Use geometry creator method in Volume light node.

Changed scene node type of volume light to its own type.

git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
hybrid 2009-04-22 22:47:36 +00:00
parent f91ece5e39
commit 58fcce1640
4 changed files with 65 additions and 191 deletions

View File

@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ namespace scene
//! Quake3 Model Scene Node ( has tag to link to )
ESNT_MD3_SCENE_NODE = MAKE_IRR_ID('m','d','3','_'),
//! Volume Light Scene Node
ESNT_VOLUME_LIGHT = MAKE_IRR_ID('v','o','l','l'),
//! Maya Camera Scene Node
/** Legacy, for loading version <= 1.4.x .irr files */
ESNT_CAMERA_MAYA = MAKE_IRR_ID('c','a','m','M'),

View File

@ -27,21 +27,20 @@ namespace scene
: ISceneNode(parent, mgr, id, position, rotation, scale) {};
//! Returns type of the scene node
virtual ESCENE_NODE_TYPE getType() const { return ESNT_CUBE; }
virtual ESCENE_NODE_TYPE getType() const { return ESNT_VOLUME_LIGHT; }
virtual void setSubDivideU (const u32 inU) =0;
virtual void setSubDivideV (const u32 inV) =0;
virtual void setSubDivideU(const u32 inU) =0;
virtual void setSubDivideV(const u32 inV) =0;
virtual u32 getSubDivideU () const =0;
virtual u32 getSubDivideV () const =0;
virtual u32 getSubDivideU() const =0;
virtual u32 getSubDivideV() const =0;
virtual void setFootColour(const video::SColor inColour) =0;
virtual void setTailColour(const video::SColor inColour) =0;
virtual video::SColor getFootColour () const =0;
virtual video::SColor getTailColour () const =0;
virtual video::SColor getFootColour() const =0;
virtual video::SColor getTailColour() const =0;
virtual IMeshBuffer * getMeshBuffer(void) const =0;
} // end namespace scene

View File

@ -21,185 +21,52 @@ CVolumeLightSceneNode::CVolumeLightSceneNode(ISceneNode* parent, ISceneManager*
const core::vector3df& position,
const core::vector3df& rotation, const core::vector3df& scale)
: IVolumeLightSceneNode(parent, mgr, id, position, rotation, scale),
LPDistance(8.0f), SubdivideU(subdivU), SubdivideV(subdivV),
FootColour(foot), TailColour(tail),
Mesh(0), LPDistance(8.0f),
SubdivideU(subdivU), SubdivideV(subdivV),
FootColor(foot), TailColor(tail),
LightDimensions(core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.2f, 1.0f))
#ifdef _DEBUG
Buffer = new SMeshBuffer();
if (Buffer)
if (Buffer)
void CVolumeLightSceneNode::addToBuffer(const video::S3DVertex& v)
const s32 tnidx = Buffer->Vertices.linear_reverse_search(v);
const bool alreadyIn = (tnidx != -1);
u16 nidx = (u16)tnidx;
if (!alreadyIn) {
nidx = (u16)Buffer->Vertices.size();
} else
if (Mesh)
void CVolumeLightSceneNode::constructLight()
const core::vector3df lightPoint(0, -(LPDistance*LightDimensions.Y), 0);
const f32 ax = LightDimensions.X * 0.5f; // X Axis
const f32 az = LightDimensions.Z * 0.5f; // Z Axis
//draw the bottom foot.. the glowing region
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-ax, 0, az, 0,0,0, FootColour, 0, 1));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(ax , 0, az, 0,0,0, FootColour, 1, 1));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(ax , 0,-az, 0,0,0, FootColour, 1, 0));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(ax , 0,-az, 0,0,0, FootColour, 1, 0));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-ax, 0,-az, 0,0,0, FootColour, 0, 0));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-ax, 0, az, 0,0,0, FootColour, 0, 1));
f32 tu = 0.f;
const f32 tuStep = 1.f/SubdivideU;
f32 bx = -ax;
const f32 bxStep = LightDimensions.X * tuStep;
// Slices in X/U space
for (u32 i = 0; i <= SubdivideU; ++i)
// These are the two endpoints for a slice at the foot
core::vector3df end1(bx, 0.0f, -az);
core::vector3df end2(bx, 0.0f, az);
end1 -= lightPoint; // get a vector from point to lightsource
end1.normalize(); // normalize vector
end1 *= LightDimensions.Y; // multiply it out by shootlength
end1.X += bx; // Add the original point location to the vector
end1.Z -= az;
// Do it again for the other point.
end2 -= lightPoint;
end2 *= LightDimensions.Y;
end2.X += bx;
end2.Z += az;
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(bx , 0, az, 0,0,0, FootColour, tu, 1));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(bx , 0, -az, 0,0,0, FootColour, tu, 0));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(end2.X , end2.Y, end2.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, tu, 1));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(bx , 0, -az, 0,0,0, FootColour, tu, 0));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(end1.X , end1.Y, end1.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, tu, 0));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(end2.X , end2.Y, end2.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, tu, 1));
//back side
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-end2.X , end2.Y, -end2.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, tu, 1));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-bx , 0, -az, 0,0,0, FootColour, tu, 1));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-bx , 0, az, 0,0,0, FootColour, tu, 0));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-bx , 0, az, 0,0,0, FootColour, tu, 0));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-end1.X , end1.Y, -end1.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, tu, 0));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-end2.X , end2.Y, -end2.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, tu, 1));
tu += tuStep;
bx += bxStep;
f32 tv = 0.f;
const f32 tvStep = 1.f/SubdivideV;
f32 bz = -az;
const f32 bzStep = LightDimensions.Z * tvStep;
// Slices in Z/V space
for(u32 i = 0; i <= SubdivideV; ++i)
// These are the two endpoints for a slice at the foot
core::vector3df end1(-ax, 0.0f, bz);
core::vector3df end2(ax, 0.0f, bz);
end1 -= lightPoint; // get a vector from point to lightsource
end1.normalize(); // normalize vector
end1 *= LightDimensions.Y; // multiply it out by shootlength
end1.X -= ax; // Add the original point location to the vector
end1.Z += bz;
// Do it again for the other point.
end2 -= lightPoint;
end2 *= LightDimensions.Y;
end2.X += ax;
end2.Z += bz;
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-ax , 0, bz, 0,0,0, FootColour, 0, tv));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(ax , 0, bz, 0,0,0, FootColour, 1, tv));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(end2.X , end2.Y, end2.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, 1, tv));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(end2.X , end2.Y, end2.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, 1, tv));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(end1.X , end1.Y, end1.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, 0, tv));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-ax , 0, bz, 0,0,0, FootColour, 0, tv));
//back side
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(ax , 0, -bz, 0,0,0, FootColour, 0, tv));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-ax , 0, -bz, 0,0,0, FootColour, 1, tv));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-end2.X , end2.Y, -end2.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, 1, tv));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-end2.X , end2.Y, -end2.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, 1, tv));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(-end1.X , end1.Y, -end1.Z, 0,0,0, TailColour, 0, tv));
addToBuffer(video::S3DVertex(ax , 0, -bz, 0,0,0, FootColour, 0, tv));
tv += tvStep;
bz += bzStep;
Buffer->Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_ONETEXTURE_BLEND;
Buffer->Material.MaterialTypeParam = pack_texureBlendFunc( video::EBF_SRC_COLOR, video::EBF_SRC_ALPHA, video::EMFN_MODULATE_1X );
Buffer->Material.Lighting = false;
Buffer->Material.ZWriteEnable = false;
if (Mesh)
Mesh = SceneManager->getGeometryCreator()->createVolumeLightMesh(SubdivideU, SubdivideV, FootColor, TailColor);
//! renders the node.
void CVolumeLightSceneNode::render()
if (!Buffer)
if (!Mesh)
video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation);
//! returns the axis aligned bounding box of this node
const core::aabbox3d<f32>& CVolumeLightSceneNode::getBoundingBox() const
return Buffer->BoundingBox;
return Mesh->getBoundingBox();
@ -220,7 +87,7 @@ void CVolumeLightSceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode()
//! to directly modify the material of a scene node.
video::SMaterial& CVolumeLightSceneNode::getMaterial(u32 i)
return Buffer->Material;
return Mesh->getMeshBuffer(i)->getMaterial();
@ -233,29 +100,41 @@ u32 CVolumeLightSceneNode::getMaterialCount() const
void CVolumeLightSceneNode::setSubDivideU (const u32 inU)
SubdivideU = inU;
if (inU != SubdivideU)
SubdivideU = inU;
void CVolumeLightSceneNode::setSubDivideV (const u32 inV)
SubdivideV = inV;
if (inV != SubdivideV)
SubdivideV = inV;
void CVolumeLightSceneNode::setFootColour(const video::SColor inColouf)
void CVolumeLightSceneNode::setFootColour(const video::SColor inColor)
FootColour = inColouf;
if (inColor != FootColor)
FootColor = inColor;
void CVolumeLightSceneNode::setTailColour(const video::SColor inColouf)
void CVolumeLightSceneNode::setTailColour(const video::SColor inColor)
TailColour = inColouf;
if (inColor != TailColor)
TailColor = inColor;
@ -268,8 +147,8 @@ void CVolumeLightSceneNode::serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttri
out->addInt("subDivideU", SubdivideU);
out->addInt("subDivideV", SubdivideV);
out->addColor("footColour", FootColour);
out->addColor("tailColour", TailColour);
out->addColor("footColour", FootColor);
out->addColor("tailColour", TailColor);
out->addVector3d("lightDimension", LightDimensions);
@ -287,8 +166,8 @@ void CVolumeLightSceneNode::deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttr
SubdivideV = in->getAttributeAsInt("subDivideV");
SubdivideV = core::max_(SubdivideV, 1u);
FootColour = in->getAttributeAsColor("footColour");
TailColour = in->getAttributeAsColor("tailColour");
FootColor = in->getAttributeAsColor("footColour");
TailColor = in->getAttributeAsColor("tailColour");
LightDimensions = in->getAttributeAsVector3d("lightDimension");
@ -307,10 +186,10 @@ ISceneNode* CVolumeLightSceneNode::clone(ISceneNode* newParent, ISceneManager* n
newManager = SceneManager;
CVolumeLightSceneNode* nb = new CVolumeLightSceneNode(newParent,
newManager, ID, SubdivideU, SubdivideV, FootColour, TailColour, RelativeTranslation);
newManager, ID, SubdivideU, SubdivideV, FootColor, TailColor, RelativeTranslation);
nb->cloneMembers(this, newManager);
nb->Buffer->Material = Buffer->Material;
nb->getMaterial(0) = Mesh->getMeshBuffer(0)->getMaterial();
return nb;

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#include "IVolumeLightSceneNode.h"
#include "SMeshBuffer.h"
#include "IMesh.h"
namespace irr
@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ namespace scene
//! returns the axis aligned bounding box of this node
virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox() const;
//! returns the material based on the zero based index i. To get the amount
//! of materials used by this scene node, use getMaterialCount().
//! This function is needed for inserting the node into the scene hirachy on a
//! optimal position for minimizing renderstate changes, but can also be used
//! to directly modify the material of a scene node.
//! returns the material based on the zero based index i.
virtual video::SMaterial& getMaterial(u32 i);
//! returns amount of materials used by this scene node.
@ -59,25 +55,22 @@ namespace scene
//! Creates a clone of this scene node and its children.
virtual ISceneNode* clone(ISceneNode* newParent=0, ISceneManager* newManager=0);
virtual void setSubDivideU (const u32 inU);
virtual void setSubDivideV (const u32 inV);
virtual void setSubDivideU(const u32 inU);
virtual void setSubDivideV(const u32 inV);
virtual u32 getSubDivideU () const { return SubdivideU; }
virtual u32 getSubDivideV () const { return SubdivideV; }
virtual u32 getSubDivideU() const { return SubdivideU; }
virtual u32 getSubDivideV() const { return SubdivideV; }
virtual void setFootColour(const video::SColor inColouf);
virtual void setTailColour(const video::SColor inColouf);
virtual void setFootColour(const video::SColor inColor);
virtual void setTailColour(const video::SColor inColor);
virtual video::SColor getFootColour () const { return FootColour; }
virtual video::SColor getTailColour () const { return TailColour; }
virtual IMeshBuffer * getMeshBuffer(void) const { return Buffer; }
virtual video::SColor getFootColour() const { return FootColor; }
virtual video::SColor getTailColour() const { return TailColor; }
void addToBuffer(const video::S3DVertex& v);
void constructLight();
SMeshBuffer* Buffer;
IMesh* Mesh;
f32 LPDistance; // Distance to hypothetical lightsource point -- affects fov angle
@ -86,8 +79,8 @@ namespace scene
// NOTE : Total number of polygons = 2 + ((SubdivideU + 1) + (SubdivideV + 1)) * 2
// Each slice being a quad plus the rectangular plane at the bottom.
video::SColor FootColour; // Color at the source
video::SColor TailColour; // Color at the end.
video::SColor FootColor; // Color at the source
video::SColor TailColor; // Color at the end.
core::vector3df LightDimensions; // LightDimensions.Y Distance of shooting -- Length of beams
// LightDimensions.X and LightDimensions.Z determine the size/dimension of the plane