Merged from 1.4 branch revisions 1316:1328.

git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
hybrid 2008-04-29 11:34:54 +00:00
parent cf0038ca5a
commit 755e117078
57 changed files with 943 additions and 486 deletions

View File

@ -24,91 +24,226 @@ using namespace gui;
#pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
gui::IGUIButton *buttonMain;
gui::IGUIWindow *windowMain;
bool isWindowMinimized = false;
class : public IEventReceiver
IrrlichtDevice *device = 0;
s32 cnt = 0;
IGUIListBox* listbox = 0;
The Event Receiver is not only capable of getting keyboard and
mouse input events, but also events of the graphical user interface
(gui). There are events for almost everything: Button click,
Listbox selection change, events that say that a element was hovered
and so on. To be able to react to some of these events, we create
an event receiver.
We only react to gui events, and if it's such an event, we get the
id of the caller (the gui element which caused the event) and get
the pointer to the gui environment.
class MyEventReceiver : public IEventReceiver
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
static s32 windowHeight;
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT)
s32 id = event.GUIEvent.Caller->getID();
IGUIEnvironment* env = device->getGUIEnvironment();
if (event.EventType==EET_GUI_EVENT)
if (event.GUIEvent.EventType==gui::EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED)
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller==buttonMain)
isWindowMinimized = !isWindowMinimized;
rect<s32> pos = windowMain->getRelativePosition();
if (isWindowMinimized)
windowHeight = pos.LowerRightCorner.Y - pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
pos.LowerRightCorner.Y = pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y + 22;
} else {
pos.LowerRightCorner.Y = pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y + windowHeight;
If a scrollbar changed its scroll position, and it is 'our'
scrollbar (the one with id 104), then we change the
transparency of all gui elements. This is a very easy task:
There is a skin object, in which all color settings are stored.
We simply go through all colors stored in the skin and change
their alpha value.
if (id == 104)
s32 pos = ((IGUIScrollBar*)event.GUIEvent.Caller)->getPos();
for (u32 i=0; i<EGDC_COUNT ; ++i)
SColor col = env->getSkin()->getColor((EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR)i);
env->getSkin()->setColor((EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR)i, col);
return true;
return false;
} eventReceiver;
If a button was clicked, it could be one of 'our'
three buttons. If it is the first, we shut down the engine.
If it is the second, we create a little window with some
text on it. We also add a string to the list box to log
what happened. And if it is the third button, we create
a file open dialog, and add also this as string to the list box.
That's all for the event receiver.
if (id == 101)
return true;
if (id == 102)
listbox->addItem(L"Window created");
cnt += 30;
if (cnt > 200)
cnt = 0;
IGUIWindow* window = env->addWindow(
rect<s32>(100 + cnt, 100 + cnt, 300 + cnt, 200 + cnt),
false, // modal?
L"Test window");
env->addStaticText(L"Please close me",
true, // border?
false, // wordwrap?
return true;
if (id == 103)
listbox->addItem(L"File open");
env->addFileOpenDialog(L"Please choose a file.");
return true;
return false;
Ok, now for the more interesting part. First, create the
Irrlicht device. As in some examples before, we ask the user which
driver he wants to use for this example:
int main()
// irr device and pointers
IrrlichtDevice *irrDevice = createDevice(video::EDT_DIRECT3D9);
video::IVideoDriver *irrVideo = irrDevice->getVideoDriver();
gui::IGUIEnvironment *irrGUI = irrDevice->getGUIEnvironment();
// ask user for driver
video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType;
// gui mass
printf("Please select the driver you want for this example:\n"\
" (a) Direct3D 9.0c\n (b) Direct3D 8.1\n (c) OpenGL 1.5\n"\
" (d) Software Renderer\n (e) Burning's Software Renderer\n"\
" (f) NullDevice\n (otherKey) exit\n\n");
buttonMain = irrGUI->addButton(rect<s32>(4,4,100,40), 0, -1, L"CLICK ME");
windowMain = irrGUI->addWindow(rect<s32>(40,40,400,400), false, L"Main Window");
char i;
std::cin >> i;
irrGUI->addButton(rect<s32>(4,24,100,40), windowMain, -1, L"button");
irrGUI->addCheckBox(true, rect<s32>(4,40,100,60), windowMain);
irrGUI->addComboBox(rect<s32>(4,60,100,80), windowMain)->addItem(L"item");
irrGUI->addEditBox(L"test", rect<s32>(4,80,100,100), true, windowMain);
irrGUI->addImage(rect<s32>(4,100,100,120), windowMain);
irrGUI->addListBox(rect<s32>(4,120,100,160), windowMain)->addItem(L"item");
gui::IGUIContextMenu *m = irrGUI->addMenu(windowMain);
irrGUI->addMeshViewer(rect<s32>(4,160,100,180), windowMain);
irrGUI->addScrollBar(true, rect<s32>(4,180,100,200), windowMain);
irrGUI->addSpinBox(L"spinbox", rect<s32>(4,200,100,220), windowMain);
irrGUI->addStaticText(L"statictext", rect<s32>(4,220,100,240), false, true, windowMain);
irrGUI->addTabControl(rect<s32>(120,24,220,64), windowMain);
// irrGUI->addTable(rect<s32>(120,80,220,120), windowMain)->addColumn(L"column1");
gui::IGUIToolBar *t = irrGUI->addToolBar(windowMain);
t->addButton(-1, L"toolbarButton1");
t->addButton(-1, L"toolbarButton2");
irrGUI->addWindow(rect<s32>(120,150,250,300), false, L"testWindow", windowMain);
case 'a': driverType = video::EDT_DIRECT3D9;break;
case 'b': driverType = video::EDT_DIRECT3D8;break;
case 'c': driverType = video::EDT_OPENGL; break;
case 'd': driverType = video::EDT_SOFTWARE; break;
case 'e': driverType = video::EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO;break;
case 'f': driverType = video::EDT_NULL; break;
default: return 1;
// show time!
if (irrDevice->isWindowActive())
irrVideo->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(0x204060));
// create device and exit if creation failed
// drop time
device = createDevice(driverType, core::dimension2d<s32>(640, 480));
return 0;
if (device == 0)
return 1; // could not create selected driver.
/* The creation was successful, now we set the event receiver and
store pointers to the driver and to the gui environment. */
MyEventReceiver receiver;
device->setWindowCaption(L"Irrlicht Engine - User Interface Demo");
video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
IGUIEnvironment* env = device->getGUIEnvironment();
To make the font a little bit nicer, we load an external font
and set it as the new default font in the skin.
To keep the standard font for tool tip text, we set it to
the built-in font.
IGUISkin* skin = env->getSkin();
IGUIFont* font = env->getFont("../../media/fonthaettenschweiler.bmp");
if (font)
skin->setFont(env->getBuiltInFont(), EGDF_TOOLTIP);
We add three buttons. The first one closes the engine. The second
creates a window and the third opens a file open dialog. The third
parameter is the id of the button, with which we can easily identify
the button in the event receiver.
env->addButton(rect<s32>(10,240,110,240 + 32), 0, 101, L"Quit", L"Exits Program");
env->addButton(rect<s32>(10,280,110,280 + 32), 0, 102, L"New Window", L"Launches a new Window");
env->addButton(rect<s32>(10,320,110,320 + 32), 0, 103, L"File Open", L"Opens a file");
Now, we add a static text and a scrollbar, which modifies the
transparency of all gui elements. We set the maximum value of
the scrollbar to 255, because that's the maximal value for
a color value.
Then we create an other static text and a list box.
env->addStaticText(L"Transparent Control:", rect<s32>(150,20,350,40), true);
IGUIScrollBar* scrollbar = env->addScrollBar(true, rect<s32>(150, 45, 350, 60), 0, 104);
// set scrollbar position to alpha value of an arbitrary element
env->addStaticText(L"Logging ListBox:", rect<s32>(50,110,250,130), true);
listbox = env->addListBox(rect<s32>(50, 140, 250, 210));
env->addEditBox(L"Editable Text", rect<s32>(350, 80, 550, 100));
// add the engine logo
That's all, we only have to draw everything.
while(device->run() && driver)
if (device->isWindowActive())
driver->beginScene(true, true, SColor(0,200,200,200));
return 0;

View File

@ -244,7 +244,8 @@ public:
/** \return
Returns a pointer to the created mesh viewer. Returns 0 if an error occured.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IGUIMeshViewer* addMeshViewer(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, const wchar_t* text=0) = 0;
virtual IGUIMeshViewer* addMeshViewer(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, const wchar_t* text=0) = 0;
//! Adds a file open dialog.
/** \param modal: Defines if the dialog is modal. This means, that all other
@ -272,7 +273,8 @@ public:
\param rectangle is the position of the static text.
\param border has to be set to true if the static text should have a 3d border.
\param wordWrap specifies, if the text should be wrapped into multiple lines.
\param parent is the parent item of the element. E.g. a window. Set it to 0 to place the fader directly in the environment.
\param parent is the parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the fader directly in the environment.
\param id is a s32 to identify the static text element.
\param fillBackground specifies if the background will be filled. Default: false.
@ -290,7 +292,8 @@ public:
\param text is the text to be displayed. Can be altered after creation with setText().
\param rectangle is the position of the edit box.
\param border has to be set to true if the edit box should have a 3d border.
\param parent is the parent item of the element. E.g. a window. Set it to 0 to place the edit box directly in the environment.
\param parent is the parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the edit box directly in the environment.
\param id is a s32 to identify the edit box.
Returns a pointer to the created edit box. Returns 0 if an error occured.
@ -302,7 +305,8 @@ public:
/** An edit box with up and down buttons
\param text is the text to be displayed. Can be altered after creation with setText().
\param rectangle is the position of the spin box.
\param parent is the parent item of the element. E.g. a window. Set it to 0 to place the spin box directly in the environment.
\param parent is the parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the spin box directly in the environment.
\param id is a s32 to identify the spin box.
Returns a pointer to the created spin box. Returns 0 if an error occured.
@ -313,7 +317,8 @@ public:
//! Adds an element for fading in or out.
/* \param rectangle: Pointer to rectangle specifing the borders of the element.
If the pointer is NULL, the whole screen is used.
\param parent: Parent item of the element. E.g. a window. Set it to 0 to place the static text directly in the environment.
\param parent: Parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the static text directly in the environment.
\param id: A s32 to identify the text.
Returns a pointer to the created in-out-fader. Returns 0 if an error occured.
@ -322,10 +327,12 @@ public:
//! Adds a tab control to the environment.
/** \param rectangle is the position of the tab control.
\param parent is the parent item of the element. E.g. a window. Set it to 0 to place the tab control directly in the environment.
\param parent is the parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the tab control directly in the environment.
\param fillbackground specifies if the background of the tab control should be drawn to.
\param border specifiys if a flat 3d border should be drawn.
This is usually not necesarry unless you don't place the control directly into the environment without a window as parent.
\param border specifiys if a flat 3d border should be drawn. This is
usually not necesarry unless you don't place the control directly into
the environment without a window as parent.
\param id is a s32 to identify the tab control.
Returns a pointer to the created tab control element. Returns 0 if an error occured.
@ -338,7 +345,8 @@ public:
/** You can use this element to group other elements. This is not used for creating tabs on tab controls,
please use IGUITabControl::addTab() for this instead.
\param rectangle is the position of the tab.
\param parent is the parent item of the element. E.g. a window. Set it to 0 to place the tab directly in the environment.
\param parent is the parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the tab directly in the environment.
\param id is a s32 to identify the tab. */
virtual IGUITab* addTab(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
@ -346,26 +354,30 @@ public:
//! Adds a context menu to the environment.
/** \param rectangle is the position of the menu. Note that the menu is
resizing itself based on what items you add.
\param parent is the parent item of the element. E.g. a window. Set it to 0 to place the menu directly in the environment.
\param parent is the parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the menu directly in the environment.
\param id is a s32 to identify the menu. */
virtual IGUIContextMenu* addContextMenu(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a menu to the environment.
/* This is like the menu you can find on top of most windows in modern graphical user interfaces.
\param parent is the parent item of the element. E.g. a window. Set it to 0 to place the menu directly in the environment.
\param parent is the parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the menu directly in the environment.
\param id is a s32 to identify the menu. */
virtual IGUIContextMenu* addMenu(IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a toolbar to the environment.
/** It is like a menu is always placed on top
in its parent, and contains buttons.
\param parent is the parent item of the element. E.g. a window. Set it to 0 to place the tool bar directly in the environment.
\param parent is the parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the tool bar directly in the environment.
\param id is a s32 to identify the tool bar. */
virtual IGUIToolBar* addToolBar(IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a combo box to the environment.
/** \param parent is the parent item of the element. E.g. a window. Set it to 0 to place the combo box directly in the environment.
/** \param parent is the parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the combo box directly in the environment.
\param id is a s32 to identify the combo box. */
virtual IGUIComboBox* addComboBox(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;

View File

@ -17,10 +17,9 @@ namespace video
class IVideoDriver;
class IMaterialRendererServices;
//! Interface for material rendering. Can be used to extend the engine with new materials.
/** Refer to IVideoDriver::addMaterialRenderer() for more informations on how to extend the engine
with new materials.
//! Interface for material rendering. Can be used to extend the engine with
//! new materials. Refer to IVideoDriver::addMaterialRenderer() for more
//! informations on how to extend the engine with new materials.
class IMaterialRenderer : public virtual IReferenceCounted
@ -28,41 +27,51 @@ public:
//! destructor
virtual ~IMaterialRenderer() {}
//! Called by the IVideoDriver implementation the let the renderer set its needed render states.
//! Called by the IVideoDriver implementation the let the renderer set
//! its needed render states.
/** This is called during the IVideoDriver::setMaterial() call.
When overriding this, you can set some renderstates or for example a vertex or pixel shader
if you like.
\param material: The new material parameters to be set. The renderer may change the material
flags in this material. For example if this material does not accept the zbuffer = true, it
can set it to false. This is useful, because in the next lastMaterial will be just the material
in this call.
\param lastMaterial: The material parameters which have been set before this material.
\param resetAllRenderstates: True if all renderstates should really be reset. This is usually
true if the last rendering mode was not a usual 3d rendering mode, but for example
a 2d rendering mode.
You should reset really all renderstates if this is true, no matter if the lastMaterial had
some similar settings. This is used because in most cases, some common renderstates are not
changed if they are already there, for example bilinear filtering, wireframe, gouraudshading,
lighting, zbuffer, zwriteenable, backfaceculling and fogenable.
\param services: Interface providing some methods for changing advanced, internal
states of a IVideoDriver. */
When overriding this, you can set some renderstates or for example a
vertex or pixel shader if you like.
\param material: The new material parameters to be set. The renderer
may change the material flags in this material. For example if this
material does not accept the zbuffer = true, it can set it to false.
This is useful, because in the next lastMaterial will be just the
material in this call.
\param lastMaterial: The material parameters which have been set before
this material.
\param resetAllRenderstates: True if all renderstates should really be
reset. This is usually true if the last rendering mode was not a usual
3d rendering mode, but for example a 2d rendering mode.
You should reset really all renderstates if this is true, no matter if
the lastMaterial had some similar settings. This is used because in
most cases, some common renderstates are not changed if they are
already there, for example bilinear filtering, wireframe,
gouraudshading, lighting, zbuffer, zwriteenable, backfaceculling and
\param services: Interface providing some methods for changing
advanced, internal states of a IVideoDriver. */
virtual void OnSetMaterial(const SMaterial& material, const SMaterial& lastMaterial,
bool resetAllRenderstates, IMaterialRendererServices* services) {};
//! Called every time before a new bunch of geometry is being drawn using this material with
//! for example drawIndexedTriangleList() call.
/** OnSetMaterial should normally only be called if the renderer decides that the renderstates should be changed, it won't be called if for
example two drawIndexedTriangleList() will be called with the same material set. This
method will be called every time. This is useful for example for materials with shaders,
which don't only set new renderstates but also shader constants.
\param service: Pointer to interface providing methos for setting constants and other things.
\param vtxtype: Vertex type with which the next rendering will be done. This can be used
by the material renderer to set some specific optimized shaders or if this is an incompatible
vertex type for this renderer, to refuse rendering for example.
\return Returns true if everything is ok, and false if nothing should be rendered.
The material renderer can choose to return false for example if he doesn't support the
specified vertex type. This is actually done in D3D8 and D3D9 when using a
normal mapped material with a vertex type other than EVT_TANGENTS. */
//! Called every time before a new bunch of geometry is being drawn
//! using this material with for example drawIndexedTriangleList() call.
/** OnSetMaterial should normally only be called if the renderer decides
that the renderstates should be changed, it won't be called if for
example two drawIndexedTriangleList() will be called with the same
material set. This method will be called every time. This is useful for
example for materials with shaders, which don't only set new
renderstates but also shader constants.
\param service: Pointer to interface providing methos for setting
constants and other things.
\param vtxtype: Vertex type with which the next rendering will be done.
This can be used by the material renderer to set some specific
optimized shaders or if this is an incompatible vertex type for this
renderer, to refuse rendering for example.
\return Returns true if everything is ok, and false if nothing should
be rendered. The material renderer can choose to return false for
example if he doesn't support the specified vertex type. This is
actually done in D3D8 and D3D9 when using a normal mapped material with
a vertex type other than EVT_TANGENTS. */
virtual bool OnRender(IMaterialRendererServices* service, E_VERTEX_TYPE vtxtype) { return true; };
//! Called by the IVideoDriver to unset this material.

View File

@ -118,20 +118,22 @@ namespace scene
} // end namespace quake3
//! The Scene Manager manages scene nodes, mesh recources, cameras and all the other stuff.
/** All Scene nodes can be created only here. There is a always growing list of scene
nodes for lots of purposes: Indoor rendering scene nodes like the Octree
(addOctTreeSceneNode()) or the terrain renderer (addTerrainSceneNode()),
different Camera scene nodes (addCameraSceneNode(), addCameraSceneNodeMaya()),
scene nodes for Light (addLightSceneNode()), Billboards (addBillboardSceneNode())
and so on.
A scene node is a node in the hierachical scene graph. Every scene node may have children,
which are other scene nodes. Children move relative the their parents position. If the parent of a node is not
visible, its children won't be visible, too. In this way, it is for example easily possible
to attach a light to a moving car or to place a walking character on a moving platform
on a moving ship.
The SceneManager is also able to load 3d mesh files of different formats. Take a look
at getMesh() to find out what formats are supported. And if these formats are not enough
use addExternalMeshLoader() to add new formats to the engine.
/** All Scene nodes can be created only here. There is a always growing
list of scene nodes for lots of purposes: Indoor rendering scene nodes
like the Octree (addOctTreeSceneNode()) or the terrain renderer
(addTerrainSceneNode()), different Camera scene nodes
(addCameraSceneNode(), addCameraSceneNodeMaya()), scene nodes for Light
(addLightSceneNode()), Billboards (addBillboardSceneNode()) and so on.
A scene node is a node in the hierachical scene graph. Every scene node
may have children, which are other scene nodes. Children move relative
the their parents position. If the parent of a node is not visible, its
children won't be visible, too. In this way, it is for example easily
possible to attach a light to a moving car or to place a walking
character on a moving platform on a moving ship.
The SceneManager is also able to load 3d mesh files of different
formats. Take a look at getMesh() to find out what formats are
supported. And if these formats are not enough use
addExternalMeshLoader() to add new formats to the engine.
class ISceneManager : public virtual IReferenceCounted
@ -151,128 +153,171 @@ namespace scene
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>3D Studio (.3ds)</TD>
* <TD>Loader for 3D-Studio files which lots of 3D packages are able to export.
* Only static meshes are currently supported by this importer. </TD>
* <TD>Loader for 3D-Studio files which lots of 3D packages
* are able to export. Only static meshes are currently
* supported by this importer. </TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>Bliz Basic B3D (.b3d)</TD>
* <TD>Loader for blitz basic files, developed by Mark Sibly, also supports animations.</TD>
* <TD>Loader for blitz basic files, developed by Mark
* Sibly, also supports animations.</TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>Cartography shop 4 (.csm)</TD>
* <TD>Cartography Shop is a modeling program for creating architecture and calculating
* lighting. Irrlicht can directly import .csm files thanks to the IrrCSM library
* created by Saurav Mohapatra which is now integrated directly in Irrlicht.
* If you are using this loader, please note that you'll have to set the path
* of the textures before loading .csm files. You can do this using SceneManager-&gt;getParameters()-&gt;setParameter(scene::CSM_TEXTURE_PATH,
* <TD>Cartography Shop is a modeling program for creating
* architecture and calculating lighting. Irrlicht can
* directly import .csm files thanks to the IrrCSM library
* created by Saurav Mohapatra which is now integrated
* directly in Irrlicht. If you are using this loader,
* please note that you'll have to set the path of the
* textures before loading .csm files. You can do this
* using
* SceneManager-&gt;getParameters()-&gt;setParameter(scene::CSM_TEXTURE_PATH,
* &quot;path/to/your/textures&quot;);</TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>COLLADA (.dae, .xml)</TD>
* <TD>COLLADA is an open Digital Asset Exchange Schema for the interactive 3D industry. There are
* exporters and importers for this format available for most of the big 3d packages
* at Irrlicht can import COLLADA files by using the
* ISceneManager::getMesh() method. COLLADA files need not contain only one single mesh
* but multiple meshes and a whole scene setup with lights, cameras and mesh instances,
* this loader can set up a scene as described by the COLLADA file instead of loading
* and returning one single mesh. By default, this loader behaves like the other loaders
* and does not create instances, but it can be switched into this mode by using
* <TD>COLLADA is an open Digital Asset Exchange Schema for
* the interactive 3D industry. There are exporters and
* importers for this format available for most of the
* big 3d packagesat Irrlicht can
* import COLLADA files by using the
* ISceneManager::getMesh() method. COLLADA files need
* not contain only one single mesh but multiple meshes
* and a whole scene setup with lights, cameras and mesh
* instances, this loader can set up a scene as
* described by the COLLADA file instead of loading and
* returning one single mesh. By default, this loader
* behaves like the other loaders and does not create
* instances, but it can be switched into this mode by
* using
* SceneManager->getParameters()->setParameter(COLLADA_CREATE_SCENE_INSTANCES, true);
* Created scene nodes will be named as the names of the nodes in the
* COLLADA file. The returned mesh is just a dummy object in this mode. Meshes included in
* the scene will be added into the scene manager with the following naming scheme:
* path/to/file/file.dea#meshname. The loading of such meshes is logged.
* Currently, this loader is able to create meshes (made of only polygons), lights,
* and cameras. Materials and animations are currently not supported but this will
* change with future releases.
* Created scene nodes will be named as the names of the
* nodes in the COLLADA file. The returned mesh is just
* a dummy object in this mode. Meshes included in the
* scene will be added into the scene manager with the
* following naming scheme:
* path/to/file/file.dea#meshname. The loading of such
* meshes is logged. Currently, this loader is able to
* create meshes (made of only polygons), lights, and
* cameras. Materials and animations are currently not
* supported but this will change with future releases.
* </TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>Delgine DeleD (.dmf)</TD>
* <TD>DeleD ( is a 3D editor and level-editor combined into one and is specifically
* designed for 3D game-development. With this loader, it is possible to directly load
* all geometry is as well as textures and lightmaps from .dmf files. To set texture and
* material paths, see scene::DMF_USE_MATERIALS_DIRS and scene::DMF_TEXTURE_PATH. It is also
* possible to flip the alpha texture by setting scene::DMF_FLIP_ALPHA_TEXTURES to true and
* to set the material transparent reference value by setting scene::DMF_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF to
* a float between 0 and 1. The loader is
* based on Salvatore Russo's .dmf loader, I just changed some parts of it. Thanks to
* Salvatore for his work and for allowing me to use his code in Irrlicht and put it under Irrlicht's
* license. For newer and more enchanced versions of the loader, take a look at
* <TD>DeleD ( is a 3D editor and level-editor
* combined into one and is specifically designed for 3D
* game-development. With this loader, it is possible to
* directly load all geometry is as well as textures and
* lightmaps from .dmf files. To set texture and
* material paths, see scene::DMF_USE_MATERIALS_DIRS and
* scene::DMF_TEXTURE_PATH. It is also possible to flip
* the alpha texture by setting
* scene::DMF_FLIP_ALPHA_TEXTURES to true and to set the
* material transparent reference value by setting
* scene::DMF_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF to a float between 0 and
* 1. The loader is based on Salvatore Russo's .dmf
* loader, I just changed some parts of it. Thanks to
* Salvatore for his work and for allowing me to use his
* code in Irrlicht and put it under Irrlicht's license.
* For newer and more enchanced versions of the loader,
* take a look at
* </TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>DirectX (.x)</TD>
* <TD>Platform independent importer (so not D3D-only) for .x files. Most 3D
* packages can export these natively and there are several tools for them
* available. (e.g. the Maya exporter included in the DX SDK) .x files can
* include skeletal animations and Irrlicht is able to play and display them.
* Currently, Irrlicht only supports uncompressed .x files.</TD>
* <TD>Platform independent importer (so not D3D-only) for
* .x files. Most 3D packages can export these natively
* and there are several tools for them available, e.g.
* the Maya exporter included in the DX SDK.
* .x files can include skeletal animations and Irrlicht
* is able to play and display them. Currently, Irrlicht
* only supports uncompressed .x files.</TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>Maya (.obj)</TD>
* <TD>Most 3D software can create .obj files which contain static geometry without
* material data. The material files .mtl are also supported. This importer
* for Irrlicht can load them directly. </TD>
* <TD>Most 3D software can create .obj files which contain
* static geometry without material data. The material
* files .mtl are also supported. This importer for
* Irrlicht can load them directly. </TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>Milkshape (.ms3d)</TD>
* <TD>.MS3D files contain models and sometimes skeletal animations from the
* Milkshape 3D modeling and animation software. This importer for Irrlicht
* can display and/or animate these files. </TD>
* <TD>.MS3D files contain models and sometimes skeletal
* animations from the Milkshape 3D modeling and animation
* software. This importer for Irrlicht can display and/or
* animate these files. </TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>My3D (.my3d)</TD>
* <TD>.my3D is a flexible 3D file format. The My3DTools contains plug-ins to
* export .my3D files from several 3D packages. With this built-in importer,
* Irrlicht can read and display those files directly. This loader was written
* by Zhuck Dimitry who also created the whole My3DTools package. If you are using this loader, please
* note that you can set the path of the textures before loading .my3d files.
* You can do this using SceneManager-&gt;getParameters()-&gt;setParameter(scene::MY3D_TEXTURE_PATH,
* &quot;path/to/your/textures&quot;); </TD>
* <TD>.my3D is a flexible 3D file format. The My3DTools
* contains plug-ins to export .my3D files from several
* 3D packages. With this built-in importer, Irrlicht
* can read and display those files directly. This
* loader was written by Zhuck Dimitry who also created
* the whole My3DTools package. If you are using this
* loader, please note that you can set the path of the
* textures before loading .my3d files. You can do this
* using
* SceneManager-&gt;getParameters()-&gt;setParameter(scene::MY3D_TEXTURE_PATH,
* &quot;path/to/your/textures&quot;);
* </TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>OCT (.oct)</TD>
* <TD>The oct file format contains 3D geometry and lightmaps and can be loaded
* directly by Irrlicht. OCT files<br>
* can be created by FSRad, Paul Nette's radiosity processor or exported from
* Blender using OCTTools which can be found in the exporters/OCTTools directory
* of the SDK. Thanks to Murphy McCauley for creating all this.</TD>
* <TD>The oct file format contains 3D geometry and
* lightmaps and can be loaded directly by Irrlicht. OCT
* files<br> can be created by FSRad, Paul Nette's
* radiosity processor or exported from Blender using
* OCTTools which can be found in the exporters/OCTTools
* directory of the SDK. Thanks to Murphy McCauley for
* creating all this.</TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>OGRE Meshes (.mesh)</TD>
* <TD>Ogre .mesh files contain 3D data for the OGRE 3D engine. Irrlicht can read and
* display them directly with this importer. To define materials for the mesh,
* copy a .material file named like the corresponding .mesh file where the .mesh
* file is. (For example ogrehead.material for ogrehead.mesh). Thanks to Christian Stehno
* who wrote and contributed this loader.</TD>
* <TD>Ogre .mesh files contain 3D data for the OGRE 3D
* engine. Irrlicht can read and display them directly
* with this importer. To define materials for the mesh,
* copy a .material file named like the corresponding
* .mesh file where the .mesh file is. (For example
* ogrehead.material for ogrehead.mesh). Thanks to
* Christian Stehno who wrote and contributed this
* loader.</TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>Pulsar LMTools (.lmts)</TD>
* <TD>LMTools is a set of tools (Windows &amp; Linux) for creating lightmaps.
* Irrlicht can directly read .lmts files thanks to<br>
* the importer created by Jonas Petersen. If you are using this loader, please
* note that you can set the path of the textures before loading .lmts files.
* You can do this using SceneManager-&gt;getParameters()-&gt;setParameter(scene::LMTS_TEXTURE_PATH,
* &quot;path/to/your/textures&quot;); Notes for<br>
* this version of the loader:<br>
* - It does not recognice/support user data in the *.lmts files.<br>
* - The TGAs generated by LMTools don't work in Irrlicht for some reason (the
* textures are upside down). Opening and resaving them in a graphics app will
* solve the problem.</TD>
* <TD>LMTools is a set of tools (Windows &amp; Linux) for
* creating lightmaps. Irrlicht can directly read .lmts
* files thanks to<br> the importer created by Jonas
* Petersen. If you are using this loader, please note
* that you can set the path of the textures before
* loading .lmts files. You can do this using
* SceneManager-&gt;getParameters()-&gt;setParameter(scene::LMTS_TEXTURE_PATH,
* &quot;path/to/your/textures&quot;);
* Notes for<br> this version of the loader:<br>
* - It does not recognise/support user data in the
* *.lmts files.<br>
* - The TGAs generated by LMTools don't work in
* Irrlicht for some reason (the textures are upside
* down). Opening and resaving them in a graphics app
* will solve the problem.</TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>Quake 3 levels (.bsp)</TD>
* <TD>Quake 3 is a popular game by IDSoftware, and .pk3 files contain .bsp files
* and textures/lightmaps describing huge<br>
* prelighted levels. Irrlicht can read .pk3 and .bsp files directly and thus
* render Quake 3 levels directly. Written by Nikolaus Gebhardt enhanced by
* Dean P. Macri with the curved surfaces feature. </TD>
* <TD>Quake 3 is a popular game by IDSoftware, and .pk3
* files contain .bsp files and textures/lightmaps
* describing huge prelighted levels. Irrlicht can read
* .pk3 and .bsp files directly and thus render Quake 3
* levels directly. Written by Nikolaus Gebhardt
* enhanced by Dean P. Macri with the curved surfaces
* feature. </TD>
* </TR>
* <TR>
* <TD>Quake 2 models (.md2)</TD>
* <TD>Quake 2 models are characters with morph target animation. Irrlicht can
* read, display and animate them directly with this importer. </TD>
* <TD>Quake 2 models are characters with morph target
* animation. Irrlicht can read, display and animate
* them directly with this importer. </TD>
* </TR>
* </TABLE>
@ -368,10 +413,11 @@ namespace scene
\param scale: Initial scale of the scene node.
\return Returns pointer to the created test scene node.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IMeshSceneNode* addSphereSceneNode(f32 radius=5.0f, s32 polyCount=16, ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1,
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& rotation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) = 0;
virtual IMeshSceneNode* addSphereSceneNode(f32 radius=5.0f, s32 polyCount=16,
ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1,
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& rotation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) = 0;
//! Adds a scene node for rendering an animated mesh model.
/** \param mesh: Pointer to the loaded animated mesh to be displayed.
@ -384,11 +430,12 @@ namespace scene
\param alsoAddIfMeshPointerZero: Add the scene node even if a 0 pointer is passed.
\return Returns pointer to the created scene node.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(IAnimatedMesh* mesh, ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1,
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& rotation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
bool alsoAddIfMeshPointerZero=false) = 0;
virtual IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(IAnimatedMesh* mesh,
ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1,
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& rotation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
bool alsoAddIfMeshPointerZero=false) = 0;
//! Adds a scene node for rendering a static mesh.
/** \param mesh: Pointer to the loaded static mesh to be displayed.
@ -488,10 +535,11 @@ namespace scene
\return Returns a pointer to the interface of the camera if successful, otherwise 0.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNodeMaya(ISceneNode* parent = 0,
f32 rotateSpeed = -1500.0f, f32 zoomSpeed = 200.0f, f32 translationSpeed = 1500.0f, s32 id=-1) = 0;
f32 rotateSpeed = -1500.0f, f32 zoomSpeed = 200.0f,
f32 translationSpeed = 1500.0f, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a camera scene node with an animator which provides mouse and keyboard control
//! like in most first person shooters (FPS).
//! Adds a camera scene node with an animator which provides
//! mouse and keyboard control like in most first person shooters (FPS).
/** Look with the mouse, move with cursor keys. If you do not like the default
key layout, you may want to specify your own. For example to make the camera
be controlled by the cursor keys AND the keys W,A,S, and D, do something
@ -566,7 +614,8 @@ namespace scene
lensflares and things like that.
\param parent: Parent scene node of the billboard. Can be null. If the parent moves,
the billboard will move too.
\param position: Position of the space relative to its parent where the billboard will be placed.
\param position: Position of the space relative to its parent
where the billboard will be placed.
\param size: Size of the billboard. This size is 2 dimensional because a billboard only has
width and height.
\param id: An id of the node. This id can be used to identify the node.
@ -604,8 +653,11 @@ namespace scene
\param texture: Texture for the dome.
\param horiRes: Number of vertices of a horizontal layer of the sphere.
\param vertRes: Number of vertices of a vertical layer of the sphere.
\param texturePercentage: How much of the height of the texture is used. Should be between 0 and 1.
\param spherePercentage: How much of the sphere is drawn. Value should be between 0 and 2, where 1 is an exact half-sphere and 2 is a full sphere.
\param texturePercentage: How much of the height of the
texture is used. Should be between 0 and 1.
\param spherePercentage: How much of the sphere is drawn.
Value should be between 0 and 2, where 1 is an exact
half-sphere and 2 is a full sphere.
\param parent: Parent scene node of the dome. A dome usually has no parent,
so this should be null. Note: If a parent is set, the dome will not
change how it is drawn.
@ -652,24 +704,32 @@ namespace scene
a LOD (Level of Detail) which is determined based on a patch's
distance from the camera.
The patch size of the terrain must always be a size of ( 2^N+1, i.e. 8+1(9), 16+1(17), etc. ).
The MaxLOD available is directly dependent on the patch size of the terrain. LOD 0 contains all
of the indices to draw all the triangles at the max detail for a patch. As each LOD goes up by 1
the step taken, in generating indices increases by - 2^LOD, so for LOD 1, the step taken is 2, for
LOD 2, the step taken is 4, LOD 3 - 8, etc. The step can be no larger than the size of the patch,
so having a LOD of 8, with a patch size of 17, is asking the algoritm to generate indices every
2^8 ( 256 ) vertices, which is not possible with a patch size of 17. The maximum LOD for a patch
size of 17 is 2^4 ( 16 ). So, with a MaxLOD of 5, you'll have LOD 0 ( full detail ), LOD 1 ( every
2 vertices ), LOD 2 ( every 4 vertices ), LOD 3 ( every 8 vertices ) and LOD 4 ( every 16 vertices ).
The patch size of the terrain must always be a size of 2^N+1,
i.e. 8+1(9), 16+1(17), etc.
The MaxLOD available is directly dependent on the patch size
of the terrain. LOD 0 contains all of the indices to draw all
the triangles at the max detail for a patch. As each LOD goes
up by 1 the step taken, in generating indices increases by
-2^LOD, so for LOD 1, the step taken is 2, for LOD 2, the step
taken is 4, LOD 3 - 8, etc. The step can be no larger than
the size of the patch, so having a LOD of 8, with a patch size
of 17, is asking the algoritm to generate indices every 2^8 (
256 ) vertices, which is not possible with a patch size of 17.
The maximum LOD for a patch size of 17 is 2^4 ( 16 ). So,
with a MaxLOD of 5, you'll have LOD 0 ( full detail ), LOD 1 (
every 2 vertices ), LOD 2 ( every 4 vertices ), LOD 3 ( every
8 vertices ) and LOD 4 ( every 16 vertices ).
\param heightMapFileName: The name of the file on disk, to read vertex data from. This should
be a gray scale bitmap.
\param parent: Parent of the scene node. Can be 0 if no parent.
\param id: Id of the node. This id can be used to identify the scene node.
\param position: The absolute position of this node.
\param rotation: The absolute rotation of this node. ( NOT YET IMPLEMENTED )
\param scale: The scale factor for the terrain. If you're using a heightmap of size 129x129 and would like
your terrain to be 12900x12900 in game units, then use a scale factor of ( core::vector ( 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f ).
If you use a Y scaling factor of 0.0f, then your terrain will be flat.
\param scale: The scale factor for the terrain. If you're
using a heightmap of size 129x129 and would like your terrain
to be 12900x12900 in game units, then use a scale factor of (
core::vector ( 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f ). If you use a Y
scaling factor of 0.0f, then your terrain will be flat.
\param vertexColor: The default color of all the vertices. If no texture is associated
with the scene node, then all vertices will be this color. Defaults to white.
\param maxLOD: The maximum LOD (level of detail) for the node. Only change if you
@ -678,9 +738,11 @@ namespace scene
know what you are doing, this might lead to strange behaviour.
\param smoothFactor: The number of times the vertices are smoothed.
\param addAlsoIfHeightmapEmpty: Add terrain node even with empty heightmap.
\return Returns pointer to the created scene node. Can be null if the
terrain could not be created, for example because the heightmap could not be loaded.
The returned pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
\return Returns pointer to the created scene node. Can be null
if the terrain could not be created, for example because the
heightmap could not be loaded. The returned pointer should
not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more
information. */
virtual ITerrainSceneNode* addTerrainSceneNode(
const c8* heightMapFileName,
ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1,
@ -701,9 +763,11 @@ namespace scene
\param id: Id of the node. This id can be used to identify the scene node.
\param position: The absolute position of this node.
\param rotation: The absolute rotation of this node. ( NOT YET IMPLEMENTED )
\param scale: The scale factor for the terrain. If you're using a heightmap of size 129x129 and would like
your terrain to be 12900x12900 in game units, then use a scale factor of ( core::vector ( 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f ).
If you use a Y scaling factor of 0.0f, then your terrain will be flat.
\param scale: The scale factor for the terrain. If you're
using a heightmap of size 129x129 and would like your terrain
to be 12900x12900 in game units, then use a scale factor of (
core::vector ( 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f ). If you use a Y
scaling factor of 0.0f, then your terrain will be flat.
\param vertexColor: The default color of all the vertices. If no texture is associated
with the scene node, then all vertices will be this color. Defaults to white.
\param maxLOD: The maximum LOD (level of detail) for the node. Only change if you
@ -712,9 +776,11 @@ namespace scene
know what you are doing, this might lead to strange behaviour.
\param smoothFactor: The number of times the vertices are smoothed.
\param addAlsoIfHeightmapEmpty: Add terrain node even with empty heightmap.
\return Returns pointer to the created scene node. Can be null if the
terrain could not be created, for example because the heightmap could not be loaded.
The returned pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
\return Returns pointer to the created scene node. Can be null
if the terrain could not be created, for example because the
heightmap could not be loaded. The returned pointer should
not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more
information. */
virtual ITerrainSceneNode* addTerrainSceneNode(
io::IReadFile* heightMapFile,
ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1,
@ -751,7 +817,8 @@ namespace scene
virtual IDummyTransformationSceneNode* addDummyTransformationSceneNode(
ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a text scene node, which is able to display 2d text at a position in three dimensional space
//! Adds a text scene node, which is able to display 2d text at
//! a position in three dimensional space
virtual ITextSceneNode* addTextSceneNode(gui::IGUIFont* font, const wchar_t* text,
video::SColor color=video::SColor(100,255,255,255),
ISceneNode* parent = 0, const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
@ -880,7 +947,9 @@ namespace scene
\param start: Scene node to start from. All children of this scene
node are searched. If null is specified, the root scene node is
taken. */
virtual void getSceneNodesFromType(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type, core::array<scene::ISceneNode*>& outNodes, ISceneNode* start=0) = 0;
virtual void getSceneNodesFromType(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type,
core::array<scene::ISceneNode*>& outNodes,
ISceneNode* start=0) = 0;
//! Returns the current active camera.
/** \return The active camera is returned. Note that this can be NULL, if there
@ -935,9 +1004,11 @@ namespace scene
If you no longer need the animator, you should call ISceneNodeAnimator::drop().
See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createFlyCircleAnimator(const core::vector3df& center,
f32 radius, f32 speed=0.001f, const core::vector3df& direction= core::vector3df ( 0.f, 1.f, 0.f ) ) = 0;
f32 radius, f32 speed=0.001f,
const core::vector3df& direction=core::vector3df ( 0.f, 1.f, 0.f ) ) = 0;
//! Creates a fly straight animator, which lets the attached scene node fly or move along a line between two points.
//! Creates a fly straight animator, which lets the attached
//! scene node fly or move along a line between two points.
/** \param startPoint: Start point of the line.
\param endPoint: End point of the line.
\param timeForWay: Time in milli seconds how long the node should need to
@ -951,7 +1022,8 @@ namespace scene
virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createFlyStraightAnimator(const core::vector3df& startPoint,
const core::vector3df& endPoint, u32 timeForWay, bool loop=false) = 0;
//! Creates a texture animator, which switches the textures of the target scene node based on a list of textures.
//! Creates a texture animator, which switches the textures of
//! the target scene node based on a list of textures.
/** \param textures: List of textures to use.
\param timePerFrame: Time in milliseconds, how long any texture in the list
should be visible.
@ -1159,7 +1231,8 @@ namespace scene
//! Returns a scene node factory by index
virtual ISceneNodeFactory* getSceneNodeFactory(u32 index) = 0;
//! Returns the default scene node animator factory which can create all built-in scene node animators
//! Returns the default scene node animator factory which can
//! create all built-in scene node animators
virtual ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory* getDefaultSceneNodeAnimatorFactory() = 0;
//! Adds a scene node animator factory to the scene manager.
@ -1180,16 +1253,23 @@ namespace scene
virtual ISceneNode* addSceneNode(const char* sceneNodeTypeName, ISceneNode* parent=0) = 0;
//! Creates a new scene manager.
/** This can be used to easily draw and/or store two independent scenes at the same time.
The mesh cache will be shared between all existing scene managers, which means if you load
a mesh in the original scene manager using for example getMesh(), the mesh will be available
in all other scene managers too, without loading.
The original/main scene manager will still be there and accessible via IrrlichtDevice::getSceneManager().
If you need input event in this new scene manager, for example for FPS cameras, you'll need
to forward input to this manually: Just implement an IEventReceiver and call
yourNewSceneManager->postEventFromUser(), and return true so that the original scene manager
doesn't get the event. Otherwise, all input will go automaticly to the main scene manager.
If you no longer need the new scene manager, you should call ISceneManager::drop().
/** This can be used to easily draw and/or store two
independent scenes at the same time. The mesh cache will be
shared between all existing scene managers, which means if you
load a mesh in the original scene manager using for example
getMesh(), the mesh will be available in all other scene
managers too, without loading.
The original/main scene manager will still be there and
accessible via IrrlichtDevice::getSceneManager(). If you need
input event in this new scene manager, for example for FPS
cameras, you'll need to forward input to this manually: Just
implement an IEventReceiver and call
yourNewSceneManager->postEventFromUser(), and return true so
that the original scene manager doesn't get the event.
Otherwise, all input will go to the main scene manager
If you no longer need the new scene manager, you should call
See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual ISceneManager* createNewSceneManager(bool cloneContent=false) = 0;
@ -1222,9 +1302,11 @@ namespace scene
Be edited with the Irrlicht Engine Editor, irrEdit ( or
saved directly by the engine using ISceneManager::saveScene().
\param filename: Name of the file.
\param userDataSerializer: If you want to load user data possibily saved in that file for
some scene nodes in the file, implement the ISceneUserDataSerializer interface and provide it as parameter here.
Otherwise, simply specify 0 as this parameter.
\param userDataSerializer: If you want to load user data
possibily saved in that file for some scene nodes in the file,
implement the ISceneUserDataSerializer interface and provide it
as parameter here. Otherwise, simply specify 0 as this
\return Returns true if successful. */
virtual bool loadScene(const c8* filename, ISceneUserDataSerializer* userDataSerializer=0) = 0;
@ -1233,10 +1315,12 @@ namespace scene
Be edited with the Irrlicht Engine Editor, irrEdit ( or
saved directly by the engine using ISceneManager::saveScene().
\param file: File where the scene is going to be saved into.
\param userDataSerializer: If you want to load user data possibily saved in that file for
some scene nodes in the file, implement the ISceneUserDataSerializer interface and provide it as parameter here.
Otherwise, simply specify 0 as this parameter.
\return Returns true if successful. */
\param userDataSerializer: If you want to load user data
possibily saved in that file for some scene nodes in the file,
implement the ISceneUserDataSerializer interface and provide it
as parameter here. Otherwise, simply specify 0 as this
\return Returns true if successful. */
virtual bool loadScene(io::IReadFile* file, ISceneUserDataSerializer* userDataSerializer=0) = 0;
//! Returns a mesh writer implementation if available

View File

@ -633,7 +633,8 @@ namespace scene
IsVisible = in->getAttributeAsBool("Visible");
AutomaticCullingState = (scene::E_CULLING_TYPE ) in->getAttributeAsEnumeration("AutomaticCulling", scene::AutomaticCullingNames);
AutomaticCullingState = (scene::E_CULLING_TYPE) in->getAttributeAsEnumeration("AutomaticCulling",
DebugDataVisible = in->getAttributeAsInt("DebugDataVisible");
IsDebugObject = in->getAttributeAsBool("IsDebugObject");

View File

@ -50,8 +50,9 @@ namespace scene
//! uses animation from another mesh
//! the animation is linked (not copied) based on joint names (so make sure they are unique)
//! \return Returns true if all joints in this mesh were matched up (empty names will not be matched, and it's case sensitive)
//! unmatched joints will not be animated
//! \return Returns true if all joints in this mesh were
//! matched up (empty names will not be matched, and it's case
//! sensitive). Unmatched joints will not be animated.
virtual bool useAnimationFrom(const ISkinnedMesh *mesh) = 0;
//!Update Normals when Animating

View File

@ -290,7 +290,9 @@ namespace video
\param triangleCount: amount of Triangles.
\param vType: Vertex type, e.g. EVT_STANDARD for S3DVertex.
\param pType: Primitive type, e.g. EPT_TRIANGLE_FAN for a triangle fan. */
virtual void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, u32 triangleCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType) = 0;
virtual void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const u16* indexList, u32 triangleCount,
E_VERTEX_TYPE vType, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType) = 0;
//! Draws an indexed triangle list.
/** Note that there may be at maximum 65536 vertices, because the

View File

@ -79,7 +79,10 @@ struct S3DVertex
bool operator<(const S3DVertex& other) const
return ((Pos < other.Pos) || ((Pos == other.Pos) && (Normal < other.Normal)) || ((Pos == other.Pos) && (Normal == other.Normal) && (Color < other.Color)) || ((Pos == other.Pos) && (Normal == other.Normal) && (Color == other.Color) && (TCoords < other.TCoords)));
return ((Pos < other.Pos) ||
((Pos == other.Pos) && (Normal < other.Normal)) ||
((Pos == other.Pos) && (Normal == other.Normal) && (Color < other.Color)) ||
((Pos == other.Pos) && (Normal == other.Normal) && (Color == other.Color) && (TCoords < other.TCoords)));
E_VERTEX_TYPE getType() const
@ -147,7 +150,8 @@ struct S3DVertex2TCoords : public S3DVertex
bool operator<(const S3DVertex2TCoords& other) const
return ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) < other) || ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) == other) && (TCoords2 < other.TCoords2)));
return ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) < other) ||
((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) == other) && (TCoords2 < other.TCoords2)));
E_VERTEX_TYPE getType() const
@ -166,7 +170,10 @@ struct S3DVertexTangents : public S3DVertex
S3DVertexTangents() : S3DVertex() { }
//! constructor
S3DVertexTangents(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 nx=0.0f, f32 ny=0.0f, f32 nz=0.0f, SColor c = 0xFFFFFFFF, f32 tu=0.0f, f32 tv=0.0f, f32 tanx=0.0f, f32 tany=0.0f, f32 tanz=0.0f, f32 bx=0.0f, f32 by=0.0f, f32 bz=0.0f)
S3DVertexTangents(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 nx=0.0f, f32 ny=0.0f, f32 nz=0.0f,
SColor c = 0xFFFFFFFF, f32 tu=0.0f, f32 tv=0.0f,
f32 tanx=0.0f, f32 tany=0.0f, f32 tanz=0.0f,
f32 bx=0.0f, f32 by=0.0f, f32 bz=0.0f)
: S3DVertex(x,y,z, nx,ny,nz, c, tu,tv), Tangent(tanx,tany,tanz), Binormal(bx,by,bz) { }
//! constructor
@ -204,7 +211,9 @@ struct S3DVertexTangents : public S3DVertex
bool operator<(const S3DVertexTangents& other) const
return ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) < other) || ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) == other) && (Tangent < other.Tangent)) || ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) == other) && (Tangent == other.Tangent) && (Binormal < other.Binormal)));
return ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) < other) ||
((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) == other) && (Tangent < other.Tangent)) ||
((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) == other) && (Tangent == other.Tangent) && (Binormal < other.Binormal)));
E_VERTEX_TYPE getType() const

View File

@ -274,7 +274,10 @@ namespace video
//! \param b: Sets the blue component of the Color.
//! Has to be a value between 0 and 255.
//! 0 means no blue, 255 means full blue.
void set(u32 a, u32 r, u32 g, u32 b) { color = (((a & 0xff)<<24) | ((r & 0xff)<<16) | ((g & 0xff)<<8) | (b & 0xff)); }
void set(u32 a, u32 r, u32 g, u32 b)
color = (((a & 0xff)<<24) | ((r & 0xff)<<16) | ((g & 0xff)<<8) | (b & 0xff));
void set(u32 col) { color = col; }
//! Compares the color to another color.
@ -327,10 +330,15 @@ namespace video
const f32 mul1 = 2.f * d * inv;
const f32 mul2 = d * d;
return SColor ( core::clamp ( core::floor32 ( getAlpha() * mul0 + c1.getAlpha() * mul1 + c2.getAlpha() * mul2 ), 0, 255 ),
core::clamp ( core::floor32 ( getRed() * mul0 + c1.getRed() * mul1 + c2.getRed() * mul2 ), 0, 255 ),
core::clamp ( core::floor32 ( getGreen() * mul0 + c1.getGreen() * mul1 + c2.getGreen() * mul2 ), 0, 255 ),
core::clamp ( core::floor32 ( getBlue() * mul0 + c1.getBlue() * mul1 + c2.getBlue() * mul2 ), 0, 255 ));
return SColor(
core::clamp( core::floor32(
getAlpha() * mul0 + c1.getAlpha() * mul1 + c2.getAlpha() * mul2 ), 0, 255 ),
core::clamp( core::floor32(
getRed() * mul0 + c1.getRed() * mul1 + c2.getRed() * mul2 ), 0, 255 ),
core::clamp ( core::floor32(
getGreen() * mul0 + c1.getGreen() * mul1 + c2.getGreen() * mul2 ), 0, 255 ),
core::clamp ( core::floor32(
getBlue() * mul0 + c1.getBlue() * mul1 + c2.getBlue() * mul2 ), 0, 255 ));
//! color in A8R8G8B8 Format
@ -415,7 +423,8 @@ namespace video
/** \param c1: first color to interpolate with
\param c2: second color to interpolate with
\param d: value between 0.0f and 1.0f. */
inline SColorf getInterpolated_quadratic(const SColorf& c1, const SColorf& c2, f32 d) const
inline SColorf getInterpolated_quadratic(const SColorf& c1, const SColorf& c2,
f32 d) const
d = core::clamp(d, 0.f, 1.f);
// this*(1-d)*(1-d) + 2 * c1 * (1-d) + c2 * d * d;
@ -534,7 +543,8 @@ namespace video
else if (rh < 180.0f * core::DEGTORAD )
rm1 = rm2;
else if (rh < 240.0f * core::DEGTORAD )
rm1 = rm1 + (rm2 - rm1) * ( ( 240.0f * core::DEGTORAD ) - rh) / (60.0f * core::DEGTORAD);
rm1 = rm1 + (rm2 - rm1) * ( ( 240.0f * core::DEGTORAD ) - rh) /
(60.0f * core::DEGTORAD);
return (u32) (rm1 * 255.f);

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@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ namespace video
//! EMT_ONETEXTURE_BLEND: unpack srcFact & dstFact and Modulo to MaterialTypeParam
inline void unpack_texureBlendFunc ( E_BLEND_FACTOR &srcFact, E_BLEND_FACTOR &dstFact, E_MODULATE_FUNC &modulo, const f32 param )
inline void unpack_texureBlendFunc ( E_BLEND_FACTOR &srcFact, E_BLEND_FACTOR &dstFact,
E_MODULATE_FUNC &modulo, const f32 param )
const u32 state = (u32)param;
modulo = E_MODULATE_FUNC ( ( state & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 );
@ -342,7 +343,10 @@ namespace video
return NormalizeNormals;
return !(TextureLayer[0].TextureWrap || TextureLayer[1].TextureWrap || TextureLayer[2].TextureWrap || TextureLayer[3].TextureWrap);
return !(TextureLayer[0].TextureWrap ||
TextureLayer[1].TextureWrap ||
TextureLayer[2].TextureWrap ||

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@ -154,7 +154,9 @@ namespace video
if (different)
return true;
different |= (TextureMatrix != b.TextureMatrix) && TextureMatrix && b.TextureMatrix && (*TextureMatrix != *(b.TextureMatrix));
different |= (TextureMatrix != b.TextureMatrix) &&
TextureMatrix && b.TextureMatrix &&
(*TextureMatrix != *(b.TextureMatrix));
return different;

View File

@ -251,7 +251,8 @@ namespace scene
for (s32 i=0; i<6; ++i)
const f32 len = core::reciprocal_squareroot ( planes[i].Normal.getLengthSQ() );
const f32 len = core::reciprocal_squareroot(
planes[i].Normal.getLengthSQ() );
planes[i].Normal *= len;
planes[i].D *= len;
@ -305,7 +306,8 @@ namespace scene
u32 i;
for ( i=0; i != VF_PLANE_COUNT; ++i)
const f32 len = - core::reciprocal_squareroot ( planes[i].Normal.getLengthSQ() );
const f32 len = -core::reciprocal_squareroot(
planes[i].Normal *= len;
planes[i].D *= len;
@ -319,13 +321,16 @@ namespace scene
switch ( state )
case video::ETS_VIEW:
Matrices[ETS_VIEW_PROJECTION_3].setbyproduct_nocheck( Matrices[ video::ETS_PROJECTION], Matrices[ video::ETS_VIEW] );
Matrices[ETS_VIEW_MODEL_INVERSE_3] = Matrices[video::ETS_VIEW];
case video::ETS_WORLD:
Matrices[ETS_CURRENT_3].setbyproduct( Matrices[ETS_VIEW_PROJECTION_3],

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@ -199,16 +199,18 @@ namespace core
//! code is taken from IceFPU
//! Integer representation of a floating-point value.
#define IR(x) ((u32&)(x))
#define IR(x) ((u32&)(x))
//! Absolute integer representation of a floating-point value
#define AIR(x) (IR(x)&0x7fffffff)
#define AIR(x) (IR(x)&0x7fffffff)
//! Floating-point representation of an integer value.
#define FR(x) ((f32&)(x))
#define FR(x) ((f32&)(x))
#define IEEE_1_0 0x3f800000 //!< integer representation of 1.0
#define IEEE_255_0 0x437f0000 //!< integer representation of 255.0
//! integer representation of 1.0
#define IEEE_1_0 0x3f800000
//! integer representation of 255.0
#define IEEE_255_0 0x437f0000
#define F32_LOWER_0(f) (F32_AS_U32(f) > F32_SIGN_BIT)

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@ -279,7 +279,8 @@ namespace irr
IRRLICHT_API IrrlichtDevice* IRRCALLCONV createDevice(
video::E_DRIVER_TYPE deviceType = video::EDT_SOFTWARE,
const core::dimension2d<s32>& windowSize = (core::dimension2d<s32>(640,480)), // paranthese are necessary for some compilers
// parantheses are necessary for some compilers
const core::dimension2d<s32>& windowSize = (core::dimension2d<s32>(640,480)),
u32 bits = 16,
bool fullscreen = false,
bool stencilbuffer = false,
@ -312,12 +313,14 @@ namespace irr
//! This namespace provides interfaces for input/output: Reading and writing files, accessing zip archives, xml files, ...
//! This namespace provides interfaces for input/output: Reading and
//! writing files, accessing zip archives, xml files, ...
namespace io
//! All scene management can be found in this namespace: Mesh loading, special scene nodes like octrees and billboards, ...
//! All scene management can be found in this namespace: Mesh loading,
//! special scene nodes like octrees and billboards, ...
namespace scene

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@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ class line2d
line2d<T> operator-(const vector2d<T>& point) const { return line2d<T>(start - point, end - point); }
line2d<T>& operator-=(const vector2d<T>& point) { start -= point; end -= point; return *this; }
bool operator==(const line2d<T>& other) const { return (start==other.start && end==other.end) || (end==other.start && start==other.end);}
bool operator!=(const line2d<T>& other) const { return !(start==other.start && end==other.end) || (end==other.start && start==other.end);}
bool operator==(const line2d<T>& other) const
{ return (start==other.start && end==other.end) || (end==other.start && start==other.end);}
bool operator!=(const line2d<T>& other) const
{ return !(start==other.start && end==other.end) || (end==other.start && start==other.end);}
// functions

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@ -33,14 +33,19 @@ class line3d
line3d<T> operator-(const vector3d<T>& point) const { return line3d<T>(start - point, end - point); }
line3d<T>& operator-=(const vector3d<T>& point) { start -= point; end -= point; return *this; }
bool operator==(const line3d<T>& other) const { return (start==other.start && end==other.end) || (end==other.start && start==other.end);}
bool operator!=(const line3d<T>& other) const { return !(start==other.start && end==other.end) || (end==other.start && start==other.end);}
bool operator==(const line3d<T>& other) const
{ return (start==other.start && end==other.end) || (end==other.start && start==other.end);}
bool operator!=(const line3d<T>& other) const
{ return !(start==other.start && end==other.end) || (end==other.start && start==other.end);}
// functions
void setLine(const T& xa, const T& ya, const T& za, const T& xb, const T& yb, const T& zb) {start.set(xa, ya, za); end.set(xb, yb, zb);}
void setLine(const vector3d<T>& nstart, const vector3d<T>& nend) {start.set(nstart); end.set(nend);}
void setLine(const line3d<T>& line) {start.set(line.start); end.set(line.end);}
void setLine(const T& xa, const T& ya, const T& za, const T& xb, const T& yb, const T& zb)
{start.set(xa, ya, za); end.set(xb, yb, zb);}
void setLine(const vector3d<T>& nstart, const vector3d<T>& nend)
{start.set(nstart); end.set(nend);}
void setLine(const line3d<T>& line)
{start.set(line.start); end.set(line.end);}
//! Returns length of line
//! \return Returns length of line.

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@ -221,10 +221,16 @@ namespace core
CMatrix4<T>& buildProjectionMatrixOrthoRH(f32 widthOfViewVolume, f32 heightOfViewVolume, f32 zNear, f32 zFar);
//! Builds a left-handed look-at matrix.
CMatrix4<T>& buildCameraLookAtMatrixLH(const vector3df& position, const vector3df& target, const vector3df& upVector);
CMatrix4<T>& buildCameraLookAtMatrixLH(
const vector3df& position,
const vector3df& target,
const vector3df& upVector);
//! Builds a right-handed look-at matrix.
CMatrix4<T>& buildCameraLookAtMatrixRH(const vector3df& position, const vector3df& target, const vector3df& upVector);
CMatrix4<T>& buildCameraLookAtMatrixRH(
const vector3df& position,
const vector3df& target,
const vector3df& upVector);
//! Builds a matrix that flattens geometry into a plane.
//! \param light: light source
@ -793,9 +799,8 @@ namespace core
for (s32 i=0; i<4; ++i)
for (s32 j=0; j<4; ++j)
if (j != i)
if (!iszero((*this)(i,j)))
return false;
if ((j != i) && (!iszero((*this)(i,j))))
return false;
return true;
@ -1078,22 +1083,54 @@ namespace core
d = core::reciprocal ( d );
out(0, 0) = d * (m(1, 1) * (m(2, 2) * m(3, 3) - m(2, 3) * m(3, 2)) + m(1, 2) * (m(2, 3) * m(3, 1) - m(2, 1) * m(3, 3)) + m(1, 3) * (m(2, 1) * m(3, 2) - m(2, 2) * m(3, 1)));
out(0, 1) = d * (m(2, 1) * (m(0, 2) * m(3, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(3, 2)) + m(2, 2) * (m(0, 3) * m(3, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(3, 3)) + m(2, 3) * (m(0, 1) * m(3, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(3, 1)));
out(0, 2) = d * (m(3, 1) * (m(0, 2) * m(1, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(1, 2)) + m(3, 2) * (m(0, 3) * m(1, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(1, 3)) + m(3, 3) * (m(0, 1) * m(1, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(1, 1)));
out(0, 3) = d * (m(0, 1) * (m(1, 3) * m(2, 2) - m(1, 2) * m(2, 3)) + m(0, 2) * (m(1, 1) * m(2, 3) - m(1, 3) * m(2, 1)) + m(0, 3) * (m(1, 2) * m(2, 1) - m(1, 1) * m(2, 2)));
out(1, 0) = d * (m(1, 2) * (m(2, 0) * m(3, 3) - m(2, 3) * m(3, 0)) + m(1, 3) * (m(2, 2) * m(3, 0) - m(2, 0) * m(3, 2)) + m(1, 0) * (m(2, 3) * m(3, 2) - m(2, 2) * m(3, 3)));
out(1, 1) = d * (m(2, 2) * (m(0, 0) * m(3, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(3, 0)) + m(2, 3) * (m(0, 2) * m(3, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(3, 2)) + m(2, 0) * (m(0, 3) * m(3, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(3, 3)));
out(1, 2) = d * (m(3, 2) * (m(0, 0) * m(1, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(1, 0)) + m(3, 3) * (m(0, 2) * m(1, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(1, 2)) + m(3, 0) * (m(0, 3) * m(1, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(1, 3)));
out(1, 3) = d * (m(0, 2) * (m(1, 3) * m(2, 0) - m(1, 0) * m(2, 3)) + m(0, 3) * (m(1, 0) * m(2, 2) - m(1, 2) * m(2, 0)) + m(0, 0) * (m(1, 2) * m(2, 3) - m(1, 3) * m(2, 2)));
out(2, 0) = d * (m(1, 3) * (m(2, 0) * m(3, 1) - m(2, 1) * m(3, 0)) + m(1, 0) * (m(2, 1) * m(3, 3) - m(2, 3) * m(3, 1)) + m(1, 1) * (m(2, 3) * m(3, 0) - m(2, 0) * m(3, 3)));
out(2, 1) = d * (m(2, 3) * (m(0, 0) * m(3, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(3, 0)) + m(2, 0) * (m(0, 1) * m(3, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(3, 1)) + m(2, 1) * (m(0, 3) * m(3, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(3, 3)));
out(2, 2) = d * (m(3, 3) * (m(0, 0) * m(1, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(1, 0)) + m(3, 0) * (m(0, 1) * m(1, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(1, 1)) + m(3, 1) * (m(0, 3) * m(1, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(1, 3)));
out(2, 3) = d * (m(0, 3) * (m(1, 1) * m(2, 0) - m(1, 0) * m(2, 1)) + m(0, 0) * (m(1, 3) * m(2, 1) - m(1, 1) * m(2, 3)) + m(0, 1) * (m(1, 0) * m(2, 3) - m(1, 3) * m(2, 0)));
out(3, 0) = d * (m(1, 0) * (m(2, 2) * m(3, 1) - m(2, 1) * m(3, 2)) + m(1, 1) * (m(2, 0) * m(3, 2) - m(2, 2) * m(3, 0)) + m(1, 2) * (m(2, 1) * m(3, 0) - m(2, 0) * m(3, 1)));
out(3, 1) = d * (m(2, 0) * (m(0, 2) * m(3, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(3, 2)) + m(2, 1) * (m(0, 0) * m(3, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(3, 0)) + m(2, 2) * (m(0, 1) * m(3, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(3, 1)));
out(3, 2) = d * (m(3, 0) * (m(0, 2) * m(1, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(1, 2)) + m(3, 1) * (m(0, 0) * m(1, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(1, 0)) + m(3, 2) * (m(0, 1) * m(1, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(1, 1)));
out(3, 3) = d * (m(0, 0) * (m(1, 1) * m(2, 2) - m(1, 2) * m(2, 1)) + m(0, 1) * (m(1, 2) * m(2, 0) - m(1, 0) * m(2, 2)) + m(0, 2) * (m(1, 0) * m(2, 1) - m(1, 1) * m(2, 0)));
out(0, 0) = d * (m(1, 1) * (m(2, 2) * m(3, 3) - m(2, 3) * m(3, 2)) +
m(1, 2) * (m(2, 3) * m(3, 1) - m(2, 1) * m(3, 3)) +
m(1, 3) * (m(2, 1) * m(3, 2) - m(2, 2) * m(3, 1)));
out(0, 1) = d * (m(2, 1) * (m(0, 2) * m(3, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(3, 2)) +
m(2, 2) * (m(0, 3) * m(3, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(3, 3)) +
m(2, 3) * (m(0, 1) * m(3, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(3, 1)));
out(0, 2) = d * (m(3, 1) * (m(0, 2) * m(1, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(1, 2)) +
m(3, 2) * (m(0, 3) * m(1, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(1, 3)) +
m(3, 3) * (m(0, 1) * m(1, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(1, 1)));
out(0, 3) = d * (m(0, 1) * (m(1, 3) * m(2, 2) - m(1, 2) * m(2, 3)) +
m(0, 2) * (m(1, 1) * m(2, 3) - m(1, 3) * m(2, 1)) +
m(0, 3) * (m(1, 2) * m(2, 1) - m(1, 1) * m(2, 2)));
out(1, 0) = d * (m(1, 2) * (m(2, 0) * m(3, 3) - m(2, 3) * m(3, 0)) +
m(1, 3) * (m(2, 2) * m(3, 0) - m(2, 0) * m(3, 2)) +
m(1, 0) * (m(2, 3) * m(3, 2) - m(2, 2) * m(3, 3)));
out(1, 1) = d * (m(2, 2) * (m(0, 0) * m(3, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(3, 0)) +
m(2, 3) * (m(0, 2) * m(3, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(3, 2)) +
m(2, 0) * (m(0, 3) * m(3, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(3, 3)));
out(1, 2) = d * (m(3, 2) * (m(0, 0) * m(1, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(1, 0)) +
m(3, 3) * (m(0, 2) * m(1, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(1, 2)) +
m(3, 0) * (m(0, 3) * m(1, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(1, 3)));
out(1, 3) = d * (m(0, 2) * (m(1, 3) * m(2, 0) - m(1, 0) * m(2, 3)) +
m(0, 3) * (m(1, 0) * m(2, 2) - m(1, 2) * m(2, 0)) +
m(0, 0) * (m(1, 2) * m(2, 3) - m(1, 3) * m(2, 2)));
out(2, 0) = d * (m(1, 3) * (m(2, 0) * m(3, 1) - m(2, 1) * m(3, 0)) +
m(1, 0) * (m(2, 1) * m(3, 3) - m(2, 3) * m(3, 1)) +
m(1, 1) * (m(2, 3) * m(3, 0) - m(2, 0) * m(3, 3)));
out(2, 1) = d * (m(2, 3) * (m(0, 0) * m(3, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(3, 0)) +
m(2, 0) * (m(0, 1) * m(3, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(3, 1)) +
m(2, 1) * (m(0, 3) * m(3, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(3, 3)));
out(2, 2) = d * (m(3, 3) * (m(0, 0) * m(1, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(1, 0)) +
m(3, 0) * (m(0, 1) * m(1, 3) - m(0, 3) * m(1, 1)) +
m(3, 1) * (m(0, 3) * m(1, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(1, 3)));
out(2, 3) = d * (m(0, 3) * (m(1, 1) * m(2, 0) - m(1, 0) * m(2, 1)) +
m(0, 0) * (m(1, 3) * m(2, 1) - m(1, 1) * m(2, 3)) +
m(0, 1) * (m(1, 0) * m(2, 3) - m(1, 3) * m(2, 0)));
out(3, 0) = d * (m(1, 0) * (m(2, 2) * m(3, 1) - m(2, 1) * m(3, 2)) +
m(1, 1) * (m(2, 0) * m(3, 2) - m(2, 2) * m(3, 0)) +
m(1, 2) * (m(2, 1) * m(3, 0) - m(2, 0) * m(3, 1)));
out(3, 1) = d * (m(2, 0) * (m(0, 2) * m(3, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(3, 2)) +
m(2, 1) * (m(0, 0) * m(3, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(3, 0)) +
m(2, 2) * (m(0, 1) * m(3, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(3, 1)));
out(3, 2) = d * (m(3, 0) * (m(0, 2) * m(1, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(1, 2)) +
m(3, 1) * (m(0, 0) * m(1, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(1, 0)) +
m(3, 2) * (m(0, 1) * m(1, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(1, 1)));
out(3, 3) = d * (m(0, 0) * (m(1, 1) * m(2, 2) - m(1, 2) * m(2, 1)) +
m(0, 1) * (m(1, 2) * m(2, 0) - m(1, 0) * m(2, 2)) +
m(0, 2) * (m(1, 0) * m(2, 1) - m(1, 1) * m(2, 0)));
out.definitelyIdentityMatrix = definitelyIdentityMatrix;
return true;
@ -1195,7 +1232,8 @@ namespace core
//! Builds a right-handed perspective projection matrix based on a field of view
template <class T>
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveFovRH(f32 fieldOfViewRadians, f32 aspectRatio, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveFovRH(
f32 fieldOfViewRadians, f32 aspectRatio, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
const f64 h = 1.0/tan(fieldOfViewRadians/2.0);
const T w = h / aspectRatio;
@ -1229,7 +1267,8 @@ namespace core
//! Builds a left-handed perspective projection matrix based on a field of view
template <class T>
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveFovLH(f32 fieldOfViewRadians, f32 aspectRatio, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveFovLH(
f32 fieldOfViewRadians, f32 aspectRatio, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
const f64 h = 1.0/tan(fieldOfViewRadians/2.0);
const T w = (T)(h / aspectRatio);
@ -1260,7 +1299,8 @@ namespace core
//! Builds a left-handed orthogonal projection matrix.
template <class T>
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH(f32 widthOfViewVolume, f32 heightOfViewVolume, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH(
f32 widthOfViewVolume, f32 heightOfViewVolume, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
M[0] = (T)(2/widthOfViewVolume);
M[1] = 0;
@ -1289,7 +1329,8 @@ namespace core
//! Builds a right-handed orthogonal projection matrix.
template <class T>
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixOrthoRH(f32 widthOfViewVolume, f32 heightOfViewVolume, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixOrthoRH(
f32 widthOfViewVolume, f32 heightOfViewVolume, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
M[0] = (T)(2/widthOfViewVolume);
M[1] = 0;
@ -1317,7 +1358,8 @@ namespace core
//! Builds a right-handed perspective projection matrix.
template <class T>
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveRH(f32 widthOfViewVolume, f32 heightOfViewVolume, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveRH(
f32 widthOfViewVolume, f32 heightOfViewVolume, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
M[0] = (T)(2*zNear/widthOfViewVolume);
M[1] = 0;
@ -1345,7 +1387,8 @@ namespace core
//! Builds a left-handed perspective projection matrix.
template <class T>
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveLH(f32 widthOfViewVolume, f32 heightOfViewVolume, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveLH(
f32 widthOfViewVolume, f32 heightOfViewVolume, f32 zNear, f32 zFar)
M[0] = (T)(2*zNear/widthOfViewVolume);
M[1] = 0;
@ -1563,9 +1606,9 @@ namespace core
template <class T>
inline CMatrix4<T>& CMatrix4<T>::buildTextureTransform( f32 rotateRad,
const core::vector2df &rotatecenter,
const core::vector2df &translate,
const core::vector2df &scale)
const core::vector2df &rotatecenter,
const core::vector2df &translate,
const core::vector2df &scale)
const f32 c = cosf(rotateRad);
const f32 s = sinf(rotateRad);

View File

@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ class plane3d
plane3d(): Normal(0,1,0) { recalculateD(vector3d<T>(0,0,0)); }
plane3d(const vector3d<T>& MPoint, const vector3d<T>& Normal) : Normal(Normal) { recalculateD(MPoint); }
plane3d(T px, T py, T pz, T nx, T ny, T nz) : Normal(nx, ny, nz) { recalculateD(vector3d<T>(px, py, pz)); }
plane3d(const vector3d<T>& point1, const vector3d<T>& point2, const vector3d<T>& point3) { setPlane(point1, point2, point3); }
plane3d(const vector3d<T>& point1, const vector3d<T>& point2, const vector3d<T>& point3)
{ setPlane(point1, point2, point3); }
// operators

View File

@ -421,7 +421,9 @@ void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::render()
for (u32 n=0;n<joint->Children.size();++n)
driver->draw3DLine(joint->GlobalAnimatedMatrix.getTranslation(), joint->Children[n]->GlobalAnimatedMatrix.getTranslation(), video::SColor(0,51,66,255));

View File

@ -794,7 +794,9 @@ const core::rect<s32>& CD3D8Driver::getViewPort() const
//! draws a vertex primitive list
void CD3D8Driver::drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType)
void CD3D8Driver::drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
if (!checkPrimitiveCount(primitiveCount))
@ -981,10 +983,22 @@ void CD3D8Driver::draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture, const core::positi
setRenderStates2DMode(color.getAlpha()<255, true, useAlphaChannelOfTexture);
S3DVertex vtx[4];
vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y ) * yFact , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus- poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact,
(f32)(yPlus-poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y ) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact,
(f32)(yPlus- poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact,
(f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact,
(f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3};
@ -1030,14 +1044,24 @@ void CD3D8Driver::draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture, const core::rect<s
video::SColor* useColor = colors ? colors : temp;
S3DVertex vtx[4]; // clock wise
vtx[0] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[0], tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[3], tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[2], tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[1], tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[0] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[0],
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[3],
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[2],
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[1],
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3};
setRenderStates2DMode(useColor[0].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[1].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[2].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[3].getAlpha()<255, true, useAlphaChannelOfTexture);
setRenderStates2DMode(useColor[0].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[1].getAlpha()<255 ||
useColor[2].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[3].getAlpha()<255,
true, useAlphaChannelOfTexture);
setTexture(0, texture);
@ -1070,10 +1094,14 @@ void CD3D8Driver::draw2DRectangle(const core::rect<s32>& position,
f32 yFact = 1.0f / (renderTargetSize.Height>>1);
S3DVertex vtx[4];
vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorLeftUp, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus- pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorRightUp, 0.0f, 1.0f);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorRightDown, 1.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorLeftDown, 1.0f, 1.0f);
vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact , 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorLeftUp, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus- pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorRightUp, 0.0f, 1.0f);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorRightDown, 1.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorLeftDown, 1.0f, 1.0f);
s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3};
@ -1381,8 +1409,10 @@ void CD3D8Driver::setBasicRenderStates(const SMaterial& material, const SMateria
if (material.TextureLayer[st].BilinearFilter || material.TextureLayer[st].TrilinearFilter || material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter)
D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE tftMag = ((Caps.TextureFilterCaps & D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MAGFANISOTROPIC) && material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter) ? D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC : D3DTEXF_LINEAR;
D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE tftMin = ((Caps.TextureFilterCaps & D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MINFANISOTROPIC) && material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter) ? D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC : D3DTEXF_LINEAR;
material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter) ? D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC : D3DTEXF_LINEAR;
material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter) ? D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC : D3DTEXF_LINEAR;
D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE tftMip = material.TextureLayer[st].TrilinearFilter ? D3DTEXF_LINEAR : D3DTEXF_POINT;
pID3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(st, D3DTSS_MAGFILTER, tftMag);

View File

@ -66,7 +66,9 @@ namespace video
virtual const core::rect<s32>& getViewPort() const;
//! draws a vertex primitive list
void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType);
void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
//! draws an 2d image, using a color (if color is other then Color(255,255,255,255)) and the alpha channel of the texture if wanted.
virtual void draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture, const core::position2d<s32>& destPos,

View File

@ -1021,7 +1021,9 @@ void CD3D9Driver::drawHardwareBuffer(SHWBufferLink *_HWBuffer)
//! draws a vertex primitive list
void CD3D9Driver::drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType)
void CD3D9Driver::drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
if (!checkPrimitiveCount(primitiveCount))
@ -1184,14 +1186,24 @@ void CD3D9Driver::draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture, const core::rect<s
video::SColor* useColor = colors ? colors : temp;
S3DVertex vtx[4]; // clock wise
vtx[0] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[0], tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[3], tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[2], tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[1], tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[0] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[0],
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[3],
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[2],
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, useColor[1],
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3};
setRenderStates2DMode(useColor[0].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[1].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[2].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[3].getAlpha()<255, true, useAlphaChannelOfTexture);
setRenderStates2DMode(useColor[0].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[1].getAlpha()<255 ||
useColor[2].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[3].getAlpha()<255,
true, useAlphaChannelOfTexture);
setTexture(0, const_cast<video::ITexture*>(texture));
@ -1320,10 +1332,18 @@ void CD3D9Driver::draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture,
setRenderStates2DMode(color.getAlpha()<255, true, useAlphaChannelOfTexture);
S3DVertex vtx[4];
vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y ) * yFact , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus- poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y ) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus- poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color,
tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3};
@ -1357,10 +1377,14 @@ void CD3D9Driver::draw2DRectangle(const core::rect<s32>& position,
f32 yFact = 2.0f / renderTargetSize.Height;
S3DVertex vtx[4];
vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorLeftUp, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus- pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorRightUp, 0.0f, 1.0f);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorRightDown, 1.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorLeftDown, 1.0f, 1.0f);
vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorLeftUp, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus- pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorRightUp, 0.0f, 1.0f);
vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorRightDown, 1.0f, 0.0f);
vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colorLeftDown, 1.0f, 1.0f);
s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3};
@ -1662,8 +1686,10 @@ void CD3D9Driver::setBasicRenderStates(const SMaterial& material, const SMateria
if (material.TextureLayer[st].BilinearFilter || material.TextureLayer[st].TrilinearFilter || material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter)
D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE tftMag = ((Caps.TextureFilterCaps & D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MAGFANISOTROPIC) && material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter) ? D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC : D3DTEXF_LINEAR;
D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE tftMin = ((Caps.TextureFilterCaps & D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MINFANISOTROPIC) && material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter) ? D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC : D3DTEXF_LINEAR;
material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter) ? D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC : D3DTEXF_LINEAR;
material.TextureLayer[st].AnisotropicFilter) ? D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC : D3DTEXF_LINEAR;
D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE tftMip = material.TextureLayer[st].TrilinearFilter ? D3DTEXF_LINEAR : D3DTEXF_POINT;
pID3DDevice->SetSamplerState(st, D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER, tftMag);

View File

@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ namespace video
virtual void drawHardwareBuffer(SHWBufferLink *HWBuffer);
//! draws a vertex primitive list
virtual void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType);
virtual void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
//! draws an 2d image, using a color (if color is other then Color(255,255,255,255)) and the alpha channel of the texture if wanted.
virtual void draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture, const core::position2d<s32>& destPos,

View File

@ -137,9 +137,14 @@ CGUIEnvironment::~CGUIEnvironment()
CurrentSkin = 0;
// delete all fonts
u32 i;
// delete all sprite banks
for (i=0; i<Banks.size(); ++i)
if (Banks[i].Bank)
// delete all fonts
for (i=0; i<Fonts.size(); ++i)
@ -1409,11 +1414,10 @@ IGUISpriteBank* CGUIEnvironment::addEmptySpriteBank(const c8 *name)
b.Filename = name;
s32 index = Banks.binary_search(b);
const s32 index = Banks.binary_search(b);
if (index != -1)
return 0;
// create a new sprite bank
b.Bank = new CGUISpriteBank(this);
@ -1434,7 +1438,6 @@ IGUIFont* CGUIEnvironment::getBuiltInFont() const
//! Returns the root gui element.
IGUIElement* CGUIEnvironment::getRootGUIElement()

View File

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ CGUIFont::CGUIFont(IGUIEnvironment *env, const c8* filename)
Driver = Environment->getVideoDriver();
SpriteBank = Environment->addEmptySpriteBank(filename);
if (SpriteBank)
if (Driver)
@ -48,7 +50,6 @@ CGUIFont::~CGUIFont()
if (SpriteBank)

View File

@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ public:
bool load(io::IXMLReader* xml);
//! draws an text and clips it to the specified rectangle if wanted
virtual void draw(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect<s32>& position, video::SColor color, bool hcenter=false, bool vcenter=false, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0);
virtual void draw(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect<s32>& position,
video::SColor color, bool hcenter=false,
bool vcenter=false, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0);
//! returns the dimension of a text
virtual core::dimension2d<s32> getDimension(const wchar_t* text) const;

View File

@ -515,7 +515,8 @@ void CGUIListBox::draw()
if ( i==Selected && hl )
IconBank->draw2DSprite( (u32)Items[i].icon, iconPos, &clientClip,
hasItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_ICON_HIGHLIGHT) ? getItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_ICON_HIGHLIGHT) : getItemDefaultColor(EGUI_LBC_ICON_HIGHLIGHT),
hasItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_ICON_HIGHLIGHT) ?
getItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_ICON_HIGHLIGHT) : getItemDefaultColor(EGUI_LBC_ICON_HIGHLIGHT),
selectTime, os::Timer::getTime(), false, true);
@ -531,7 +532,8 @@ void CGUIListBox::draw()
if ( i==Selected && hl )
Font->draw(Items[i].text.c_str(), textRect,
hasItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT) ? getItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT) : getItemDefaultColor(EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT),
hasItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT) ?
getItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT) : getItemDefaultColor(EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT),
false, true, &clientClip);

View File

@ -154,7 +154,10 @@ void CGUIMeshViewer::draw()
for (u32 i=0; i<m->getMeshBufferCount(); ++i)
scene::IMeshBuffer* mb = m->getMeshBuffer(i);
driver->drawVertexPrimitiveList(mb->getVertices(), mb->getVertexCount(), mb->getIndices(), mb->getIndexCount()/ 3, mb->getVertexType(), scene::EPT_TRIANGLES);
mb->getVertexCount(), mb->getIndices(),
mb->getIndexCount()/ 3, mb->getVertexType(),

View File

@ -515,7 +515,6 @@ void CGUIScrollBar::deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeRea
NoClip = in->getAttributeAsBool("NoClip");

View File

@ -94,7 +94,9 @@ public:
void copyTo(IImage* target, const core::position2d<s32>& pos, const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect, const core::rect<s32>* clipRect=0);
//! copies this surface into another, using the alpha mask, an cliprect and a color to add with
void copyToWithAlpha(IImage* target, const core::position2d<s32>& pos, const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect, const SColor &color, const core::rect<s32>* clipRect = 0);
void copyToWithAlpha(IImage* target, const core::position2d<s32>& pos,
const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect, const SColor &color,
const core::rect<s32>* clipRect = 0);
//! copies this surface into another, scaling it to fit.
void copyToScaling(void* target, s32 width, s32 height, ECOLOR_FORMAT format, u32 pitch=0);

View File

@ -209,7 +209,11 @@ bool CIrrDeviceLinux::createWindow(const core::dimension2d<s32>& windowSize,
if (bestMode==-1 && modes[i]->hdisplay >= Width && modes[i]->vdisplay >= Height)
bestMode = i;
else if (bestMode!=-1 && modes[i]->hdisplay >= Width && modes[i]->vdisplay >= Height && modes[i]->hdisplay < modes[bestMode]->hdisplay && modes[i]->vdisplay < modes[bestMode]->vdisplay)
else if (bestMode!=-1 &&
modes[i]->hdisplay >= Width &&
modes[i]->vdisplay >= Height &&
modes[i]->hdisplay < modes[bestMode]->hdisplay &&
modes[i]->vdisplay < modes[bestMode]->vdisplay)
bestMode = i;
modes[i]->hdisplay, modes[i]->vdisplay), defaultDepth);
@ -244,7 +248,11 @@ bool CIrrDeviceLinux::createWindow(const core::dimension2d<s32>& windowSize,
if (bestMode==-1 && (u32)modes[i].width >= Width && (u32)modes[i].height >= Height)
bestMode = i;
else if (bestMode!=-1 && (u32)modes[i].width >= Width && (u32)modes[i].height >= Height && modes[i].width < modes[bestMode].width && modes[i].height < modes[bestMode].height)
else if (bestMode!=-1 &&
(u32)modes[i].width >= Width &&
(u32)modes[i].height >= Height &&
modes[i].width < modes[bestMode].width &&
modes[i].height < modes[bestMode].height)
bestMode = i;
modes[i].width, modes[i].height), defaultDepth);

View File

@ -324,7 +324,10 @@ void CIrrDeviceSDL::setWindowCaption(const wchar_t* text)
void CIrrDeviceSDL::present(video::IImage* surface, void* windowId, core::rect<s32>* src)
SDL_Rect srcClip;
SDL_Surface *sdlSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom (surface->lock(), surface->getDimension().Width, surface->getDimension().Height, surface->getBitsPerPixel(), surface->getPitch(), surface->getRedMask(), surface->getGreenMask(), surface->getBlueMask(), 0);
SDL_Surface *sdlSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(
surface->lock(), surface->getDimension().Width, surface->getDimension().Height,
surface->getBitsPerPixel(), surface->getPitch(),
surface->getRedMask(), surface->getGreenMask(), surface->getBlueMask(), 0);
if (src)
srcClip.x = src->UpperLeftCorner.X;

View File

@ -35,8 +35,12 @@ namespace irr
namespace video
IVideoDriver* createSoftwareDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& windowSize, bool fullscreen, io::IFileSystem* io, video::IImagePresenter* presenter);
IVideoDriver* createSoftwareDriver2(const core::dimension2d<s32>& windowSize, bool fullscreen, io::IFileSystem* io, video::IImagePresenter* presenter);
IVideoDriver* createSoftwareDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& windowSize,
bool fullscreen, io::IFileSystem* io,
video::IImagePresenter* presenter);
IVideoDriver* createSoftwareDriver2(const core::dimension2d<s32>& windowSize,
bool fullscreen, io::IFileSystem* io,
video::IImagePresenter* presenter);
IVideoDriver* createNullDriver(io::IFileSystem* io, const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize);

View File

@ -85,7 +85,9 @@ namespace video
virtual const core::rect<s32>& getViewPort() const;
//! draws a vertex primitive list
virtual void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType);
virtual void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
//! draws an indexed triangle list
virtual void drawIndexedTriangleList(const S3DVertex* vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, u32 triangleCount);

View File

@ -59,7 +59,10 @@ namespace scene
class COCTLoader : public IMeshLoader
void OCTLoadLights(io::IReadFile* file, ISceneManager * scene, ISceneNode * parent = 0, f32 radius = 500.0f, f32 intensityScale = 0.0000001f*2.5, bool rewind = true);
void OCTLoadLights(io::IReadFile* file, ISceneManager * scene,
ISceneNode * parent = 0, f32 radius = 500.0f,
f32 intensityScale = 0.0000001f*2.5,
bool rewind = true);
//! constructor
COCTLoader(video::IVideoDriver* driver);

View File

@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ namespace video
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Windows constructor and init code
COpenGLDriver::COpenGLDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize, HWND window, bool fullscreen, bool stencilBuffer, io::IFileSystem* io, bool antiAlias)
COpenGLDriver::COpenGLDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize,
HWND window, bool fullscreen, bool stencilBuffer,
io::IFileSystem* io, bool antiAlias)
: CNullDriver(io, screenSize), COpenGLExtensionHandler(),
CurrentRenderMode(ERM_NONE), ResetRenderStates(true), Transformation3DChanged(true),
AntiAlias(antiAlias), RenderTargetTexture(0), LastSetLight(-1),
@ -161,7 +163,9 @@ bool COpenGLDriver::initDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Windows constructor and init code
COpenGLDriver::COpenGLDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize, bool fullscreen, bool stencilBuffer, CIrrDeviceMacOSX *device, io::IFileSystem* io, bool vsync, bool antiAlias)
COpenGLDriver::COpenGLDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize,
bool fullscreen, bool stencilBuffer, CIrrDeviceMacOSX *device,
io::IFileSystem* io, bool vsync, bool antiAlias)
: CNullDriver(io, screenSize), COpenGLExtensionHandler(),
CurrentRenderMode(ERM_NONE), ResetRenderStates(true), Transformation3DChanged(true),
AntiAlias(antiAlias), RenderTargetTexture(0), LastSetLight(-1),
@ -180,7 +184,9 @@ COpenGLDriver::COpenGLDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize, bool full
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Linux constructor and init code
COpenGLDriver::COpenGLDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize, bool fullscreen, bool stencilBuffer, io::IFileSystem* io, bool vsync, bool antiAlias)
COpenGLDriver::COpenGLDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize,
bool fullscreen, bool stencilBuffer, io::IFileSystem* io,
bool vsync, bool antiAlias)
: CNullDriver(io, screenSize), COpenGLExtensionHandler(),
CurrentRenderMode(ERM_NONE), ResetRenderStates(true),
Transformation3DChanged(true), AntiAlias(antiAlias),
@ -215,7 +221,9 @@ COpenGLDriver::COpenGLDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize, bool full
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! SDL constructor and init code
COpenGLDriver::COpenGLDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize, bool fullscreen, bool stencilBuffer, io::IFileSystem* io, bool vsync, bool antiAlias)
COpenGLDriver::COpenGLDriver(const core::dimension2d<s32>& screenSize,
bool fullscreen, bool stencilBuffer, io::IFileSystem* io,
bool vsync, bool antiAlias)
: CNullDriver(io, screenSize), COpenGLExtensionHandler(),
CurrentRenderMode(ERM_NONE), ResetRenderStates(true),
Transformation3DChanged(true), AntiAlias(antiAlias),
@ -772,7 +780,9 @@ void COpenGLDriver::drawHardwareBuffer(SHWBufferLink *_HWBuffer)
//! draws a vertex primitive list
void COpenGLDriver::drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType)
void COpenGLDriver::drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
if (!primitiveCount || !vertexCount)
@ -1167,7 +1177,9 @@ void COpenGLDriver::draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture, const core::rect
setTexture(0, texture);
setRenderStates2DMode(useColor[0].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[1].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[2].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[3].getAlpha()<255, true, useAlphaChannelOfTexture);
setRenderStates2DMode(useColor[0].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[1].getAlpha()<255 ||
useColor[2].getAlpha()<255 || useColor[3].getAlpha()<255,
true, useAlphaChannelOfTexture);
if (clipRect)
@ -1618,7 +1630,9 @@ void COpenGLDriver::setBasicRenderStates(const SMaterial& material, const SMater
if (material.getTexture(i) && material.getTexture(i)->hasMipMaps())
material.TextureLayer[i].TrilinearFilter ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : material.TextureLayer[i].BilinearFilter ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST : GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST );
material.TextureLayer[i].TrilinearFilter ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR :
material.TextureLayer[i].BilinearFilter ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST :
(material.TextureLayer[i].BilinearFilter || material.TextureLayer[i].TrilinearFilter) ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST);

View File

@ -136,7 +136,9 @@ namespace video
virtual void drawHardwareBuffer(SHWBufferLink *HWBuffer);
//! draws a vertex primitive list
virtual void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType);
virtual void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
//! queries the features of the driver, returns true if feature is available
virtual bool queryFeature(E_VIDEO_DRIVER_FEATURE feature) const
@ -275,8 +277,9 @@ namespace video
//! Returns whether disabling was successful or not.
bool disableTextures(u32 fromStage=0);
//! Adds a new material renderer to the VideoDriver, using extGLGetObjectParameteriv(shaderHandle, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &status) pixel and/or
//! vertex shaders to render geometry.
//! Adds a new material renderer to the VideoDriver, using
//! extGLGetObjectParameteriv(shaderHandle, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &status)
//! pixel and/or vertex shaders to render geometry.
virtual s32 addShaderMaterial(const c8* vertexShaderProgram, const c8* pixelShaderProgram,
IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback, E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial, s32 userData);

View File

@ -461,9 +461,9 @@ bool COpenGLExtensionHandler::queryFeature(E_VIDEO_DRIVER_FEATURE feature) const
return FeatureAvailable[IRR_ARB_fragment_program];
return FeatureAvailable[IRR_ARB_shading_language_100];
return (FeatureAvailable[IRR_ARB_shading_language_100]||Version>=200);
return FeatureAvailable[IRR_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two];
return (FeatureAvailable[IRR_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two]||Version>=200);
return FeatureAvailable[IRR_EXT_framebuffer_object];

View File

@ -1135,7 +1135,9 @@ inline void COpenGLExtensionHandler::extGlUniformMatrix4fv(GLint loc, GLsizei co
inline void COpenGLExtensionHandler::extGlGetActiveUniform(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, GLsizei maxlength, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLcharARB *name)
inline void COpenGLExtensionHandler::extGlGetActiveUniform(GLhandleARB program,
GLuint index, GLsizei maxlength, GLsizei *length,
GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLcharARB *name)
if (pGlGetActiveUniformARB)

View File

@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ s32 CParticleAnimatedMeshSceneNodeEmitter::emitt(u32 now, u32 timeSinceLastCall,
amount = MaxParticlesPerSecond * 2;
// Get Mesh for this frame
IMesh* frameMesh = AnimatedMesh->getMesh( core::floor32(Node->getFrameNr()), 255, Node->getStartFrame(), Node->getEndFrame() );
IMesh* frameMesh = AnimatedMesh->getMesh( core::floor32(Node->getFrameNr()),
255, Node->getStartFrame(), Node->getEndFrame() );
for(u32 i=0; i<amount; ++i)
if( EveryMeshVertex )
@ -73,7 +74,8 @@ s32 CParticleAnimatedMeshSceneNodeEmitter::emitt(u32 now, u32 timeSinceLastCall,
p.pos = frameMesh->getMeshBuffer(j)->getPosition(k);
if( UseNormalDirection )
p.vector = frameMesh->getMeshBuffer(j)->getNormal(k) / NormalDirectionModifier;
p.vector = frameMesh->getMeshBuffer(j)->getNormal(k) /
p.vector = Direction;
@ -120,7 +122,8 @@ s32 CParticleAnimatedMeshSceneNodeEmitter::emitt(u32 now, u32 timeSinceLastCall,
p.pos = frameMesh->getMeshBuffer(randomMB)->getPosition(vertexNumber);
if( UseNormalDirection )
p.vector = frameMesh->getMeshBuffer(randomMB)->getNormal(vertexNumber) / NormalDirectionModifier;
p.vector = frameMesh->getMeshBuffer(randomMB)->getNormal(vertexNumber) /
p.vector = Direction;

View File

@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ s32 CParticleMeshEmitter::emitt(u32 now, u32 timeSinceLastCall, SParticle*& outA
p.pos = Mesh->getMeshBuffer(j)->getPosition(k);
if( UseNormalDirection )
p.vector = Mesh->getMeshBuffer(j)->getNormal(k) / NormalDirectionModifier;
p.vector = Mesh->getMeshBuffer(j)->getNormal(k) /
p.vector = Direction;
@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ s32 CParticleMeshEmitter::emitt(u32 now, u32 timeSinceLastCall, SParticle*& outA
p.pos = Mesh->getMeshBuffer(randomMB)->getPosition(vertexNumber);
if( UseNormalDirection )
p.vector = Mesh->getMeshBuffer(randomMB)->getNormal(vertexNumber) / NormalDirectionModifier;
p.vector = Mesh->getMeshBuffer(randomMB)->getNormal(vertexNumber) /
p.vector = Direction;

View File

@ -29,14 +29,19 @@ namespace scene
//! destructor
virtual ~CQ3LevelMesh();
//! loads a level from a .bsp-File. Also tries to load all needed textures. Returns true if successful.
//! loads a level from a .bsp-File. Also tries to load all
//! needed textures. Returns true if successful.
bool loadFile(io::IReadFile* file);
//! returns the amount of frames in milliseconds. If the amount is 1, it is a static (=non animated) mesh.
//! returns the amount of frames in milliseconds. If the amount
//! is 1, it is a static (=non animated) mesh.
virtual u32 getFrameCount() const;
//! returns the animated mesh based on a detail level. 0 is the lowest, 255 the highest detail. Note, that some Meshes will ignore the detail level.
virtual IMesh* getMesh(s32 frameInMs, s32 detailLevel=255, s32 startFrameLoop=-1, s32 endFrameLoop=-1);
//! returns the animated mesh based on a detail level. 0 is the
//! lowest, 255 the highest detail. Note, that some Meshes will
//! ignore the detail level.
virtual IMesh* getMesh(s32 frameInMs, s32 detailLevel=255,
s32 startFrameLoop=-1, s32 endFrameLoop=-1);
virtual void releaseMesh ( s32 index );
@ -259,38 +264,32 @@ namespace scene
u8 direction[2]; // The direction of the light: [phi,theta]
void loadTextures (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the textures
void loadLightmaps (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the lightmaps
void loadVerts (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the vertices
void loadFaces (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the faces
void loadPlanes (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the Planes of the BSP
void loadNodes (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the Nodes of the BSP
void loadLeafs (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the Leafs of the BSP
void loadLeafFaces (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the Faces of the Leafs of the BSP
void loadVisData (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the visibility data of the clusters
void loadEntities (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the entities
void loadModels (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the models
void loadMeshVerts (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the mesh vertices
void loadBrushes (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the brushes of the BSP
void loadBrushSides (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the brushsides of the BSP
void loadLeafBrushes(tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the brushes of the leaf
void loadShaders (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the shaders
void loadTextures (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the textures
void loadLightmaps (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the lightmaps
void loadVerts (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the vertices
void loadFaces (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the faces
void loadPlanes (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the Planes of the BSP
void loadNodes (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the Nodes of the BSP
void loadLeafs (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the Leafs of the BSP
void loadLeafFaces (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the Faces of the Leafs of the BSP
void loadVisData (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the visibility data of the clusters
void loadEntities (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the entities
void loadModels (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the models
void loadMeshVerts (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the mesh vertices
void loadBrushes (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the brushes of the BSP
void loadBrushSides (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the brushsides of the BSP
void loadLeafBrushes(tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the brushes of the leaf
void loadShaders (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the shaders
// second parameter i is the zero based index of the current face.
void createCurvedSurface(SMeshBufferLightMap* meshBuffer, s32 i);
//bi-quadratic bezier patches
void createCurvedSurface2 ( SMeshBufferLightMap* meshBuffer,
s32 faceIndex,
s32 patchTesselation,
s32 storevertexcolor
void createCurvedSurface2(SMeshBufferLightMap* meshBuffer,
s32 faceIndex, s32 patchTesselation, s32 storevertexcolor);
void createCurvedSurface3 ( SMeshBufferLightMap* meshBuffer,
s32 faceIndex,
s32 patchTesselation,
s32 storevertexcolor
void createCurvedSurface3(SMeshBufferLightMap* meshBuffer,
s32 faceIndex, s32 patchTesselation, s32 storevertexcolor);
f32 Blend( const f64 s[3], const f64 t[3], const tBSPVertex *v[9], int offset);
@ -309,19 +308,20 @@ namespace scene
const core::vector2d<f64>& tcoords, const core::vector2d<f64>& tcoords2)
: Pos(pos), Normal(normal), Color(color), TCoords(tcoords), TCoords2(tcoords2) {}
S3DVertex2TCoords_64 getInterpolated_quadratic(const S3DVertex2TCoords_64& v2, const S3DVertex2TCoords_64& v3, const f64 d) const
S3DVertex2TCoords_64 getInterpolated_quadratic(const S3DVertex2TCoords_64& v2,
const S3DVertex2TCoords_64& v3, const f64 d) const
return S3DVertex2TCoords_64 (
Pos.getInterpolated_quadratic ( v2.Pos, v3.Pos, d ),
Normal.getInterpolated_quadratic ( v2.Normal, v3.Normal, d ),
Color.getInterpolated_quadratic ( v2.Color, v3.Color, (f32) d ),
TCoords.getInterpolated_quadratic ( v2.TCoords, v3.TCoords, d ),
TCoords2.getInterpolated_quadratic ( v2.TCoords2, v3.TCoords2, d )
TCoords2.getInterpolated_quadratic ( v2.TCoords2, v3.TCoords2, d ));
inline void copy ( video::S3DVertex2TCoords * dest, const tBSPVertex * source, s32 vertexcolor ) const;
inline void copy ( video::S3DVertex2TCoords * dest, const tBSPVertex * source,
s32 vertexcolor ) const;
void copy ( S3DVertex2TCoords_64 * dest, const tBSPVertex * source, s32 vertexcolor ) const;

View File

@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ namespace scene
const u32 subdivU = 32, const u32 subdivV = 32,
const video::SColor foot = video::SColor(51, 0, 230, 180),
const video::SColor tail = video::SColor(0, 0, 0, 0),
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0), const core::vector3df& rotation = core::vector3df(0,0,0), const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& rotation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
//! adds a cube scene node to the scene. It is a simple cube of (1,1,1) size.
//! the returned pointer must not be dropped.

View File

@ -99,15 +99,17 @@ namespace scene
virtual void transferOnlyJointsHintsToMesh(const core::array<IBoneSceneNode*> &JointChildSceneNodes);
//! Creates an array of joints from this mesh
virtual void createJoints(core::array<IBoneSceneNode*> &JointChildSceneNodes, IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* AnimatedMeshSceneNode, ISceneManager* SceneManager);
virtual void createJoints(core::array<IBoneSceneNode*> &JointChildSceneNodes,
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* AnimatedMeshSceneNode,
ISceneManager* SceneManager);
//! Convertes the mesh to contain tangent information
virtual void convertMeshToTangents();
//! Does the mesh have non animation
//! Does the mesh have no animation
virtual bool isStatic();
//! (This feature is not implementated in irrlicht yet)
//! (This feature is not implemented in irrlicht yet)
virtual bool setHardwareSkinning(bool on);
//Interface for the mesh loaders (finalize should lock these functions, and they should have some prefix like loader_
@ -146,7 +148,10 @@ private:
void buildAll_GlobalAnimatedMatrices(SJoint *Joint=0, SJoint *ParentJoint=0);
void getFrameData(f32 frame,SJoint *Node,core::vector3df &position, s32 &positionHint, core::vector3df &scale, s32 &scaleHint, core::quaternion &rotation, s32 &rotationHint);
void getFrameData(f32 frame, SJoint *Node,
core::vector3df &position, s32 &positionHint,
core::vector3df &scale, s32 &scaleHint,
core::quaternion &rotation, s32 &rotationHint);
void CalculateGlobalMatrices(SJoint *Joint,SJoint *ParentJoint);
@ -157,8 +162,6 @@ private:
core::vector3df& vt1, core::vector3df& vt2, core::vector3df& vt3,
core::vector2df& tc1, core::vector2df& tc2, core::vector2df& tc3);
//void createSkelton_Helper(ISceneManager* SceneManager, core::array<IBoneSceneNode*> &JointChildSceneNodes, IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *AnimatedMeshSceneNode, ISceneNode* ParentNode, SJoint *ParentNode, SJoint *Node);
core::array<SSkinMeshBuffer*> *SkinningBuffers; //Meshbuffer to skin, default is to skin localBuffers

View File

@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ namespace video
virtual const core::dimension2d<s32>& getCurrentRenderTargetSize() const;
//! draws a vertex primitive list
void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType);
void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
//! Draws a 3d line.
virtual void draw3DLine(const core::vector3df& start,

View File

@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ namespace video
virtual void setAmbientLight(const SColorf& color);
//! draws a vertex primitive list
void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount, E_VERTEX_TYPE vType, scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType);
void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const u16* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
//! draws an 2d image, using a color (if color is other then Color(255,255,255,255)) and the alpha channel of the texture if wanted.
virtual void draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture, const core::position2d<s32>& destPos,

View File

@ -100,8 +100,7 @@ public:
if (!TriangleRect.isRectCollided(ViewPortRect))
// höhe des dreiecks berechnen
// calculate height of triangle
height = v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y;
if (!height)

View File

@ -98,8 +98,7 @@ public:
if (!TriangleRect.isRectCollided(ViewPortRect))
// höhe des dreiecks berechnen
// calculate height of triangle
height = v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y;
if (!height)

View File

@ -105,8 +105,7 @@ public:
if (!TriangleRect.isRectCollided(ViewPortRect))
// höhe des dreiecks berechnen
// calculate height of triangle
height = v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y;
if (!height)

View File

@ -101,8 +101,7 @@ public:
if (!TriangleRect.isRectCollided(ViewPortRect))
// höhe des dreiecks berechnen
// calculate height of triangle
height = v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y;
if (!height)

View File

@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ public:
if (!TriangleRect.isRectCollided(ViewPortRect))
// höhe des dreiecks berechnen
// calculate height of triangle
height = v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y;
if (!height)

View File

@ -100,8 +100,7 @@ public:
if (!TriangleRect.isRectCollided(ViewPortRect))
// höhe des dreiecks berechnen
// calculate height of triangle
height = v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y;
if (!height)

View File

@ -174,8 +174,7 @@ void CTRTextureGouraud::drawIndexedTriangleList(S2DVertex* vertices, s32 vertexC
if (!TriangleRect.isRectCollided(ViewPortRect))
// höhe des dreiecks berechnen
// calculate height of triangle
height = v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y;
if (!height)
@ -340,7 +339,9 @@ void CTRTextureGouraud::drawIndexedTriangleList(S2DVertex* vertices, s32 vertexC
*spanZTarget = spanZValue;
u16 color = lockedTexture[((spanTy>>8)&textureYMask) * lockedTextureWidth + ((spanTx>>8)&textureXMask)];
*hSpanBegin = video::RGB16(video::getRedSigned(color) * (spanR>>8) >>2, video::getGreenSigned(color) * (spanG>>8) >>2, video::getBlueSigned(color) * (spanB>>8) >>2);
*hSpanBegin = video::RGB16(video::getRedSigned(color) * (spanR>>8) >>2,
video::getGreenSigned(color) * (spanG>>8) >>2,
video::getBlueSigned(color) * (spanB>>8) >>2);
spanR += spanStepR;

View File

@ -120,8 +120,7 @@ void CTRTextureGouraudAdd::drawIndexedTriangleList(S2DVertex* vertices, s32 vert
if (!TriangleRect.isRectCollided(ViewPortRect))
// höhe des dreiecks berechnen
// calculate height of triangle
height = v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y;
if (!height)

View File

@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ public:
if (!TriangleRect.isRectCollided(ViewPortRect))
// höhe des dreiecks berechnen
// calculate height of triangle
height = v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y;
if (!height)
@ -252,7 +251,9 @@ public:
while (hSpanBegin < hSpanEnd)
color = lockedTexture[((spanTy>>8)&textureYMask) * lockedTextureWidth + ((spanTx>>8)&textureXMask)];
*hSpanBegin = video::RGB16(video::getRed(color) * (spanR>>8) >>2, video::getGreen(color) * (spanG>>8) >>2, video::getBlue(color) * (spanB>>8) >>2);
*hSpanBegin = video::RGB16(video::getRed(color) * (spanR>>8) >>2,
video::getGreen(color) * (spanG>>8) >>2,
video::getBlue(color) * (spanB>>8) >>2);
spanR += spanStepR;
spanG += spanStepG;

View File

@ -104,8 +104,7 @@ public:
if (!TriangleRect.isRectCollided(ViewPortRect))
// höhe des dreiecks berechnen
// calculate height of triangle
height = v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y;
if (!height)
@ -234,7 +233,9 @@ public:
*(zTarget + leftx) = leftZValue;
color = lockedTexture[((leftTy>>8)&textureYMask) * lockedTextureWidth + ((leftTx>>8)&textureXMask)];
*(targetSurface + leftx) = video::RGB16(video::getRed(color) * (leftR>>8) >>2, video::getGreen(color) * (leftG>>8) >>2, video::getBlue(color) * (leftR>>8) >>2);
*(targetSurface + leftx) = video::RGB16(video::getRed(color) * (leftR>>8) >>2,
video::getGreen(color) * (leftG>>8) >>2,
video::getBlue(color) * (leftR>>8) >>2);
@ -246,7 +247,9 @@ public:
*(zTarget + rightx) = rightZValue;
color = lockedTexture[((rightTy>>8)&textureYMask) * lockedTextureWidth + ((rightTx>>8)&textureXMask)];
*(targetSurface + rightx) = video::RGB16(video::getRed(color) * (rightR>>8) >>2, video::getGreen(color) * (rightG>>8) >>2, video::getBlue(color) * (rightR>>8) >>2);
*(targetSurface + rightx) = video::RGB16(video::getRed(color) * (rightR>>8) >>2,
video::getGreen(color) * (rightG>>8) >>2,
video::getBlue(color) * (rightR>>8) >>2);

View File

@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ namespace irr
namespace io
const s16 ZIP_FILE_ENCRYPTED = 0x0001; // set if the file is encrypted
const s16 ZIP_INFO_IN_DATA_DESCRITOR = 0x0008; // the fields crc-32, compressed size
// and uncompressed size are set to zero in the local
// header
// set if the file is encrypted
const s16 ZIP_FILE_ENCRYPTED = 0x0001;
// the fields crc-32, compressed size and uncompressed size are set to
// zero in the local header
const s16 ZIP_INFO_IN_DATA_DESCRITOR = 0x0008;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__)
# pragma pack( push, packing )
@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ namespace io
//! scans for a local header, returns false if there is no more local file header.
//! scans for a local header, returns false if there is no more
//! local file header.
bool scanLocalHeader();
IReadFile* File;
@ -134,7 +135,8 @@ namespace io
CUnZipReader( IFileSystem *parent, const c8* basename, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths);
CUnZipReader(IFileSystem *parent, const c8* basename,
bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths);
//! opens a file by file name
virtual IReadFile* openFile(const c8* filename);