution of the planar mapping. This is the value //! \param resolution: resolution of the planar mapping. This is the value
//! specifying the relation between world space and texture coordinate space. //! specifying the relation between world space and texture coordinate space.
@ -1026,6 +1029,7 @@ namespace scene
RenderBuffer->setDirty(EBT_VERTEX); RenderBuffer->setDirty(EBT_VERTEX);
} }
//! used to get the indices when generating index data for patches at varying levels of detail. //! used to get the indices when generating index data for patches at varying levels of detail.
u32 CTerrainSceneNode::getIndex(const s32 PatchX, const s32 PatchZ, u32 CTerrainSceneNode::getIndex(const s32 PatchX, const s32 PatchZ,
const s32 PatchIndex, u32 vX, u32 vZ) const const s32 PatchIndex, u32 vX, u32 vZ) const
@ -1082,6 +1086,7 @@ namespace scene
(vX + ((TerrainData.CalcPatchSize) * PatchX)); (vX + ((TerrainData.CalcPatchSize) * PatchX));
} }
//! smooth the terrain //! smooth the terrain
void CTerrainSceneNode::smoothTerrain(CDynamicMeshBuffer* mb, s32 smoothFactor) void CTerrainSceneNode::smoothTerrain(CDynamicMeshBuffer* mb, s32 smoothFactor)
{ {
@ -1103,6 +1108,7 @@ namespace scene
} }
} }
//! calculate smooth normals //! calculate smooth normals
void CTerrainSceneNode::calculateNormals( CDynamicMeshBuffer* mb ) void CTerrainSceneNode::calculateNormals( CDynamicMeshBuffer* mb )
{ {
@ -1226,6 +1232,7 @@ namespace scene
} }
} }
//! create patches, stuff that needs to be done only once for patches goes here. //! create patches, stuff that needs to be done only once for patches goes here.
void CTerrainSceneNode::createPatches() void CTerrainSceneNode::createPatches()
{ {
@ -1237,6 +1244,7 @@ namespace scene
TerrainData.Patches = new SPatch[TerrainData.PatchCount * TerrainData.PatchCount]; TerrainData.Patches = new SPatch[TerrainData.PatchCount * TerrainData.PatchCount];
} }
//! used to calculate the internal STerrainData structure both at creation and after scaling/position calls. //! used to calculate the internal STerrainData structure both at creation and after scaling/position calls.
void CTerrainSceneNode::calculatePatchData() void CTerrainSceneNode::calculatePatchData()
{ {
@ -1322,6 +1330,7 @@ namespace scene
} }
} }
void CTerrainSceneNode::setCurrentLODOfPatches(s32 lod) void CTerrainSceneNode::setCurrentLODOfPatches(s32 lod)
{ {
const s32 count = TerrainData.PatchCount * TerrainData.PatchCount; const s32 count = TerrainData.PatchCount * TerrainData.PatchCount;
@ -1329,6 +1338,7 @@ namespace scene
TerrainData.Patches[i].CurrentLOD = lod; TerrainData.Patches[i].CurrentLOD = lod;
} }
void CTerrainSceneNode::setCurrentLODOfPatches(const core::array<s32>& lodarray) void CTerrainSceneNode::setCurrentLODOfPatches(const core::array<s32>& lodarray)
{ {
const s32 count = TerrainData.PatchCount * TerrainData.PatchCount; const s32 count = TerrainData.PatchCount * TerrainData.PatchCount;
@ -1338,7 +1348,7 @@ namespace scene
//! Gets the height //! Gets the height
f32 CTerrainSceneNode::getHeight( f32 x, f32 z ) const f32 CTerrainSceneNode::getHeight(f32 x, f32 z) const
{ {
if (!Mesh.getMeshBufferCount()) if (!Mesh.getMeshBufferCount())
return 0; return 0;

View File

@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ namespace scene
virtual IMeshBuffer* getRenderBuffer() { return RenderBuffer; } virtual IMeshBuffer* getRenderBuffer() { return RenderBuffer; }
//! Gets the meshbuffer data based on a specified Level of Detail. //! Gets the meshbuffer data based on a specified Level of Detail.
//! \param mb: A reference to an SMeshBufferLightMap object //! \param mb: A reference to an IDynamicMeshBuffer object
//! \param LOD: The Level Of Detail you want the indices from. //! \param LOD: The Level Of Detail you want the indices from.
virtual void getMeshBufferForLOD(IDynamicMeshBuffer& mb, s32 LOD ) const; virtual void getMeshBufferForLOD(IDynamicMeshBuffer& mb, s32 LOD=0) const;
//! Gets the indices for a specified patch at a specified Level of Detail. //! Gets the indices for a specified patch at a specified Level of Detail.
//! \param indices: A reference to an array of u32 indices. //! \param indices: A reference to an array of u32 indices.
@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ namespace scene
//! \param patchZ: Patch z coordinate. //! \param patchZ: Patch z coordinate.
//! \param LOD: The level of detail to get for that patch. If -1, then get //! \param LOD: The level of detail to get for that patch. If -1, then get
//! the CurrentLOD. If the CurrentLOD is set to -1, meaning it's not shown, //! the CurrentLOD. If the CurrentLOD is set to -1, meaning it's not shown,
//! then it will retrieve the triangles at the highest LOD ( 0 ). //! then it will retrieve the triangles at the highest LOD (0).
//! \return: Number of indices put into the buffer. //! \return: Number of indices put into the buffer.
virtual s32 getIndicesForPatch(core::array<u32>& indices, virtual s32 getIndicesForPatch(core::array<u32>& indices,
s32 patchX, s32 patchZ, s32 LOD = 0 ); s32 patchX, s32 patchZ, s32 LOD=0);
//! Populates an array with the CurrentLOD of each patch. //! Populates an array with the CurrentLOD of each patch.
//! \param LODs: A reference to a core::array<s32> to hold the values //! \param LODs: A reference to a core::array<s32> to hold the values
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ namespace scene
//! \param patchX: Patch x coordinate. //! \param patchX: Patch x coordinate.
//! \param patchZ: Patch z coordinate. //! \param patchZ: Patch z coordinate.
//! \param LOD: The level of detail to set the patch to. //! \param LOD: The level of detail to set the patch to.
virtual void setLODOfPatch( s32 patchX, s32 patchZ, s32 LOD ); virtual void setLODOfPatch(s32 patchX, s32 patchZ, s32 LOD=0);
//! Returns center of terrain. //! Returns center of terrain.
virtual const core::vector3df& getTerrainCenter() const virtual const core::vector3df& getTerrainCenter() const

View File

@ -28,29 +28,29 @@ class CTerrainTriangleSelector : public ITriangleSelector
public: public:
//! Constructs a selector based on an IGeoMipMapSceneNode //! Constructs a selector based on an IGeoMipMapSceneNode
CTerrainTriangleSelector(ITerrainSceneNode* node, s32 LOD ); CTerrainTriangleSelector(ITerrainSceneNode* node, s32 LOD);
//! Destructor //! Destructor
virtual ~CTerrainTriangleSelector(); virtual ~CTerrainTriangleSelector();
//! Clears and sets triangle data //! Clears and sets triangle data
virtual void setTriangleData ( ITerrainSceneNode* node, s32 LOD ); virtual void setTriangleData (ITerrainSceneNode* node, s32 LOD);
//! Gets all triangles. //! Gets all triangles.
void getTriangles ( core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize, s32& outTriangleCount, void getTriangles(core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize, s32& outTriangleCount,
const core::matrix4* transform = 0 ) const; const core::matrix4* transform=0) const;
//! Gets all triangles which lie within a specific bounding box. //! Gets all triangles which lie within a specific bounding box.
void getTriangles ( core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize, s32& outTriangleCount, void getTriangles(core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize, s32& outTriangleCount,
const core::aabbox3d<f32>& box, const core::matrix4* transform = 0 ) const; const core::aabbox3d<f32>& box, const core::matrix4* transform=0) const;
//! Gets all triangles which have or may have contact with a 3d line. //! Gets all triangles which have or may have contact with a 3d line.
virtual void getTriangles ( core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize, virtual void getTriangles(core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize,
s32& outTriangleCount, const core::line3d<f32>& line, s32& outTriangleCount, const core::line3d<f32>& line,
const core::matrix4* transform = 0 ) const; const core::matrix4* transform=0) const;
//! Returns amount of all available triangles in this selector //! Returns amount of all available triangles in this selector
virtual s32 getTriangleCount ( ) const; virtual s32 getTriangleCount() const;
private: private:
@ -65,10 +65,9 @@ private:
struct SGeoMipMapTrianglePatches struct SGeoMipMapTrianglePatches
{ {
SGeoMipMapTrianglePatches ( ) SGeoMipMapTrianglePatches() :
NumPatches(0), TotalTriangles(0)
{ {
TotalTriangles = 0;
NumPatches = 0;
} }
core::array<SGeoMipMapTrianglePatch> TrianglePatchArray; core::array<SGeoMipMapTrianglePatch> TrianglePatchArray;

View File

@ -6,17 +6,20 @@
<Option pch_mode="0" /> <Option pch_mode="0" />
<Option compiler="gcc" /> <Option compiler="gcc" />
<Build> <Build>
<Target title="Debug"> <Target title="Win32 - Debug - dll">
<Option output="..\..\bin\Win32-gcc\Irrlicht.dll" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" /> <Option output="..\..\lib\gcc\Irrlicht" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
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<Option type="3" /> <Option type="3" />
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<Option createDefFile="1" /> <Option createDefFile="1" />
<Option createStaticLib="1" /> <Option createStaticLib="1" />
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@ -40,10 +43,13 @@
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<Option object_output="obj\IrrReleasegcc" /> <Option object_output="..\obj\win32-gcc-release-dll" />
<Option type="3" /> <Option type="3" />
<Option compiler="gcc" /> <Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" /> <Option createDefFile="1" />
@ -51,6 +57,8 @@
<Compiler> <Compiler>
<Add option="-O2" /> <Add option="-O2" />
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<Add option="-Wall" />
<Add option="-Wno-unused-parameter" />
<Add option="-DWIN32" /> <Add option="-DWIN32" />
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@ -74,10 +82,13 @@
<Add library="opengl32" /> <Add library="opengl32" />
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</Linker> </Linker>
<Add after="mv ../../lib/gcc/Irrlicht.dll ../../bin/gcc/Irrlicht.dll" />
</Target> </Target>
<Target title="Release - Fast FPU"> <Target title="Win32 - Release - fast math - dll">
<Option output="..\..\bin\Win32-gcc\Irrlicht.dll" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" /> <Option output="..\..\lib\gcc\Irrlicht" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="Release - Fast FPU" /> <Option object_output="..\obj\win32-gcc-release-fast-dll" />
<Option type="3" /> <Option type="3" />
<Option compiler="gcc" /> <Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" /> <Option createDefFile="1" />
@ -85,6 +96,9 @@
<Compiler> <Compiler>
<Add option="-O3" /> <Add option="-O3" />
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<Add option="-ffast-math" />
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<Add option="-DWIN32" /> <Add option="-DWIN32" />
<Add option="-DNDEBUG" /> <Add option="-DNDEBUG" />
<Add option="-D_WINDOWS" /> <Add option="-D_WINDOWS" />
@ -108,10 +122,88 @@
<Add library="opengl32" /> <Add library="opengl32" />
<Add library="winmm" /> <Add library="winmm" />
</Linker> </Linker>
<Add after="mv ../../lib/gcc/Irrlicht.dll ../../bin/gcc/Irrlicht.dll" />
<Target title="Linux - Debug - shared">
<Option output="..\..\lib\gcc\libIrrlicht" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="..\obj\linux-gcc-debug-shared" />
<Option type="3" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Option createStaticLib="1" />
<Add option="-W" />
<Add option="-Wall" />
<Add option="-g" />
<Add option="-O0" />
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<Add library="Xxf86vm" />
<Add directory="\usr\X11R6\lib" />
<Add directory="\usr\local\lib" />
<Target title="Linux - Release - accurate math - shared">
<Option output="..\..\lib\gcc\libIrrlicht" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="..\obj\linux-gcc-release-shared" />
<Option type="3" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Option createStaticLib="1" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-W" />
<Add option="-Wextra" />
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<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add directory="libpng" />
<Add library="GLU" />
<Add library="GL" />
<Add library="Xxf86vm" />
<Add directory="\usr\X11R6\lib" />
<Add directory="\usr\local\lib" />
<Target title="Linux - Release - fast math - shared">
<Option output="..\..\lib\gcc\libIrrlicht" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="..\obj\linux-gcc-release-fast-shared" />
<Option type="3" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Option createStaticLib="1" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-W" />
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<Add option="-Wno-unused-parameter" />
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<Add library="Xxf86vm" />
<Add directory="\usr\X11R6\lib" />
<Add directory="\usr\local\lib" />
</Target> </Target>
</Build> </Build>
<VirtualTargets> <VirtualTargets>
<Add alias="All" targets="Debug;Release;Release - Fast FPU;" /> <Add alias="All" targets="Win32 - Debug - dll;Win32 - Release - accurate math - dll;Win32 - Release - fast math - dll;" />
</VirtualTargets> </VirtualTargets>
<Compiler> <Compiler>
<Add option="-D__GNUWIN32__" /> <Add option="-D__GNUWIN32__" />
@ -328,7 +420,7 @@
<Unit filename="CFileSystem.h" /> <Unit filename="CFileSystem.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIButton.cpp" /> <Unit filename="CGUIButton.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIButton.h" /> <Unit filename="CGUIButton.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUICheckbox.cpp" /> <Unit filename="CGUICheckBox.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUICheckbox.h" /> <Unit filename="CGUICheckbox.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIColorSelectDialog.cpp" /> <Unit filename="CGUIColorSelectDialog.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIColorSelectDialog.h" /> <Unit filename="CGUIColorSelectDialog.h" />
@ -867,6 +959,7 @@
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View File

@ -81,7 +81,10 @@ else:
CXXFLAGS += ['-pg']; CXXFLAGS += ['-pg'];
CXXFLAGS += ['-D__GNUWIN32__=1'];
IrrlichtLibrary = env.SharedLibrary("Irrlicht.dll", LINKOBJ); IrrlichtLibrary = env.SharedLibrary("Irrlicht.dll", LINKOBJ);

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ int main()
int fails = 0; int fails = 0;
RUN_TEST(disambiguateTextures); // Run this first, since it validates the WD. RUN_TEST(disambiguateTextures); // Run this first, since it validates the WD.
RUN_TEST(exports); RUN_TEST(exports);
RUN_TEST(testVector3d); RUN_TEST(testVector3d);

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 21 KiB

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ static bool compareVectors(const core::vector2d<T> & compare,
{ {
if(compare != with) if(compare != with)
{ {
logTestString("\nERROR: vector2d %.16f, %.16f != vector2d %.16f, %.16f\n", logTestString("\nERROR: vector2d %.16f, %.16f != vector2d %.16f, %.16f\n",
(f64)compare.X, (f64)compare.Y, (f64)with.X, (f64)with.Y); (f64)compare.X, (f64)compare.Y, (f64)with.X, (f64)with.Y);
assert(compare == with); assert(compare == with);
return false; return false;
@ -38,18 +38,17 @@ static bool doTests()
return false; return false;
} }
vector2d<T> center(0, 0);
vec.rotateBy(45, center); vec.rotateBy(45); // Test implicit (0, 0) center
COMPARE_VECTORS(vec, vector2d<T>(0, (T)7.0710678118654755)); COMPARE_VECTORS(vec, vector2d<T>(0, (T)7.0710678118654755));
vec.normalize(); vec.normalize();
COMPARE_VECTORS(vec, vector2d<T>(0, (T)1.0000000461060017)); COMPARE_VECTORS(vec, vector2d<T>(0, (T)1.0000000461060017));
vec.set(10, 10); vec.set(10, 10);
center.set(5, 5); vector2d<T> center(5, 5);
vec.rotateBy(-5, center); vec.rotateBy(-5, center);
// -5 means rotate clockwise slightly, so expect the X to increase // -5 means rotate clockwise slightly, so expect the X to increase
// slightly and the Y to decrease slightly. // slightly and the Y to decrease slightly.
COMPARE_VECTORS(vec, vector2d<T>((T)10.416752204197017, (T)9.5451947767204359)); COMPARE_VECTORS(vec, vector2d<T>((T)10.416752204197017, (T)9.5451947767204359));

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Test suite pass at GMT Wed Dec 03 12:54:57 2008 Test suite pass at GMT Mon Dec 08 14:07:08 2008

View File

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
<Option compiler="gcc" /> <Option compiler="gcc" />
<Build> <Build>
<Target title="Debug"> <Target title="Debug">
<Option output="..\bin\Win32-gcc\tests" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" /> <Option output="../bin/gcc/tests" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="Debug\" /> <Option object_output="Debug/" />
<Option type="1" /> <Option type="1" />
<Option compiler="gcc" /> <Option compiler="gcc" />
<Compiler> <Compiler>
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
</Compiler> </Compiler>
</Target> </Target>
<Target title="Release"> <Target title="Release">
<Option output="..\bin\Win32-gcc\tests" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" /> <Option output="../bin/gcc/tests" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="Release\" /> <Option object_output="Release/" />
<Option type="1" /> <Option type="1" />
<Option compiler="gcc" /> <Option compiler="gcc" />
<Compiler> <Compiler>
<Add option="-O2" /> <Add option="-O3" />
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<Linker> <Linker>
<Add option="-s" /> <Add option="-s" />
@ -31,12 +31,13 @@
<Compiler> <Compiler>
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<Add directory="..\include" /> <Add directory="../include" />
</Compiler> </Compiler>
<Linker> <Linker>
<Add library="Irrlicht" /> <Add library="Irrlicht" />
<Add directory="..\bin\Win32-gcc" /> <Add directory="../lib/gcc" />
</Linker> </Linker>
<Unit filename="b3dAnimation.cpp" />
<Unit filename="disambiguateTextures.cpp" /> <Unit filename="disambiguateTextures.cpp" />
<Unit filename="drawPixel.cpp" /> <Unit filename="drawPixel.cpp" />
<Unit filename="exports.cpp" /> <Unit filename="exports.cpp" />
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@
<Extensions> <Extensions>
<code_completion /> <code_completion />
<debugger /> <debugger />
<envvars />
</Extensions> </Extensions>
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tests/tests.workspace Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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<Workspace title="tests">
<Project filename="tests.cbp" active="1" />
<Project filename="..\source\Irrlicht\Irrlicht-gcc.cbp" />

View File

@ -169,6 +169,10 @@
Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx" Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}" UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}"
> >
<File <File
RelativePath=".\disambiguateTextures.cpp" RelativePath=".\disambiguateTextures.cpp"
> >

View File

@ -165,6 +165,10 @@
Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx" Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}" UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}"
> >
<File <File
RelativePath=".\disambiguateTextures.cpp" RelativePath=".\disambiguateTextures.cpp"
> >